Egyptian Marshal Ikeni Simut Khemepi Tinyuru, Head of the Army
In Egypt, the Supreme Officers of State are traditional ministers of the Crown who either inherit their positions or are appointed to exercise certain largely ceremonial functions or to operate as members of the government. Separate Great Officers exist for Upper Egypt, Lower Egypt, Nubia, and formerly for Punt, though most now serve the empire as a whole.
Order | Office | Native Name | Holder | Appointer | Office Description |
1 | Governor | Imyretawy | Amenhotep VI | Popular Vote | Prime Minister, Head of Government |
2 | Vizier of Upper Egypt | Imyretashemau | Paser XVI | Monarch | King's Regional Representative |
3 | Vizier of Lower Egypt | Imyretamehu | Ramose VIII | Monarch | King's Regional Representative |
4 | Viceroy of Nubia | Sanisutenkush | Atlanersa VI, Qore of Kush | Hereditary | King's Regional Representative |
5 | High Priest of Amun | Hemnetjertepienamun | Siamun IX | Monarch | Head of the temple and highest ranking priest of the cult of Amun |
6 | High Priest of Anhur | Hemnetjertepienanhur | Sianhur VI | Monarch | Head of the temple and highest ranking priest of the cult of Anhur |
7 | High Priest of Anubis | Werkherephemut | Sianpu XI | Monarch | Head of the temple and highest ranking priest of the cult of Anubis |
8 | High Priest of Bastet | Hemetnetjertepienbastet | Userbastet VIII | Monarch | Head of the temple and highest ranking priest of the cult of Bastet |
9 | High Priest of Hathor | Hemetnetjerhathor | Merithathor IV | Monarch | Head of the temple and highest ranking priest of the cult of Hathor |
10 | High Priest of Horus | Hemnetjerhor | Hor VI | Monarch | Head of the temple and highest ranking priest of the cult of Horus |
11 | High Priest of Isis | Hemetnetjerhathor | Isetnofret V | Monarch | Head of the temple and highest ranking priest of the cult of Isis |
12 | High Priest of Nepthys | Hemetnetjernebethat | Hatshepsut IX | Monarch | Head of the temple and highest ranking priest of the cult of Nepthys |
13 | High Priest of Osiris | Hemnetjerusiri | Usirimose XVII | Monarch | Head of the temple and highest ranking priest of the cult of Osiris |
14 | High Priest of Ptah | Hemnetjertepyenptah | Merenptah XII | Monarch | Head of the temple and highest ranking priest of the cult of Ptah |
15 | High Priest of Ra | Wermaawenra | Rahotep XXIX | Monarch | Head of the temple and highest ranking priest of the cult of Ra |
16 | High Priest of Seth | Hemnetjerseth | Seti XVI | Monarch | Head of the temple and highest ranking priest of the cult of Seth |
17 | High Priest of Sobek | Hemnetjersobek | Sobekemsaf VI | Monarch | Head of the temple and highest ranking priest of the cult of Sobek |
18 | High Priest of Thoth | Hemnetjertehuty | Djehutihotep XVIII | Monarch | Head of the temple and highest ranking priest of the cult of Thoth |
19 | Overseer of Province | Imyrewersepat | Not Aplicable | Popular Vote | Provincial Governor |
20 | Nomarch | Hatya | Not Aplicable | Hereditary | District Governor |
21 | Lord Speaker | Heqa Pershepsu | Djehutyhotep VI, Marquess of Ta Sefet | Elected by the House | Speaker of the House of Nobles |
22 | Speaker | Heqa Pernedjes | Pasherienanhur Senerwyhani | Elected by the House | Speaker of the House of Commons |
23 | Treasurer | Imyrekhetneferet | Minmose Japuru | Prime Minister | Minister of Finance |
24 | Overseer of the Granaries | Imyreshena | Mahu Senemiunefet | Prime Minister | Minister of Agriculture |
25 | Chief Steward of the King | Imyreper | Ramesses V, Viscount Menenuka | Hereditary | Manages the pharaoh’s estates and personal property, overseeing the royal household and domestic affairs |
