Return: December 7, 1942
World War Two in Europe[]
After Japan backs down from its attack on America this gives Germany time to prepare for the eventual intervention of America. In January/February the Germans make big plans for future military operations in Europe as fighting has stalled because of the harsh Russian winter. They first make their plans for their new summer offensive in the Soviet Union, Case Blue.
Following this, a decision is made about the Jewish population and other undesirables: full scale extermination.
As Spring comes the Soviets launch a offensive into the staging area for the 6th Army, but it eventually fails and the Germans begin their summer offensive which had the main goal of taking the oil fields of the Caucasus region. As the Germans continued to advance toward Stalingrad, the Russians geared up for a tough battle. By mid-November the Soviets were surrounded in Stalingrad and a vicious battle of street to street fighting began. The Soviets began to start two offensives, the encirclement of German troops at Stalingrad in Operation Uranus and one near Moscow, Operation Mars. The offensives were unhelpful and when the Soviets waited too long then German reinforcements arrived from Moscow and a relief attempt, Operation Winter Storm successfully broke into the Stalingrad pocket, and the city fell by late December. In the UK, American aid is being heavily supplied while the Americans can get little to the Soviets due to the German ships and Aircraft in Norway. In Washington, FDR now needs to find a way to get into the war and it comes on December 7 with the Japanese attack, but FDR knows that it will take months for full mobilization of the army, navy and air force..
After Stalingrad falls, Allied morale is bad and within a few weeks into the new year, Leningrad falls to German forces with Operation Northern Lights and the Soviets begin to evacuate the Caucasus region and prepare for a massive counter-offensive to save Moscow and the whole of Russia. After winter ends the Soviets begin a massive offensive in early Spring but with much of the German army at the front-line the offensive fails and the Germans begin their summer offensive, Operation Light Blue.The offensive does little and a stalemate ensues from Leningrad to the Caspian Sea. Meanwhile in the west, after a quiet 1942, 1943 becomes a living hell. A second Battle of Britain ensues and much of the same tactics are used except there are far more Luftwaffe planes, withdrawn from the Eastern Front and including several Heinkel HE 280 Jet Fighters and much of the UK is surrounded by U-boats and battleships, cruisers and destroyers. The Royal Family is evacuated to Canada and some of the British Parliament consider making peace, most notably Halifax and his supporters. Churchill convinces them to keep fighting but resentment to the war rises. By September, the British have only a few airfields left as the Germans have so many planes attacking; the small RAF (Royal Air Force) cannot bear the burden of the attack. On October 10, Britain's last airfield is destroyed and the Germans do not find out for three days. After an air reconnaissance flight air superiority is claimed and Hitler gives the go-head for "Operation Sealion" the invasion of Britain. The Germans begin preparation for the invasion and expect it to be able to take place by March 17 of next year. One problem arises though; the Americans are supposedly finally mobilized and will try to send more aid and actual troops and planes to fight off the expected invasion.
As a new year comes by the Germans now have a two-front war now the Americans are mobilised and ready to fight. On February 10, the Nazis begin deporting Jews and the "Final Solution" but the Allies still don't really no what will happen to the Jews as their spies haven't been able to get close enough to the documents concerning the Jewish deportation. The Allies though have other things to worry about; the expected invasion is not far off and final preparations must be made before it is to late. All the British know is that it is around spring and they suspect most likely in March but they don't know specifics. On March 12 the Germans test a new form of Fuel Air Explosive Bomb to see if it works. The test is on Moscow, carried by a prototype ME 264 Amerika Bomber and it works as the Kremlin burns. They now plan to use it on London and British troops/equipment. Meanwhile in Russia, the bomb kills many and Stalin decides to hold a meeting about what kind of course of action should be taken from this point on and he supplies a few choices: Keep fighting to the last man, surrender now, or try a massive counter-offensive and if it fails surrender. Five days after the FAE attack on Moscow, Germany invades the British Isles. The force consists of many elements: about 10,000 Waffen-SS troops from the Leibstandarte and Das Reich Divisions along with the 17th Infantry division and 6th Mountain division, about 7,000 paratroops from the first and second Fallschirmjager Divisions, and the navy shelling all the beaches being invaded, Luftwaffe planes dropping bombs and FAEs on London and British defenses, back-up fighter planes that will fight what is left of the Royal Air Force and they will also bomb random parts of southern-England, and tanks that will be carried behind British lines by ME 321 Gigant Gliders along with about 3,500 specialist Waffen-SS paratroops that will attack the British lines. At around 7:30am the British are defeated in their counterattacks at the first beachhead around Folkstone & Dover and what's left retreats to London. By noon on the same day, half of the beachheads have been secured as much of the British army retreats to London and other towns and cities. Attacks by FAEs damage much of London and the city is lit-a-blaze. By night time, the British are in full retreat as the first stage of the invasion is clearly a success for Germany. By late March, London is like Stalingrad and much of southwestern-England has been conquered and the Americans decide to begin talks with Eire to allow them to be a base for American troops and if Britain loses a base for refugees, citizens and soldiers alike, and a base for British resistance and airfields for the Royal Air Force. After two weeks get a response from Erie, a yes.
