Alternative History

The Fifth Council of the Lateran (Lateran V) was an Ecumenical Council held in the Lateran Palace in Rome which began in 1755. It was convoked pursuant to the decree of the Council of Alexandria that Ecumenical Councils be held every twenty years. Lateran V took place in the context of the failure of the Council of Alexandria to bring the Coptic Church into full reunification, and the Reactionary Avignon Schism in France and Iberia, which had elected the Cardinal-Archbishop of Paris as antipope Alexander in response to the election of Mikhael Konstanov as the first Pope from the Orthodox Church. It was attended by delegations from the Latin Church, Orthodox Church, Northern Rite Church, and Eastern (formerly Nestorian) Church. The Coptic Church and representatives of the Reactionary Avignon Schism were also invited to attend.


  • Belkan Patriarch Gavrilo Sakarov: We wish to ask the ideas the Pope had with handling the current situation -Feud
  • Pope Michael: After consultation with the leading Latin Catholics, in particular the Vicar-General of Rome and the Archbishop of Ravenna, the Pope has come up with two proposals:
    • When a non-Latin is elected, Pope, the Archbishop of Ravenna be given the title 'Acting Patriarch of the Latin Rite'
    • Confirming the decree of the Council of Cologne, the Archbishop of Ravenna shall hold the title of Patriarch of the Latin Church (cf Council of Cologne, Decrees on Church Governance, 2.1)
    • In order to placate the more reactionary-leaning Latins, there be a rule that a Latin be guarenteed election after a non-Latin. 
    • In order to avoid difficulties when a non-Latin is elected Pope, this Council confirms the decree of the Council of Cologne that "The Diocese of Rome shall not be under the administration of any Patriarch or Rite, instead remaining under the direct authority of the Bishop of Rome." (Decrees on Church Governance 2.3)
  • Italian League (OOC): Am I supposed to be involved in this, do I control the Archbishop of Ravenna (my capital)?
    • You can be if you want, but it's mainly the breakaway guys who should be involved. Also the Archbishop of Ravenna, as you may recall, actually lives in a small Papal enclave within Ravenna as per the agreement of 1638. 
    • Oh sorry, that was well before I began playing the game (or my nation even existed) so I didn't know that. What is the agreement exactly?
    • Oops, sorry mate I forget you're not the Venice player. You can look through the archives to 1638, but essentially, Papal States gave up its Adriatic coast to Venice (now Italy), but the Palace and Cathedral of the Archbishop of Ravenna remained tiny Papal enclaves, because the Archbishop has at times acted as Patriarch of the Latin Church. ~Cal
  • Pope Michael: In addition to the structural proposals above, the Pope suggests the following to resolve the present Reactionary Schism:
    • Antipope Alexander Borja will step down from his purported papacy, and will submit to being laicised. 
    • Borja will recognise Michael as true Pope.
    • Borja will be compensated with a title of nobility in Papal Avignon.
    • A year after the close of the Council, Pope Michael will resign to a monastery in Belka, and a new conclave will be held.
    • The Copts are invited to agree to full unification by the close of the Council, which will result in them being able to take part in the new conclave as electors. This Council will confirm all the decrees of the Council of Alexandria. 
  • Pope Alexander: In addition and in subsitituion
    • A election of a Latin will be gaurenteed for every two elections afterwards after the election of a non-Latin/
    • Ravenna will be regonized as the permant Patriarchy of the Latin rite.
    • Borja will be granted the teritory of the Piombino which will be ruled as a vassal to the Papcy under French protection.
  • Pope Michael: Is willing to accept those proposals. 
  • Iberia: This seems alright to me.
  • Belka: We agree
  • Thank Christ.

Decrees: 1762[]

The Holy and Ecumenical Councill of the Lateran, the fifth of its name, lawfully assembled under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and convoked in the Year of Our Lord 1755 by Pope Michael, hath, in this Year of Our Lord 1762, after the solemn deliberations of the bishops, clergy, theologians, abbotts and abbesses of the entire People of God, under the guidance of all the Patriarchs of the Church, deemed it right that the following solemn Decrees be promulgated and published throughout the entire World and amongst the entire Christian Faithful, such that the sin of  Schism, which has for fourteen years has bruised the Body of Christ, crucifying Him anew, may be rectified through reconciliation. And so, invoking the protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Council fathers declare the following:

Decrees on Ending the Schism[]

  1. Cardinal Borja of Paris, hitherto holding himself forth in Avignon as "Pope Alexander V", shall renounce his claims to the Papacy, and submit to being laicised.
    1. Borja shall be granted the territory of Piombino as a vassal of the Papal States.
  2. The schismatic nations shall recognise Pope Michael as sole Successor to Saint Peter.
  3. One year after the close of thie Council, Pope Michael shall abdicate, and a new conclave shall be called. 

Decrees on Church Governance[]

  1. After the election of a non-Latin Rite to the Papacy, the following two conclaves shall guarantee the election of a Latin Rite pope. 
  2. Confirming the decree of the Council of Cologne, the Archbishop of Ravenna shall hold the title of Patriarch of the Latin Church (cf Council of Cologne, Decrees on Church Governance, 2.1)
  3. In order to avoid difficulties when a non-Latin is elected Pope, this Council confirms the decree of the Council of Cologne that "The Diocese of Rome shall not be under the administration of any Patriarch or Rite, instead remaining under the direct authority of the Bishop of Rome." (Decrees on Church Governance 2.3)
  4. The Decrees of the Councils of Cologne and Alexandria are confirmed, insofar as they are not at odds with the above. 

Exhortation to the Coptic Church[]

  1. The fathers of this Fifth Council of the Lateran, having enjoyed the brotherly company of the representatives of the Coptic Church who observed the activities of the Council, exhort the same to come to full unity with the rest of the Church. Should the Copts at any time wish to gain this unity, they need merely state their acceptance of the Decrees of this Council and the preceding Council of Alexandria.  