26 | Overseer of Scribes | Imyreseshety | Thutmose V, Viscount Neferusetshu | Monarch | King's chief Secretary |
27 | Commander of the Army | Imyremesha | Ikeni Simut Khemepi Tinyuru | Monarch | Minister of National Security and Marshal of the army |
28 | Commander of the Navy | Wer kherypaennehemtyu | Bakenmut Senemet | Monarch | High Admiral, Head of the Navy |
29 | Commander of the Air Force | Wer kherypaenshut | Senusret Nembau Wahamipi | Monarch | Air Marshal, Head of the Air Force |
30 | Chancellor | Imyrehayt | Khety Meniri Useri | Monarch | Minister of Justice |
31 | Overseer of the Royal Treasury | Imyreperwer | Prince Mentuhotep of Mendes | Monarch | Minister of the Royal Finances |
32 | Physician of the Kingdom | Sunu Tawy | Hathoremsaf Makanary | Monarch | Minister of Health |
33 | Overseer of Constables | Imyresehaw | Taharqa Kepishimu | Monarch | Minister of Civil Security, Head of the Police forces |
34 | Supervisor of Foreign Lands | Imyrekhasut | Horemheb Sekhenw Mahe | Prime Minister | Minister of Foreign Affairs |
35 | Chief Tax Collector | Imyresebat | Sahura Amusiri | Prime Minister | Administration of tax collection and the customs of Egypt. It also controls tax noncompliance, smuggling and piracy |
36 | Chief Royal Architect | Imyrekhetnisut | Amenemhat Sebu-qedeseph | Monarch | In charge of construction projects, including temples, tombs, and monuments. |
37 | Royal Butler | Wepwety | Ramesses Karahu Qeliami | Monarch | Manages the daily needs of the pharaoh, including food, drink, and other personal services |
38 | Overseer of the Fields | Imyeresekhet | Antiochus Marios Knemis | Prime Minister | Minister of the Environment |
39 | Royal Herald | Imyrerekhyt | Nemtyemsaf Seneb Mendjednefer | Monarch | Spokesperson for the pharaoh, announcing royal decrees and overseeing communication with the public |
40 | Overseer of the Seal | Imyrekhet | Ahmose Hamid | Prime Minister | In charge of state records and financial assets |
41 | Overseer of Cattle | Imyreihu | Ay Menimoryw Khenuheb | Monarch | In charge of the royal farms, and inspection |
42 | Overseer of the Gold Lands | Imyrenub | Paser Sobekemsaf Kiriakou | Prime Minister | Minister of Mining and Trade |
43 | Overseer of the Royal Harem | Imyreipetnesu | Mutnodjmet Sekhamw Abni | Monarch | Manages the harem, which includes the pharaoh’s wives, concubines, and children, as well as the associated staff and resources. |
44 | Chief of the Medjay | Imyremedjay | Amsu of Memphis | Monarch | Head of the royal guard |
45 | Chief Physician | Sunu Nisut | Maya Hoteparameny | Monarch | Pharaoh’s personal physician and the top medical official in Egypt, |
46 | Overseer of Goldsmiths | Imyrenubty | Yuyu III, Baronet Baratjenu | Monarch | Manages artisans who work with precious metals, especially for creating jewelry and ceremonial items. |
47 | Overseer of the Palace Gardeners | Imyresekhetipet | Merenra III, Viscount Meribnefer | Monarch | Ensures the maintenance of the palace gardens |
48 | Overseer of Royal Craft | Imyrekhet nesu | Nebentaneb VI, Viscount Senemheb | Monarch | Supervises artisans working on items specifically for the royal household and the pharaoh’s use |
49 | Overseer of Royal Stables | Imyrehewet | Mentuenheqau IV, Viscount Irudek | Monarch | Managed the royal stables and animals, including horses. |
50 | Master of the Royal Shipyard | Imyremesut | Tehutmose Mananeheskhep | Prime Minister | Chief Naval Architect, responsible for the design of ships in the navy |