Alternative History
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First World War
Part of Age of Imperialism
Date 14th August, 1913- 5th December, 1919
Location Elysia, Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania
Result Entente Victory
  • Fall of the Second Hungarian Empire
  • End of Absolute Monarchy in Germany
  • Beginning of the Russian Civil War
  • Weakening of the British and French Empires
  • Eventual Collapse of the Eastern Roman Empire
  • End of the Serbian Empire, Beginning of the Serbian Revolution
  • Establishment of Japan as dominant power in Asia
Flag of the United Kingdom British Empire

French flag2 Third French Empire
Flag of Russia Russian Empire
Flag of Japan Empire of Japan
Flag of Bulgaria Tsardom of Bulgaria
Imperialvinlandflag Second Vinish Empire
Flag of the Netherlands Netherlands
Flag of Portugal (1830) Kingdom of Portugal
Ville-libreflag Republic of Ville-Libre
Persian Empire

Central Powers
Kingdomgermanyflag Kingdom of Germany

Hungary Flag (Nat. 1848) Hungarian Empire
Flag of Sweden Kingdom of Sweden
Byzantineflag Empire of the Romans
State Flag of Serbia (1882-1918) Serbian Empire