This page lists all the links for elections in the Brothers No More timeline.
American Elections[]
Confederate States Presidential[]
1867 - Lee Uncontested
1873 - Jackson vs. Stephens
1879 - Longstreet vs. Stephens
1885 - Garland vs. Vance
1891 - Gordon vs. Morgan
1897 - Daniel vs. Tillman vs. Watson
1903 - Bacon vs. Richardson
1909 - Butler vs. Davis vs. Overman
1915 - Hobson vs. Owen vs. Vardaman
1921 - Garner vs. Glass
1927 - Harrison vs. Hull
1933 - Barkley vs. George vs. Reynolds vs. Robinson
United States Presidential[]
1864 - Lincoln vs. McClellan
1868 - Pendleton vs. Wade
1872 - Blaine vs. Pendleton vs. Wilson
1876 - Blaine vs. Conkling vs. Tilden
1880 - Tilden vs. Washburne
1884 - Allison vs. Hendricks
1888 - Bayard vs. Depew
1892 - Carlisle vs. McKinley vs. Weaver
1896 - Bryan vs. McKinley
1900 - Bryan vs. Foraker
1904 - Fairbanks vs. Gray
1908 - Fairbanks vs. Hearst
1912 - Clark vs. Debs vs. Lodge vs. Roosevelt
1916 - Lodge vs. Marshall
1920 - Cox vs. Debs vs. Harding
1924 - Debs vs. La Follette vs. Lenroot vs. Smith
Western States Presidential[]
1930 - Curtis vs. Johnson vs. Sinclair
1933 - Curtis vs. Johnson vs. Steiwer
1936 - Borah vs. Vandenberg