Alternative History
Kingdom Of France
Royaume de France
Timeline: Principia Moderni II (Map Game)

OTL equivalent: most of France, except for Normandy, Brittany, Lorraine, Provence and part of Occitania.
Flag Coat of Arms
Flag Coat of Arms
Location of France
France in blue
Montjoie Saint Denis! (French)
("Mountjoy Saint Denis!")
Anthem "Marche Pierre I"
(and largest city)
Language French, Occitan
Religion Roman Catholicism (the majority of the population follows this religion.since France is a secular state, it is not official)
Government Monarchy
King Pierre II de Lara
Population 27,700,000 
Established 843, Treaty of Verdun
Currency Livre

The Kingdom of France is a nation in Europe. It is bordered by the Spanish Kingdoms of Barcelona and Navarra, at south, the Kingdoms of Brittany, Belgium, Luxembourg and Normandy, at north, and the Kingdom of Lorraine, the County of Sundgau and the Swiss state at east, and has the County of La Marche as a enclave.


  • 1450 - 1500: France undergoes a process of centralization, and most of the autonomous counties inside France either are annexed or lose their autonomy for foreign affairs. France also starts to colonize some islands off the coast of Africa.
  • 1500 - 1550: The Kingdom collapses due to being under incapable hands. by 1513, the kingdom shatters into smaller states lead by the landlords such as the Bourbons, Trencavels, and La Tour d'Auvergnes. the crisis state in what once was France remains until 1530 when the Auvergnian France, Backed by a Burgundian kingdom seeking an ally in the west, soon they successfully take over most of France but Brittany and Normandy strong nations and united together to fight the French and Burgundian onslaught on two occasions. It was now when the French colonialism really starts, as most of the profitable territories were already taken, focusing on Southern Atlantia.
  • 1550 - 1600: This moment is mainly focused on the exterior politics of France trying to recover its territory lost in the north and later after 1580 to help Burgundy against the rebellious Netherlands which end up being completely lost by  them, only keeping a small coastline that would later be lost as well. It's as well a moment of change as the entire European Christianity is threatened by the now powerful caliphate and the growing threat from the Muslim overtaking of the Eastern Europe and later Russia, forcing a European Coalition. Venice is one of the next targets of the caliphate kept only for the coalition between Germany, Burgundy and Scandinavia. In the last decades of the century Burgundy was much more dependent on France than it had been before.
  • 1600 - 1650: The first years are marked by much more continuous campaigns against Britanny and Normandy and by 1615 the first coalition war against other European nation, as the Coalition of Germany, Scandinavia, the Mayans and Cypriot nations, it was due to France that Burgundy had ensured its existence probably to be crushed by the alliance of once allies of France lead by the over expansionist Scandinavians. France was forced to cede a port in order for Burgundy to keep administrating its territories,soon things would come to go as usual. but by 1643 another crisis occurred establishing several new kingdoms such as Toulouse, Aquitaine and Provence and France itself was shattered 650, Pierre I, of the House of Luxembourg, reunites what is left of France, but ends up murdered in 1656, and the throne passes to the Duke of Burgundy, and a new chapter would arise...
  • 1650 - 1700: The Burgundian era, at difference than most has been a cultural expansion era as well as a new military era, it was during the initiating era in which the new infrastructure was built and the School system was open and the Burgundian law system based on ideals brought from the polycultural nation grew stronger within France such as to some extent the secularity of one state towards the beliefs of its population. with this it as well starts a growth of the Burgundian monarchy ruling over France only. the Burgundian monarchy would later reach Switzerland, Lorraine and Tyrol in the end. It as well marked the beginning of the Neo Burgundian expansionism that would hit Europe and later North Africa - mainly Carthage the strongest nation in North Africa. The Burgundian era would close with a new series of campaigns to reunify France - now focusing on the south aided by the Aragonese and Castillian crowns in exchange for roughly Septimania.
  • 1700 - 1750 : The start of the century is marked by the new campaigns against Toulouse which finishes with the foundation of Occitania in the southern territories of Toulouse mainly to set the French territories gained in the Mediterranean. To re-enter trading was the leading reason for it, and after several wars by 1709 Aquitaine was completely taken by the vassal of Occitania. Switzerland becomes the Kingdom of Rhaetia under the Burgundian monarchy, and Lorraine and Tyrol become vassals of the empire or puppets. The expansion is finished as by 1725 France and Carthage enter into dynastic union and vassalage - meaning that France rules over Northern Africa as well as most of the European Gaul - as well as Northern Atlantia and small portions of Baie D'eriks on Septentria Gala region directly near French control of OTL Labrador peninsula, The Beginning of the Strellokian wars
  • 1750 - 1800: the Recovery of Aquitaine and final reunification under one ruler of the French lands occurs as of 1782 when after years of war the coalition against scraw leads the capture of Aquitaine and parts of Germanic empire including this the capture of Picardy, caused by the french revolt occurred in 1758 as the inhabitants of Picardy revolt against Germanic Luxembourg the Strellokian war causing the annexation of parts of the Rhine confederation into France and the cause of the Picardy revolt it ends the German era of primacy in the continent bringing as well and alliance with Bavaria and the creation of an opposite force to the Germanic's Reich, the Colonies are given unique amounts of independence yet not relinquishing the royal power over them. it begin the exchange of industrial campaigns with Carthage in the later years of the 17th century and began to oppose against the Welsh over expansionism that would lead to the collapse of the ally, the Netherlands. In 1795 occurs the Aquitainian war, leading the defeat of the French armies against the Persians.
  • 1800 - 1850: the Era of convulsion starts, in the first place around France, the Welsh War lead by Germany and Ethiopia to crush Wales, succeeding  after a while, leading the collapse of the Welsh empire, overextended by continuous wars and wasted resources all over the empire, after this conflict the Ethiopian war begins with a ephemeral intervention of the french, in which the Ethiopians agree on giving the French Kingdom the regions of Britanny and Normandy, after the Revolt lead the formation of a republic being the first time France is unified after three centuries since 1511, yet the unity is ephemeral finishing in 1828 after the end of the Franco-Greek War yielding no victory for any side, the Crisis reaches a point and impulses the final step into democracy when the dictator Charles X starting officially the unification of most of France (less La Marche, Lorraine, Picardy, Britanny and Normandy) under the Gaul Republic, While this Normandy and Britanny reclaim independence and Join sides with Benelux and Italy, while Lorraine and Picardy form a Confederated republic after the republic merges due to their mutual Germanic-Frankish culture. While this, to finance the French growth Baie d'Eric most entirety to The Neu Berlin Reich, keeping only the Islands of Nouvelle Isleau the southernmost, Nouvelle Bretagne the middle one and Nouvelle Avignon the northern most.





