Alternative History

This is the abridged history of the Superpowers alternate timeline, stretching from the first Point of Divergence in 165 CE to the present day (2000 CE). This timeline spans three world wars; the emergence of industrial, electrical and space age technologies; and the foundation of colonies on the Moon, Mars and several asteroids. Specialized information, dedicated to distinct themes in human history, is contained in the timelines below:

The following form a detailed history of the Roman Empire from 180 to 1247 AD, and the Maya Conglomerate from 395 to 1247 AD. As a richer timeline, it explores the history of those two nations until just past crucial year 1221 AD, when their peoples' destinies cross in the explosive emergence of a centuries-long conflict. This detailed timeline is dated in both the Anno Domini and Ad Urbe Condita calendars (AUC=AD+753 years), and is organized according to the reigns of the Roman Emperors from Sulla I to Magnus II. Over the course of those thousand or so years, the Roman Empire grew from a mighty European state to the single most powerful entity in the Old World. Meanwhile, the Maya nation went from an assortment of unorganized city-states to an advanced kingdom that controlled the majority of the New World.

Ancient History

  • ~2000 BC: Establishment of the first Maya city-states.
  • 753 BC: Founding of Rome - later known as the Eternal City and Capital of the Western World.
  • 509 BC: Overthrow of the Roman Kings and start of democratic government in Rome.
  • 27 BC: Usurpation of political authority in Rome by Octavius Caesar, who the Senate dubbed Augustus (Venerable).

2nd century

  • 165: Gaius Corellus Sulla is born in the city of Athens (POD).
  • 172: Sulla's parents die from a plague, leaving to a life on the streets around the Lyceum.
  • 173: Marcus Aurelius, first citizen of Rome, adopts Sulla after their encounter on his tour of the empire.
  • 180: Marcus Aurelius dies. Sulla succeeds him as first citizen.
  • 180: Sulla orders the creation of the limes danuvius (Danubian border fortifications) along the Carpathian Mountains and the Danube, keeping out the Marcomanni and Quadi tribes that his father had fought for decades.
  • 184: Roman general return from Daciab to receive a Triumph ordered by the emperor for their victories in the Marcomannic Wars. Their support would play a large role in the growing respect for the authority of Caesar Sulla.
  • 185: Jews are allowed to return to Aelia Capitolina (Jerusalem) when Sulla repeals Hadrian's law against them. Jewish communities grow in size and wealth as Jews across the empire return to Syria Palestina.
  • 186: General Clodius Albinus dies fighting a civil uprising in Gallia.
  • 187: Archery gains recognition after the decisive use of archers by Publius Pertinax against rebellious Chatti tribes.
  • 188: Academia Medica Galena is founded in Aelia Capitolina; this institution will revolutionize Roman medicine.
  • 190: Reconstruction of the Pontum Traiani (Trajan's Bridge) is finished.
  • 192: Sulla commands six legions across the Rhine against barbarians in Magna Germania. He returns to Rome in 195 with a bounty of small valuables and slaves where he holds the first Triumph of his military career.
  • 195: Parthians invade the Roman province of Mesopotamia but are annihilated by veteran legions within three years.
  • 198: Roman province of Ægyptus finishes its transition to the silver denarius, bringing the empire under one currency.
  • 199: Program of buying the latinfundia (landed estates) of Italy is started by Sulla. Ager publicus (public land) acquired by this means is leased to the urban poor, reducing overcrowding in Rome and weakening aristocratic control over Italian land.

3rd century


Emperor Sulla the Great

  • 201: Sulla leads five legions into the wild lands of northern Britannia. His acquisitions are organized into the new province of Caledonia (Scotland). By 208, his forces have gained control over the entire region and the Senate has recognized the territory as an imperial province (provincia augusti), anticipating his return for another triumphal parade.
  • 203: Money lenders in Syria Palestina are supported by the Jewish community in forming the first tuta banca (safe bench), a secure establishment for monetary exchanges built to protect the community against the abuses of nearby Roman colonists. These institutions slowly catch on in the region and by 221, similar facilities are founded in Italia.
  • 208: Roman Empire is split into 12 nominally independent client nations, distinguished from foederati (client kingdoms) by the designation of foederata (client nations or federations). While each province has a Roman governor, the federation itself is administered by a Consul Gentes (President of the Nation), who is a noble of the local culture and an equestrian citizen of Rome.
  • 212: Constitutio Sulla is enacted by the emperor, annuling the ius latinum, restricting the acquisition of citizenship, strengthening traditional marriage laws, and granting nominal citizenship to people in some of the core provinces.
  • 220: Rome opens more formal trade relations with India, forming a trade agreement with the King of Andhra.
  • 223: A capital for the province of Caledonia is founded on a major ford of the River Clyde and is designated Colonia Corellia in honor of the emperor.
  • 224: Parthian dynasty falls and the land of Persia goes to the Sasanian dynasty.
  • 228: After a 48 year reign, Sulla dies of a stroke and is succeeded by his adopted son Marcus Antoninus Sulla. Caesar Marcus, while not as adept as his father, will prove himself in the hard times to come.
  • 235: Cartographers and sailors complete the monumental Carta Mediterranea, a detailed map of the Roman world from the pillars of Hercules to the Red Sea.
  • 242: Dramatic civil unrest across Italy as the lower classes revolt against a law permitting banks to forcefully claim debt. The emperor eventually confronts the problem by repaying banks from the aerarium stabulum (national treasury) and instituting heavier regulations on the activities of Italian banks.
  • 247: Magni Ludi Saeculares. Citizens celebrate the 1000th anniversary of Rome; the games are bloody magnificent.
  • 259: After the Plague of Carthage kills over a million and nearly reaches Europe the Senate enacts a law to force every ship coming to Italy to fly a flag (the vexillum morbidum) to signal if they bring any sick crew.
  • 261: Vallum Germanicum (German Wall) is completed along 643 km of the Rhine River. This defensive structure gives the empire a sturdy enough border to drastically reduce the threat of Germanic tribes to its stability.
  • 261: Valerian conspiracy ends after a short battle in Italy. Consul Valerius is crucified outside Rome, becoming the only citizen to be lawfully crucified in recent history and a symbol of treason for Roman propaganda.
  • 262: Marcus dies of heat stroke and his titles pass to his adopted son, Aurelian.
  • ~270: Start of the Saxon migration to the islands of Britannia.
  • 271: Opening of more formal diplomatic relations between the Caesar and the King of Aksum (Rex Æthiopiani).
  • 276: Saxon Kingdom invades Rome, capturing cities in Germania Superior (Upper Germany) and defeating a legion.
  • 278: Aurelian dies in between battles in the Saxon Wars, leaving his son, 262: Marcus dies of heat stroke and his titles pass to his adopted son, Heracleitus, to resolve the mess.
  • 284: Armenia is inherited by Rome as a province after assisting the kingdom in a bloody war against Persia.
  • 286: Last king of the Saxons is deposed by Roman legions and the relatively coherent Saxon society splinters.
  • 288: Cursus vehicularis, the imperial postal service, is fully opened to Roman citizens, offering a secure and dependable means for the flow of information (at a maximum rate of 375 km per day).

4th century

  • 302: Articulus Asticus. Food shortages strike Italy when grain cannot arrive due to famines in the East, forcing the Senate to ship food in small portions from across the Empire; by the end, around four million people will die from starvation.
  • 303: Senate begins enacting laws aimed at curbing the excessive growth of Italian cities which precipitated the crisis.
  • 303: Heracleitus sends his adopted son Flavius Valerius Constantinus on an invasion of Hibernia (Ireland).
  • 314: Rome deposes the last Saxon warlord in Ireland, securing control of the island as an imperial province.
  • 315: Vallum Magnum Judaecum is completed along the eastern frontier of the Empire, separating the provinces of Armenia and Mesopotamia from the rest of the Empire. This wonder of engineering is the grandest military structure in the Ancient world, believed to render the empire invulnerable to an attack from Persia.
  • 330: Constantine enacts the Constitutio Valeria, recognizing Christianity as a religio rather than a superstitio (cult or superstition), both legally and culturally endorsing its practices. His decision brings into political reality a situation that had recently become a demographic reality, especially among the lowest and highest classes of society.
  • 335: Byzantium is refounded as a commercial and military center for the eastern provinces. Proximity to the mouth of the Danuvius (Danube) and the Pontus Euxinus (Black Sea) are the primary reasons for choosing this location.
  • 337: Completion of the First Council of Alexandria, establishing the Ecclesia Catholica. On returning to Rome, Emperor Constantine declares the state support of this Church, supplanting its support for the Religio Romana.
  • 338: Constantine conquers the rich Nubian Kingdom of Meroë, taking its gold mines and bloomeries for Rome.
  • 340: Caesar Agricola implements sweeping reforms to the Roman taxation system, from a tax farming enterprise to a civil service process of collecting taxes that are more progressive than under earlier regimes.
  • 341: Roman Census grows to encompass nearly every person living within the empire, giving Rome detailed information on the location, income, work, and family of all its subjects (tribal communities are surveyed as whole groups).
  • 349: Lighthouse of Alexandria gets renovated and earns the place of tallest freestanding structure.
  • 352: Lex juridica generalis Romana creates new positions of praetor, a chief judicial official, in other major cities which are home to citizens. Unlike in Rome, a praetor in this context has general judicial authority within his city.
  • 354: Iazyges and Roxolani nations are expelled from the limites of the Roman Empire. They were the last unassimilated Sarmatian nations through which the Senate governed land.
  • 355: In Constantinople's forum, the Augustaeum, Caesar Agricola constructs the Aerarium, a national treasury for gold and coinage. This building becomes the treasury for the Roman Empire, making the city a center for Roman finances.
  • 360: Office of Magister Fiscalis, chief magistrate of finances, and of Proprinceps, second hand man of the emperor, are created to distribute some of the central authority of the emperor.
  • 367: A grading system for Roman settlements is established to enforce minimum standards for towns of different sizes and to organize the allocation of public funds to colonies.
  • 391: Caesar Faustilon completes a new Imperial Road Network that spans the entire empire.
  • 394: Kich'en C'onle Mayapan is born in the Maya city-state Ox Te' Tuun (Calakmul). He is destined to unite the people of Mesoamerica under one great nation (POD).
  • 395: Death of the tenth and final Caesar Bonus, as Faustilon passes his titles to one of his biological sons, breaking the longstanding pattern of succession through adopted heirs.

5th century

  • 402: Completion of the limes raetianus with the construction of the vallum raetianum directly north of the Alps.
  • 408: Death of the Mad Emperor, Antonine, in a short series of bloody parricides.
  • 410: King Alar of the Vesigoths is captured and executed after a failed invasion of the Rhine frontier of Rome.
  • 412: Arsicydes of Athens receives the patronage of Caesar Maximius to found the Musaeum of Athens, bringing the tradition of the illustrious Musaeum of Alexandria to Greece.
  • 417: Mayapan, a brilliant natural philosopher, discovers cement, the first of hundreds of discoveries and inventions he will make over decades of studying rocks, plants, and other materials.
  • 419: Black powder is discovered by Mayapan.
  • 420: Academia Bellica (War Academy) is founded in Carthage.
  • 428: Kich'en invents a spoked wheel.
  • 431: Residents of Mayapan's home city force the king of Ox Te' Tuun to transfer his power to Kich'en, who they view as a prophet and vessel for the gods.
  • 435: Mayapan establishes a conglomeration of the Maya city-states with himself as their Federal King (Kuhul Ajaw).
  • 435: Caesar Scipio commences construction on an architectural project on the island of Melita. His designs are for an island metropolis that will be a nerve center of Mediterranean commerce.
  • 439: The religious, military and civic reputation of Mayapan brings forty of the largest city-states into his conglomerate.
  • 444: A vast confederation of barbarian tribes is led by King Attila of the Huns against Rome. This dreadful event is recorded as the Germanic Wars and resulted in the expansion of the Roman Empire up to the Vistula River - the largest acquisition of land by Rome since the time of Julius Caesar.
  • 451: As the largest and wealthiest city on its continent, Teotihuacan is captured by the expanding Maya Conglomerate for transformation into its new capital, despite the distance from the core of Maya civilization.
  • 452: Antonine dynasty ends with the death of Romulus Augustus, only to be followed by the election of Gaius Julius Draconus by the Senate.
  • 456: Third Council of Jerusalem is called to settle debates on the status of the most venerable Christians.
  • 457: Mayapan dies having almost completed his conquest of Mesoamerica. He worked his entire life to leave a government that would survive his death without splintering.
  • 461: Persians invade the Roman Empire in an attempt to retake Armenia and Mesopotamia. Nisibis falls in the first year and the capital of Armenia is taken in the third as Rome struggles to muster a coherent response.
  • 465: Legion defeats the Sasanians at the siege of Ctesiphon, pacifying them to a point where they can no longer threaten the ambition and stability of the Roman Empire. This defeat marks the decline of Persian military power through its repeated losses to Rome and waning trade along the Silk Road due to the growing East-West maritime trade.
  • 476: Settlements are founded during the great migration of the Germans, ending their diaspora from Roman borders after their grievous defeat 29 years ago.
  • 482: Rodirrek, a king of the Franks ruled by Huns, is made Kaisar Germanic (High King of the Germans) by the union of Germanic kingdoms after their usurpation of power from the Huns. This union of kingdoms begins the Confederation of Germania, a loose collection of lords who owe fealty to their kings and whose kings owe fealty to the one Kaisar.
  • 487: Construction finishes on an imperial highway system in Magna Germania, linking what is slowly becoming a new industrial heartland for European cities in the Empire.
  • 492: Completion of Draconian Reform of the Legion. Now the most powerful fighting force in the Old World, the Legion is divided into 28 legions of 179,200 legionaries supported by tens of thousands of auxiliary soldiers and artillerymen.
  • 498 : Greek philosopher Elarnassus is executed for a treatise trying to incite rebellion in Greece. His work continues to be well received given the current climate of Greek culture.

