Alternative History
Royal Armed Forces of Gokturkia
Гўктüркия Кироллик Кучлари
Go'ktürkiya Qirollik Kuchlari<large> (Gokturkic)</large>
Founded December 25, 1991
Country FlagofTurkestan Gokturkia
Allegiance FlagofTurkestan Gokturkia
Branch Royal Ground Forces
Royal Air Forces
Royal Rocket Forces
Royal Miscellaneous Forces
Size 320,300
Motto "Осмоннинг Иродасини Бажаринг"
"Osmonning irodasini bajaring" (Gokturkic)
"Выполнять Bолю Hебес"
"Vypolnjatʹ Volju Nebes" (Russian)
("Carry Out The Will of Heaven")

The Royal Armed Forces of Göktürkia (Göktürkic: Гўктüркия Кироллик Кучлари, Go'ktürkiya Qirollik Kuchlari; Russian: Королевские Bооруженные Cилы Гектюркии; Korolevskie Booružennye Cily Gektjurkii) also known as the Gokturkian Armed Forces or Royal Gokturian Forces are the official armed fighting forces of the Göktürk Khaganate of Central Asia.

They are divided into the Royal Ground Forces, Royal Air Force, Royal Rocket Forces and the Royal Miscellaneous Forces.

The armed forces was created in 1991, as the Armed Forces of the Central Asian Provisional State, or the Central Asian Armed Forces, and for the most part, and ever since then, under Russian and Chinese influence and training, where Russian was still the language spoken in the military, and still exports Russian military equipment. At the time of Central Asian independence, the Central Asian Armed Forces was one of the largest of the former Russian Empire. However, corruption was rampant.

However under the leadership of Oltas Tynyshbaev, the the 1st Prime Minster of Gokturkia (under that name), the military underwent serious overhauling to keep the military updated, decreasing the number of personnel and investing in the latest military technology, from Russia and China, along with the cultural indegenization of using the Göktürkic language alongside Russian. As part of the efforts to increase self-sufficiency, the Gokturian military has began to produce licensed local productions of Russian models.

Additionally, the Gokturkian Armed Forces is an operating of WMDs, operating a known total of 34 warheads.

With a total personnel number of approximately 320,300 and thanks to Prime Minister Tynyshbaev's reforms, the military of Göktürkia has grown into a regional power, and is also active in global Chinese and Russian-led peace-keeping operations. It is considered Central Asia's most powerful military (given that only three countries exist in Central Asia).