Alternative History
Alternative History


  1. Everything must be realistic - plausible. Don't make it another alien space bat game.
  2. The starting year is 1935.
  3. You can create a new nation, and it will have either all modern technologies, or it can be third-world nation, if you choose so.
  4. Only mod shall declare the next turn.
  5. If you want to add a plan of your city, with streets, etc., add it near your country turn's summary.
  6. If you have a question, post it on the talk page.
  7. You must use algorithm, when you invade another nation, shall it be NPC or Player (see Useful Links).
  8. One day in real life = one season ingame: Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn. There is an exception, that mods may start new turn, if all nations have done their turn, or reasons similar to these(refer to rule 4).
  9. You must add your nation to the Diplomacy Page(See Useful Links).
  10. You can't take over the whole major-power nation in one turn. You will be fighting for specific regions, for example, Stalingrad Region in one counting of turn.
  11. You are considered inactive after five days of not posting something about your country, or not contacting me, that you're going for on leave.
  12. You can become a major power, if: a) Neutral Moderator makes you one. b) When your territory is big enough to be actually considered big. c) If you win five wars in a row.
  13. Dropping nukes: Only one nuke per season. You can drop it on one city. Then, the population of that city will be taken and put into random org as a max value. The generated random number will mean the number of people killed. This may affect the population bonus during the wars with someone. However, only mods can do these's.
  14. If you want to unite a country to yours(best way): 1) Send your party to them. 2) Ask a moderator to do a RNG for your party, how many votes would it receive. 3) Wait a few years. 4) Ask a mod to do a RNG if the country would agree to unite with yours. 5) One unification per two years.

Useful links[]

Current Map[]


Black denotes areas of anarchy, grey instability.


  • Updated TheB (talk) 21:55, December 24, 2012 (UTC)



  1. Doctor261 (Head Cartographer)


Sign ups[]

{C}Major Powers

{C}Minor Powers

Defunct Nations

  • Flag of the United Kingdom Great Britain - Partitioned by France and Germany
  • Zhukov's Union USSR (Imperium Guy) - Partitioned by the USA, Third Reich, Italy and China
  • Comunist-influenced flag China (RandomWriterGuy) - Controlled by Kogasa
  • Light Blue Flag of Iceland Kingdom of Iceland (Westsylvania) - Annexed into Scandinavia
  • Flag of Ethiopia Ethiopia (RandomWriterGuy) - Annexed by Italy
  • Flag of Mongolia Mongolia - Annexed by China
  • Flag of Canada Canada (Eurasia12) - Annexed by the USA
  • 250px-State Flag of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.svg Yugoslavia (Stephen.valentine1) - Partitioned by various nations
  • Flag of Cuba Cuba (TornadoM) - Annexed by the USA
  • Flag of the Land of Valencia (official) Valencia (Sereniama) - Annexed by Spain
  • Communist flag of turkey Union of Ottoman Socialist Republics (DeanSims) - Collapsed
  • Flag of Finland Finland - Annexed into Scandinavia
  • Flag of Norway Norway (TDZinc) - Annexed into Scandinavia

The ones with a ^ can be taken over, because these people are inactive. If you're back, remove the ^ please.

The Game[]

Archives 1935-1940 (Greater Europe)

Archives 1941-1945 (Greater Europe)

Archives 1946-1950 (Greater Europe)

Archives 1951-1955 (Greater Europe)

Archives 1956-1960 (Greater Europe)

Archives 1961-1965 (Greater Europe)


