Alternative History

This is a general timeline for Colony Crisis Averted explaining much of the history in this ATL. This timeline spans two world wars; the emergence of industrial, computer and space age technologies; and the foundation of colonies on the Moon, Mars and several asteroids. Specialized information, dedicated to distinct themes in human history, is contained in the timelines below:

  • Technological
  • Industry
  • Space Exploration

18th century[]


  • Colonists in America begin to rebel after years of unfair taxes and no representation in Parliament. The American Colonial Crisis begins.


  • Diplomats led by military general George Washington and Benjamin Franklin go to London to end the revolt in America. King George III and George Washington come up with a treaty that grants the American colonies sovereign territory, the North American Union. The colony crisis in North America was peacefully ended.


  • James Watts unveiled his new Watts steam engine which replaces the Newcomen engine jump-starts the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain and around the world.


  • The French Revolt took place. The revolt is crushed by General Charles-Francois Dumouriez, killing over 8000 people during the Terrible September Days

19th century[]


  • Napoleon Bonaparte is awarded a top government office for his famous aid at the Bastille during the revolution, and he quickly becomes popular among the French people.
  • George Washington dies in Nova Scotia at the age of 73 of natural causes. Before he died he expressed his grief at "not making the colonial war a war of independence for the colonists".


  • The Treaty of Alliance is signed between the Spain and France creating the new nation of Franco-Spain.


  • The Holy Alliance is formed between Russia, Prussia and Austria to prevent Franco-Spain from invading the rest of Europe.


  • Charles Babbage succeeds with his Difference Engine, and after showing its potential the Labour Party supports Babbage and goes on to develop the Analytical Engine, the world's first mechanical computer.


  • The Franco-Spain passes the Cristiano Reforma Acto (Christian Reform Act), making non-Catholic Christian religions legal in the empire.


  • Charles Babbage finished his first prototype Difference Engine and later developed the Analytical Engine. Seeing the potential of Charles' work, he is invited to the Labour Party and soon becomes politically powerful.


  • The Great Southern Mutiny in the North American Union begins after Parliament passed the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833. It began with the assault on Fort Howe by former slave owners in retaliation of the act.
  • The Russian Imperial Geographic Society is founded.
  • Holy Office of Racial Identity is established leading to crackdown on "racially impure" individuals by the Spanish Inquisition.
  • The Great Western Railway in Great Britain is built.


  • The British Royal Navy, supported by NAU naval ships, opens Japan to western trade.
  • Babbage engine is being mass-produced and ever-present in British daily life.
  • Winfield Scott becomes Governor-General of the NAU.
  • The British government began to expand the Great Western Railway which now uses the newly invented atmospheric railways across England and Ireland.


  • Charles Darwin published his theory of evolution but also discovers DNA and genetic organisms. But only simple, small forms of organisms are made.


  • The start of the Second Industrial Revolution.


  • French Ambassador Carl Hendrik Huell travels to British Chunghwa (OTL China). Talks open for later programs to allow Franco-Spanish run prison labor camps in China, resulting in cheaper goods being imported and made in Asia.
  • In August, a British company builds a railroad from Baghdad to Istanbul and the Persian Gulf, in effort to gain more both economic and territorial influence in the rump Ottoman Empire.


  • The Holy Office of Racial Identity founds the Cartwright Institution for Slave Illness thanks to the effort of former British subject Samuel A. Cartwright.
  • The Klondike Gold Rush occurred. Over 100,000 prospectors would attempt to travel north to seek their fortunes in the Klondike, Russian Alaska. 


Tsar tank

The Tsar Tank after successful testing near Moscow.

  • The Great Depression occurs.
  • A Japanese fleet bombarded the Franco-Spanish colony of the Philippines. Pacific War begins.
  • To counter the British Fly Elephant super-tank and the steam tank fleet, Russian engineers developed the Tsar Tank, a huge tricycle vehicle which stands 27 feet and is equipped with rockets on top and machine guns under the hull.
  • The Pacific War ends. With Franco-Spain defeated, Japan annexed Taiwan, much of the Pacific islands, and the Philippines. This would lead to a surge in Hakkō ichiu, and Japan's continued expansion of East Asia.


  • Russia and Franco-Spain sign a treaty beginning a military alliance, which is later called Franco-Russian Alliance.


  • Russian weapon designer Vladimir Fyodorov, invents the world's first assault, Fedorov Avtomat.

    Fedorov Avtomat

  • To effectively harvest its crops after the Great Famine in Ukraine, the Duma passes the Agrarian Reform of 1898.

20th century[]



  • In honor of Queen Victoria's death, the capital city of the N.A.U. Burgoyne is renamed Victoria.
  • Ransom E. Olds develops the assembly line method of automobile manufacturing, with the Oldsmobile Curved Dash becomes the first mass produced car.
  • Tesla begins construction on the Wardenclyffe Tower in efforts to created a world wireless system hoping to solve the world energy problem. Tesla tests his Tesla Tower to the Russian government by powering half of Moscow 50 miles away. Impressed, the Russian government funded his work and begin producing the towers.


