Alternative History
French Empire
Empire Français
Timeline: Emancipation (Map Game)

OTL equivalent: Second French Empire
Flag Coat of Arms
Flag Coat of Arms
Location of France
Map of the French Empire, with the European territories and some colonies shown
Liberté, égalite, fraternité
("Liberty, equality, fraternity")
Anthem "Partant pour la Syrie (French)
'Departing for Syria'"
(and largest city)
Language French
Religion Roman Catholic
Demonym French
Government Unitary Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
  Legislature Imperial Senate(Upper House)

Chamber of Deputies(Lower House)

Emperor Napoleon IV
  Imperial House: Bonaparte
President of the Council of Ministers Jacques-Victor-Albert, 4th duc de Broglie (Liberal Bonapartist)
Established 2 December 1851 - Coup of 1851
14 January 1852 - First Constitution
2 December 1852 - Proclamation of the Empire
18 May 1871 - Second Constitution
Currency French Franc

The Second French Empire was established in 1852 by Napoleon III, heir to Napoleon, who 37 years earlier was Emperor before being deposed by the foreign Coalition.

The Empire has recently undergoned democratic reforms, in the form of a new constitution, as the wishes of the Emperor.

France is a main power in the world scenario, and has recently placed Maximilian, of Austria, as Emperor of Mexico.


The military of the Empire is one of the most powerful of its time, tracing its origin and discipline from the of Napoleon I. Currently it has around 600,000 regular soldiers, with mobilization authorized by law in the times of war or national emergency. Also has been approved the creation of the Guarde Nationale Mobile, which is essentially a conscription force, under direct authority of the Chief of Staff. The regular army is better trained and equipped, yet have a slower pace of recruitment and the emergence of an unstable xenophobic China on the borders of French colonies led to this new corps. It should not be underestimated, as there are 500,000 recruits in the Guarde Nationale Mobile, all for service during 1 year. Of the regular soldiers, 40,000 are currently assigned as Auxiliary Forces of the Mexican Empire and 40,000 are in stationed in Indochina. 100,000 regular soldiers and 100,000 national guard are in the invasion of China. 100,000 regular troops and 100,000 national guard are currently invading the Toucolour Empire. Also around 7,500 are crewmembers of the Imperial Navy or perform maintenance duty on shipmakers. The recruitment for the army is simple, yet for full acceptance one needs to spend some time as a recruit in Algeria and Indochina. Training is also rigorous, with nothing but the best soldiers remaining. The navy is also undergoing renovation, with new ships being ordered to substitute the old ones.

The office corps also receives rigorous training. For one to be a naval officer, he requires an degree in the Naval Studies Academy, besides some soldier experience. Only the best are accepted in the Academy, which has former British officers that defected as instructors. The army also founded a Military Studies Academy, that is ought to become a requirement for anyone wishing to become an army officer. Training officers command patrols in colonial regions, such as Algeria or Indochina, to maximize experience. Rigorous study of tactics used by officers in past wars, such as Napoleonic Wars, the North American war or even the German wars is also applied in the Academies.

With all these requirement, the French military forces are seen as a motive of pride for the nation and as aspiration for every citizen to be. Despite the life risk, being a regular soldier carries a prestige and good payment in the French society. National Guard soldiers, despite lower payment and training, are also well respected and always have the chance to take exams to become a regular soldier. 


The government is divided, as in the new constitution, in 4 powers: Executive, Legislative, Judiciary and Moderator.

The Executive is composed of the Prime Minister, chosen by the Emperor under advice of the Chamber of Deputies, and the Council of Ministers, chosen by the Prime Minister. At regional level is occupied by the Local Governor, appointed by the Emperor under advice of the local assembly.

The Legislative is composed of the Chamber of Deputies, elected under male universal suffrage each 5 years or when dissolved by the Emperor, it has 500 members, and the Senate, notable citizens chosen by the Emperor between the four most voted, with lifetime mandate if they so wish, it has 200 members and the Heir Presumptive of the Empire. At regional level is occupied by the Local Assembly, elected every five years or when dissolved by the local governor.

The Judiciary is composed of the Imperial Court of Justice, headed by the Emperor in the event of an national emergency, and occupied by 15 lifetime, if so they wish, appointed judges, chosen by the Emperor under advice of the Prime Minister and approval by the Senate; at regional level is occupied by the Regional Court of Justice, occupied by lifetime judges appointed by the Imperial Court judges from notable citizens.

The Moderator Power is occupied only by the Emperor, at national level. It is responsible for keeping the harmony between the powers, and so will not act unless requested by other powers or if seeing an abuse of power.

The national institutions have to right to dissolve local parliament and remove a local governor. They also may create or join regions.

Special Nobility Titles[]

Colonies, Client States and Claimed Territories[]

  • FrenchWestIndiesCompanyEmancipationMGFrench West Indies (Colonies - Island in the Caribeean, French Guiana and the quarter under French control in Veracruz)
  • Bandera del Segundo Imperio Mexicano (1864-1867)Mexican Empire (Client State - Protected by France and South Germany as of the Treaty of Munich)
  • Flag of Colonial AnnamFrench Indochina (Colony - French Conchinchina, French Laos, Empire of Annam and Kingdom of Cambodia.)
  • New Caledonia (Colony)
  • Flag of the Society Islands ProtectorateNaval Base of Tahiti (Colony/Military Base)
  • Madagascar (Protectorate)
  • French West Africa (Colonies - several small territories under direct control and large territory claimed)