  • Empire of Great Japan: Japan continues to build up their military and improve infrastructure. President Tokugawa Masako begins invading Thailand. In Korea, 'Kim Doo-kwan' (Makoto Tokugawa) continues to spread pro-Fascist-Imperialist propaganda throughout the nation and the Korean military is built up, and aid is sent to help Japan against Thailand. In China, President 'Huang Ming' (Tokugawa Yoshimitsu) has the Chinese military built up and also sends aid to help Japan against Thailand. In Japan, Fuji Speedway finishes construction this year and is opened; its first major race is planned sometime next year.
  • Bolivia's ally Argentina crushes all of Chile, allowing it to send re-inforcements to the Bolivians. With extra help, it manages to push through the Andes harder and faster than ever before. They begin to near Lima, where the major siege will take place.
  • New Arabia: The war with Yemen continues (can I please get some help with algorithms?) Several important mosques are burnt to the ground by the government. Government involvement is kept very secret and a number of important religious hardliners are tried and sentenced to death for the crime. The government apologises but states that due to consumption of produce in the war effort it will not be possible to rebuild them until the war is over. Until then, a temporary tent is set up for the purpose of worship in the city square. New Arabia asks the Third Reich for help in the development of fighter and bomber planes for the war effort.
    • Swedish-Finnish Diplomacy: We pledge 20 Saab 35 Drakens, the jewel of our Flygvapnet, to be given to the Arabian Air Force, to assist them in their battle. We believe that the Great Third Reich will help assist an ally like New Arabia.
    • The Reich did, check the Reich's game post below.
    • New Arabia graciously thanks its generous allies.
  • The Third Reich amps up the military and the Reich also continues to fund National Socialist parties in Latvia and Estonia, so these two nations can be taken over by National Socialist coups with German military backing. The Reich also continues a military crackdown on democratic dissidents in Lithuania to keep the new Lithuanian puppet state firmly under German control. The German aircraft manufacturing firms also agree to manufacture fighter and bomber planes for the Arabian air force as part of a multi-billion Reichmark defence contract.
  • 'Sweden-Finland': With Iceland refusing to co-operate (well, Iceland's player, or the mods, haven't said anything about an Invasion of Iceland), ten Saab 35 Drakens take off in the middle of the night on January 2, 1966, and begin firebombing Reykajvik, and other nearby localities. Swedish, Finnish and Norwegian troops plan to storm the beach of Southwest Iceland (Reykajvik has a very mild climate for such a northern city, in fact, it almost never goes above -20C, in fact, the weather in Oslo and Helsinki are even colder, while Stockholm is only slightly colder), should the Icelandic Kingdom not peacefully surrender.
  • France: Military capacity increases and testing continues. The teaching of English in England is outlawed entirely, making French the only language. People calling for English people to be allowed in Parliament are silenced. France extends a friendly hand the the Celtic Union and wishes to see the inclusion of Ireland in the country. It also prepares for the absorption of Wallonia. They offer help to Sweden Finland in their invasion if required. Native English are now no longer allowed to have more than one child. Their deportation continues.
    • Swedish-Finnish Diplomacy: French involvement isn't instantly necessary, though we appreciate the offer, and ask for French forces to come in for back up if needed.
    • France: This is acknowledged.


  • Empire of Great Japan: Japan continues to build up their military and improve infrastructure. President Tokugawa Masako continues invading Thailand. In Korea, 'Kim Doo-kwan' (Makoto Tokugawa) continues to spread pro-Fascist-Imperialist propaganda throughout the nation and the Korean military is built up, and aid is sent to help Japan against Thailand. In China, President 'Huang Ming' (Tokugawa Yoshimitsu) has the Chinese military built up and also sends aid to help Japan against Thailand. In Japan, Fuji Speedway sees its first major race taking place there by the All-Japan Grand Touring Car Championship.
  • France: The new supersonic aircraft "Hermès" has its first maiden flight from Paris.
  • Sweden-Finland: The Swedish-Finnish Army invades Iceland, and begins to attack Reykjavik, and other southern areas. The Iceland Defense Force continues fighting against the Swedish invaders. However, Iceland's small military of 4,000 is not much of match for an invading force of 25,000, along with 200 tanks and 250 APV's. However, militia and local police raise the number to at least 10,000. Still, the island nation is expected to be conquered by the end of the year.
  • The Third Reich amps up the military and the Reich also continues to fund National Socialist parties in Latvia and Estonia, so these two nations can be taken over by National Socialist coups with German military backing. This accumulates in the Reich supporting a National Socialist coup in Latvia. The Reich also continues a military crackdown on democratic dissidents in Lithuania to keep the new Lithuanian puppet state firmly under German control. Germany also begins stationing more troops in Borneo to invade Malaysia. The German East Indies Fleet is also built up to become one of the world's largest navies, in preparation for the invasion of Malaysia and keeping the east Indies populace under German control.
  • Bolivia's player RWG retires.


