Alternative History

The European Wars refer to a series of conflicts conducted across Europe from the late 1920s to the early 1940s, with the most prominent of the conflicts being the Oktoberkreig (October War) between France and a coalition of German states, the Great Eastern War between the Western Entente led by France against Narodnist Russia, which eventually evolved into the French Civil War between Emperor Edmond and his younger brother, Sebastien, who fought his way with his armies back across Europe to Paris and was crowned Emperor in October of 1943.

The European Wars were a massively destructive series of events that left millions dead and millions more homeless, sparking a massive immigration wave and crippling the economy of Europe for much of the next decade. However, it also would extinguish nationalism in Europe for the next sixty years and led to the integration of most of the continent into the French-led Council of Industrial Countries and its military counterpart, the Versailles Pact. The seventy-year period of peace that followed throughout effectively all of Western and Central Europe after 1943 would be the longest time without conflicted on the continent after the Pax Francia of the 19th century.