| |||||
Language | German | ||||
Director | Steffen Reichmann | ||||
Mayor | Oliver Pfahl | ||||
Population | 383,430 | ||||
Independence | 1220 | ||||
Currency | DTM |
The Imperial City of Dortmund, Dortmund, is a free Imperial City in the North-West Holy Roman Empire. It is bordered by Münster-Westphalia and Mark. The population is around 383,000.
The official language is German.
The Head of State is Director Steffen Reichmann.
It uses the Dortmund Mark (DTM) which is now pegged to the Imperial Mark.
Established as an independent Imperial City by Emperor Frederick II Dortmund was a leading light of the 'Westphalian Circle'. Miraculously left untouched by the Fifty Years War that ruined much of the surrounding area it avoided absorption by the Bishops of Münster, aggressively expanding their realm next-door.
The Industrial Revolution changed the fortunes of the city as coal was mined within its borders. The population quadrupled during the 20th century and several suburbs now sprawl into Mark and its equally booming cities. At first a system of canals exported this northwards to Denmark, however it soon began milling steel and exporting to the rest of Germany. As coal supplies are beginning to run down the city is looking at other industries to take it place.
Dortmund is the home of Dortmund Film AG (DFA), one of the Empire's most successful and innovative film studios.

Governed by a single chambered Diet the City holds elections every four years.
The Mayoral office is largely an archaic post with little responsiblity outside the inner city.