6th century

  • 508: Treaty of Miccaester brings the Avar Khaganate into the Confederation, after its defeat by the Germanic kingdoms.
  • 509: Liburnian galleys are redesigned as cursores (dromons), which become the primary vessel in the Roman fleet.
  • 528: Reform of the Roman Fleet stops with the death of Caesar Scipio II.
  • 531 : New plague spreads from Asia to Greece, igniting the growing unrest in the region. By the time the outbreak settles over the empire, more than 11 million people will die from the disease.
  • 532: Greek Civil War erupts. A force of over 100,000 Macedonian rebels penetrates into Thrace to take Constantinople in a year, destroying four entire legions in the process. As Rome consolidated its forces from across its empire, the separatists established dominance over Athens and the rest of Greece by force. The timely intervention of Generalissimus Gnaeus Fabius Comptus scatters the rebels, while the legal reforms of Caesar Ulpius stifles the motivations of the Greek peasantry and aristocracy for seeking independence from Rome.
  • 534: Corpus Juris Civilis is promulgated by the Senate, completely restructuring Roman laws and instituting new customs for the operation of the national government.
  • 538: Technaeum Armarum et Armaturae (Technical School for Arms and Armor) is founded as a technology focused branch of the War Academy, accelerating the rate at which war machines are improved in the Roman Empire.
  • 558: Dionada of Alexandria writes his treatise On Motion to present the geometric understanding of machinery and motion in the context of Atomism. In his work, he also suggests an early law of conservation of momentum, a theory of elasticity, and suggests using a lodestone for navigation (independently inventing the compass and true north).
  • 581: Papal decree bans the adoption of the Anno Domini calendar proposed in 548 by a Syrian monk.
  • 588: Chichen Itza becomes an administrative and storage hub for Maya banks.
  • 590: Maya scientists invent a fragmentation grenade, a basic handheld explosive full of flint shrapnel.
  • 591: Bosporan Kingdom is invaded by the Confederation. As a vassal of Rome, it is defended by the Legion who believes that it faces a large tribal army. After an initial loss, a large force of legionaries retakes the region and forces peace with the High King of the Germans. Rome reorganizes the territory as the new imperial province of Taurica on the peninsula.
  • 595: Caesar Fabius II institutes the Officium Barbarorum (Bureau of Barbarians) to keep a closer eye on the neighbors of his empire, through dignitaries kept in the courts of the kings of these nearby kingdoms.

7th century

Countries (621 AD)

World map with Rome at her greatest extent

  • 611: Rome finishes its conquest of Sasanian Persia, extending its empire as far as India.
  • 622: Hijra of Muhammed to Yathrib where he constitutes an Arabic state that expands out from the city, soon conquering the entirety of Arabia.
  • 629: Declaration of fealty to Emperator Gniewen by the tribes of Venetia, formally creating a client kingdom for Rome after decades of effort by the Senate.
  • 632: Death of the prophet Muhammed. The religion he founded would continue to grow as his successors (caliphs) expand his Arabic state across Roman Persia. Caliph Abu Bakr (632-634) will have a short reign but is followed by Caliph Umar (634-651) who proves to be exceptional at the art of statescraft.
  • 638: Invention of a plano-convex glass lens in Treverorum (Trier). Glass lenses start to become popular as a cheap alternative to crystal lenses and a practical alternative to water lenses, finding use as reading stones and magnifying glasses.
  • 642: Roman Senate elects a Generalissimus to deal with the threat of Islam while Caesar Cleganus galivants in Somalia. Cleganus takes this action as an attack on his authority, beginning a bellum civile between Senate and Caesar. Tyrianus, the elected general, will defeat the emperor and be elected as the next Caesar.
  • 657: King Pakal II ascends the Maya throne, initiating a second period of conquest.
  • 660: Death of Caliph Ali ibn Abi-Talib leads to the First Fitna (Islamic civil war) during the election of the next caliph.
  • 666: Maya scholars learn a technique for casting metal.
  • 668: Fitna ends with the division of the Caliphate into Persian and Arabian halves, Muslims in the former considering themselves the followers of Ali (Shi'atu Ali). The Persian leadership is the Fatimid Caliph while the Arabian leadership is the Umayyad Caliph, due to the heritage of each leader.
  • 667: First metallic (iron) weapons are created in the Conglomerate. The federal king plans call for soldiers to be armed with metallic arrowheads, swords, armor and shields.
  • 684: Construction of a fortistrum navalum (naval fortress) on a peninsula in the Herulian Straits after the Legion clears away the villages along the coastline of Cimbria (Denmark) to crush piracy in the region.
  • 687: Technaeum enters its golden age under the patronage of Caesar Valerius.
  • 688: Invention of spring-loaded tumblers for an Egyptian style lock.
  • 688: Invasion of Somalia by Islamic forces, beginning the steady conversion of Eastern Africa to Islam.

8th century

  • 710: Splintering of Somali city-states in religious war between Christians and Muslims.
  • 720: Roman invention of the repeating crossbow (polytrahos) by the great inventor Pistorius Mica.
  • 728: Production begins on the vespa, a light paddle-driven boat capable of destroying large ships with fire.
  • 737: Sudden development of low-carbon crucible steel in Carthage.
  • 741: Invention of an efficient heavy artillery piece that fires aerodynamic lead shells - known as the plumballista.
  • 749: Start of the Magnum Bellum Germanicum (Great Germanic War) primarily between the Lombards and Venetians.
  • 750: Proposal of an armored vehicle to the Emperor of Rome, basing the design on a fusion of contemporary siege weapons. This testuda invicta has a thick steel shell and is fitted with two medium polytrahoi and a single plumballista.
  • 763: Printing of a book using a movable type printing press happens for the first time in Carthage.
  • 765: Dissemination of three-field crop rotation to the massive farming estates of Roman Africa. From here, this form of crop rotation will become the norm within the empire.
  • 769: Academic dominance of the Peripatetic school (Aristotelianism) ends after a century of being discretied on the subjects of substances, motion, and astronomy. Their primary academy goes backrupt before being reformed a few decades later as a school of geology in the tradition of Nicomechus (436-497), a renowned Aristotelian geologist.
  • 770: An encyclopedia of machinery and mechanical principles is published in Carthage, summarizing the mathematical tradition of Roman machinists (machinatores) and the enormous array of known mechanisms.
  • 774: Kingdom of Saxony falls to the hordes of the Khaganate of the Khazars as they advance into Eastern Europe.
  • 788: Danes are united through the conquests of King Sigfred, who soon starts to encourage the practice of vikings (raiding expeditions overseas) along the coastline of the Baltic Sea.
  • 793: Sack of Colonia Lora. Danes sail down the Fluvis Oldoa (Oder River) and pillage the large city of Lora, alarming the Roman Senate to the recent increases in piracy in the region due to vikings.
  • 793: Roman legions suffer a massive defeat during an invasion of the Kingdom of the Danes.
  • 795: Danish Kingdom splinters following a power struggle in the wake of the death of King Sigfred in battle against Rome and the subsequent reparations for their raids.

Rest of this timeline was written for an early version of this alternate history. The entire detailed history is undergoing major changes that render everything after ~800 CE highly inaccurate. However, instead of deleting all the points below, I will slowly modify this skeleton timeline as the detailed one is rewritten.

9th century

  • 805: Basic electric motor is built by Parisian academics.
  • 809: Rechargeable ampulae are invented in Parisium.
  • 817: Apogee of Viking raids.
  • 819: Roman explorers discover Frigerra (Iceland).
  • 822: Battle of the Baltic, first large naval battle in the Norse Wars (822-824) between Rome and the Vikings
  • 823: Landing of the Northmen. On August 6, 50,000 Viking bersekers embark on the north-west coast of Gaul and are met by 10,000 Roman legionaries who fight the Norsemen to the last man, losing all but a few hundred of their own men.
  • 823: Viking settlers reach Frigerra.
  • 824: Treaty of Londinium, ratified by Caesar Cassius and King Svorjberd, prohibits Viking raids in the North and Baltic Seas in exchange for Cimbria, which the Vikings call Danemarc.
  • 845: Jewish astronomer, known in Rome as Galileo (the Galilean), invents a simple refracting telescope when he combines the power of two lenses in a single shaft.
  • 851: An earthquake strikes Rome, causing citywide destruction. The Senate uses reconstruction as an opportunity to modernize the city and build stunning new monuments.
  • 853: Completion of the Turris Horologis, a 200 m mechanical clock tower on the Palatine Hill.
  • 854: Islamic jihad is launched by Shi'ah Caliph Haran Ibn Cartal against Sunni Muslims, resulting in either the death or conversion of all those who could not escape and the fall of the Sunni Republic.
  • 857: Galileo collects astronomical evidence demonstrating the orbit of Earth around the Sun. The scientific community is split between support and opposition of his heliocentric theory until the Pope settles the debate in its favor.
  • 858: Damaged Colosseum in Rome is replaced by the Colossus Ingens, a 750 m wide arena with comfortable seating for 350,000 spectators.
  • 867: Palace of the Imperials is constructed over ruins on the Palatine Hill.
  • 872: Maya scientists discover that the explosive force of gunpowder can be used to propel objects.
  • 876: The Senate authorizes the founding of the Argentaria, the Empire's largest public bank, in the Forum of Constantinople.
  • 878: Caesar Aulus founds the Academia Arcitectonicus Aulia in the city of Florentia as a place of learning for the Empire's master and budding architects.
  • 889: The new Cathedral of Saint Peter is completed in Rome and will serve as the seat of the Pope.
  • 893: Maya scouts encounter some native tribes of the great plains. It is decided to use them as a new source of sacrificial victims, beginning a periodic event known in many languages as the Cullings.
  • 897: Boats similar to the galley are built by the Maya and used to start colonizing the Gulf of Mexico.

10th century

  • 911: Romans and Vikings meet in violent clashes in Frigerra (Icelandic Wars).
  • 917: For long distance travel, Roman engineers design the Galleon, a huge sailing vessel armed with many heavy or light ballistae for ship-to-ship combat.
  • 944: Scandinavians attack the Federation near the Scandinavian border sparking the War of the North.
  • 953: Treaty of Reykjavík divides Iceland into an eastern Roman half and a western Nordic half.
  • 957: The Viking Erik the Wise discovers the shores of Groenland (Greenland) and founds a colony.
  • 961: Erik uses his influence and armies to become king of the Nordic kingdoms, once merely a figurehead position, and, as king, opens a trade agreement with Rome.
  • 979: The united Shi'ah Arabs launch a second jihad, against the Roman Empire, to conquer the Horn of Africa and, it is hoped, the lands of Ægyptus.
  • 983: After a substantial amount of ground has been lost to the Arabs, Pope Urbanus III calls for a crusade against the Islamic world. Suddenly, six million able bodied Christians are signing up to join the Roman Legions in Ægyptus.
  • 986: Two million auxiliaries, 14 legions and five testudos join the six legions who hold the Arabs back from Herakleopolis and are the last line of defense for Alexandria.
  • 989: Over half of both crusading armies clash in the battle of Thebes, 7 km east of the city in one of the bloodiest battles of human history.
  • 995: Crusade is declared successful as Muslim armies withdraw from Ægyptus.
  • 998: Invention of handheld firearms in the Maya Conglomerate.

11th century

Superpowers 1050 AD

Map of the world in 1050 CE, after fragmentation of the Roman Empire

  • 1001: Last of the Arab forces are expelled from Africa; Red Sea fleet is expanded to prevent their return.
  • 1004: Scientists in Alexandria build a practical electric motor.
  • 1006: General Gnaeus Moratius leads a rebellion of the Hispanic legions, ostensibly over decreasing wages for soldiers.
  • 1011: Revolutionaries under Moratius take control over the Britannic Isles, keeping them as a base for raiding Romano-Nordic shipping lanes.
  • 1012: Panicked by recent events, a group of senators assassinate Caesar Julianus and usurp control of Rome. Caesar Pellatius I, the Julianus' successor, flees to Constantinople.
  • 1013: Revolutionaries in Britannia declare their independence from Rome as Libera Britannia.
  • 1015: Imperial Civil War breaks out between the Eastern and Western Roman governments.
  • 1017: 61 tribes north of the Conglomerate form a coalition to collectively combat the Maya threat.
  • 1019: Eastern Roman general Marcus Publius Pugnatus invents a unique hand-to-hand combat style, Deluctatis; it is useful in the urban skirmishes so common in the civil war.
  • 1022: East-West border splitting the former Roman Empire stabilizes.
  • 1024: Maya king Palenk'ua III claims that the god Kinich Ahaw has given him visions, saying that Ahaw is the one true god while other deities are manifestations of his power. His lengthy proclamations cause a period of reformation among the Maya clergy.
  • 1026: Holy war is declared by the Maya against the jungle tribes of the south continent in the name of the Maya's one God, now known simply as Ahau.
  • 1037: The 61 Native tribes form a nomadic nation led by a council of chiefs. This nation is known (in English) as the Great Chiefdom.
  • 1043: The Shi'ah Kingdom launches a third jihad (1043-1049), this time against the Federations.
  • 1046: Maya finish conquering the Western Mexican Archipelago.
  • 1049: Caliph Hasim Ibn Kaluhke dies in battle, a power struggle occurs over control of the Shi'ah Kingdom.
  • 1052: An unusual deposit of "silver" is discovered in the West Coast region by Maya prospectors, some miners contract the Sickness of Ahau, where their skin burns and eventually random organs fail.
  • 1055: Maya decide to destroy the silver mines' heavy waste product, determined to be the sickness' origin by collecting it for purification with gunpowder.
  • 1056: Disposal does not go as planned as the explosion is magnitudes more violent than anticipated, vaporizing the as expected, vaporizing the surrounding area and spreading the sickness.
  • 1057: Seljuk Turkish tribes start taking cities from the Shi'ah Kingdom.
Superpowers 1095 AD

Map of world after the reunification of Rome

  • 1066: Pope Aegranus implores Christians of the Roman world to unite behind the Church. The Western Senate, General Moratius the Younger and the Eastern Caesar Pellatius II are forced to relinquish their power which goes to Pope Aegranus. Titles of Caesar and Pope are united in his magisterial person.
  • 1068: Aegranus starts reforming the Legion (1068-1075), expanding it to 42 legions and equipping legionaries with steel plate armor and weapons. He also forms the Cabellica, a permanent heavy cavalry arm.
  • 1087: Roman geographers theorize the existence of a new continent to the far west, it is called Columbia, in honor of the Emperor.
  • 1091: Capture of Mecca by the Seljuk Turks, fall of the Shi'ah Kingdom.
  • 1092: Construction starts on the Wall of Europa on the border between the Empire and the Federation. Even the Great Judaean Wall pales in comparison to this wondrous defensive system which has a river diverted along its length as a moat.
  • 1094: Seljuk Turkish Empire adopts Islam as a state religion.

