Alternative History
Alternative History
This Rise of Roses page is a Proposal.

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Timeline: Rise of Roses

OTL equivalent: Rupert's Land
Flag of Kingdom of Free Britain
Flag of Free Britain
Location of Kingdom of Free Britain
Anthem "For Our Nation We Die"
Capital New London
Largest city Argylltown
  others Scots, Spanish
  others Presbyterian, Catholicism, Jew, other
Ethnic Groups
British (English, Scottish, Welsh), Irish
  others Other European, Mexican, Asian, North African
Demonym Free British
Government Kingdom
  Royal house: Argyll
Prime Minister
Established 1708
Independence from Kingdom of England and Kingdom of Scotland
Currency Free British Pound
Internet TLD .fb



In 1707, the Act of Union was narrowly defeated. Many politicians, nobles and even general population supported the idea of a United Britain. Taking issue with the decision, The Duke of Argyll used his large fortune to purchase several ships and set sail for the New World. He made agreements with the Scottish and English governments who were more than eager to give him their unwanted Unionists who would doubtless cause trouble. This however was not enough for the English and Scottish. If a new state was to be formed they wanted influence. After much discussion, the English government freed up the Hudson's Bay Company. The English and Scottish governments as well as the Duke of Argyll and his 'British Parliament' purchased shares in the Company. The claimed area of the Hudsons Bay Company was to be the area of Free Britain, no more. The Company was to be the arbiter of settling and making agreements with native groups. The share purchasing kept the new British people well within the bosom of England and Scotland but it also guaranteed a lot of freedom.

Britano-American War[]

When the USA became independent, it made overtures for the annexation of Free Britain, following its Manifest Destiny. Free Britain refused and so started one of the bloodiest wars up to then. Free Britain, though large, had a very sparse population and was concentrating on trying to integrate Native Americans to boost their population. Therefor they were caught off guard. After several setbacks against the Americans, they were able to fend off the attacks of its more cumbersome neighbour. Finally after three years of bloodshed, they agreed to return to their former borders and not to fight for at least 15 years.

The Expansionist Problem[]

All around Free Britain, empires were expanding but these nations had a large population to draw upon whearas Free Britain was large and sparsely populated. This ultimately lead to yet another war.

Britano-Louisianan War[]

Free Britain and Louisiana clashed over a border. Louisiana was than a match for the Free British regular forces, and accepted the surrender of Free Britain and cession of territory. Holding onto it with British guerrillas was another matter entirely. Finally, Louisiana withdrew. The upshot was that Free Britain signed treaties with its neighbours, securing its independence and sovereignty.

Metis Independence War[]

Although the British had tried to act in an enlightend fashion to Native Americans, the imposition of British law and customs was unpopular amongst the fiercely independent Metis. Being the product of European and Native cultures they were often the bow wave before British settlements. But the Metis had had enough of being constantly pushed forward and they declared independence. Thanks to a combination of political incompetence, the Metis determination and the sheer distance involved, the British government agreed to recognise their independence.

The Grand Wars[]

After a period of time, the British began resenting the level of influence the English and Scottish had on their government. At first there were protest marches. Then terrorist attacks were made in the British Isles. Then the Movements (as it was known) became official. In 1922, the British government nationalised the HBC. Needless to say, England and Scotland were not best pleased. An invasion was attempted but they were routed just outside Argylltown. Free Britain defeated each nation in turn. After two years, England and Scotland agreed that the HBC should be nationalised and that all English and Scottish ties to Free Britain were to be cut.


Ethnically, most of the British are descended from English or Scottish migrants. However there are significant populations of Native Americans and Metis as well as a large Francophone community.