  • Empire of Great Japan: Japan continues to build up their military and improve infrastructure. President Tokugawa Masako continues invading Thailand. In Korea, 'Kim Doo-kwan' (Makoto Tokugawa) continues to spread pro-Fascist-Imperialist propaganda throughout the nation and the Korean military is built up, and aid is sent to help Japan against Thailand. In China, President 'Huang Ming' (Tokugawa Yoshimitsu) has the Chinese military built up and also sends aid to help Japan against Thailand. Soon another racing circuit is planned as well, one in Korea and one in China.
  • France: A major new project begins to improve infrastructure in France after serious floods affect Southern England and Northern France. Pro-French activity in Wallonia is funded. English activists are executed after boarding a ship carrying people to India.
  • The Third Reich: amps up the military and the Reich supports a National Socialist coup in Estonia. The Reich builds more military bases in Eastern Europe to keep the Reich's puppet states firmly under control. Germany continues stationing more troops in Borneo ready to invade Malaysia. The German navy continues to be expanded, making it the third largest in the world, behind the USA and Japan. The German navy, though, has the most advanced submarines thanks to the Reich's unrivaled submarine technology.


  • Empire of Great Japan: Japan continues to build up their military and improve infrastructure. President Tokugawa Masako continues invading Thailand soon finally conquering the nation. In Korea, 'Kim Doo-kwan' (Makoto Tokugawa) continues to spread pro-Fascist-Imperialist propaganda throughout the nation and the Korean military is built up. In China, President 'Huang Ming' (Tokugawa Yoshimitsu) has the Chinese military built up.
  • France: The tangle of pirate and government media is finally sorted out with raids on pirate radio vessels and shutting down of unauthorised television channels and newspapers. Both France and England now have an organised system of French media. France sends more probes to the moon. The military is improved. Pro-French activity continues to be funded in Wallonia.
  • Sweden-Finland: Iceland is fully inaugurated into the Andra Stormaktstiden, where Icelandic can be spoken in public, but all government matters must be spoken in Swedish. (Although plans to allow a Norwegian alternative are permitted.) Greenlandic bases of the last holdouts of the Icelandic Defense Forces are destroyed by collaborating Icelandic gunships, now piloted by Swedish Naval Commander, Harold Andersson. Now with Greenland and Iceland under control, the Swedish now rule Scandinavia and the North Atlantic. The Säkerhetspolisen (Security Police, or its common abbreviation, Säpo) is developed, which will have full intelligence of what goes on in the Swedish-Finnish Empire. Pirate radio and television is rooted out, most of which is located in Norway, where the owners are punished harsher than in France, with resistance leaders given the death penalty, which has been brought back (the death penalty was abolished in Sweden in 1910) in 1963, when Sweden and Finland were united.
  • The Third Reich amps up the military and the Reich builds more military bases in Eastern Europe to keep its puppet states firmly under control. Germany invades Malaysia and Singapore.


Riots break out in several African cities and spread uncontrollably across the northern half of the continent. In rural areas they are limited. (Seriously, the colonies are due a revolt, even with such oppressive regimes.)

Major floods cause many deaths in Vietnam.

  • Empire of Great Japan: Japan continues to build up their military and improve infrastructure. President Tokugawa Masako continues invading Thailand soon finally conquering the nation. In Korea, 'Kim Doo-kwan' (Makoto Tokugawa) continues to spread pro-Fascist-Imperialist propaganda throughout the nation and the Korean military is built up. In China, President 'Huang Ming' (Tokugawa Yoshimitsu) has the Chinese military built up. Meanwhile, Japan, China and Korea all send aid to help clean up Vietnam and help the affected people.
  • Sweden-Finland: More pirate TV and radio stations are shut down all over the Empire, with harsh penalties, including the death penalty to be instated for the Ringleader, 60-year-old Asbjørn Sunde, a Norwegian rebel against the Swedish rule. A reward of 10,000 Krona is offered, to those who turn in the criminal.
  • The Third Reich amps up the military and the Reich continues its invasion of Malaysia and Singapore. They ask for military aid from its allies.
    • France: will provide as much aid as possible, although it is currently occupied by the riots in Africa.
  • France: Large amounts of troops using the latest technology are deployed to Africa to stop the riots. Since most rioters are exactly that, rioters, they are easily beaten but this leaves a core of organised guerrillas which will take longer to disperse. Inland areas such as Chad are still in a state of anarchy.