12th century

Ahau Tower Construction

Photograph of Maya constructing the Ahau Tower

  • 1103: Turris Horologis is upgraded to run on an electric motor powered by an array of hundreds of rechargeable ampulae, charged by lightning strikes to the tower.
  • 1106: Maya start building the Grand Tower of Ahau, a beautiful piece of enlightenment-era Maya architecture.
  • 1111: Unable to penetrate the Judaean Wall, the Seljuk Turks turn eastward to conquer northern India (1111-1131).
  • 1123: Nordic settlers arrive in North America and massacre a tribe of natives.
  • 1125: Founding of a Norse colony, Røngsbruk, in the New World.
  • 1130: Christian revolt in the Nordic city of Veerståndt is crushed by local Norsemen; unofficial executions of Christians and foreigns happen across the Nordic Kingdoms.
  • 1142: Three galleons voyage under the flag of Rome to discover Columbia, a hypothetical continent.
  • 1143: Roman explorers disembark on the shore of a Columbian island, sending back two ships to report.
  • 1146: Seven galleons replete with settlers and supplies set out to colonize the new island, Hispaniola.
  • 1147: Founding of Colona, a designated capital for the Empire in the New World.
  • 1149: Colona's population already exceeds 20,000.
  • 1156: Efficient electrical wires are invented in the Roman Empire.
  • 1157: Learning from history, Caesar Magnus I deploys troops to raid Muslim lands for colonial funding.
  • 1158: After finding out how little the Turks can do against the Legion's advanced weapons, Magnus unleashes another two legions to conquer the Arabs' core cities along the Red Sea (1158-1161).
  • 1160: Mecca is captured by legionaries.
  • 1162: Temuchin is born on the Mongol Steppes.
  • 1168: Great Chiefdom extends from the west to east coast of North Columbia.
  • 1173: Colona reaches a population of 200,000 due to continued immigration.
  • 1177: A construction site is prepared for Nova Roma on the northern coast of Hispaniola.
  • 1182: Prototype is built in Alexandria for an electric generator.
  • 1185: Temujin's wife, Borte, is barely saved from a kidnapping attempt of the Merkit Tribe (POD)
  • 1186: Genghis Khan's son, Jochi, is born, with no ambiguity over his parentage.
  • 1191: Caesar Sextus Severus finalizes a Roman Constitution that firmly protects the rights of citizens and explicitly organizes the jurisdiction of government offices, without weakening the Emperor.
  • 1195: Caesar Magnus II (Magnus the Great) steps onto the imperial throne; his prosperous reign will have people calling him Caesar Optimus by the end.
  • 1197: Magnus opens his Glorious Reform of Rome's education system, guaranteeing a Latinized education to every citizens' children.
  • 1199: Completion of the Grammaticus Universalis, a place of learning for Roman erudites that rivals the libraries of Alexandria in scope.

13th century

Magnus the Great

Emperor Magnus the Great on his Imperial Throne

  • 1204: Magnus starts trading with African slavers, buying their prisoners of war to start a Roman-African slave trade
  • 1206: Temujin unites the last tribes of Mongolia, taking the name Ghenghis Khan.
  • 1209: Roman colonists expand into Hispaniola with Nova Roma as a base of operations and supply chain
  • 1211: Natural philosopher Lucius Parellus Volta proposes his Tabla Typica de Elementarum.
  • 1213: Volta invents the AC electric generator.
  • 1215: Roman colonists and Maya scouts make first contact, the scouts are deeply distressed and quickly leave to tell their superiors.
  • 1216: Maya government sends diplomats to greet their visitors but the Romans ignore them, not wanting to waste time with primitives.
  • 1218: Ghenghis Khan selects his eldest son, Jochi, as heir.
  • 1221: Finding a real civilization in Hispaniola, Roman soldiers sack it for valuables, inciting retribution from the Maya and igniting the brutal Two Hundred Years War (1221-1437).
  • 1226: Final Chinese cities fall to the Mongol hordes. This is the official collapse of the Song dynasty and end of the era of independent China.
  • 1228: Rome suffers defeat at the battle of Miraguana when the Maya Holy Army lands on Hispaniola; the latter begins pushing deeper into the island.
  • 1229: After completing an electric windmill generator near Baiae, Volta founds a private guild, Electrika Generalis, to offer power for thermae in that resort town.
  • 1232: Ghenghis Khan dies of heart failure, his son, Jochi, takes over as Gur-gri Khan, who shifts the gaze of his empire onto the rest of Asia.
  • 1236: Volta builds his second windmill electrical generator north of Mediolanum (Milan).
  • 1237: Conglomerate manufactures the first breech-loaded cannons.
  • 1241: Volta dies in an explosion from the accidental release of aquas materias vegetas. The Senate takes control of his guild for administration by the state.
  • 1242: Rome establishes permanent outposts along the east coast of Africa for more easily trading with the locals for African slaves.
  • 1246: Mongols call the Seljuks to aid them in their conquest of northern India (1246-1249).
  • 1251: New Mongol capital, Temujin, is founded.
  • 1257: Maya begin filling galleys with gunpowder and detonating them in contact with Roman Galleons, this is done to devastating effect.
  • 1259: Gur-gri Khan leads his horde against the Federation of Germania, beginning what the Romans call the Barbarian War (1259-1263).
  • 1260: Rome's industrial revolution is underway; construction has gone through on: 215 electric windmills, 506 waterwheel-style generators, one hydroelectric dam and ten electric factories. Electricity lines distribute power across Europa along the Empire's interprovincial highways.
  • 1262: Maya scientists design bullets that allow for rifled firearms to reload as easily as smoothbores, making rifles the new weapon of choice for the Maya Army.
  • 1263: Gur-gri Khan dies and is succeeded by his dead brother's son, Kublai Khan.
  • 1266: Mass production of rifles begins in the Conglomerate.
  • 1271: Kublai Khan lays out a strict inheritance code for Mongol leadership.
  • 1271: Roman explorers land in South Columbia, founding a new colony.
  • 1279: First Mongol invasion of Japan; they are driven out by the powerful Japanese samurai.
  • 1284: Turks and Arabs commence intensive guerrilla warfare against the Legion in occupied territory.
  • 1285: Mongols stage a second unsuccessful invasion of Japan.
  • 1288: Rome breaks the language barrier with the Maya, employing a Hispaniolan native who speaks Latin, Nahuatl and other native dialects.
  • 1291: Peace talks between Romans and Maya collapse at the same time as their mediator, blood flowing from his mouth, ruining any chance of negotiations. Fortunately, the Romans already learned Nahuatl from the man before his death.

14th century

  • 1300: Fortification of New Rome includes layers of walls, ballistae and ditches one kilometer deep, and naval defenses with only a small entrance for Roman vessels.
  • 1311: Ograi Khan betrays the Turks, invading Persia and initiating another age of Mongol expansion.
  • 1315: Mongols invade Japan a third time, successfully setting up a beachhead before being expelled from the islands in two years.
  • 1323: Caesar Ferrarus creates four more legions to bolster Roman forces in Columbia.
  • 1323: Lighthouse of Pharos is felled by an earthquake and construction start on a grander replacement.
  • 1326: Testudos no longer run on human mechanical power; electricity is their only source.
Emperor Osman 1

Emperor Ottoman I on a tour of his kingdom

  • 1330: Eight electric waterwheels are built near Rome to supply it with power.
  • 1336: War between the Mongols and Turks ends in the Treaty of Tehran, establishing an embassy in Tehran to foster their relationship.
  • 1342: Surrounded by three unfriendly Empires, the Federation invades Rome in desperation with an army of two million soldiers, surmounting the Wall of Europa and opening a set of gates.
  • 1345: Unable to win direct confrontations with the legionaries, General Markus-Louis spreads his army into thousands of guerrilla task forces to terrorize a wide stretch of the Roman countryside.
  • 1348: Fighting three costly wars and lacking manpower, Dux Publius Pharrus Orbanus embarks on a plan to end the guerrilla warfare of the occupied Arabs. He sends legionaries to steal the body of the prophet Muhammad from his tomb for secret shipping back to Rome. When his theft is publicly declared to the Arabian people, with an offer to return the body in exchange for an end to hostilities. The reaction is, perhaps unexpectedly, for a prominent Imam to declare a fourth jihad.
  • 1359: Caliph Agathaman Ibn Battim is assassinated by Roman spies; the half-Turkish and half-Arab cousin of the Caliph takes power, declaring a renewal of the old ways of the Islamic states, a leadership under the "House of the Prophet", or Baytiyyad Caliphate. He negotiates an end to the war, plus the return of Muhammad and the Muslim holy cities in exchange for an enormous sum of gold, jewels and slaves.
  • 1362: Federation is rocked by the Slavic Revolution, an uprising of the populous Muscovites who take political power and sign the Treaty of Kiev with Rome, establishing an official border.
  • 1363: Isolation of the element Tungsten which, due to its high melting point, is used to make the first functional light bulbs.
  • 1366: New state of Muscovy stabilizes internally after the revolution.
  • 1367: Maya first contact an Inca, sacrificing the oddly decorated man.
  • 1372: Immensely popular Generalissimus Faustus Galerius Pertinax leads an army over the Rubicon for the second time in history, kindly 'asking' the Senate, which has grown powerful in recent years, for the imperial throne and absolute power - they comply under military and popular pressure. Pertinax confers the title Alexander on himself and his clan, beginning the rule of the Alexandrian dynasty.
  • 1395: Caesar Alexander I dies. His adopted son succeeds him as Caesar Alexander II.
  • 1398: Catalan Atlas, first complete text containing accurate maps of the entire known world, is published.

15th century

  • 1400 - Battle of New Rome. Maya forces finally penetrate up to the inner wall of New Rome and begin a day long battle against the two defending legions. Ending in a Roman victory.
  • 1412 - Maya scientists invent a functional steam engine.
  • 1417 - Muscovites enact a deal with the Romans allowing them to send their legions through their lands to help fight the Mongols
  • 1418 - Realising what is happening, the Mongols officially declare war against the Roman-Muscovite Alliance (1418-1448).
  • 1421 - Maya begin to colonize Africa.
  • 1425 - Following a fourth invasion by the Mongols, the Japanese Empire decides to isolate itself entirely from the outside world to fortify its coastal borders and internally re-establish themselves as a unified nation.
  • 1432 - Maya start to send ships to colonize the islands to the west.
  • 1437 - Seeing the futility in the war, King Itzcoatl II successfully attempts to bring peace between his people and the Romans, resulting in the Treaty of Colona, which reorganized the borders of Hispaniola and involved the exchange of various materials.
  • 1438 - Inca begin to spread throughout the Andes.
  • 1439 - Romans reach Australis and begin colonisation.
  • 1442 - Slave Revolt in Iberia, before the legions arrived they had amassed an army of nearly 70,000 armed men (albeit with crude weapons)and had killed several thousand citizens. The Legion was therefore forced to brutally quell the rebellion, ensuring that as few as possible survived.
  • 1444 - A second slave revolt occurs, this time in Gaul, it is however much smaller than the first.
  • 1447 - Slave revolts across the Empire threaten civil stability.
  • 1448 - Mongol attacks on Muscovy suddenly cease with no apparent explanation.
  • 1449 - Caesar Alexander II meets with the Senate to discuss the current crisis in the Empire. After a week of arguments the Senate finally enacts the Professio de Patronatos Omnia (Declaration of the Rights of Men). This document emancipates all slaves in the Empire and legally identifies natural rights.
  • 1453 - Looking to establish more of a power base on mainland Europa, the Norsemen send their armies south from Danemarc, starting the Cimbrian War (1453-1457).
  • 1457 - The last of the Norsemen are expelled from Danemarc by the Legion.
  • 1462 - Construction of 'Machu Picchu.'
  • 1466 - Inca armies encounter Maya settlements, and proceed to take them over.
  • 1468 - Maya send the Holy army to fight off the Inca, however their enemy has a serious advantage in the terrain and therefore the Inca win nearly every battle.
  • 1472 - The Maya Holy Army withdraws from the Andes.
  • 1475 - Romans make contact with the Khmer Empire, and find that they have been at war with the Mongols for some time now, peaceful trade begins between them, the Khmerians believing the Romans come from Australia.
  • 1478 - A Maya factory is built that mass-produces arrows from its individual components.
  • 1483 - Firearms are invented in Japan.
  • 1484 - "Day of the Dead Sun", after an eclipse lasts over half a day, the Maya proceed to sacrifice a constant stream of people, by the end of the eclipse over 30,000 have been made sacrificial victims.
  • 1493 - Beginning of the reign of Sapa Inca Huayna Capac, beginning an Inca Golden Age.

