The First World War or World War I or (in its time) The Great War was a world-wide conflict fought during 1914-18.
Alternate versions of the First World War have been discovered throughout the multiverse:
- First World War (Allied World)
- First World War (An Unfortunate King)
- First World War (Austrian Germany)
- First World War (Aztec Empire)
- First World War (Battle of Belusium)
- First World War (Central World)
- First World War (Completely Alternate History)
- First World War (Fidem Pacis)
- First World War (Forgot to Forget)
- First World War (French Brazil)
- First World War (Good for Baltic)
- First World War (Pax Swedeanica)
- First World War (Progressive Victory 1912)
- First World War (Russian Rise)
- First World War (Satomi Maiden ~ Third Power)
- First World War (Take to the Skies)
- First World War (Triunfa, España!)
- First World War (Vicuña of the East)
- World War 1 (A Northern Wind)
- World War 1 (No World War 1)
- World War 1 (Reversed World Wars)
- World War 1 (The Many Nations of North America)
- World War 1 (The World That Never Was)
- World War I (1856: Total War)
- World War I (1861: Historical Failing)
- World War I (1879: Agreement)
- World War I (1904: The Great War)
- World War I (Acts of Union)
- World War I (Age of Kings)
- World War I (Alexander the Liberator)
- World War I (Allan Hang)
- World War I (American War)
- World War I (Ausgleich of 1917)
- World War I (Austria and others)
- World War I (Balkanization of North America)
- World War I (A Better Tsar)
- World War I (CSA Rule)
- World War I (Central Victory)
- World War I (Chaos)
- World War I (Cherry, Plum, and Chrysanthemum)
- World War I (Cinco De Mayo)
- World War I (Colonial Kingdoms)
- World War I (Confederate Victory)
- World War I (Corrupted Sunshine)
- World War I (Das Große Vaterland)
- World War I (Different Europe)
- World War I (Divide and Conquer)
- World War I (Early Colonization)
- World War I (Early World War I)
- World War I (Fascist Britain)
- World War I (For Want of a Telegram)
- World War I (The General and the Flu)
- World War I (George Washington Born in the 19th Century)
- World War I (The German Century)
- World War I (The Global War Map Game)
- World War I (Grant Shot at Ford's Theater)
- World War I (Habsburg Live On)
- World War I (Hamilton Lives)
- World War I (IM1)
- World War I (Imperial Machines)
- World War I (Independant QC)
- World War I (Independent States of America)
- World War I (Joan of What?)
- World War I (The Kaiser's Far Friend)
- World War I (King of America)
- World War I (Liberty or Death)
- World War I (Long live the Qing)
- World War I (Loyal Italy)
- World War I (Map Game)
- World War I (Mexican Empire)
- World War I (Modernized Qing)
- World War I (Napoleon's America)
- World War I (New World)
- World War I (Of Clockwork and Men)
- World War I (Pax Columbia)
- World War I (Quebec Independence)
- World War I (The Red Baron Lives)
- World War I (Red Crusades)
- World War I (The Right Turn)
- World War I (Rise of Roses)
- World War I (Royale: The Second Great War)
- World War I (Russian America)
- World War I (Second Mexican Empire win)
- World War I (Seger)
- World War I (Semper Romanorum)
- World War I (Summer during the Battle of Moscow)
- World War I (The Sun and the Eternal Sky)
- World War I (Their Gallant Dead)
- World War I (These Fractured States of North America)
- World War I (A Truly Global War)
- World War I (Twilight of a New Era)
- World War I (The Unexpected Kingdom)
- World War I (A United Kingdom of Scandinavia)
- World War I (Vote Socialist)
- World War I (A Whole New World)
- World War I (Wiser Kaiser)
- World War I (XC)