Alternative History

In 1915 a group of Canadian spies broke into U.S. Department of War in Washington to try to find any war plans or evidence of who America would back in the war. The spies were all captured and hung. A week after the incident, America officially joined the German side of the war and declared war on the allies. American troop poured into Canada and quickly were in control of the major cities and provinces. Britain was forced to send over several thousand soldiers and several warships. Britain quickly saw that this would not be enough and was forced to fight a whole new war on a new western front. Germany took advantage of Britain's disadvantage and was able to defeat the British ships in the English Channel. Now, with France and Belgium being choked and bombarded, things looked bad for the allies. Meanwhile, in America, the United States had won the Battle of Toronto and the British land forces were retreating. Also, the British Navy suffered a humiliating defeat in the Battle of the Hudson and the Port of New York. The worlds greatest navy was now in shambles. With Brittan retreating rapidly across the Atlantic, Canada was forced to surrender to America. When the British ships were nearing the British isles, weary from from U-boat attacks on their long trip across the Atlantic, they were hit by a surprise attack by the German Navy. The ships tried to retreat to North Africa, but they were cut off by American submarines. The British Navy had just surrendered their second largest fleet. Now, the German Army was already occupying all of Belgium, had just taken Paris, and was shelling Orleans, the last French stronghold. After a siege of three months, France signed an unconditional surrender to Germany. All British troops in North Africa were pulled back to defend the home land, and the British made a separate peace with the Ottoman Empire, giving them all of their Middle Eastern colonies. Soon, Brittan surrendered to the Central Powers; the Western front was won. Now that the war on the Western front was settled, Germany could concentrate their forces on the east, and with the first American troops getting off the boats and storming the beaches of Russia, it looked like an other unconditional surrender to Germany was all but certain. On June the 21 of 1917, Russia surrendered, the war was over.

American Peace Treaty[]

America and Canada signed the October peace on October 5 of 1916. America was given vast amounts of Canadian land and Canada was restricted from ever having an air force or a navy. Most of Canada's oil and lumber was given to the US. America became the unquestionable superpower of the America's. Her army was huge. Her navy was proven to be the strongest in the world, and a new US Air Core was being developed. American factories would stay opened for years to build up and industrialize the new American North West. America was launched onto the world stage as a super power for the first time, and she loved it.

New American Border

The red lines show the new American Canadian border, while the black lines show the old border.

America was also given all the British Caribbean territories.


This is the new map of Europe. The southern orange country is Bulgaria.

German Peace and the New Europe[]

Germany was the ultimate winner. Britain and France were forced to hand over all of their colonies to Germany (not including those given to America). Britain was also forced to give Ireland its independence, a German favor to the Irish saboteurs who greatly helped the war effort by destroying several British warships. France was forced to give up all of its land west of the Seine. France's economy was in shambles because they were forced to pay indemnities to Germany. After printing million of Francs to pay off their debt to Germany, France suffered from massive stagflation. France, like Britain, was forbidden from ever having a navy or an air force. Like France, Russia also was forced to give Germany a multitude of land west. Fearing a Russian counter assault in several years, Germany placed a puppet Communist government in control of Russia, headed by Lenin, A German spy during the war. Germany was now the single world supper power. She had the largest army and air force. The German economy was the largest in the world, and Germany entered a Golden Age where culture and peace flourished under the reign of their benevolent Kaisers.

A Crisis Averted[]

For several years tension between the U.S. and Japan were rising. The Japanese had invaded Manchuria and were planning a large assault on the rest of China. To counter this, America began building up its bases on the Philippines. America was also backing the new military dictator of Vietnam, General L. H. Mun. L.H. Mun took power in a U.S. backed military coup. He would be a thorn in the sides of the growing Japanese. America sold him arms and plans in return for him allowing America to build several naval and air force bases in Vietnam. As Japan conquered one island at a time, L. H. Mun invaded Cambodia and Laos. Tensions were high. South East Asia was a match box waiting to catch fire and burn. Meanwhile, in the West, a charismatic and bold Italian dictator named Mussolini began to build up the Italian military and was beginning to challenge Germany's supremacy and complete control over Europe. Mussolini was a war reporter for the Socialist News Paper Avanti! and became in love with nationalism as he covered the war. After taking power, Mussolini got to work. He rapidly set out to industrialize Italy and improve its infrastructure. After the homeland was all cleared, Mussolini began expanding Italy's armed forces. He gave Italy a navy that reviled that of Germany's, the world's third largest air force (behind Germany and the U.S.), and a technologically advanced and modern army. Italy began its aggressive foreign policy by challenging the Ottoman's in the Middle East. He laid claim to Palestine and the Jordan Valley, claiming that they were the property of the Papacy, and therefore Italy, now being Vatican City's self claimed protector, had a right and responsibility to claim them. The only thing that stopped a war was that the Central Pact (Germany, America, Austria, Ireland, and Bulgaria) promised to defend the Ottomans if attacked by Italy, and by America sending one of her largest fleets into the Mediterrean. Needless to say, this left a sour taste in Italy's mouth.

Italy, motivated by what she saw as an overly interventionist policy by the Central Pact, decided to reach out to what she saw as a natural ally and a willing partner in war; Japan. Japan was engaged in a naval arm's race with the US and wanted the German's out of Singapore and Hong Kong. They both were at odds with the Central Pact Alliance and were the only two nations which had the capabilities to fight its member states. Italy and Japan signed a military alliance on October 28, 1934. This greatly alarmed both the US and Germany. They responded by allowing the Ottoman Empire to join the Central Pact. The world was now ready for war.

A conference in Genova was held on September 3, 1935 to help cool the world down. The US, Germany, The Ottoman Empire, Japan, Italy, and The United Soviet Slavic Republics (now independent from Germany and a rising power) were invited. The agenda covered the Middle East, and East Asia. After several long weeks of negotiations, a lasting peace was made. The Ottoman Empire split Palestine between themselves and Italy, dividing it at the River Jordan. In return, Italy would aide the Ottoman's in the taking of Cyprus and Rhodes. Germany agreed to demilitarize Sinai, and Italy agreed to demilitarize northern Ethiopia. The US fleet would be allowed to stay in the Med. The Ottoman Empire was to be dropped from the Central Pact, but, the Central Pact pledged to defend the Ottoman Empire if they were attacked. America agreed to stop selling arms to L.H. Mun, and forced him to give up Laos and Cambodia, while Japan agreed to pull their troops out of Manchuria.