16th century

  • 1504 - Scandinavians encounter the Great Chiefdom and begin to take their lands by force.
  • 1507 - The first Norse people set foot on the cape of Africa and begin to colonize it.
  • 1517 - Roman missionaries are sent to Teotihuacan to spread Christianity in the Maya Conglomerate, unfortunately this is not appreciated by the Maya priests who have them sacrificed. This event is witnessed by Romans in the city, many of whom immediately return home to speak of what they saw.
  • 1520 - Ambassadors sent from Rome demand an explanation for the priests' actions. When the Maya tell them of this custom, the Romans are disgusted by it, and two years later the Caesar places a trade embargo between any Roman and the Maya people.
  • 1526 - Maya establish the Island Fortress of Kamehameha on the Hawaiian Island of Kauai. It will serve as the primary Maya naval base of that oceanic region.
  • 1531 - Half-Muscovite and Half-Roman scientist Aulus Nickolus Tesla invents a method of sending an electric current between two points separated by air, without the use of arcing (i.e. radio waves).
  • 1534 - Maya production levels become on par with that of the Romans, thanks to the Maya extensive use of the steam engine.
  • 1538 - A system of electrically propelled vehicles, powered by the city grid (trams), are built in Rome, this system was designed by Tesla himself.
  • 1539 - After nearly a century of experimentation, the Scandinavians are finally able to copy Rome's ampulae and build their own primitive version.
  • 1543 - Railway built between the cities of Teotihuacan and Mayapan, and a single steam locomotive is built to utilize this system.
  • 1547 - A second railway is built beside the first and they are linked at each end, this way multiple locomotives can use this track.
Roman auxilliary gunner

Roman Colonist out hunting with his Four-Shot Rifle, 1574

  • 1549 - First Inca firearms are built, the technology having been stolen from the Maya.
  • 1550's - Railway construction in the Conglomerate accelerates at a rapid pace, while at the same time, tramways are being built nearly as quickly in the Roman cities.
  • 1551 - Baytiyyad Caliphate is sold back heavily Muslim territories from the Mongols.
  • 1553 - Romans establish trade links with the Inca, so as to discretely work against the Maya, without inciting them. In good faith, the Romans are given the technology for firearms by the Inca, in exchange for their technology of rechargeable ampulae.
  • 1559 - Roman scientists quickly create designs for a rifle, using knowledge of classical mechanics they had worked out centuries ago.
  • 1561 - Tesla writes a treatise on radio waves, describing their properties, creation and use. Sadly he had become somewhat looked down upon in his later years, due to his unethical experiments, and so this piece of work received little notice, and absolutely no consideration, by the Societas Scholaris de Scientiae (Imperial Society of Science).
  • 1566 - Roman colonists reach India and set up a new city there.
  • 1567 - Railways now make it possible to go from one end of the Maya Conglomerate to the other in 1/100th the time it took to do it on foot.
  • 1572 - Maya develop a gun with a similar mechanism to a percussion rifle.
  • 1573 - Titanium is isolated by Roman scientists in Britannia.
  • 1575 - Having seen over the years how Volta's periodic table has been predicting dozens of elements, Roman scientists set to work to fill out the table completely, up to element 82.
  • 1579 - Telegram sent along wires between Rome and Lutetia (Paris). General Electric starts to mass-construct a network of Telegram stations, all across the Empire.
  • 1584 - Inca city of Machu Picchu is now the grandest city in all of Columbia.
  • 1589 - Australian island of Australiola (Tasmania) is chosen as the site for a Roman penal colony.
  • 1592 - Maya build an enormous wall along their border with the Inca, finally putting an end to their constant raids.
  • 1598 - Australiola is completely walled off to prevent the further escape of prisoners.

17th century

Taj Palace

Roman provincial palace in India, built by Indian architects and builders

  • 1605 - Asian Alliance is formed between the Mongol Empire and the Baytiyyad Caliphate to coordinate efforts against the Khmer
  • 1609 - Romans trade musket technology to the Khmerians
  • 1614 - South Indian Wars (1614-1622). Roman legions start to fight the Muslims in their efforts to continue north in India, both sides agree to restrict the fighting from the Arabian Peninsula, each for their own reasons
  • 1621 - Maya ships thrown off course arrive on Mongolian soil. Fortunately for them one of the Mongols they meet could speak Nahuatl (the language having already spread from the Romans) and so they are able to be at peace, despite a few close calls
  • 1622 - Romans sell part of their conquered lands in India to the Khmerians so as to stop having to fund a war on the opposite side of the world
  • 1623 - The Roman Classis begins to produce titanium armored, eletrikally powered boats (Ironclads) for near-shore defense
  • 1624 - The Maya are inducted into the AA (although the name is not changed), they help by sending boats to fight the Khmerians in Indonesia
  • 1627 - Emperor Soryavarman II of Khmer asks the Romans for military aid, they are given a large supply of Celeballistae (artillery version of the Celerite Arquus)
  • 1631 - Roman colonists establish the city of New Alexandria on the west coast of the North Columbia
  • 1634 - The warriors of the Great Chiefdom start to attack Roman colonies, thereby placing themselves into an impossible position
  • 1636 - Carthage-Cuzco Alliance is formed between the Romans and the Inca, it ensures that if either side is attacked by a third-party then the other will come to their aid, this prevents the Maya from declaring war on the Inca for the next few decades
  • 1642/1659 - Colonization of Northern Columbia by the Romans accelerates rapidly and new cities are being founded almost yearly
  • 1648 - Battle of Kornata. Romans establish their total battlefield dominance by defeating an army of 150,000 Natives, by only using 8,000 soldiers aided by a single Testudo
  • 1656 - Scandinavians sign a treaty to formally negotiate their borders with the Great Chiefdom
  • 1661 - Muscovites join the CCA in order to prevent another raid from the Mongols
  • 1666 - Khmerian expansion stops as they are worried about overextending themselves, Mongols and Arabs however still try to fight them unsuccesfully
  • 1669 - The Great Chiefdom becomes the United Chiefdoms of Columbia after the council elects a single man to hold the position of Supreme Chief. This man then divided the UCC into separate provinces each representing one of the primary tribes of the union
  • 1671 - Mongol and Turkish attacks on Khmer stop due to the excessive loss of life
  • 1673 - Founding of the Columbian (UCC) city of Kanata. This is the first city they've built using entirely permanent stone structures (a skill they've learned from Roman, Maya, Norse and Mongol influence)
  • 1677 - In exchange for large tracks of land, the Columbians are allowed into the CCA and are given musket technology, by the Romans
  • 1678 - Seeing their fighting potential, the Maya ask the Norse to join the AA, in addition to giving them rifling technology
  • 1678/1689 - The Calm. For one of the first times in history there are no wars. However every side is preparing themselves for a fight at any moment
  • 1689 - Khmer is inducted into the CCA. To try to maintain peace, Roman Caesar Alexander IX personally goes to visit Maya king Ganchu'a III. Nobody knows what they discuss but after a few hours together the Maya king brings Alexander IX out in chains and orders him to be sacrificed. The Romans declare war on the Maya, the AA declares war on the Roman Empire and so the CCA declares war on the AA. Start of the Great War
  • See Great War for events*

18th century

  • 1704 - Treaty of Osaka brings an end to the bloodiest conflict the world had ever seen. Later in the year the Congress of Rome is held. There, all of the world's powers meet together to have the terms of defeat and victory decided
  • 1706 - Rome sends ambassadors to Japan to assess the situation within the newly unisolated nation. To the Romans' surprise, the Japanese have significantly advanced their technology, almost to the same level as their own, and they have become a strongly organized Empire.
  • 1711 - The Inca set up a colony in Africa, effectively blocking the Maya from expanding to the South
  • 1713 - The Treaty of Hiroshima is signed. The Romans and Japanese enter into an alliance, agreeing to share technology and information, This gives the Japanese electrical technology
  • 1715 - Following the rediscovery of Tesla's final works, Roman scientists attempt a creation of a wireless electrical device, with great success
  • 1717 - General Marius reforms the Legion again, this time modernizing every aspect of it
  • 1719 - Roman explorers begin the colonisation of the rest of North Africa
  • 1721 - First message sent across the Oceanus Brittanicus through radio
  • 1729 - Following the end of the Occupied Zone in North Africa, the Maya began to spread out from their original position
  • 1731 - Border disputes in Korea cause increased tensions between the Japanese and the Mongol peoples
  • 1737 - First plastic (celluloid) created in the Roman Empire
  • 1743 - The Maya people develop the first ocean liner, based of the Roman designs for the Ironclad, just on a much larger scale, and without weapons
  • 1745 - Inca scientists develop the first vaccination for a disease, which is Small Pox, one of the leading causes of death in the New World. They immediately begin a nationwide vaccination program
  • 1751 - The Norsemen attack Muscovy, which is not able to defend itself successfully due to funding being taken away from the military, following the Great War
  • 1754 - The Roman Empire, in a surprise act, trades the island of Fyn and a large supply of silver to the Scandinavians in exchange for an end in hostilities between their allies, Muscovy. Following this event, relations between Rome and Muscovy begin to deteriorate
  • 1760 - Radio network set up all across the Roman Empire. However, only the Japanese are aware of the technology, and all other nations are astonished at the speed of information in the Roman Empire
  • 1766 - A vaccine for a third disease is created by the Inca, this time it is Typhoid
  • 1767 - An explosive chemical (nitroglycerin) is development in Teotihuacan
  • 1771 - Roman scientists develop something similar to a bolt-action rifle. In an act of good faith, they trade the technology to the Maya
  • 1773 - Several Maya scientists are injured after multiple attempts to create a functioning battery
  • 1775 - Despite their previous alliance, the Romans go to war with the Columbians in order to cut them off from the East Coast, beginning of the Coastal War (1775-1778)
  • 1786 - Following several visits to a chain of islands off the west coast, an Inca biologist proposes the theory that animals can change over time at random, but that only the most adapted animals can thrive in their environment. Amazed by his evidence provided, the Inca scientific community begins a search for what causes this "evolution by the selection of nature"
  • 1791 - A Roman scientist theorizes a machine capable of rapidly performing calculations. He is given funding to make his device a reality
  • 1792 - The Muscovites go to war against the Norse. This time it is the Norsemen who were caught unprepared. However, the Muscovites almost immediately ask the Romans to join them, but they are swiftly declined.
  • 1799 - After seven years of bloody warfare, the Scandinavians surrender and are made a vassal state of Muscovy.

19th century

  • 1804 - Roman Caesar Alexander XIII dies and is succeeded by his 17 year old son Alexander XIV.
  • 1806 - Alexander XIV declares war on Muscovy. After two years of war the Muscovites surrender, and the Romans sell them back their land at a steep price.
Aegranum heavy tank

T-4 Aegranum-Class Heavy Testudo during the Roman Invasion of Muscovy, built 1851

