Alternative History
Alternative History
Fontenist State of New Granada
Estado Fontenista de Nova Granada
Timeline: Principia Moderni IV (Map Game)
OTL equivalent: Colombia
Flag of New Granada Veralista Government
Fontenist State of New Granada Flag
(and largest city)
Other cities Medellín, Cáli, Barranquilla, Maracaibo, Cartagena
Official languages Portuguese
Ethnic groups  White, mestizo, mulatto, black, indigenous
Demonym New Granadian (novagranadino)
Government Totalitarian One-Party Dictatorship
 -  Supreme Ruler Olavo Dantes
Legislature Fontenist Grand Council
 -  August Uprising 26 August 1917 
 -  New Granadian Civil War 1917-1922 
 -  Proclamation of the Fontenist State 24 June 1922 
 -  Death of Olavo Dantes 28 May 1933 

The Fontenist State of New Granada also known as the Fontenist State of Northern Laurentia is a Fascist-Fontneist State in New Granada established after the New Granadian Civil War.


Doubel Coup's of 1917[]

August Uprising[]

New Granadian Civil War[]

Fall of Bogota[]

Proclamation of the State[]

Establishment of the Grand Council[]

Dantes' Reign (1922-33)[]

Rule of Francisco Guerra (1933-present)[]



Fontenist Grand Council[]

Fontenist People's Party[]

Foreign Affairs[]

Fascist Internationale[]

Early New Granadian Policies[]

League of Fascists[]
