Alternative History
Great Turkish War
Part of Greco-Ottoman Wars
Battle of Lepanto 1571
Third Battle of Rhodes, 1642
Date July 1632 - January 1646
Location Anatolia, Aegean, Syria, Croatia
Result Inconclusive
Treaty of Vasiligrad
End of the Ottoman Empire
Belkan withdraw from Crete and Rhodes
Rashidun withdraw from Croatia
Rhodes ceded to the Caliphate
Russian annexation of the ports of Antalya and Mersin
Rashidun flag Rashidun Caliphate

Emirate of Cyprus
Biarchy of Krete
Flag of the Ottoman Sultanate (1299-1453) Ottoman Empire
Flag of Morocco Sultanate of Maghreb
Flag of the Mughal Empire Shahdom of Iran

File:Flag of Bulgaria.png Tsardom of Belka

Sakartvelo - drosha Kingdom of Pontus (until 1635)
Principality of Nicea
Flag of Russia Tsardom of Russia
Flag of the Papal States (pre 1808) Papal States

Commanders and leaders
Sultan Mehmed III (POW)

Sultan Dawud Osman
Caliph Walid Al-Hakim
Caliph Khalid Al-Hajaj
Ismail Pasha
Musa Al-Harb
Emir Amr Al-Thaleth
Musa ibn Reis

Tsar Vasili

The Great Turkish War, alternatively known as the Great Crusade, the Last Crusade, or the Last Jihad, was a military conflict between the Tsardom of Belka and various Muslim powers over control of the Anatolian peninsula. The Ottoman Empire had existed as an isolated Turkish state for many years after the Mamluk and Gurkani Sultanates had been destroyed, and after 1570 had become a vassal of the Abbasid Caliphate. Belka, originally the Tsardom of Bulgaria, founded its nation on the crusader principles to liberate Europeans of Muslim domination, as the wars of Vasili the Impaler pushed the Ottomans out of Greece in the late 15th century. Although largely inconclusive, the war broke up the Ottoman Empire, as well as leaving many other lasting legacies on both Europe and the Middle East.


Ottoman Rule of Eastern Europe[]

Ottoman-Luxembourg Wars[]

South Slavic Unification[]

Decline of Ottoman Power[]

Arab-Slavic Relations[]

First Phase: 1632-1639[]

Preparations for War[]

Initial Invasion[]

Administration of Nicea[]

Eastward Advance[]

Fall of Ankara[]

The Greater Crusade[]

Second Phase: 1639-1646[]

Rashidun Preparations[]

Syrian Counter-Offensive[]

Caucasian Campaign[]

Westward Advance[]

Battle of Antifakh[]

Push for Resolution[]

Naval Front[]

Ottoman Failures[]

Invasion of Krete[]

Defense of Cyprus[]

Rashidun Counter-Attack[]

Battle of Antayla[]

Invasion of Croatia[]

End of the War[]

Decimation of Anatolia[]

Treaty of Vasiligrad[]

Economic Failures[]

Significant Factors[]

Religious Propaganda[]

Military Tactics[]

Turkish Slavery[]