  • 1808 - Electric cars become commonplace in the Roman Empire, just as the internal combustion engine is invented by a Maya engineer.
  • 1811 - First powered flight in the world at a beach near Pompeii.
  • 1813 - King Sepoita of the Islamic Republic of India declares war on the Baytiyyad Caliphate, beginning the Kashmir War (1813-1819).
  • 1815 - Alexander XIV signs the Treaty of Teotihuacan, starting a military alliance between the once antagonistic Empires.
  • 1816 - King Shaka ascends to the throne of the Zulu Kingdom.
  • 1817 - Having knowledge of a foreign nation to the south, Shaka develops a somewhat defensive strategy so as to quickly build up a power base in his region.
  • 1818 - Maya develop their own version of a flying machine, but theirs is powered by combustion.
  • 1820 - The Maya king enacts a law banning the sacrifice of humans, the last official one having occured half a century earlier. The act having lost favor among the populace following the Great War.
  • 1821 - After conquering all tribes that had once wronged him and assimilating those that had been good, Shaka begins to unite more and more Africa tribes, all under the banner of eventually pushing out the foreigners.
  • 1822 - Caesar Alexander XIV declares war on the Nordic Kingdoms, with the same goal as he had when fighting Muscovy.
  • 1824 - The Zulu Kingdom goes to war against the Nordic lands in the south of Africa, the Norsemen are helpless as all their forces are defending their home territory from the Romans.
  • 1827 - On the death of his mother, Nandi, Shaka lashes out in anguish and has 10,000 Norsemen sacrificed in her honor
  • 1831 - Foundation of the Legio Caelis Expansionis (LCE or the Aerial Expansionary Legion), which is essentially the Roman air force. It consists mostly of military triplanes.
  • 1836 - Through a fusion of electrical and mechanical technologies, a Roman computer is completed and used by scientists in Paris.
  • 1842 - Scandinavians are completely expelled from South Africa in every military sense. Financially crippled, they capitulate to the Romans, despite not being at war with them at the time.
  • 1844 - The Zulu Kingdom encounters Romans and Shaka has 100 of his warriors sacrificed in honor of the occasion. Although disgusted by the "barbarians", the Romans form a treaty to establish the border between the two states, a border drawn over the Zambezi River by suggestion of Rome.
  • 1847 - First airship sets off from the Inca city of Machu Picchu to Cuzco while carrying only the 30 people required to fly it.
  • 1849 - Shaka, ill from Smallpox contracted from Roman explorers, calls together all of his high-ranking generals and advisors. He then has all but the General ikNowa murdered, immediately naming him his successor. Four days later Shaka Zulu dies, and he is given the grandest funeral the south of Africa had ever seen. At the funeral, there are 365 men sacrificed all at once as his body is lit aflame.
  • 1851 - Quachikuna (airships) finally become a federally funded form of transportation in the Inca Empire
  • 1854 - A team of Inca Biologists publish findings, to their contemporaries, that proves that the "colored" matter in cells is the mechanism for inheritance.
  • 1857 - Zulus develop bolt-action muskets due to the heavy Roman influence in their region.
  • 1859 - ikNowa establishes a state mining facility at a particular site that is heavily saturated with valuable minerals. Zulu architecture begins to show marked Roman influence.
  • 1861 - By what was most likely an unfortunate coincidence, military activity near the Muscovite borders of the Romans, Mongols and Baytiyyads increased suddenly in the respective nations. Muscovy logically, but incorrectly, assumed that they had formed an alliance against it and so acted preemptively by attacking the Caliphate in full force. The Mongols immediately moved to defend its ally, whose military was only just able to slow the Muscovite advance.
  • 1862 - The Romans, worried about the Mongol border drawing steadily closer, enacted a plan they had been preparing for a decade now in case of just this situation. They began to conquer their own Muscovite territory whilst they used their new Deliquium single-wing aircraft to drop Maya incendiary bombs on strategic Muscovite bases and cities ahead of the Mongol advance. Essentially they were "indirectly" weakening the Mongol's new territories, while at the same time slowing the hordes advance.
  • 1865 - End of what would later be called the Magnem Cruorem (the Great Bloodshed). Despite a stable Roman-Mongol border being established, millions upon millions of Muscovites were killed, nearly wiping them out within many regions.
  • 1867 - Romans accomplish their "civilizing" of the new lands. There was little resentment towards the Romans as they made their recent conquests appear relatively none violent, and anyone who survived the bombing had no idea that they were being killed by planes, much less that it was Romans murdering them.
  • 1867 - A Roman company builds its first of many airships. However, they merely become used as a way for the rich to slowly drift through the sky in their own floating mansion.
  • 1869 - A fully electronic Roman computer is built with semi-conducting metals.
  • 1872 - Following seven years of sporadic riots in Roman Muscovy, a prominent Muscovite civil figure, Martin Vaguobatte, delivers a moving speech that declared the Romans as their saviors, not overlords, for saving them from the Mongols. His speech is heard in nearly every household in the Empire through household radios.
  • 1875 - Discovery of the nucleus of the atom by a joint Roman-Maya team led by senator-scientist Marcus Fruddius Artifex, the same man who had proposed the particulate theory of electricity in 1844.
  • 1878 - Following the test of an incendiary bomb of Roman design, a massive inferno engulfed much of the forests of Southern Gaul nearly threatening the port town of Massiala, but for the use of foam-based retardants imported from Columbia.
  • 1880 - Rome regains its status of largest city in the world from rival Teotihuacan with the Eternal City now boasting a population of over 12 million inhabitants.
  • 1883 - Marcus Artifex puts forward his proofs in his paper "Wave-Particle Duality and the Relation of Eletriki and Photos Atoms" to the Imperial Society of Science. The next year he is awarded a second Tropaeum Intellecto (Monument for Intellect), the only person to make such an achievement.
Mausoleum of Alexander XIV

Painting of the burial procession for Emperor Alexander XIV

  • 1885 - Realizing he is near death, Caesar Alexander XIV sets his mind to ending his rule as "memorably" as possible, since he was always infertile and frowned upon adoption, thereby leaving him no heir and putting an end to the greatest dynasty the world had ever seen. He personally visits the Baytiyyad Caliph, Ahmed V, a visit which leads into the signing of the Treaty of Mecca-Rome. This agreement, states, not only, that the Muslim and Christian worlds shall never be at war (permanently putting an end to the religious wars of the last millennium) and that the Roman and Arabo-Turkish states have an agreement of open-borders and to relations working to maintain peace. Alexander dies shortly after returning to Rome and is buried in his astounding personal Mausoleum in the northern part of the city. The Senate and Curia Episcopates meet to elect a new Emperor. Pakus Martinex Rullianus Juvenis, Praetor of Thracia and General in the Muscovite conquest, is appropriately dubbed Caesar Pontifex.
  • 1886 - The Roman Praetor of Swahilium sends spies to the Inca colonies in Sub-Saharan Africa to determine how they are so successful in this disease ridden part of the world.
  • 1888 - The Maya agree not be be annoyed by the Romans' invasion of the Republic of Hispaniola, in exchange for large tracts of lands along the west bank of the Nilus Superus (White Nile).
  • 1890 - Finally, 748 years after its discovery, the Romans have full control over the island of Hispaniola, and total domination over all islands east of Cubagua.
  • 1893 - Lucius Carus Darvus is the only spy to return to Swahilium. He describes how he snuck into an Inca hospital (which are not open to foreigners) and how he observed doctors giving many injections to infants. He, correctly, believes this to be the source of their immunity.
  • 1895 - Opening of the Caeliportum Gentilitionum Romano (National Airport of Rome), flights occur between this airport and the Caeliportum Constantinopolis and Caeliportum Londinium.
  • 1899 - Following further acquision of territory by the Zulus, all major land on Earth is claimed by some national entity or another.

20th century

  • 1901 - Suez Canal is modernized to handle four times the flow of vessels as its last upgrade in 1610.
  • 1903 - Inca scientists verify the double helix theory of the macromolecule mediating inheritance.
  • 1906 - A Maya aircraft propelled by liquid fuel travels safely from the mainland to the island of Xamayca.
  • 1908 - Maya and Romans commence Project Aetna. A disgusting amount of research funds goes into creating a practical and military capable Sifocaeli (jet planes). The location is chosen for Sicily's numerous hydrogen plants.
  • 1909 - A Maya pilot breaks the sound barrier in a sifocaelus.
  • 1911 - Mongol scientists combine the technology of the Maya "maxim" gun, artillery and combustion engine to create an armored behemoth, similar in design, but greater in scale, to the Roman Testudo.
  • 1913 - Experiments involving radioactive metals are banned by the Romans, Maya and Japanese due to several deaths attributed to exposure to those substances.
  • 1914 - Caesar Pontifex dies. He had established a line of succession and all is well.
  • 1915 - Chemical laser built by Maya scientists.
  • 1917 - Completion of the "Mind of God", a room-sized Roman computer whose computational capabilities exceed the fastest supercomputers in OTL.
  • 1917 - The 2,000 some inhabitants of a small town in Lusitania claim to have witnessed the sun suddenly fall erratically to the earth and cause the evaporation of water on fabrics and in puddles. Caesar Sulla II states that he himself witnessed the Miraculum Solaris while walking in the Imperial Gardens. This event steps up the current cultural resurgence of religiosity among the Philosophers and the rich of the Empire, as is evident in all the religious themed media of the time. Picturitati (movies) are especially affected.
  • 1919 - First commercial flight across the Atlantic is performed by a standard electric Roman passenger plane.
  • 1920 - Circum-Mediterranean electric railway is completed. It goes from Emerita, around the Mediterranean until it reaches Carthage..
  • 1922 - Discovery of first superconductor by Sicilian scientists.
  • 1924 - A working turbine-liquid fuel jet hybrid is finally completed by Project Aetna. With a maximum velocity just bordering the speed of sound and a safe-range of 1,350 km, it was the ultimate vehicle of Roman-Maya power.
  • 1925 - Foundation of the 14th Golden Horde of Mongolia. In times of political stress, the Khan is able to authorize the recreation of the Golden Horde. For this, every able bodied man is given military training and a standing army is made out of a large part of this pool.
  • 1927 - Weaponized Plague is developed in secret by the Inca for aerosol deployment. A method of releasing it through artillery is also perfected.
  • 1928 - The Inca and Mongols together form an Allied Coalition to contain the power of Rome, Maya and Japan. Every nation excepting the Zulus, Baytiyyads and Khmerians, join the coalition.
  • 1929 - Treaty of Melita is signed by the Heads of State for the Roman, Maya and Japanese Empires, thereby forming the Viris Mundi (Global Powers or Powers of the World). The Allied Coalition, obviously, takes this as an aggressive action towards its members and acts preemptively. The Golden Horde is quickly flung at Japan's Korean holdings and the Inca launch a full scale biological war in South Columbia and Sub-Saharan Africa, resulting in millions of civilian deaths in the first month of the war, the Global War.

View Global War for events.

  • 1932 - Signing of the Treaty of the Kor'na Yasse, formally ending the Global War.
  • 1933 - Members of the Global Powers meet together in the Kor'na Yasse, now known as the Praetorium Mundum. Although it is still being upgraded to their standards, it is agreed that the newly christened Praetorium Mundum, is to be the headquarters for the Foedus Terrae, an international organization with the purpose of maintaining order on Earth.
  • 1933 - First mammal is cloned. Inca scientists successfully create a living clone of the llama, the nations primary domestic animal. Though it comes to much acclaim at first, by the next year the creature has already expired, doing nothing to dissuade further attempts at the process.
  • 1934 - "Mind of God" computer is upgraded and expanded using modern technology. It now has a storage capacity of 300,000 PenteQuadis (OTL 150,000 terabytes) and a processing speed of 360 TetrAmbs (OTL 360 GHz). Roman computers utilize solid state drive and photonic integrated circuit technology.
  • 1935 - Tepeu I is the first man-made satellite to enter Earth orbit. It takes a photo of Europe and relays atmospheric data back to the ground. Though the rocket technology was Maya, the computer equipment all had to be bought off of the Romans, and so it was nowhere near on par with the Roman's latest technology
  • 1936 - Beginning of the African Plague. A strain of influenza mutated somewhere in the Roman province of Swahilium begins to spread throughout Africa. Two months after the first outbreak, the Inca have a vaccine, but neglect to make this news international.
  • 1937 - Death toll from Swahili Influenza reaches 60 million. At this point the Inca finally reveal to the world their vaccine, acting as heroes to the world community.
  • 1938 - Romans launch their own satellite C-1. It is placed in geostationary orbit above Carthage, showing off the superior automated technology of the Romans. Powered by the sun, it is to remain in place to act as a relay station for communications between Melita and Carthage.
  • 1939 - Detonation of Aztlán, the first liquid-based particle bomb (H-bomb). From this point onwards a sort of cultural rivalry begins between the Maya and the Romans. Although it is a simultaneous arms race, and space race, there is little to no animosity or real danger in their competition. The driving forces behind it are the egotistical nature of both nations, with each trying to prove themselves Earth's greatest power.


Maya astronaut

Satirical Mayan comic mocking the complexity of the Roman space ships


  • February - Construction of Hermes rocket is completed. Launch is expected for halfway through the year.
  • April - Production of Kw-XL rockets begins. First Maya ICBM capable of delivering a nuclear warhead. Each rocket has a maximum payload of around 370 kilotons and an effective range of 10,000 km.
  • July - On the 14th, Hermes is finally launched, thereby propelling the first humans into space. Following the resounding success of the mission, Caesar Sulla II proclaims that by 1947 (2700 AUC) man will have walked on the moon. The Artemis Program is extended so as to achieve this lofty goal.
  • October - A socialist platonism revolution toples the last Khmer dynasty. Revolutionary armies aided covertly by the Scandinavians take Djayakarta and murder Emperor Srindarman III
  • November - First supersonic commercial flight from Rome to Alexandria.
  • December - Platonists rest control of the Khmer Empire, creating the Majapahijian Republic.


  • March - Detonation of Zachariah, Rome's first liquid particle bomb test.
  • May - Terrorist plot involving bringing non-metallic weapons onto a plane is foiled thanks to the use of chemical sensors and backscatter radiographemae used on all passengers.
  • June - First space walk ever is performed by Maya cosmonauts.
  • August - 100th Roman communication satellite is sent up. They now have a complete satellite network that reaches to all their world territories. The network even covers the entire Baytiyyad, Majapahijian and Scandian states, though none of them know this to be the case.
  • December - Launching of the first Japanese satellite. This one however resembles Tepeu I more in scope than the Roman communication satellites.


  • February - Japanese scientists propose a method for creating a pure-fusion nuclear bomb through Induced Gamma Emission. They sell the technique to the Maya in exchange for a huge quantity of lethal metals (in this case uranium).
  • July - Project Helios is begun. It has the stated aim of setting up satellites to harvest solar energy and "beam" it back to the ground.
  • November - Detonation of Votan, the first total fusion bomb. The Maya nuclear device exploded with a yield of around 66 megatons, the largest man-made explosion so far.


