Alternative History
Alternative History

The nations of South Africa have had several flags over the years, with the most widely known and infamous being the National flag of the Union and Republic of South Africa, the "Oranje, Blanje , bleu", which served as the national flag for the entire region until the South African Wars saw the entity's dissolution. Since then, numerous states have risen with their own unique flags.

Oranje, Blanje , bleu[]

Flag of South Africa (1982–1994)

The "Oranje, Blanje , bleu", also known as the Union flag, the Republic flag, or the Apartheid flag, was the national flag of the Union of South Africa from 1928 to 1961, and the Republic of South Africa from 1961 to 1988. As the Afrikaans name suggests, the Oranje, Blanje, Bou is made up of three stripes of orange, white, and blue, similar to the Prisenvlag of the Netherlands. In the center of the flag are the designs of three flags, the Union Flag of the United Kingdom, the flag of the Orange Free State, and the flag of Transvaal, all of which are used with some degree of officiality in modern day South Africa.

The Oranje, Blanje , bleu was used throughout much of South Africa's lifetime as an independent nation. However, it is also heavily associated with the Apartheid regime, and is banned in most of eastern South Africa. It isn't banned in the west, but it is often vandalized. A variant of the Oranje, Blanje , bleu would be used for the New Union of South Africa.

History of South African Flags
Flag Years Note
Flag of the United Kingdom 1910-1928

The Union Flag was designated South Africa's first national flag
South Africa Flag 1910-1912 1910-1912 A Red Ensign for use at sea and when symbol was needed
South Africa Flag 1912-1928 1912-1928 Revised Red Ensign; used until 1928 when a new flag was made
Flag of South Africa (1928–1994) 1928-1988 The Oranje, Blange, Blou, used during the Union and Republic

Die Anker[]

DD1983 RZA Flag Civil

The Flag of Good Hope, also known as "Die Anker" (The Anchor), was adopted during the RZA provisional administration. Die Anker uses symbols from Cape Town, the central motif, an anchor representing hope surrounded by three rings of Jan van Riebeeck, come from the city's arms. The Blue and Green represent the country's place next to the sea and land, with the four colors also representing its diversity.

Good Hope's predecessor, the Republic of the Cape, used a flag also known at the time as "Die Anker". This flag used the anchor symbol as the center motif of a tricolor with the colors of the Oranje, Blanje , bleu. It would be abolished by the RZA government as a symbol of Apartheid. To avoid confusion, the older flag is often called "Die Ou Anker" (The Old Anchor).

History of Cape/RZA/Good Hope Flags
Flag Years Note
Flag of the Dutch East India Company 1652–1806 The Dutch East India Company flag
Cape Colony flag 1876–1910 The flag of the Cape Colony
Republicofcapeflag 1988-2006 "Die Anker" of the Republic of the Cape
RZ flag 2006-2009 The martime signal flags for "R" and "Z"
DD1983 RZA Flag Civil 2009-present "Die Anker" national flag of Good Hope

Azanian League[]

League flag[]

83DD - AzanianLeagueFlag

The flag of the Azanian League is based on the party flag of the African National Congress, the leading party in the South African Republic, a member state of the League. It features a green, black and yellow tricolor, which are color associated with the Pan-African movement, with a circle of five red stars in the center, representing the five member states of the league: the South African Republic, Azanian People's Republic, Azanian Republic, Kingdom of Bopedi, and Kingdom of Eswatini. The flag was adopted in 1991 and is known as the League flag.

ANC Flag[]

African National Congress Flag

The Flag of the African National Congress was adopted as the flag of the South African Republic. It is a tricolor of black, green, and yellow, which are colors associated with the Pan-African movement. The South African Republic, sharing a name with one of the Boer republics, was founded by the ANC during the South African Wars, as an independent state for native Africans. Claiming all of the former Transvaal province, the SAF would instead form the Azanian league with likeminded states in the area, the flag was briefly used on a federal level until the League flag was accepted.

PACA Flag[]


The flag of the Azanian People's Republic was made by the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania, a splinter of the ANC. The flag features red and black bars, with yellow rays and a yellow star in the center left of the design. Having more radical and socialist leanings, the PAC clashed with it's parent organization during the South African Wars, with the PAC found the Azanian People's Republic as an independent nation. However, the two would make peace, with the Azanian League being founded shortly after.

APO Flag[]


The Flag of the Azanian Republic was adopted by the Azanian People's Organization, an African liberation movement founded by Steve Biko. A prominent faction of the Black Consciousness Movement, the APO would emerge during the South African Wars and claim a bit of Transvaal surrounding Soweto, also incorporating nearby Bantustans. The APO would declare the Azanian Republic and Ally with the ANC, laying the foundations of what would become the Azanian League.

History of Azanian Flags
Flag Years Note
Flag of Transvaal 1852-1902 Flag of the South African Republic
Flag of the Transvaal Colony (1904–1910) 1903-1902 Flag of the Transvaal Colony
Flag of Eswatini 1968-present Flag of the Kingdom of Eswatini
Flag of Lebowa 1972–1986 Flag of the Lebowa Bantustan
African National Congress Flag 1983-present Flag of the South African Republic
(African National Congress)
83DD-PACAFlag Flag of the Azanian People's Republic
83DD-AZAPOFlag Flag of the Azanian Republic
DD1983 Bopedi Flag Civil 1986-present Flag of the Kingdom of Bopedi
83DD - AzanianLeagueFlag 1990-present Flag of the Azanian League

Dominion Flag[]

