Family Guy, in our timeline, is an American animated sitcom created by Seth McFarlane that began in 1999 and is still airing new episodes to this day.
Alternate versions of Family Guy have been discovered throughout the multiverse:
- Chap of the Manor, a popular English animated sitcom created by Seth MacFarlane for EBC1 that began in 1998 and ended in 2001 (Every Anglo in England)
- Family Guy, a Columbian cartoon sitcom created for the Paramount Television Service (but later aired on Fox) that began in 1999 and ended in 2001 (An Honorable Retelling)
- Family Guy, an animated sitcom created for the DuMont network, that continues to be in production today (Dumont Network)
- Family Guy, a popular American animated sitcom on Fox that Chinese netizens praise as being one of the three major American parody animations (History Remixed)
- Family Guy, an American animated sitcom created by Michael G. Moye for the Fox network that began in 1984 and ended in 1988 (Rewriting History)
- Family Guy, an American animated sitcom created by Seth McFarlane for Fox that began in 1999 and continues to produce new episodes to the present day (Robert Kennedy Lives)
- Family Guy, an American animated sitcom created by Seth McFarlane for Fox that began in 1999, was cancelled in 2002, but after many high ratings and favourable DVHS sales, the series continues to produce new episodes to the present day (Untitled ASDF Sponge War Scenario: iKeyboard Genesis PreCure)
See also: