Alternative History

Germania refers to the region of Central Europe dominated by peoples speaking West-Germanic languages.

Some people preffere to call Greater Helvetia the territories of Italia plus Helvetia, and even central Gaul, as those territories were once controled by the Helvetians.



There are seven officially recognized West Germanic languages:

  1. Anglish
  2. Allemanish
  3. Bohemian
  4. Frisian
  5. Hannovrian
  6. Suabian
  7. Yiddish


The Germanic countries are:

  1. Bohemia
  2. Dresden
  3. Hannover
  4. Swabia

Some times Helvetia is also counted, given that 1/3 of the population speak Allemanish.

There are also important Germanic minorities in Turkey (Allemanish), Brandemburg (Bohemian and Yiddish), Denmark (Hannovrian), Holand (Frissian and Hannovrian), England (Anglish) and Scotland (Anglish).
