Alternative History
Alternative History
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Coat of Arms of the Egyptian Priesthood (Pharaonic Survival)

Coat of Arms of the Egyptian Priesthood

The clergy of Egypt was made up of a multitude of priests and priestesses who worshipped the many gods of the Egyptian religion.


In Egyptian thought, the gods shape the Earth and establish a harmonious order (Maat) that allows the miracle of life to unfold day after day. It's up to Pharaoh alone, a descendant of the gods, to ensure the continuity of this harmony and to combat the forces of Evil that continually seek to break it. Pharaoh is the only intermediary between the divinities and mortals. Since the maintenance of divine harmony requires numerous daily services throughout the land of Egypt, Pharaoh alone cannot ensure its material execution. This is the fundamental role of the priest: to replace Pharaoh in the material execution of daily rites.

Pharaoh is also one of the first to worry about the meaning of his dreams. He therefore entrusted a reading priest, a very important figure, with their interpretation, which could determine state policy.


Pharaoh is the first of the holy. He appoints the leaders of the great sanctuaries, for he needs to control this powerful clergy, veritable dynasties in which the priests inherit the office from father to son. This clergy is highly hierarchical; priests are appointed by their peers and senior officials. Newly invested priests were required to demonstrate a sound knowledge of theology, medicine, and astronomy. Thus, the priests of Ra are reputed to have been particularly well-versed in the knowledge of the heavens. Thanks to their libraries, the temples of the gods were also those of knowledge.

Presiding over the temple's destiny, overseeing the daily ritual and administering the god's lands, the priests form a privileged, carefully hierarchical.

The colleges were placed under the authority of a high priest who bore, rather than a title, a specific epithet:

  • the pontiff of Heliopolis is described as the "Greatest of the Seers of Ra",
  • that of Memphis as "Chief of the Artisans",
  • that of Hermopolis Parva as "Greatest of the Five of the House of Thoth",
  • and in Ipetisut, "The one who opens the Two Gates of Heaven".

The high priest of Ptah in Memphis is priest-sem.

The priests of the high clergy attached to a temple are organized into four colleges who take turns each month in the service of the god.

Most of these priests held hereditary positions. Most of this vocabulary is of Greek origin, thanks to Ptolemaic texts. Among them are the following specialists:

  • the priest-choachyte, in charge of the funerary cult;
  • the priests of Ka, in charge of daily worship, known as the "Servants of Ka";
  • The priests-hery-heb, "those who carry the feast", whose role is to read the funeral liturgy;
  • the ritual priests (ḫr(y).w-ḥb.t), literally those under the ritual, responsible for reading the glorifications during funeral ceremonies;
  • the khereb-priests, who read incantatory formulas from the Book of the Dead;
  • The priests-paraschists, or incisors, who remove the viscera during mummification;
  • priests-taricheutes, who are the real embalmers;
  • priest-colchytes, who help with all embalming operations;
  • The astronomer-priest, who determines the right moment to launch the ceremonies;
  • the hemerologist priest, is able to distinguish between the good and bad days of the year.

Some, reputedly gifted with supernatural talents, act as exorcists and magicians, and even as doctors in towns and villages.

At the bottom of the hierarchy are the priests-ouâb (wˁb), literally pure priests, as bodily cleanliness was a duty of their office. Thus, shaving one's hair was a distinguishing mark for priests, underlining their quest for purity, as was daily depilation.

The priests were assisted by clerics, the purifiers, in charge of preparing the food offered to the god, as well as by musicians and singers dedicated to his entertainment.

When not on duty, the priests looked after the estates entrusted to them by the Pharaoh.


The priests begin their day of worship with a purifying morning bath. They then proceed in procession to the heart of the temple to awaken the god who slumbers in the darkness of the sanctuary.

Led by the high priest, the ritual begins just as the sun appears over the horizon. The clay seal that seals the door every evening must first be broken before the door leaves are opened. The high priest raises his hands towards the statue to "give back his soul" to the god, and pronounces a consecrated formula: "Awaken, great god, awaken in peace!" The food offerings prepared for the god are then placed before him: bread, onions, salads, beef, beer, and wine. When the god has consumed the invisible matter of the food, it is distributed among the other gods in the temple and then eaten by the priests.

