Alternative History
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First American War
Date April 12, 1861 – July 27, 1868
Location North America, Atlantic Ocean
Result Treaty of London (1868)
US flag 36 stars United States
Bandera Histórica de la República Mexicana (1824-1918) Mexican Republicans
Supported by:
Romanov Flag Russia
Flag of Prussia 1892-1918 Kingdom of Prussia
CSA FLAG 28.11.1861-1.5.1863 Confederate States
Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom
Flag of France France (withdrew 1867)
Bandera del Segundo Imperio Mexicano (1864-1867) Mexican Empire
Commanders and leaders
US flag 36 stars Edward I
US flag 36 stars Abraham Lincoln
CSA FLAG 28.11.1861-1.5.1863 Charles I
CSA FLAG 28.11.1861-1.5.1863 Jefferson Davis
CSA FLAG 28.11.1861-1.5.1863 John C. Breckinridge
CSA FLAG 28.11.1861-1.5.1863 Robert E. Lee
CSA FLAG 28.11.1861-1.5.1863

The First American War (April 12, 1861 – July 27, 1868) was a war fought between the United States against the Confederate States of America, United Kingdom, and France.

The war began to change course after the Battle of Jackson when Confederate forces and British volunteers defeated Hiram Grant's army in 1863; thus preventing the seizure of the Mississippi River. Combat would drag on for four more years, with a ceasefire being created in 1867 and the Treaty of London signed in 1868.