  • January - Detonation of the first Japanese particle bomb. Dubbed Tokugawa, it is a regular particle bomb with an approximate yield of 107 kilotons.
  • March - Maya scientists perfect a method to produce fuel from agricultural products, at a total price half that of harvesting actual oil, a 200% increase in efficiency from the previous method.
  • July - A severely maimed burn-victim, in the Inca Empire, completely recovers following the use of therapeutic stem cells, creating a good deal of interest from the Inca scientific community.
  • September - A paper is published by a Maya scientist outlining detailed designs for the creation of a fission power plant.
  • October - The Osiris satellite is sent into high-Earth orbit. It is the first space based telescope ever launched.


  • January - An unmanned Roman probe, Luna , safely lands on the surface of the Moon. The entry was designed to mimic the one planned for the Artemis Program, as well as to take large quantities of scientific date of the Lunar surface.
  • April - Birth of an artificially created Cama (Camel-Llama). This is just another addition to the string of successes the Inca have been having with genetic technology. This includes a cloned llama from 1939 that is still living in perfect health at this time.
  • November - First Maya communication satellite is launched.


  • March - Stem cell applicator goes into circulation in the Inca Empire. It uses a similar mechanism to a paint roller to apply a layer of undifferentiated cells over any surface after each application.
  • June - Unmanned probe Luna IV lands on the Moon. Contained inside it is a fully-functional radioisotope piston generator and electric welding tools for use by the team projected to land in 2699 (1946).
  • July - Therapeutically cloned organs become the dominant source of transplants in the Inca Empire.
  • September - Detonation of a thermobaric explosive device at a Maya test site.


  • February - Circummediterranean Railway is outfitted for magnetic levitation of trains, allowing speeds in excess of 600 kph. The new track completely encircles the Mediterranean Sea, passing through the Pons Mons Calpi, Bosporus Strait and Suez Canal to complete the circuit.
  • June - Man walks on the Moon. Lunar lander Luna VI safely touches down on the surface of the moon carrying five Roman cosmonauts. Over two weeks, the landing pod is converted into a permanent structure, after which all five men use the secondary capsule to make the return trip back to Earth.
  • July - Return capsule safely reenters the atmosphere marking the success of the first mission to the Moon. Only minor injuries are sustained by crewmen upon impact with the ocean.
  • September - Designs for a reusable stellar vehicle are completed by Roman scientists. It is planned to be put into use in less than four years.


  • January - A rifle which magnetically accelerates rounds is outfitted by the Legion as a heavy weapon.
  • April - Transgenic crops replace the last natural crops farmed in the Inca state. This completes a five year modernization program of their agricultural industry.
  • May - Maya launch their own space telescope.
  • December - Castra Astra is assembled from its seven compartments in orbit. The station is the most advanced man-made satellite of the time, housing ten specialist soldiers and their commanding officer. This group circulates with one of five groups every three months, ensuring no ill effects are suffered by prolonged exposure to stellar radiation and low-artificial gravity.


  • January - Maya scientists discover a new allotrope of carbon that has approximately 100 times the strength of noricum, and one sixth its weight. Funding is immediately put into discovering a method of mass production.
  • March - First line of Mongolian single-wing bombers go into production.
  • May - Plans for the A-4 Heavy-Vulcan missiles and A-5 Phoínix rockets are completed. A-4 contain a single 53 megaton pure-fusion warheard, whilst the A-5 launches 20 individual 121 kiloton pure-fusion warheads over a wide area
  • September - Nationwide celebrations following the 7th successful Moon Landing by Roman cosmonauts (7 is an important number in the modern Roman culture). The day before most of the landing team returned, the 21st, is generally considered the founding date of the city of Heliopolis on the Moon's surface, with the original Heliopolis having ironically been burned to the ground nearly a millennium ago.
  • October - Beginning of the Swahilium Civil War. Always having been the most downtrodden of the Roman Provinces, Swahilium has recently been seeing even harder times than usual, particularly after 29% of the population was wiped out in the pandemic over a decade ago.
  • December - Swahilium's capital of Australafrica is captured by the revolutionaries. Sifocaeli of the CEL wipe out one of the rebel's convoys, killing their second-in-command.


  • February - The First Cherubim Missile-Attack satellite is launched. This is a massive Roman satellite equipped with a large complement of Space-to-Surface Missiles capable of easily hitting even a small moving vehicle. Each missile is launched on a direct path from the satellite to their target and so, very little fuel is required for them as gravity does most of the acceleration.
  • April - Following a minor border skirmish between the Baytiyyads and the Mongolians, Dalai Khan pays a visit to the Baytiyyad Sultan to ensure that peace is maintained.
  • July - Swahilium Civil War ends a month after the recapture of Australafrica. Due to the fact that virtually anything being used by the rebels that is visible from space is quickly destroyed by rockets, their ability to fight against the Legion was reduced to almost zero. Once the Legion moved in to surround the city there was a five hour standoff between both forces, at which time the rebels were obliterated by rocket fire upon coming out of hiding to combat the legionaries. Although less than 100 legionaries were lost during the war, the cost of weaponry put into combat was enormous, by most national standards anyway.
  • August - Maya create the first domestic Fission Power Plant. Built along the coast, East of Chichen Itza, the plant operates at approximately 2100 MW of electrical output.
  • November - Designs for particle bombs are given to the Mongols by the Foedus Terrae in exchange for their continued secrecy over these weapons' existence.



  • March - First Hybrid-car is released in the Conglomerate.
  • June - Invention of a nuclear battery, by a Gallian scientist, that uses the process of induced gamma emission to store and release massive amounts of energy.
  • October - Hydroponics facility established in Heliopolis. Following this development, the city now has complete self-sustainability.
  • November - Detonation of Jöchi, the first Mongol particle bomb. The test is, however, considered a failure by Alliance standards as the actual yield was only 8% of the expected yield, compared to Quetz which was 107% of the expected yield.


  • April - Optima Confligator is completed. The 18th Roman particle accelerator, and the 27th in the world, the Optima Confligator most importantly takes the prize of the largest particle accelerator in the world. It is capable of accelerating protons up to 99.9999999999999991% the speed of light, an impressive feat, even for the Romans.
  • May - Life expectancy in the Inca Empire exceeds 90 years, the leading cause of death being senile dementia (OTL Alzheimer's Disease), this being one of the few illnesses that modern medicine cannot cure.
  • September - A fourth Cherubim Missile-Attack satellite is launched.
  • October - Following a commercial airline crash into a Maya skyscraper, the Alliance of Earth passes a law making it illegal to build any caeliportum within the city limits.


  • January - The Mongol army officially integrates particle bomb weaponry into its arsenal through the usage of large bombers as a primary delivery mechanism.
  • March - Standardization of the Project Helios satellites design is completed and construction of the space-based solar collectors begins in the Roman Empire.
  • July - First Imperial Olympic Games with events for women. Running alongside the usual Olympic events for men, this year is the start of the Ludus Palatinus Olympiae Feminis (Imperial Games of Olympia for Women).
  • August - Production of the A-100 begins. It is the first vehicle to be powered by a nucleonic gamma reactor. In essence it uses a process similar to that of the nuclear battery to power each of its ramjet engines. This design allows for the jet to be suddenly boosted for take-off, even before air-intake reaches useable levels. With a maximum speed of 6720 km/h and a max range of 40,000 km, it is the sifocaelus with the highest speed and greatest combat distance in the world.


  • February - One of Chiron's booster rockets malfunctions and output drops to 41% just at take-off. Though the thrust his cut as soon as the problem is detected, the craft loses its balance on the launch pad and falls over, irreparably damaging the rockets, and causing extensive damage to Chiron itself. Following this event, the Emperor authorizes Project Prometheus, an attempt to produce an entirely self-dependent spacecraft.
  • April - Creation of the Zulu Imperial Air force. As a gift, the Romans give them four C-89 sifocaeli with complementary flight lessons.
  • July - Romans develop their own cure for cancer, ten years after the Inca and two years after the Maya developed theirs. Unlike the Inca vaccine, and the Maya photodynamic therapy, the Roman method involves releasing microscopic machines into the body designed to attach themselves to the body in the presence of cancer cells. They then begin to release heat into the tumor causing cell death after sevelar hours exposure. This is the first medical usage of nano-automatons.
  • November - Following the completion of the 9,300 MW Tik'al Particle Reactor, over 40% of the Maya's electricity production is handled by nuclear power. This puts them at two-thirds of the way to their final goal of 60% of total power generated.


  • January - Another minor skirmish at the Arab-Mongol border. Tensions have been steadily increasing over the past three decades and full-scale war has been only just held off by the Foedus Terrae. This time however, things quickly devolve into a battle, and war is declared on the Mongols by the Baytiyyad Caliph.
  • March - Several hundred tank and infantry groups are mobilized across the Mongol border by the Baytiyyads. Strangely they encounter no resistance at all.
  • April - On the morning of the 9th, three mushroom clouds appear on the horizon near the city of Ögadaburg. By the end of the day, all the attacking Turkish infantry are dead and over half their tanks have been destroyed. A tactical retreat is unanimously decided upon, the following morning. Realizing the Mongols have some kind of massively destructive weapon, the Baytiyyad Caliph goes to meet the Alliance of Earth and warn them of this threat.
  • May - Following weeks of discussion, the Alliance finally decides to come clean to the world about the existence of particle weaponry. The Inca, Baytiyyad and Majapahijian states are furious about the revelation and demand the termination of all nuclear weapon programs. Wanting to prevent the expected nuclear devastation of the world by the Mongols, the Japanese launch a blank ICBM across the Mongol Empire and then have it return the same way to come and crash into the Maria Nippona. Worried by this display of power, the Mongols sign a treaty with the Japanese wherein either side agrees to only use particle bombs in the event of such an attack on their own soil.
  • July - Following the news of the treaty, the Majapahijians and Baytiyyads jointly decide to further attack the Mongol Empire. Beginning the Great Asiatic War.
  • October - Construction of the first structure built entirely on the Moon is finished in Heliopolis
  • December - The Romans secretly back the Turks in their war efforts against the Mongols, while the Scandians begin to do the same for the Majapahijians.


  • February - Lunar Space Station Artemis is completed at the Earth-Moon A2 Punctum Agravitas (OTL L1 Lagrangian Point). It serves both as a relay point for the limited Earth-to-Moon communications, as well as flight control for all entering and exiting traffic.
  • April - The Turks achieve a stunning victory over Mongol armored behemoths at the Battle of Uyngju thanks to Roman rocket artillery support. The Mongols are still not aware of the Roman aid.
  • June - Creation of the Ahau Lunar Base by the Maya.
  • September - Carbon nanotube armor is invented in the Conglomerate. The method of its creation is sold to the Romans in exchange for microchip technology.
  • October - Detonation of Hercules on the far side of the Moon. At 312 megatons, it takes the title of Largest Man-Made Explosion in History.


  • April - Success of the Montauke Project. Following several attempts at creating a function particle fusion reactor, the team in Roman North Columbia was finally able to implement a design generating over three times more energy than that being taken in by the reactor
  • May - With Roman assistance, the Inca begin to send aid to the Baytiyyad Caliphate in its efforts against the Mongols. This also helps to further improve relations between the Roman and Inca people
  • July - Following an inquiry into the high-yield of the Hercules detonation, the Romans discovered the cause for the explosion being 1% over the theoretical maximum yield. Large quantities of Helium-3 was discovered on the Moon's far side, deposited over the eons by the solar wind. Plans are made to exploit this resource for its potential use in nuclear power generation
  • August - The 15th Golden Horde of Mongolia is unleashed on the Majapahijian Republic
  • October - Japanese artillery is mobilized to help defend the Majapahijian


  • January - Creation of the Legio Terrae, the standing army of the Alliance of Earth
  • March - Production of lorica carbonata. Following the purchase for carbon nanotube armor designs, Roman scientists made some changes to the form and eventually created the latest lorica for the army
  • June - Completion of the first commercial particle fusion reactor near Paris. Providing 23,200 MW of power, it is the fifth most powerful generator in the world at the time
  • July - Helios Satellite network is completed. It provides 21% of Roman power generation needs
  • September - A ceasefire is worked out between the Mongols and Majapahijians with the help of Japanese involvement
  • December - The last of Roman ground-based solar panels have their resources allocated elsewhere, completing the phasing in of space-based solar energy


  • January - Having difficulty indirectly fending off the Golden Horde from Turkish territory, the Romans unofficially declare war on the Mongol Empire, essentially fighting through the Turks
  • March - Roman scientists develop a method to safely store antimateriae for long periods of time. This is done in hopes of using it in power generation and weapons development programs
  • May - Roman Army detonates an EMP missile over the attacking Mongol armored behemoths. Though it is a non-nuclear device, it stills requires an explosion to function, leading the Mongols to believe their territory has been nuked. On the 14th the Mongol Khan orders ten nuclear bombers to attack the Turkish advance military bases. Though all ten are intercepted by Roman missiles, the nuclear crisis goes on, until a the Japanese can mediate another prevention of particle bomb usage. The war however, still continues
  • June - Not able to use any more EMP weapons in the war, the Romans opt for CI-96 bunker busters to destroy the armored behemoths
  • October - A ceasefire with the Mongol Empire is agreed upon through intervention of the Foedus Terrae
  • November - Romans begin production of an experimental handheld microwave-laser rifle


  • March - Life expectancy in the Inca Empire finally reaches 100 years
  • June - Start of Operation Fulmen with the stated goal of creating an electromagnetic launching platform for lunar return vehicles from Heliopolis
  • July - Electric reactive armor is invented in the Roman Empire. Similar to the prevalent reactive armour, the electric kind however has two conductors as part of the plates, creating a high-power capacitor. When a projectile impacts the armor, the energy is released and vaporizes the projectile, diffusing a significant amount of its energy
  • December - On the 25th, the birth of the first human clone is announced to the Inca Empire. The boy is named Manco, after the mythical first Sapa Inca.