DD1983 Dominion Flag Civil

The Dominion Flag was adopted by the Dominion of South Africa in 1988, shortly after it was founded. The black and yellow represent the African natives, the white and blue people from Europe and Asia, while the green is the land that they share. This was done to represent the multiracial ideals of the Dominion, as well as the restoration of the British monarch. The Union Flag is also represented to a lesser degree but has never been considered a "national" flag

History of Dominion Flags
Flag Years Note
Flag of South Africa (1928–1994) 1985-1988 The Oranje, Blange, Blou was used as a place holder
Flag of the United Kingdom 1985-1988 The Union Flag, mainly used by British exiles
DD1983 Dominion Flag Civil 1988-present The Dominion Flag
AndrewFlag 1985-2015 King Andrew's royal standard
WilliamFlag 2015-present King Willian's royal standard
DD1983 Dominion Flag Naval 1988-present Naval ensign of the Dominion

KwaZulu Flag[]

KwaZulu flag 1977

KwaZulu's national flag was adopted in 1977, before the declaration of independence. KwaZulu had been a Bantustan for several years, and the Inkatha Freedom Party used the colors of the flag as the basis for its own flag. The flag features a Zulu symbol with Pan African colors on a white background. Though some see it as a symbol of a time of oppression, many came to see it as a symbol of their newfound freedom. Uniquely, KwaZulu has also set aside flags for Durban and Pietermaritzburg.

History of Zulu/Natalian Flags
Flag Years Note
Flag of Natalia Republic 1839-1843 Flag of the Natalia Republic
Flag of the Natal Colony (1875–1910) 1875–1910 Flag of the Natal Colony
KwaZulu flag 1977 1977-present Flag of KwaZulu
Flag of Natalia Republic 1986-1987
Flag of Natal (Civil War)
83DD-DurbanFlag 1988-present Flag of Durban
83DD-MaritzburgFlag Flag of Pietermaritzburg

Flags of Namibia and South West Africa[]

Flag of South-West Africa People's Organisation

The flag of Namibia is the flag of the South West Africa People's Organisation, the ruling party of Namibia. SWAPO had liberated Namibia from white rule during the collapse of South Africa and have ruled the country since. The flag is a tricolor of blue, red and green: the blue represents the skies and the seas of Namibia, the red it's people and their heroism, and the green the vegetation and the land. South West Africa maintains it's own flag.

History of Namibian/South West African Flags
Flag Years Note
Reichskolonialflagge 1884–1915 A German colonial Flag
Flag of South Africa (1928–1994) 1928-1988 South African's flag was South West Africa's
Flag of South-West Africa People's Organisation 1984-present The Flag of SWAPO, used by Namibia
DD1983 SWA Flag Civil 1988-present Flag of South West Africa

Flag of the Orange Free State[]

Flag of the Orange Free State

The Orange Free State's flag dates back to the Boer republic, which featured the flag up the Netherlands in the upper right corner, with bars of white and orange. Though used from 1857 to 1902, the Orange Free State flag remained popular, being incorporated into the Oranje, Blanje , bleu, and the Free State's coat of arms. With the dissolution of the Republic of South Africa, the Orange Free State would become de-facto independent, and re-adopt their flag.

List of Flags
Flag Years Note
Flag of the Orange Free State 1857-1902 Flag of the Boer republic
Flag of Orange River Colony 1904–1910 Flag of the Orange River Colony
Flag of Bophuthatswana 1977–present Flag of Bophuthatswana Bantustan
Flag of Transvaal 1988-present Flag of Heiligdom
Flag of the Orange Free State 1994-present The restored Free State Flag
83DD-SetsotoFlag Flag of Setsoto Bantustan



Both Waterboersland and the Volkstaat have adopted their own flags. The Waterboers flag, a blue flag with a red cross in the middle. The flag was loosely based on one used by Voortrekkers during the initial Great Trek, which included Griqua people as well as Afrikaaners. Waterboearsland was founded by members of the New Republic Party and the Griqua people, and controls much of what was northwestern South Africa.

Afrikaner Vryheidsvlag

Meanwhile, the Volkstaat used their own flag based on the Prisenvlag, which become a symbol of Afrikaner Nationalism. The new Voortrekkers were hoping to escape the chaos and create a new state for Afrikaners. Though they tolerated black and other peoples of color, they mainly focused on Afrikaner culture and heritage. As a result, the Volkstaat was proclaimed in the late eighties.

List of Voortrekker Flags
Flag Years Note
Voortrekker flag 1636-c. 1852 Flags used by Voortrekkers
83DD-ProposedWaterboerslandFlag 1988-present Waterboersland Flag
Afrikaner Vryheidsvlag 1991-present Volstaat Flag

Flag of KwaXhosa[]


KwaXhosa's flag is essentially a merger between the flags of Transkei and Ciskei. Transkei and Ciskei were two Bantustans located near the Cape Province. Though nominally independent, they existed largely to help perpetuate apartheid in South Africa. After the collapse of South Africa, they took over much of the easter part of the province. Eventually, the two states would merge into a nation state for the Xhosa people, known as KwaXhosa.

List of Xhosa Flags
Flag Years Note
Flag of Transkei 1977-1988 Flag of Transkei
Flag of Ciskei 1981-1988 Flag of Ciskei
KwaXhosa 1988-present Flag of KwaXhosa

The New Union Flag[]

DD1983 Union SA Flag

The New Union of South Africa adopted it's own flag, a variant of the Oranje, Blanje , bleu. It featured darker colors, and replaced the Union Flag, flag of the Orange Free State, and Transvaal flag with the flags of Waterboersland, the Republic of the Cape, South West Africa, and the Volkstaat. This flag would be used for the entire existence of the Union, even as it expanded, and the Republic of the Cape collapsed.