Alternative History
(The Four Regions)
Tawantinsuyu (Inka Empire)
Timeline: The Purple Mantle

OTL equivalent: Peru, parts of Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Ecuador
Flag Coat of Arms
Location Inka
Kuntur Paway Wata Pili (Runa Šimi)
("The Condor Flights High")
Capital Qosqo
Largest city Potoq
Other cities Chuqiyapu, Talcahuano, Charcas, Putumayo
Runa Šimi (Quechua)
  others Aimará, Aymara, Puquina, Jaqi family, Muchik, German, lots more
Con-Tici Viracocha Pachayachachic
  others Christianity, Protestantism
Ethnic Groups
  others Aymará
Demonym Incas, Runas
Government Teocentric Federal Parliamentary Republic
Sapa Inka Huayna Yupanqui II
Willaq-Umu Qullqui Akllasumaq
Established 1451
Time Zone UTC -5 hours
Calling Code +48
Internet TLD .in

Also known as the Inca Empire, the Tawantinsuyu has survived the European advance thanks to his northern allies.

History []

XV Century

1451: The Inka Pachacútec creates the Tawantinsuyu, by merging the Kingdom of Qosqo with several military annexations, and creating the four Suyus for administration purposes.

XVI Century

1532: The Inka Ata-wallpa defeats his brother Huáscar and after several campaigns will maintain the Empire fragile but united.

XVII Century

1623: The Aztec Empire creates its first merchant fleet based on the Dutch High Sea ships and trained by foreign sailors.

  • The Aztec Empire reaches the Tawantinsuyu and begins diplomatic and commercial relationships with the Inka Empire.

1631: The Empire begin to imitate the European wonders: Gunpowder weaponry, big ships, new tactics, Written records and Horses.

1638: The Inka expands it's territories into the North and East, eventually clashing with the Dutch/Spanish and the Kingdom of Portugal respectively.

  • Silver ore is discovered in massive quantities in the Sumaq Urqu (OTL: Cerro Rico) and decided to take advantage of the European lust for metals, the city of Potoq is founded to exploit this ore, becoming quickly a major city of the Empire.

1654: The Empire creates the City of Achachila (Otl: Turbo) in the Urabá Gulf to control the Atlantic commerce of its metals and primary goods.

XVIII Century

XIX Century

1825: The government begins to pursue a "Nationalization" policy, which will unify several criteria, such as official language, State bureaucracy and military forces.

1864: The Brazilian Empire launches and attack over the ancient Guaranitic territories of Paraguái, near the Silberach borders igniting a full scale war between both nations.

  • Karl Marx publishes it's recognized book "Das Kapital", Inspired by the system used in the Tawantinsuyu, he believes this can be used (with the help of the bourgeoisie) in the rest of the world.

1865: The Tawantinsuyu seizes the opportunity and launches an annexation campaign on both the Brazilians and Silberachians territories. This is known as the Jatun Awqanakuy or South American Triple War.

1870: The Silberachians managed to force back the Brazilian and the Inkas reassuring the Paraguaí and the Northern territories, an armistice is sign with the Tawantinsuyu.

  • The Brazilian Empire loses several territories to the Inka empire.



The economy of the Tawantinsuyu involves a high degree of central planning. The traditional provincial trading class mindaláe carries most of the business. most inhabitants of the kingdom lives in a traditional economy in which male heads of household are required to pay taxes both in kind (e.g., crops, textiles, etc.) and in the form of the mit'a (labor and military obligations), in return, the state provides security, food in times of hardship through the supply of emergency resources, agricultural projects (e.g. aqueducts and terraces) to increase productivity, and occasional feasts. The economy rests on the material foundations of the vertical archipelago, a system of ecological complementarity in accessing resources. Land is conceptualized as ultimately belonging to the Inka, and distributed between the three estates of the empire: the imperial church, the commoners, and the state itself—for their benefit and care according to the principle of reciprocity.

Flora and Fauna[]



The Sapa Inka is conceptualized as divine and is effectively the head of the state. Only the Willaq-Umu (or Chief Priest) is second to the emperor, acting as the effective head of government. The Tokoyrikoq act as non burocratic corp to assess and evaluate the nations welfare.

Political divisions[]

The country is divided into four "Suyus", subdivided as well in 25 wamani (provinces) and a Federal District, The capital area: Qosqo. both Qosqo as a district and the four suyu as administrative regions are grouped into upper hanan and lower hurin divisions.

Tawantinsuyu Subdivisions[]

Wiphala Name Wamanis
Banner of the Chinchay Suyu Chinchasuyu (NW)
  • Putumayo
  • Q’asamarka
  • Pacasmayo
  • Achachila
Banner of the Anti Suyu Antisuyu (NE)
  • Chuqiyapu (Otl: La Paz)
  • Wilcapampa
  • Paucartambo
Banner of the Kunti Suyu Kuntisuyu (SW)
  • Pachasmarka
  • Machu Picchu
  • Choquequirao
Banner of the Qulla Suyu Qullasuyu (SE)
  • Potoq
  • Charcas (Otl: Sucre)
  • Talcahuano


Most of the food are rarely bought in the Tawantunsuyu, due to the Social system of the Mit'a. All the fields of the Empire are divided into four categories: The Field of the Temple, the Emperor, Curacas, and People. Fields of the people were fields belongs to the sick, widows, the elderly, wives of the soldiers and that of his own land.

At the beginning of the plowing time villagers work first at the fields of widows, of sick people and of wives of the soldiers under the direction of the village overseers. Then they work on their own field. Next they worked on the Temples fields and Curacas' fields and finally they set to work on the Emperor's fields. This allows for a constant and secured distribution of the food among every Ayllu and every Inkan citizen.