  • February - The last Roman particle fission bombs are decommissioned. All other nuclear weapons of the Empire are pure fusion, two step fusion, or dirty fission bombs
  • May - Maya scientists develop a flexible material that becomes as hard as noricum when a force threshold is passed, its use as military body armor is however surpassed by carbon nanotube-fibers
  • August - Antimateriae Genitor particle accelerator is completed near Massiala. It is the first accelerator dedicated to the production of antimatter in the form of antiprotons, making it at 0.5 g/month
  • October - General Yacuney leads a rebellion of the army in Cubagua. The government is barely able to maintain control, and a Civil War ensues
  • November - The Cubaguan government begs the Foedus Terrae for help, but the Legio Terrae is still busy in Asia, so the Roman Legion is sent in its place. With power from their satellites, the Roman armies' combat effectiveness is in no way diminished in this far off country
  • December - Electromagnetic launching platform built on the Moon


  • January - Completion of the Prometheus spaceship. It is the first spacecraft to be completely reusable, as the Archimedes model required an external fuel tank
  • March - Method for producing oil from carbon dioxide in the air is developed in the Roman Empire. Though it requires large facilities, a specific type of geology and large quantities of power, none of these are issues for the empire, who still manages to make a profit by selling the oil to the Maya.
  • June - A joint Inca-Rome team of scientists invents a flawless prosthetic. Taking commands directly from nerve impulses, the limb is able to perfectly mimic all movement capabilities of the human arm.
  • July - Communication is lost with the Maya spacecraft Itzamna, as it was making its journey to the Red Planet
  • September - Three-dimensional holographic displays become common place in the Roman Empire.
  • October - Construction begins on the Statio Aethereus Exquaesitionis Scientificae (Space Station of Scientific Research). It will be the first research station for the effects of zero-gravity and space radiation on Earth systems and organisms.
  • November - A Roman Signiferius is killed in Cubagua. This is one of the first deaths on the Roman side, which only serves to further increase public opinion that the Legion is doing the right thing.


  • March - Site is established in Roman Africa for the construction of a Space Elevator.
  • April - Maya build an armored land vehicle powered by a miniature fission reactor, similar in design to the ones that power their ships.
  • June - Unmanned probe confirms that Itzamna experienced a failure of the life support systems nearly halfway to Mars, currently the Maya have no remedy to this situation.
  • August - Danes commission the construction of a massive railgun artillery piece, in Greenland, from the Romans. Though the weapon is capable of reaching Roman cities, it fires one shell at a time and has an accuracy, at that distance, of barely a square kilometer, making it all but useless for a strike against Rome.
  • September - The Inca build their first nuclear fission reactor.
  • December - Cubaguan Head of State is killed by Rebel assassins.


  • March - A large radio telescope is completed in Heliopolis.
  • May - The Holy Inca City of Apu is rebuilt by a team of Roman and Inca engineers and builders. This was done as an act of bonding between the two nations after the cause of the original city's destruction was revealed to the world.
  • June - A group of Hispaniolan insurgents set off a bomb in Colona's central metro, killing 64 people. This causes the Legion to release that this once peaceful separatist group can become violent, and so a Legion is sent to wipe them out.
  • August - A second Prometheus-class space ship is finished and dubbed Daedalus.
  • December - First nuclear-powered submarine rolls out of the Inca docks.


  • January - Roman women receive the right to hold a position in the Curia Imperia; this is considered the culmination of the women's rights movements of the last century.
  • April - Detonation of Thor the first Nordic particle bomb, the design is however much more advanced than any other first particle bomb as it has been in development for quite a while.
  • May - Completion of the SAES research station in space.
  • July - Hispaniolan insurgents stop directly going into battle with the Legion, they still continue to inflict considerable damage on Roman civilian and military assets.
  • October - Inca scientists create a human with enhanced haemaglobin, it is theorized that the child will never experience muscle fatigue.
  • November - Start of the Inca Militas Program, the Alliance of Earth is let in on the program on the condition the Inca are given 40 permanent seats in the Curia Munda and that the Legio Terrae has a wing for the sole protection of the Inca. The project is so astounding that there is unanimous agreement.


  • February - There is a test fire of the Groenland Nuclear Artillery Station (Nordic: Mjöllnir). The world is in shock but no one takes military action.
  • March - General Kuo'gan leads the Zulu Army and Imperial Air force in a coup for control of the Zulu Kingdom. King Ghanshi evacuates by helicopter just before losing his palace.
  • April - General Kuo-gan declares himself President of the platonism-oriented Grand Zulu Republic. The Legio Terrae and Roman Legion invade to protect supplies of the valuable mineral assets from that country.
  • June - The First clone of an extinct animal is born in the Inca Provinces.
  • August - The First Potestas Kinetic-Artillery Satellite is launched into orbit.
  • November - One of the primary bases for Hispaniolan insurgents is discovered by Roman intelligence.


  • February - Tired of civil war in Cubagua, the Foedus Terrae opts to take control of the country at all costs.
  • March - Two Roman legions attack the Hispaniolan Rebel Base supported by Cherubim and Potestas space artillery and A-100 air strikes. The heavily fortified position is wiped-out in less than an hour after only one Roman casualty
  • April - Reforms are planned to upgrade the old-Maya cities of West-Hispaniola in hopes of bridging the massive gap in the standard of living between either side of the Roman island.
  • July - An A-5 Phoínix ICBM is launched at the Rebel controlled capital of Tainoa in Cubagua. Within several seconds, 140,000 people are dead and the entire Rebel command is wiped out alongside half of their forces. The Japanese take over the island under Alliance supervision and prepare for years of clean-up and integration necessary to fully conquer the former nation.
  • September - Battle of Auriopolis. Alliance and Roman forces clash with the army of the Zulu Republic outside the industrialized mining site of Auriopolis. It is a one-sided massacre of the Zulus.


  • January - Detonation of ikNowa, first Zulu particle bomb.
  • February - Following last months revelation, the Alliance enters into an agreement with the new Zulu Republic. King Ghanshi's blood runs dry at the same time as the ink of the Treaty.
  • May - Completion of the Roman Space Elevator.
  • July - Tohil is launched, the third Coyotl-class space shuttle used by the Conglomerate
  • November - While making making an address to the Roman Senate, Caesar Lucius is shot in the neck by freedman. Swahilus Madrana, aiming from a Melista hovering outside. Although CC missiles immediately blow him out of the sky, nothing can be done for the young emperor who dies several seconds before medics have the chance to revive him. Raphael, his eldest son, succeeds as Caesar.
  • December - Construction on the Aeneas, a massive Roman spaceship that will colonize Mars, is begun around the empire.


  • February - Inca scientists develop a safe technique of telomerase insertion therapy. The process involves eight treatment sessions that allow an individual to revert their biological clock to 64-72% of their current age. Multiple therapeutic sets can reduce someone's age to a minimum of 21 years. Though there are numerous short term side effects, such as certainty of cancer, retroviral therapy and cancer treatments permanently nullify such problems
  • March - The Alliance of Earth begins to build an Orbital Particle Bomb Launcher, meant as a counter to the Nordic nuclear artillery station in Greenland.
  • May - Ares III lands on the surface of Mars. It is the first object placed by Man onto the Red Planet
  • July - Roman scientists develop a marketable quantum processor. Not as powerful as other available microchips, it can still be scaled upwards by adding them in series. The potential of the technology is considered limitless
  • November - Maya scientists invent a type of superconductor that works relatively close to the melting point of water (i.e. -93 degrees Celsius).


  • January - An Inca scientist provides experimental evidence for the shrinking of the Y chromosome, he is exiled from the largely patriarchal Roman academic circles.
  • April - Heron automated spaceship is launched. It is designed not only to perform all sorts of construction in space, but it is also capable of interplanetary travel within the Solar System.
  • May - Ares VI, VII and VIII are launched towards Mars followed by Heron. They will be assembled in Martian orbit to create a long-distance communication satellite.
  • July - Heliopolis reaches a population of 10,000 settlers.
  • November - Potestas Kinetic Artillery Satellite network is complete.
  • December - Aeneas Mars Colonizer is completed. The interplanetary ship is capable of sustaining 30 settlers over the long trip to Mars. Its destination on the planet's surface is the Valles Magnus (OTL Mariner Valley), where a colony is destined to be founded.



  • January - Aeneas sets off for the Red Planet.
  • March - Japan begins a program to develop its own nuclear submarines, each capable of holding 20 ICBMs of either nuclear or convential design. This is put into operation so as to maintain their title as the dominant naval power on Earth.
  • June - Ehecatl, the fifth Maya space shuttle of the Coyotl design, has its maiden voyage
  • July - Aeneas arrives in Martian orbit just as Heron finishes construction of the Martian communication satellite. At disembarkment, the colonists start building the Roman city of Troy.
  • September - The Foedus Terrae holds the Ares Conference. There, the future of Martian colonization is seriously discussed by the three spatial-powers of Earth. Numerous scientifically viable methods for terraforming are proposed; however, at current levels of technology it would take over a century for Mars to be made habitable
  • October - Romans enact the Persephone Project. Ares X, XI, XII and XIII are launched, transporting a large quantity of solar powered satellites equipped with powerful electromagnets. They form the Octavius Belt around Mars that acts like an artificial planetary magnetic field, keeping radiation levels in its shadow similar to sea level on Earth
  • November - Japanese Chōsen Tunnel, that connects the Home Islands to its mainland Asia territories, is completed. The entire Japanese Shogunate is now linked by transit systems.
  • December - Castra Astra II is built in planetary orbit. The old station is scheduled for controlled re-entry that same week.


  • February - Maya attempt to enact a deal with the Japanese to create a joint Martian Base. It is rejected for lack of an economic incentive for Japan.
  • April - Disillusioned from any further attempts at Mars, the Maya opt to create their own Orbiting Space Station.
  • July - Scandians build the first mobile nuclear artillery pieces.
  • October - Romans start production of the hand-held nuclear launcher. As a kick in the face to the Scandian efforts it has nearly the same range and twice the yield of their artillery shells.
  • November - Construction is started on a Transmeditteraneum Railway Tunnel. Emptied of air, this railway will allow magnetically levitated trains to travel at 4570 km/h between Rome-Melita-Carthage.


  • January - Adam, the first android outside the "uncanny valley," is created in Alexandria.
  • February - Caesar Raphael rejects the Senate's proposal for a Transatlantic Railway on the grounds of impracticality.
  • March - Philo, the second unmanned vessel of the Heron design, is launched into space.
  • June - Ares XXII reaches Martian orbit and releases 20 Custos Angelis satellites.
  • July - Death of the current Mongolian Khan. Zshang Khan is next in line. A week after taking power he declares war on the Majapahijian Republic, his brother having been killed in the previous war against them.
  • August - Assured that the Mongols won't use nuclear weapons, the Japanese opt not to help the Majapahijians given elevated tensions between the Alliance and the Platonist Nations of the world that have been increasing in the last decade.
  • September - Aeneas returns to Mars a first time, bringing another wave of colonists and materials.
  • October - Norsemen and Zulus send aid to the Majapahijians.


  • March - UCC passes a referendum to bring their economic policies towards a more Platonist form.
  • May - Production begins on the A-126 Unmanned Hypersonic Jet by the Romans. It is the first caelus automaton to utilize a nucleonic gamma reactor for propulsion, allowing it to operate at velocities exceeding 10,000 km/h.
  • August - With the success of the A-126, plans are made for the creation of an Extra Atmospheric Fighter-Bomber. To operate continuously in either media of air and space it will require two different kinds of propulsion systems, a difficult thing to contain in the body of a fighter plane.
  • December - Japanese Shogunate begins producing Peninsula-class Supercarriers. At 412,620 tons, they are the largest military sea vessels in history.


  • February - The Scandian Republic creates, what the Romans call, the Confoedera Unitae Platiorum (Eng: Confederacy of United Platonists). It is joined by the Majapahijians, the Vinlanders and the Zulus. This unifies efforts to assist the Majapahijians.
  • April - The Maya Holy Army begins to equip its infantry with Railguns. This makes them the second empire, after the Romans, to do so.
  • July - The city of Troy on Mars reaches a population of 100 settlers. Centrifugal sleeping units, like the ones that have been in use on the Moon since 1958, are brought into use to counteract the potential effects of the planet's low gravity.
  • September - The Japanese Emperor laments that his nation never built a lunar base. He commissions the nations top scientists and economists to design one.
  • December - Nordic troops land on the Langka Peninsula to directly combat the Mongols.


  • January - The Mongol Empire invades the Republic of Vinland. Threatened, the UCC declares war on the Mongols and fights alongside the Confederacy.
  • February - The Roman Empire forces the Mongols to sign the Treaty of Halorium, limiting their ability to expand within North Columbia. It does not impede their current military progress.
  • May - Launch of the first Seraphim Radionerva Satellite by the Romans. Only members of the Foedus Terrae are made aware of this technology.
  • August - Citing the Mongols numerous violation of the International Law, the Scandians implore the Foedus Terrae for an intervention in the war. Following what the Media would describe as "sub triclinium" deal-making, the Alliance agreed to assist in the CUP's protection.
  • September - Following several days of orbital and aerial bombardment, the Mongol army in North Columbia is crippled beyond use. Having suffered billions of denarii in damages, the Mongols offer the Confederacy an end to global hostilities, an offer they do not refuse.
  • December - Construction finishes on a second Roman Space Elevator. This one is completed in South Columbia to distinguish it from the one in Africa.