When the priest performs these gestures, it is Pharaoh, and all Egypt below him, who becomes the god's entire servant. Whether priest or Pharaoh himself, the officiant stands before the altar, barefoot so as not to defile the place with his soles. He holds the kherep scepter of consecration, the hedj club, traditional in this kind of ceremony, and extends his hand over the offerings. Breakfast is followed by dressing and anointing.

On leaving, footprints are swept from the floor.

In addition to this daily ceremony, there are two other rendezvous with the god, at midday and in the evening. But these are limited to ritual gestures, sprinkling water, and smoking incense outside the sanctuary: the god must be honored, but not disturbed in his meditation.


Women in ancient Egypt participate, in various capacities, in the service of divinities.

In Dynasty 5, Hetpet was a priestess of Hathor. However, there's no way of determining her exact place in the clerical hierarchy or the role she might have played within it.

In the New Kingdom, priestesses who were the king's daughters or king's wives were referred to as Divine Worshippers of Amun; but from the beginning of the New Kingdom, the Theban cult of Amun used Divine Worshippers of Amun of non-royal blood as female auxiliaries, the "singers of the interior of Amun" (hezyt net khenou in Imen):

  • shemdyt singers, who appeared as early as Eighteenth Dynasty;
  • hezyt singer-musicians;
  • sistrum players sekhemyt and ihyt, the latter from the Libyan to the Late Period.

High Priest[]

The High Priest, or First Prophet of a Deity (ḥm nṯr tpj n nṯr), is the highest-ranking official within the priesthood of a particular Egyptian god. Serving as both a spiritual leader and an esteemed figure in the administration of the temple, the High Priest plays a central role in the worship, ceremonies, and rituals dedicated to their god. Though not all deities have High Priests, those that do see their High Priests as members of the Egyptian nobility and the great offices of state. Historically, the position was hereditary, often passed down within prominent families who served the temples for generations. However, since the reign of Pharaoh Senusret VII, the position of High Priest has shifted to an appointment-based system. Under this system, each High Priest is selected by the Pharaoh

Current High Priests

Image Holder Took Office Deity Appointed By
Siamun IX High Priest of Amun (Pharaonic Survival) Siamun IX 3 July 2019 Amun Ahmose VIII
Sianhur VI High Priest of Anhur (Pharaonic Survival) Sianhur VI 16 November 2029 Anhur Ahmose VIII
Sianpu XI High Priest of Anubis (Pharaonic Survival) Sianpu XI 28 August 2041 Anubis Ahmose VIII
Userbastet VIII High Priestess of Bastet (Pharaonic Survival) Userbastet VIII 16 June 2015 Bastet Tutankhamun VI
Merithathor IV High Priestess of Hathor (Pharaonic Survival) Merithathor IV 30 September 2025 Hathor Ahmose VIII
Hor VI High Priest of Horus (Pharaonic Survival) Hor VI 14 May 2021 Horus Ahmose VIII
Isetnofret V High Priestess of Isis (Pharaonic Survival) Isetnofret V 31 October 2032 Isis Ahmose VIII
Hatshepsut IX High Priestess of Nephthys (Pharaonic Survival) Hatshepsut IX 12 April 2033 Nephthys Ahmose VIII
Usirimose XVII High Priest of Osiris (Pharaonic Survival) Usirimose XVII 20 January 2029 Osiris Ahmose VIII
High Priest of Ptah (Pharaonic Survival) Merenptah XII 16 March 2046 Ptah Ahmose VIII
High Priest of Ra (Pharaonic Survival) Rahotep XXIX 7 May 2042 Ra Ahmose VIII
Seti XVI High Priest of Seth (Pharaonic Survival) Seti XVI 9 September 2050 Seth Sihathor IV
High Priest of Sobek (Pharaonic Survival) Sobekemsaf VI 20 February 2027 Sobek Ahmose VIII
High Priest of Thoth (Pharaonic Survival) Djehutihotep XVIII 27 August 2034 Thoth Ahmose VIII