Alternative History
Liberté, égalité, fraternité
La Marseillaise
(and largest city)
Official languages French
Religion Roman Catholicism
Demonym French

France is a Country located in Western Europe. Despite having a few colonial possesions after the Franco-Prussian War , France remains as a Great Power in the world though they have lost their military prestige and influence in Western Europe and remain in a weaken state so far in the 1870s. After the Franco-Prussian War , France remains largely hostile towards Germany and Italy while also attempting to prevent both nations from spreading their influence in the world.

Second French Empire[]

Second French Empire
Imperial Standard of Napoléon III Coat of Arms Second French Empire (1852–1870)-2
Flag Coat of arms
Capital Paris
Official language French
Religion Roman Catholic
Government Unitary Constitutional Monarchy
 - 1852-1873 Napoleon III
Cabinet Chief
 - 1869-1870 Emile Olivier
 - 1870-1872 Charles Cousin-Montauban
 - Established 1852
 - Disestablished 1873

The Second French Empire was the Regime of Napoleon III of France from 1852 to 1873. After coming to power in France after a Coup D'etat in 1852 , Napoleon III tried to emulate his uncle , Napoleon I and involved himself in several wars such as the Italian Wars of Independence , the Crimean War and the Opium Wars in an attempt to restore the great empire of Napoleon I but after 1866 and his failure in Mexico , Napoleon III soon faced an rising German Threat and without allies he boldly declared war on Prussia in 1870 and was defeated after 3 years of conflict in 1873 and captured by Otto von Bismark along with most members of his government and of his military staff after the Capture of Paris by German Forces. After Napoleon III's Capture a Provisional Government under Aldophe Thiers signed the humiliating Treaty of Paris in which forced the dissolution of the Second French Empire.

Other then Napoleon III's disastrous attempt to emulate his uncle , Napoleon III did improve France and help bring prosperity to the nation through many projects such as the renovations of Paris , the Grand Railway network he established and promoting French Business and Exports bringing economic prosperity to France having a more positive effect on his his domestic policies then his foreign policies as he greatly modernized his regime and the nation itself.

Franco-Prussian War[]

Third French Republic[]

Third French Republic
Flag of France Coat of arms of France (UN variant)
Flag Coat of arms
Capital Paris
Official language French
Religion Roman Catholic
Government Unitary Parliamentary Republic
 - 1873-75 Aldophe Thiers
 - 1875-1882 Patrice de MacMahon
 - 1882-1883 Henri d'Orleans
Prime Minister
 - 1873-1875 Jules Dufaure
 - 1875-1883 Albert, 4th duc de Broglie
 - Established 1873
 - Disestablished 1883

The Third French Republic was a Monarchist Republic established in 1873 after the Treaty of Paris in which saw the dissolution of Napoleon III's Second French Empire. Lead by Aldophe Thiers in it's first 2 years , France focused on rebuilding and creating a permanent democracy but opposition within the National Assembly and the Parliament caused Thiers to resign and through elections in 1875 Patrice the MacMahon became the Second President of the Third Republic. However with the Government dominated by Monarchists and the President himself a Monarch it was expected for the Monarchy to return , the most likely claimant to the Throne of France the Legitimist Henri, Count of Chambord wished to remove all traces of the French Revolution and thus it was decided to keep the Republic until his death , however with the Republicans gaining more influence within the Government and the idea of the Monarchy fading away it was finally decided by MacMahon to hold a referendum in 1879 on the status of France on whether it should remain a Republic or return to the Monarchy. However with two colonial crisis occurring with Italy and Germany , and the nations preoccupation with colonial affairs and to reduce German and Italian influence , the idea of the Return of the Monarchy faded and Revanchism became more favored over the Restoration. However with the surprising results of the 1882 Elections and the Less-Revanchist Pro-Monarchist Henri d'Orleans becoming President of France , MacMahon's Revanchist Policies began to be reversed in favor of normalizing relations with the Germans and Italians. Eventually however Henri d'Orleans would soon hold a Referendum on the Return of the Monarchy in which was approved by 82% of the population resulting in the dissolution of the Third Republic and the Restoration of the Kingdom of France

Early Days of the Third Republic and the Paris Commune[]

Containment Policy against Germany and Italy[]

1878 War in Sight Crisis[]

Central African Crisis[]

Kingdom of France
Flag of Constitutional Royal France Coat of Arms of Kingdom of France
Flag Coat of arms
Capital Paris
Official language French
Religion Roman Catholicism
Government Unitary Constitutional Monarchy
 - 1883-1897 Henri VI
 - 1897-XXXX Phillipe VIII
Prime Minister
 - 1883 Albert de Broglie
 - 1883-1893 Armand de Mackau
 - 1893-XXXX George Enrest Boulanger
 - Established 1883
 - Disestablished XXXX

Colonial Expansion[]

1883 Referendum and Restoration[]

Orleanist France[]

The Kingdom of France also known as the Second Restoration or the Third Kingdom of France or simply the Third Kingdom was the official Monarchist Regime lead by the more Liberal House of Orleans under Henri d'Orleans as Henri VI of France. After securing support for the Monarchy in the National Assembly Henri VI was able to secure his power as French Monarchy preventing any of his older siblings from taking the throne from him. However the first years of his rule where faced by Conflicts in Franc'es remaining Colonies as well as major opposition in his attempts to establish new Colonies. After kicking the Austrians out of Eritrea and compromising with the Russians , Henri VI had to face a Colonial War in Zanzibar in which France was quickly defeated and forced to give up Southern Zanzibar while also facing Revolts in the Fezzan Region in which was still in the process of Colonization and Pacification. In 1885 Henri VI decided to withdraw from the Fezzan region seeing no point of prolonging the conflict in the region. When the Second Ottoman War erupted in 1886 King Henri VI authorized an Invasion of the Levant pressured by many Revanchists who wanted to restore France's Military Prestige. However in 1887 the Continental Crisis resulted in France being hit by High Inflation. Eventually this caused a series of protests to erupt in 1888 and soon after attempting to suppress them the protests got worse forcing King Henri VI to compromise with the Protesters giving up all of his political power becoming a simple figurehead. This crisis eventually saw War Minister Boulanger reveal his Revanchist intentions in which surprised the King and Prime Minister Mackau and Mackau's cabinet. In 1891 to test France's military strength and their position as a Great Power , an ultimatum was sent to the Emirate of Jabal Shammar who was considered as an Russian Ally. For many within the National Assembly an Russian Intervention would prove to be a great chance to seize control of the Horn of Africa claimed earlier under the regime of MacMahon. However after the saccing of Mecca in which the Government expected to decrease Arabian Morale , the tide turned against the French and French Forces were forced to withdraw due to sudden rebellions in the French Colonies. This defeat resulted in the loss of many territories but the election of General Boulanger as Prime Minister brought up hope as the people saw him as the ultimate solution to France's problems.

Continued Colonial Expansion[]

Inflation Crisis[]