  • January - The Confederacy founds its new official capital, Kallipolis, in Nordic Columbia.
  • February - A deal is made between the Japanese and the Romans. The Japanese government will pay the Romans to transport personnel and materials from the Earth to a Japanese lunar base. Akari's location is chosen to be 100 km West of the Roman Helium production plant on the lunar far side.
  • April - Having recovered economically from its war with the Mongols, the Majapahijian Republic declares war on the lone island nation of Papua. The least advanced nation of Earth, Papua is helpless in the face of the Majapahijian Army. Although a Japanese vessel receives a distress signal, help is slow in coming.
  • May - The Foedus Terrae finally agrees to send aid to the Papuans and within a week the Legio Terrae has established a defensive line across half the island.
  • June - Establishment of the Akari lunar base.
  • October - Start of a modernization program for the Cherubim Satellite network.
  • December - The Platonist Confederacy jointly declares war against Papua. Though the Alliance is technically not at war with them, the war is informally between those two organizations.


  • January - Troy reaches a population of 1000 settlers. Expansion plans are made to have 50,000 people by halfway through the decade (1982 or 2735 AUC).
  • March - Construction is completed on the Millennial Palace in the Japanese Shogunate. Combining Roman and Japanese architecture, the Millennial Palace was designed by Roman architects and uses the most advanced materials available at the time. Chief Architect Faustus Baebelus Florentius boasts that the structure will last a thousand years, hence the name it is given by Japanese Emperor.
  • July - Battle of Weawaq. Hoping to break the defensive line, the Confederate forces move out the largest army they can muster. Taken by surprise, the Alliance is for once on the losing side of a battle. All seems lost until a Roman Seraphim satellite passes over the battlefield and unleashes its power on the enemy armor, causing them to flee in terror of the Alliance's "invisible weapon".
  • September - Launch of Sol I, II and III by the Romans, they will be assembled by Heron into a Close Solar Observer within the orbit of Mercury. These are the first probes of the Sol Series, designed to observe the sun in case of any activity that could endanger the empire`s activities.
  • November - Romans withdraw support for Papua as they still hold resentment for their unprovoked actions during the last World War. Following the veto of an Alliance presence on the island, Japan is forced to personally send its army to hold up the defenses against the entire onslaught of Confederate forces.


  • January - Scandians launch a naval attack all along the Papuan coast. They are repulsed by the mighty Japanese fleet.
  • April - The Imperial Assembly of Japan votes to enact a withdrawal of half their forces stationed in Papua.
  • June - Completion of four kilometer thick defenses along the Scandian-Roman border in North Columbia.
  • July - UCC officially joins the Confederacy of United Platonists and lends troops to the war in Papua.
  • October - Complete withdrawal of Japan from Papua due to excessive costs with no actual gain.
  • November - Conquest of the Republic of Papua by the Platonists, the island is put under official control of the Majapahijian Republic.


  • March - Launch of Sol XIX, XX and XXI by the Romans.
  • June - Attempted assassination of the Baytiyyad Caliph by Platonist rebels, treatments in an Inca immersion tank following surgery bring him back from the brink of death.
  • August - Inca Militas Program reaches a turning point with the birth of Enoch. This child is the finest product of the project, Caesar Raphael even calls him the "culmination of human evolution"
  • December - Completion of the Alliance Cloning Facility in the Inca Empire. Once operational, it will produce soldiers for the clone army of the Legio Terrae.



  • January - First asteroid mining site established on a M-type asteroid (OTL 16 Psyche). Once the site is finished, it is estimated that it could literally double Rome's global Iron production.
  • March - Start of the Midas Program by the Romans. With current models proclaiming the economic viability of increased asteroid mining, the emperor has proposed a project to, not only exploit an additional 20 asteroids by the end of the decade (1987) but build an unimaginably practical transport network to bring materials back to Earth.
  • June - Maya finish construction on their own electromagnetic mass driver on the Moon. This more than cuts the cost of their lunar missions to a fourth of using spaceships.
  • October - Sustainability program is completed for the Akari lunar base. 114 settlers can live there now.


  • February - All members of the Platonist Confederacy have finally passed a referendum promoting further political unity within the organization.
  • May - Completion of the 16 Psyche mining base. Annual production of the facility is estimated to be 10,000,000 tons, though this is well below the projected quantity, expansions to the facility are expected to be undergone as a part of the Midas Program.
  • June - Creation of the SC-34 Gunship by the Romans. Having approximately the weight of a vastator boat, the SC-34 is the first example of a military spaceship.
  • September - First asteroid mining site established on a Near-Earth Object (433 Eros). Though it is currently only meant to mine gold, silver and aluminium, plans are made to expand the facility to process even more amounts of materiel.


  • March - Romans complete a fourth interplanetary starship, the Ozymandias, adding to their spacefleet of the Aeneas, the Imhotep and the Hesperia interplanetary starships, and the Daedalus and Prometheus space shuttles. As well, two others are still in construction and are yet to be christened by the emperor.
  • April - Southern Arabs revolt in the name of Platonism. The local Turkish government does not take it very seriously and sends some of its troops to deal with the rebels.
  • June - It has become apparent that the Platonist Rebels have had some outside assistance as they use far better weapons than was expected.
  • July - New atomic reactors are finished for the Roman Lunar colonies to sustain the current 580,000 people living on the Moon, more than three-quarters of which live in the capital of Heliopolis.
  • November - Death toll of the Arabic rebellion exceeds 10,000. The international media starts calling it a civil war. The Turks refuse outside assistance for fear of being taken advantage of by foreigners.


  • January - A third asteroid mining site is established, this time on LII Gordias (Ceres)
  • April - Alliance of Earth overrules the Turkish request of non-interference and sends one Roman legion and two Alliance legions to help.
  • May - Confederacy increases its illicit supplies to the rebels by several times, but is unwilling to risk a serious international incident by sending its own troops. Alliance members are unaware of their influence.
  • October - Roman Intelligence Service discovers what the Confederacy has been doing and convinces the government to focus efforts instead on cutting off their supply lines.
  • December - Interplanetary Romulus vessel is completed. Its design far supersedes its predecessors in size and capabilities.


Fission Powered Car

1980 concept model used in the design of the 1984 Telez-Nucleon

  • February - The first section of the Portantia Network is completed. This part consists of four stations in fixed positions along Earth's orbit that can transport any ship at high-interplanetary speeds from one to another.
  • March - Islamic Civil War gains momentum as insurgents appear across the nation.
  • April - Fission plant several hundred kilometers from Tikal experiences a meltdown in the worst nuclear accident in human history, with 90 immediate deaths, 22,000 attributable deaths within the next twenty years and an estimated 290,000 people exposed to dangerous levels of radiation.
  • May - Newly released fission-powered private automobiles experience painfully low sales due to public outcry following the recent disaster. Their high-price though and the high number of rich supporters of the product in the government ensure that it is not a complete failure.
  • July - Two more Alliance legions arrive in Arabia to help deal with the Rebels, relations between the Confederacy and the Alliance are at their worst yet.
  • August - The sixth interplanetary vessel, dubbed the Africanus is completed and given the role of a surveillance vessel for both Earth and foreign space colonies. Unlike its predecessors, the Africanus focuses most on orbital maneuverability and sensor systems rather than speed or duration of journeys.


  • January - Per the agreements of the 1981 Treaty of Chumash, a joint Inca-Maya space elevator is completed near the Inca capital of Qusqu. Both nations launch satellites only by elevator from this point.
  • February - Planet is on the brink of war when the Scandias undergo a "blank firing drill" of the Mjöllnir Nuclear Artillery Station in Greenland, the first test fire in more than a decade. The demonstration that it can reach across the Atlantic nearly to the Equator fails to intimidate the Roman government which responds by sending a second Legion of their own to help the Turks maintain control.
  • June - Caesar Raphael of Rome dies after an hour or so of surgery following an ambush by African rebels on a military convoy he was accompanying in the province of Bantua. He is succeeded by his adopted son Janus Antoninus Maximillianus, crowned Caesar Cicero.
  • September - Japan, eager to stay ahead of the Conglomerate, finishes its own space elevator, the first to extend from a station in the middle of the ocean, specifically the Pacific Ocean.
  • November - Completion of the seventh interplanetary Roman starship is met with great celebration across the empire as an important milestone in the history of space travel. The craft is dubbed the Cicero and this ship as well is a huge step forward in the technology of interplanetary ships.


  • January - Construction starts on the grandest engineering project in human history. Caesar Cicero plans to build damming stations at the three entrance points to the Mare Nostrum (Eng: Mediterranean), so at OTL Gibraltar, Suez and Dardanelles. Once completed the stations will regulate the water level of the Mediterranean as well as completely control the flow of war into and out of it. With construction occurring concurrently at all locations, the Magneuropa Project is intended to be done by 1990.
  • February - Rest of the Portantia Network is completed and now non-interplanetary ships are capable of travelling anywhere within the asteroid belt in journeys measured in weeks rather than months.
  • April - Arabic Rebels are reduced to a minor threat after the last mission in a series of strikes against them. While the Caliphate is effectively at peace, and can handle matters on its own now, they are extremely resentful for years of war on their own territory and what they see as occupation by the foreign Alliance. Military ties are severed and the Baytiyyad Caliphate reverts to a nearly isolationist state.
  • July - The latest interplanetary starship of the Romans, the Alexander, is unlike any other craft built in space before it and has earned the distinction of first Interplanetary Warship. It is intended to be the personal spacecraft of the central government and the Caesar.
  • December - Population of the Troy colony exceeds 100,000 people.


  • January - By this year resources from Roman asteroid mining are already providing an enormous boost to Rome's industrial capacity, sparking what is called a modern Industrial Revolution.
  • February - Upgrades to the Suez Canal region are completed in line with the Magneuropa Program.
  • March - Japanese astronauts at last reach Mars and establish their first colony there, this success over the Maya Conglomerate cements the Japanese position as Rome's most powerful ally.
  • June - Alongside the Magneuropa Program a plan to build huge artificial lakes and rivers in the Sahara Desert start to be put into action, it is expected that once the project is complete (scheduled for 1992) most of the Sahara will rather quickly become arable land. One of the greatest hurdles of the project is the 2 TW of continuous power that will need to be generated to sustain these artificial rivers.
  • August - The Confederacy completes their first ten point-defense laser arrays at their most important military bases. These are intended to counter Roman space artillery in the event of a war.
  • November - Construction is completed on an Underground Section of the city of Troy on Mars. This section consists of a massive roughly rectangular facility built completely underground that houses 100,000 people and has major shopping and relaxation districts for the inhabitants wishing to get out of the Martian sun that shines through the windows on the surface.


  • January - Hydroelectric Dam blocking off the Dardanelles Straits is completed in line with the Magneuropa Program, this now provides most of the power for the city of Constantinople.
  • March - Via Martia is completed, connecting the two major Roman settlements on Mars and the growing Japanese base, this was a joint project between the two nations.
  • April - There is a sudden uprising of over two million Platonist rebels in the Inca nation, the Alliance for its part is absolutely shocked by this and they immediately move several Maya battalions, three Roman legions and half of all Alliance forces to help protect the major Inca cities, the engagement is known as the Inca Revolution but this is only the beginning.
  • May - Only a week after the start of the Inca Revolution, Roman satellites detect a rapidly moving object originating from the Mjöllnir Nuclear Artillery Station that is headed for Europe. Protocols for this moment that have been in place for decades activate and the projectile, which is determined to have been nuclear, is prematurely detonated before even passing over Ireland. To the horror of the entire Roman people, the trajectory is calculated and the target determined to be the city of Rome itself. The detonation would have likely killed more than ten million people, the entire Roman government and the emperor. The empire immediately goes to war against the Confederacy and is joined in a day by other members of the Alliance. The Bellum Aegidis has begun.

View Bellum Aegidis for events.

  • August - First Battle of Durorium is the first major battle of war, with nearly the entire Nordic fleet in action at once. The Roman city is torn apart by artillery fire and all the defending ships, making up most of the Baltic Fleet, are sunk.
  • December - Cambrian provincial capital of Wentria is destroyed when the Scandians make a bombing run against it with a hypersonic, nuclear missile. The Romans now fully intend to repeal the former treaty promising not to use nuclear weapons against the Confederacy.



  • November - The Treaty of Stakholm is signed by all Confederacy members, finally bringing the Third World War to a close. The Alliance of Earth emerges victorious and largely unscathed, having suffered about 114 million civilian and military casualties alone.
  • December - Congress of Tyre is held to reorganize the defeated nations. Rome is given custodianship of the Scandian and Majapahijian republics, while the Maya take care of former Confederate States in North Columbia. The Republic of Vinland is integrated into the United Chiefdoms of Columbia, causing a great deal of unrest in the region. Finally, all former Confederate nations are forced to adopt a less socialist form of government, though many are permitted to remain republics.


  • February - Civil War breaks out in the Chiefdoms as Vinlanders refuse to join the Union. Since the Chiefdoms are not permitted to field an army, the Alliance must come to quell the discontent.
  • March - Roman convoys in Djayakarta are attacked by guerrilla soldiers.
  • April - Rome's intelligence network traces the recent attacks to a nationalist terrorist group created by former Majapahijian army soldiers when the government surrendered. This Battalion of Kali is well armed and highly supported by the local populace.
  • July - Construction starts on the Pons Transatlanticus, a bridge spanning the entire Atlantic Ocean from Audenisonea in Columbia to Lusitania in Europe.