Alternative History
Alternative History

While the reason for OTL's Hundred-Year War (the French succession) didn't happen ITTL, the conflict between England and France had to come. In 1341, the Breton War of Succession broke out. France supported Charles of Blois, England John of Montfort - with the result that both were drawn into the war.

First half[]

In the Sea Battle of Blankenberge 1344, the English and Flemish defeated the French; England now ruled the Channel and could land troops in Brittany. 1345, Scotland entered the war against England, hoping to get the lost lands back. In 1346, the land Battle of Vannes took place in Brittany. Thanks to their longbows and the bad weather, the English defeated the French. In the same year, a great famine happened in Europe.

The Battle of Blaye, Aquitaine (50 km north of Bordeaux) in 1350 was another victory for the English.

In 1353, France had to make peace with England after the defeat in the battle of Caen. John of Montfort became duke of Brittany, England got all of Gascony (similar as in the peace of OTL 1360), Flanders acquired the Artois. Free to make war against Scotland, the English defeat them soon, in 1354. The pre-war border was restored.

Second half[]

1366, Burgundy went to France. In the same year, the French started the war against England again. Since they had learned how devastating the English / Welsh longbows were, they avoided open fight - with success.

Another big famine in Western Europe (1368) lead to growing unrest (again!) in France, which hampered the war against England.

In 1385, England and France made peace again. The English lost what they conquered in the last war, going back to the borders of 1340.


Since England still held a good part of Aquitaine, more wars would follow. The Second Aquitainian War also didn't bring a decision, only after the Third Aquitainian War France succeeded in kicking England out.