  • Spanish Empire
  • German Reich
    • Saxony
    • Bavaria
  • Carthage
  • Russia


  • Ethiopia - STABLE
  • Orissa - STABLE
  • China - STABLE

List of Monarchs[]

Merovingians (430-751)[]

  • Chlodio (390-450) [son of Faramund]
  • Merovech (411-457) [son of Chlodio]
  • Childeric I (437-481) [son of Merovech]
  • Clovis I (466-511) [son of Childeric I]
  • Chlodomer (495-524) [son of Clovis I]
  • Theodoric I (485-534) [son of Clovis I]
  • Theodebert I (500-548) [son of Theodoric I]
  • Theodebald (535-554) [son of Theodebert I]
  • Childebert I (496-558) [son of Clovis I]
  • Chlotar I (497-561) [son of Clovis I]
  • Charibert I (517-567) [son of Chlotar I]
  • Sigebert I (535-575) [son of Chlotar I]
  • Chilperic I (539-584) [son of Chlotar I]
  • Guntram (532-592) [son of Chlotar I]
  • Chilbedert II (570-595) [son of Sigebert I]
  • Theodoebert II (586-612) [son of Childebert II]
  • Theodoric II (587-613) [son of Childebert II]
  • Sigebert II (602-613) [son of Theodoric II]
  • Chlotar II (584-629) [son of Chilperic I]
  • Charibert II (607-632) [son of Chlotar II]
  • Dagobert I (605-639) [son of Chlotar II]
  • Clovis II (634-657) [son of Dagobert I]
  • Sigebert III (630-660) [son of Dagobert I]
  • Childebert III (c.640-661) [adopted son of Sigebert III]
  • Chlotar III (652-673) [son of Clovis II]
  • Childeric II (653-675) [son of Clovis II]
  • Clovis III (656-676) [son of Clovis II]
  • Dagobert II (650-679) [son iof Sigebert III]
  • Theodoric III (654-691) [son of Clovis II]
  • Clovis IV (678-695) [son of Theodoric III]
  • Childebert IV (683-711) [son of Theodoric III]
  • Dagobert III (699-715) [son of Childebert IV]
  • Chlotar IV (700-718) [son of Childebert IV]
  • Chilperic II (672-721) [son of Childeric II]
  • Theodoric IV (712-737) [son of Dagobert III]
  • Childeric III (717-754) [son of Chilperic II]