This a big political victory as now a decision must be made about what to do about the situation in London and the rest of Great Britain as the Germans are advancing rapidly. By the first week of April the government has fled to Canada. Churchill holds a meeting with the American and British commanders. Churchill says that since the Americans will have planes and troops fighting by the last week of April, he promises to keep fighting until then when if the tide doesn't change fast it may lead to a repeat of WW1 and gas may even be used for defensive purposes.
On the Eastern Front the Soviets begin their offensive and see improvements as more troops have been devoted by the Soviets to this attack, along with new Tanks like the T34-85, the Stalin II and the ISU 152, and the Germans are heavily occupied with the west. progress is made as Leningrad is Besieged, this time by the Soviets, and Moscow is freed from long Range Artillery Fire Germans are pushed back. When the Germans realize what is happening they decide to use FAE bombs tactically on Russian forces and an influx of troops come from occupied areas like Poland and Denmark to hold down the Russians. On April 25, the Russians are pushed back to almost pre-offensive lines and heavy bombing attacks begin to fall all across the front-line. By May 2, the Soviets have reportedly lost nearly one million soldiers/civilians since the bombing runs have been in effect. Stalin decides that at this rate he will never stop the Nazis and on May 7, the Soviets surrender to the Nazis and the war in the east is officially over.
By this time in England, the Germans have surrounded London and the Germans are beginning to invade Wales and Scotland. As for the American troops, they have arrived and are slowly filing into London but are used as replacements for British Troops. The American air force is quickly blooded, but suffers heavily at the hands of new German ME 262 Jets but it has slowed the invasion force. The news of Soviet surrender shocks the Allies as now the whole of Germany's Might will be set upon America and Britain. For the rest of the month, both sides hold inside meetings about what their next moves will be and the Germans will also work out the peace treaty with the Soviets. The new border between the two nations will be at the Ural Mountains to the Ural River to the Caspian Sea. The Soviets are angered but must accept or face even worse consequences. The Soviet Army will also be restricted to just 150,000 men and will be inspected every five years for the amount of soldiers so that they are not breaking the treaty. The Treaty of Smolensk is signed on May 25 and by this time, Churchill has decided to hold an emergency meeting concerning the war. They meet on June 1 and discuss the options they currently have. Since London is surrounded and troops on both sides are being slaughtered, they decide to evacuate the populace underground and have them put on their gas masks as the Army will release Mustard and Chlorine gas on the city, troops will also hide in buildings with full clothing and gas masks and while the Germans suffer in pain they will flee the city. As for the rest of the island, it has been decided to stand and fight until the last man. On June 12, the British release the gas and the soldiers and civilians flee the city as the Germans are slowly killed. The Germans are unable to stop the evacuation as they must flee to survive. After the gas clears, the Germans have nearly 5,000 dead from the gas while the British only have the unlucky few dead, which there were not many. For the rest of the month the land and sea are quiet but the skies are filled with blood as there are dogfights every night.
The battles in the skies are just a decoy as Hitler has planned retaliation for the attack. The plan is to release massive amounts of Sarin and Tabun gas on Glasgow and Cardiff and some on Allied troops near the cities. On July 4 the attack takes place and the Germans also begin to march into Wales and the areas near Glasgow. As the month goes by, thousands die of the gas on both sides as it spreads throughout the island nation except in the southern and northeastern parts of the country. In August the Germans secure the area around Glasgow and Cardiff. By September 11, the Germans have secured the city of Cardiff and the local government in Wales surrenders the territory of Wales. On September 28 the United States and Britain release more gases on German forces and they build massive trenches around the city of Glasgow as they prepare for a massive battle that will decide the fate of the island nation and the rest of the world. In October the Germans launch a massive campaign and also drop some gas and firebombs on the city of Glasgow and decide to have some forces take the rest of Scotland while the city is under siege. The Germans are able to take up all of western Scotland and begin to take the rest of the north but are met with fierce resistance at Edinburgh which is in north-central Scotland as much of what is left of the British force not in Glasgow is there ready to fight. As a battle ensues the British government begs America and Canada to supply more troops to help the war effort. They both immediately send both nearly 10,000 troops to liberate the island. They arrive by November 12 but by then the situation is critical. In Glasgow, if they don't find a way to beat the Germans soon then surrender will be inevitable and in Edinburgh it is expected that the Nazis will conquer the city in a day or two. On November 16 Einstein tells American officials that he may be able to build an atom bomb by spring 1945 but it won't be operational until late summer of 1945. The Americans can't make time go faster so they work with what they have. As for the Germans they are far from building a nuke but they are fibbing that they will have one soon. On Thanksgiving Day the city of Glasgow falls as the Germans are able to surround British, American, and Canadian forces. The Allies will have to surrender Britain if Edinburgh falls and hopefully though will be able to get Erie into the war. A few days after Glasgow falls, the city of Edinburgh falls and the Allies flee the island at the city of Wick in an area where no Germans are near by but they leave behind a select few to try to stop the Germans and give the Allies some time to prepare for the oncoming defeat. On December 11 the Allies gain a new ally, Eire. The nation becomes a base and the European Theater is no more and it becomes the Atlantic Theater.