Alternative History

The March 1st Movement manifestations (1919), where the first mass rallies against Japanese occupation of Korea. Its violent suppression and persecution of nationalist groups, prompt the organization of an exile government. The former ruling Yi family were mediatized into the Japanese Imperial or made Korean nobles. Thus, removing themselves from nationalist circles or any opposition. The Korean emigre organized in exile the basis for the restoration of an independent state. They abandoned the restoration of monarchy, and proclaimed the establishment of a democratic republic. In the meantime a provisional government would be established in exile that would on its return call for elections of a constituent assembly. the functions of this provisional government would be to assist and coordinate resistance and seek diplomatic representation.

Flag of South Korea

Flag of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea and People's Republic of Korea

By 1920 the majority of nationalist circles rallied around the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea (PGRK). It was establishment in Shanghai, marking the birth of an opposition to Japanese. It coordinated the armed resistance against the Japanese army, by means of the Korean Liberation Army (KLA). PGRK had the recognition of the Second Republic of China.

A People's Liberation Committee of Korea (PLCK), was created on the Japanese retreat from the Korean Peninsula. It organized local committees in charge of public services, distribution of food and security on areas liberated or abandoned by the retrieving Japanese Imperial Army. Most of the equipment left behind was used by the Korean People's Army (KPA).

By a common agreement of the Joint Allies Administration of Korea (JAAK) integrated by China, FSR, USA and ICF, the PGRK and PLCK proclaimed the Peoples' Republic of Korea and established a coalition government.


Flag of the People's Liberation Committee of Korea (liberated zones) and Korean People's Army (KPA)