  • Due to Russian aggression, the British Empire and Japan sign the Anglo-Japanese Alliance which ended Britain's splendid isolation.
  • Pan-African Expansionist Conflicts began: Franco-Spain continued its expansion into Africa by overthrowing Islamic governments, taking over their raw materials and oil production and converting the native populace to Christianity.
  • The Stanley Motor Carriage Company begins manufacture of the Stanley Steamer, the most popular production steam-powered car.
The Russo-British Pact in 1907

Treaty of Istanbul: Russian territory in blue. British territory in red. Buffer zone in between.


  • Skirmishes in Persia begin between British colonial army in British Raj and Russian forces.
  • War is averted between Russia and Japan, thanks to the Witte-Katsura Agreement, where Japan recognizes the Russian occupation of the Alaska and Russia recognizes Japanese annexation of the Chinese province of Taiwan, Korea, and the Philippines. However, they also agree to respect China's sovereignty.


  • An Jung-geun assassination attempt against Ito Hirobumi is thwarted.
  • Nikola Tesla founded Tesla Electric in Russia to profit from his inventions and designs.
  • The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) is passed, giving Alaska Natives significant amounts of land and capital, as well as establishing the Native Corporations.



  • Japan annexes Korea as Chosen Province.
  • Construction of Pan-African Railway (PAR) begins. PAR is a joint Anglo-Franco project to construct motorways linking Cairo to the Cape, Louisville in the east to Dar es Salaam in the west.
  • Nikola Tesla founded Tesla Electric Company set up to fund, develop, and market a variety of previous Tesla patents and inventions as well as new ones, including the first electric car.


  • Nikola Tesla patents a bladeless steam turbine and after a few improvements it is quickly mass produced in the Russian Empire.
  • The Russian Empire launches the First Five-Year Plan, an economic effort to increase industrialization.
  • Russian forces skirmish with Japanese forces on the Aleutian Islands.


  • After much debate and conflict, the British Parliament passed the Government of India Act of 1919 creating the British Raj into dominion state similar to the North American Union.
  • The March 1st Movement protest in Korea is suppressed.



  • Ottoman Civil War begins. The Europeans powers intervene with the British effectively taking control the entire empire and making it a protectorate.


  • The British Empire Exhibition is held in New York, it attracts over 31 million people from around the Empire.
  • The Russo-Balt becomes the first electric car to be mass-produced.


  • Cairo Conference takes place to decide the future of Africa. The continent is to be divided between Franco-Spain and British Empire. Franco-Spain is given a free hand in the west and central Africa. Britain will maintain her old and new colonies in the east of the continent, including Egypt, Sudan, Kenya and N&S Rhodesia.


  • Emperor Taishō dies and his son Hirohito becomes the Emperor of Japan.




  • The Franco-Spain Holy Alliance is hit by the 1932 Economic Crisis and extricates itself by reviving the abolished Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and Secretary of State Charles de Gaulle introduces a tax that alleviated the purchase of slaves.


  • The Great Slave Insurrection begins.
  • Hermann Göring is made head of the Prussian Four Year Plan, an effort to make Prussia self-sufficient and increase armaments.
  • In violation of the Treaty of Nantes, Prussia remilitarized the Rhineland.


  • Prussian chemists, Lise Meitner and Otto Robert Frisch discovered nuclear fission.



  • In the Russian Empire, 20% of all electrical power comes from Wardenclyffe Towers.


  • The "British Isle Project" begins. It leads to the British Empire pioneering the Atomic Bomb.
  • Franco-Spain begins withdrawing its troops from the Ruhr in Germany.
  • The Holy Office of Racial Identity begins used of DNA testing.


  • The AK-47, a selective fire, gas-operated rifle is developed in the Russian Empire. It quickly becomes the standard rifle in the Russian Army and fully replacing the Fedorov Avtomat.



  • The British conduct the first nuclear explosion, the Albion becomes the first fission bomb in the world.



  • February- Opening of the Berlin Peace Conference to negotiate peace treaties between the belligerents of the Great War.
  • The Berlin Peace Conference comes to an end with the inaugural General Assembly of the League of Nations. 
  • The Treaty of Geneva is signed officially ending the Great War.
  • March- Congress of Yalta is held to discuss the future of post-war Europe, specifically Prussia and Central Europe. Prussia acquires all the German states, Balkan and Baltic states as well forming the Imperial German Union.
  • April- Following the the Congress of Yalta, Eastern Europe and Scandinavia are corralled into a pro-German trading bloc, the European Community .


  • The Saint Petersburg Accords are held between the United Kingdom and the Russian Empire to end a long-standing struggle for power over Central Asia.
  • The German Union joins the League of Nations.


  • May- With newly acquired territory and wanting to secure a sphere of influence, Imperial Japan formed the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity.
  • June- Franco-Spain Holy Alliance and the United Kingdom sign a series of treaties called the Entente Cordiale, marking the end of almost a millennium of conflict between these two nations. It's also a response to the German Union military build-up and expansion of it navy, threatening to rival the British naval supremacy.
  • August- The American Football League is founded.
  • October- Imperial German Union begin their nuclear energy project.