Carolingians (752-987)[]

  • Pepin (714-768)
  • Carloman I (751-771)
  • Charlemagne (742-814)
  • Louis I (778-840)
  • Charles II (823-877)
  • Louis II (846-879)
  • Louis III (863-882)
  • Carloman II (866-884)
  • Charles III (874-929)
  • Louis IV (921-[936-954])
  • Lothair (941-986)
  • Louis V (967-987)

Robertians (888-898/922-923)[]

  • Odo (852-898)
  • Robert I (866-923) [brother of Odo]

Bosonids (923-936)[]

  • Raoul (880-936) [son-in-law of Robert I]

Capetingians (987-1328)[]

  • Hugh Capet (941-996) [grandson of Robert I]
  • Robert II (972-1031)
  • Henry I (1008-1060)
  • Philip I (1052-1108)
  • Louis VI (1081-1137)
  • Louis VII (1120-1180)
  • Philip II (1165-1223)
  • Louis VIII (1187-1226)
  • Louis IX (1214-1270)
  • Philip III (1245-1285)
  • Philip IV (1268-1314)
  • Louis X (1289-1316)
  • Jean I (1316)
  • Philip V (1292-1322)
  • Charles IV (1294-1328)

Valois (1328-1508)[]

  • Philip VI (1293-1350) [first cousin of Charles IV]
  • Jean II (1319-1364)
  • Charles V (1338-1380)
  • Charles VI (1368-1422)
  • Charles VII (1403-1461)
  • Louis XI (1423-1483)
  • Charles VIII (1470-1498)
  • Charles IX (1492-1508)

La Tour d'Auvergne (1508-1642)[]

  • Jean III (1467-1510) [brother-in-law of Charles VIII]
  • Louis XII (1490-1517)
  • Henry II (1492-1523)
  • Bernard (1495-1561)
  • Louis XIII (1520-1608)
  • Louis XIV (1590-1642)

Trencavel (1523)[]

  • Jules (1485-[1523]1533)

Bourbon (1513-1542)[]

  • Charles X (1476-1521)
  • Charles XI (1490-1527) (2nd degree cousin and brother-in-law of Charles X)
  • Charles XII (1489-1537) (5th degree cousin of Charles XI)
  • Philip VII (1518-1540)
  • Jean IV (1519-1541)
  • François I (1491-1542) (brother of Charles XII)

Luxembourg (1643-1656)[]

  • Píerre I (1598-1656)

Burgundy-Valois (1656-1829)[]

  • Ferry (1635-1678) [grandnephew of Louis XIV's wife.Besides that, the tenth-degree cousin of Louis XIV]
  • Charles XIII (1665-1718)
  • François II (1694-1718)
  • Louis XV (1696-1739)
  • François III (1720-1756)
  • Charles XIV (1727-1769)
  • Louis XVI (1750-1779)
  • Charles XV (1752-1796)
  • Louis XVII (1775-1800)
  • Charles XVI (1779-1829)
Claimants to the French throne after proclamation of republic (1829-1880)[]
  • Louis XIX (1802-1869)
  • Philip VIII (1827-1878)
  • Louis XX (1850-1879)

Dukes of Burgundy (of the House of Burgundy-Valois)[]

  • Philip II (1342-1404)
  • Jean I (1371-1419)
  • Philip III (1396-1471)
  • Charles I (1433-1497)
  • Marie (1457-1518)
  • Jean II (1496-1545)
  • François I (1529-1578)
  • Ferdinand I (1552-1599)
  • Charles II (1555-1632)
  • Pierre I (1600-1643)
  • François II (1622-1646)
  • Ferry (1635-1678)

Lara (1880-)[]

  • Alphonse I (1819-1883) [13th degree cousin of Louis XX]
  • Pierre II (1842-1889)
  • Jean V (1872-1896)
  • Ferdinand (1844-1897)
  • Philip IX Garcia (1872-1935)
  • Alphonse II (1893-1964)