Alternative History
Greater Japanese Empire

Dai Nippon Teikoku

Flag of Japan PMIV Japanese Naval Jack
National Flag Naval Jack
Capital Edo
Languages Japanese
Religion Catholicism, Shinto
Demonym Japanese
Government Semi-Absolute Monarchy
Emperor Osachi
 •  Established 1681
 •  Continuation Present

Japan, officially the Empire of Japan, is a semi-absolute monarchy and colonial power in Asia


Ashikaga Shogunate[]

Japan's history modern history starts out in the feudal Ashikaga Shogunate, which was wracked with internal struggles between the local feudal lords after a failed attempt to invade Korea. During this time, Japan became extremely decentralized, although it did not collapse. 

Oda Shogunate[]

In 1594, Japan was reunified under the Oda Clan and became a Chinese tributary state. During this time, Japan became completely subjugated by the Chinese. This was until the Japanese civil war occurred between supporters of the Emperor and of the Shogun. 

Early Empire[]

The Empire of Japan was formed after an agreement was reached between the Shogun and the Emperor where power would be shared. This complex political situation would remain until the constitution of 1842. Since it became an Empire, Japan has subsequently expanded and modernized, annexing the Ququququ in the Treaty of Bosavi and acquiring its first colony. Japan's maritime power was proved in their short war with Tondo where they crushed the Tondolese navy and secured control over several pacific islands. In 1841, Java was bought from the French. During the last years of this period, parliamentary reform was attempted, however, this would lead to political instability and the outbreak of the Boshin War.

The Boshin War[]

Since the early empire period, Japan had undergone several attempts to westernize and had been saturated by Catholic missionary efforts. Since the Japanese civil war, the emperor and central government had formed an uneasy coalition with the shogun and feudal lords. In 1842, several reforms were initiated that effectively dismantled the feudal system, although the clans still held power as an aristocratic class. In the first elections, the pro-western faction won a large majority and the dissatisfied traditionalists began rioting and burning churches. Eventually this broke out into civil war with a powerful Daimyo of the Hosokawa clan declaring the Hosokawa Shogunate in opposition to the central government. During the war, the Japanese Police Force was created and guerrilla warfare was utilized to largely destroy the authority of the Daimyos and radically change Japanese society, centralizing power under the governors, who were loyal to the central government in Edo. 

Industrialization and the Modern Empire[]


Japanese politics by 1842 with the signing of the Japanese constitution and the abdication of the last Oda Shogun. After that, the position of Shogun became elected. The Shogun shares power with the parliament and emperor. Since the first election, two major factions have formed: The Bushido faction and the Seiyoka Faction. The Seiyoka, which currently rule and form a 65% majority in the parliament, are supported mostly by Catholics and more secular people in Kyushu, Shikoku, and most of Honshu and advocate for westernization and industrialization as well as moderate expansion of the navy and the colonial empire. The current leader of the bloc, Itō Hirobumi, serves as Shogun and aims at keeping peace with the western powers while expanding the colonial empire into Polynesia and Indochina. The other faction, the Bushido, are mostly supported by northern Daimyos and Shinto farmers in Hokkaido, advocate for more power for the emperor and are against westernization. 

Federal Office[]

List of Leaders[]

Shogun Emperor About
Itō Hirobumi

Itō Hirobumi


Emperor Osahito

First Elected Shogun, Seiyoka Party, Born in Nagasaki, Encouraged Naval Build-up, Purchased Fiji, Reigned from 1842-1848

Flags and Symbols[]

National Flags[]

Image Name About
Japan Empire2
Imperial Banner Flown with the National Flag on State Buildings, Used by Members of the Bushido Faction in Support of the Emperor
Flag of Japan
Rising Sun Flag Official National Flag Since 1842, Used by Supporters of the 1842 Constitution
PMIV Japanese Naval Jack
Naval Jack Used by Japanese Merchants, the Navy, and the East India Company
War flag of the Imperial Japanese Army
War Flag Used by the Japanese Army and Flown with the Naval Jack to indicate Military vessels

Administrative Flags[]

Image Name About
Flag of Hokkaido Prefecture
Flag of Hokkaido Used by the Governor of Hokkaido
Flag of Miyagi Prefecture
Flag of Tohoku Used by the Governor of Tohoku
Flag of Tokyo Prefecture
Flag of Kantō Used by the Governor of Kantō
Flag of Aichi Prefecture
Flag of Chūbu Used by the Governor of Chūbu
Flag of Kyoto Prefecture
Flag of Kansai Used by the Governor of Kansai
Flag of Hiroshima Prefecture
Flag of Chūgoku Used by the Governor of Chūgoku
Flag of Ehime Prefecture
Flag of Shikoku Used by the Governor of Shikoku
Flag of Fukuoka Prefecture
Flag of Kyushu Used by the Governor of Kyushu
Flag of Formosa Used by the Formosan Representatives to the Central Government and by Formosan Pirates
Flag of Papua Used by the Defunct Ququququ Tribal Union and by Government Buildings in Colonial Papuanyu
Flag of Fiji (13 Fallen Stars)
Flag of Fiji Used by the Japanese Colony of Fiji
Flag of Ryukyu
Flag of Ryukyu Used by the Ryukyu Colonial Governorship
Flag of the State of East Indonesia
Flag of the East Indies Used by the Japanese Colonies of Java and Sulawesi

Other Symbols[]

Image Name About
Flag of the Oda Shogunate Symbol of the Oda Clan, Used by Supporters of the former Shogunate
Ashikaga mon
Flag of the Ashikaga Shogunate Symbol of the Ashikaga Clan, Historical Flag of Japan
Red Fan Flag Used by Japanese Nationalists, Seal of the Elected Shogun
Imperial Seal of Japan
Imperial Seal Used by Shintoists and Supporters of the Emperor, Seal of the Emperor
Seiyoka Party Flag Flag flown by Supporters of Seiyoka (Westernization Faction