  • June - Inventor Royal Rife developed the Rife Ray, a beam ray that can weaken or destroy deadly pathogens (AIDS, cancer, etc.). It's accepted by the Royal Medical Association and production for the product begins.
  • October - Japan and the German Union sign an agreement whereby Japan would supply uranium ore exchange for technical assistance in producing nuclear weapons.


  • February - German scientist developed the first Implosion Generators, which produced free energy source based on implosion and water vortexes.
  • November - The Japanese annexed the independent British colony of Hawaii.


  • Japan launches its first satellite, Sakura 1.
  • Richard "Honest Dick" Nixon bought Stanley M.C. Company for $41.5 million. With the development of Doble Ultimax engine, he turned the failed company into a multi-million dollar corporation and began producing more improved and efficient steam cars.
  • The Russian Empire denotes its first nuclear weapon, Tsar Bomba. It's one of the largest, most powerful nuclear weapons ever detonated.
  • Delegates of the German Union and the Empire of Japan as well other GEACOP members meet in Berlin to discuss making an alliance with each other for common defense and economic security. They sign the Treaty of Berlin forming the Coalition of Independent Countries (CIC).


  • Russia begins to build a new railroad system in Russian Turkistan connecting its territories in Central Asia to the rest of the Russian Empire.
  • The Russian Empire proposes a tripartite alliance with the United Kingdom and France. It is accepted and the Triple Entente was formed.



  • The government of Franco-Spain announces the National Transportation and Reconstruction Act. Elements of this act include: the construction of the Franco-Spain Autovia Imperial Highway, the building of the New Spain railway network, and the erecting of the Gibraltar Dam.
  • Ev1-side-1

    ETS1, first efficient electric car.

    Russian engineers at Tesla Electric unveils their first modern electric car, ETS1 (OTL EV1) and is quickly mass-produced.


  • After the death of King Edward VIII, Princess Elizabeth ascended the throne and was proclaimed Queen Elizabeth II.


  • Project Atlantropa begins as Britain and Franco-Spain proceed to increase their colonial empire by using new terraforming technology to drain some parts of the Mediterranean Sea and convert it into farmland.
  • The Russian Empire sends their first Imperiya space shuttle to colonize the Moon.


  • The War in Indochina (1975-1979) begins with the armies of Franco-Spain and the British Empire attempting to support the French colony from anti-colonial guerrillas backed by the Empire of Japan.


  • In Japan, the first cold fusion prototype generator is tested and label successful.



  • The failed assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II occurs in New York City, with the assassin being a black civil rights activist, who is subsequently executed for the crime.
  • A site in Russian Turkestan is established to build the proposed space elevator.
  • African transcontinental railroads are globalized and modernized by the League of Nations. It will be renamed the African Rail Network.


  • Solaires Mobile developed its first successful solar powered car, The Corona, in Madrid. It quickly becomes popular but the company struggles to sell cars in competitive market against petroleum powered cars, despite its cars being cheaper.


  • The Proletariat Revolution in Brazil overthrows the authoritarian regime that plagues the new nation for three decades. More than 200,000 people are dead from riots, military engagements, and mass killings. The League of Nations send Franco-Spanish and British peacekeeping forces into Brazil through Rio de Janeiro and many other major cities to quell the rebellion and restore peace but with little success.


  • Brazil is accepted into the Coalition and begins a large military buildup. The League of Nations ignores this but do send inspectors to see if any WMD are being developed.
  • Stanley A. Meyer invents the first water fuel cell, a free energy device by where an automobile retrofitted with the device could use water fuel cell instead of gasoline.


  • 1988 Summer Olympics is held in Nagoya, Japan.
  • The Treaty of Canterbury was signed between Franco-Spain and the United Kingdom, allowing the construction of the Channel Tunnel to proceed.


  • March 29 - With no warning, Japanese bombers began air strikes on the port of Vladivostok destroying the entire Russian Pacific Fleet and invaded western Siberia and China. Simultaneously, Brazil invaded New Spain and the Imperial German Union launches supersonic ballistic missiles at St Petersburg, Paris and London. Although all the missiles are intercepted and destroyed, one reaches Paris killing 10,000 people. Outraged at these attacks Franco-Spain, the Russian Empire and the British Empire declared war on the Coalition of Independent Countries and are later joined by the League of Nations. The Global War has begun.



  • Imperial German Union unconditionally surrenders after the capture of Berlin by Russian forces. The Global War is over.
    Post-War Prussia

    German Union after the Global War.


  • After many delays, the Channel Tunnel is completed and officially open to the public.
  • As part of Empresses Maria Vladimirovna and President Boris Yeltsin new economic initiative, petroleum-powered cars are outlawed in every major city in the Russian Empire.


  • The Bering Strait Bridge is completed, finishing the Moscow to Sitka Railway Line.


  • Construction on the Russian Space Elevator begins on the Caspian Islands south of Baku, Russian Turkestan.