Riots continue in Africa and start to become more organised. Inspired by the events there, other colonies may soon revolt...

Oil is discovered off the coast of Scotland and Norway.

The microprocessor was invented this year. Shall we do a to decide who can claim it?

  • Empire of Great Japan: Japan continues to build up their military and improve infrastructure. President Tokugawa Masako continues invading Thailand soon finally conquering the nation. In Korea, 'Kim Doo-kwan' (Makoto Tokugawa) continues to spread pro-Fascist-Imperialist propaganda throughout the nation and the Korean military is built up. In China, President 'Huang Ming' (Tokugawa Yoshimitsu) has the Chinese military built up. A heavy snowstorm hits Hokkaido and Karafuto,and soon clean up and aid is sent there afterward.
  • Sweden-Finland: With the news of oil being discovered off the Norwegian Coast, there is an immediate effort to set up multiple oil rigs, which will be set up by next year. Propaganda is broadcast all over television and radio, encouraging Norwegians to help the Empire and get good paying jobs, by getting to work on the oil rigs, though the people in control will be Swedish or Finnish. Svenska-Finska Petroleum Exploration AB is set up as a government property of the Swedish-Finnish Empire, and offers to sell oil to many other countries. This is predicted to be a huge boom for the economy in the future.


  • Fascist Italy destroys the revolts in Italian Africa, since every city was under a high supervision of the blackshirts. Meanwhile, slaves are now being killed, instead of receiving work.
  • Empire of Great Japan: Japan continues to build up their military and improve infrastructure. President Tokugawa Masako has Kōchi improved and few small towns around it are merged into the city of Kōchi. In Korea, 'Kim Doo-kwan' (Makoto Tokugawa) continues to spread pro-Fascist-Imperialist propaganda throughout the nation and the Korean military is built up. In China, President 'Huang Ming' (Tokugawa Yoshimitsu) has the Chinese military built up.
  • Sweden-Finland: (Since no one made claim to the microprocessor, can we make claim to it) Finnish Inventor, Johannes Kolhonen, creates the Mikroprosessori, which may allow for improved developments on computers. Local Telecommunications company, NOKIA, offers him a 125,000 Krona a year salary to help develop this technology, and ensure the Finnish company's place, as a growing power.
  • France: Continues funding pro-French parties in Wallonia and begins construction of a channel tunnel. In Africa, the riots finally end as the last fighters are killed.


  • Empire of Great Japan: Japan continues to build up their military and improve infrastructure. President Tokugawa Masako has Kōchi improved and soon law passes making Kōchi officially the new capital of Japan, after as it was de facto for quite a long while. In Korea, 'Kim Doo-kwan' (Makoto Tokugawa) continues to spread pro-Fascist-Imperialist propaganda throughout the nation and the Korean military is built up. In China, President 'Huang Ming' (Tokugawa Yoshimitsu) has the Chinese military built up.
  • France: Begins using its diplomatic influence in North-West Europe. It creates two referenda within puppet states; in Ireland whether or not to join the Celtic Union fully and in Wallonia whether to join France. These will both take about a year to finish. France also asks other nations about the re-starting of the Olympics, a chance for all nations to converge for two weeks every four years (and for Fascist ones to show off their superior athletes).
    • Japan, China and Korea agrees to the re-starting of the Olympics.


Italian Fascism shatters.

  • Empire of Great Japan: Japan continues to build up their military and improve infrastructure. In Korea, 'Kim Doo-kwan' (Makoto Tokugawa) continues to spread pro-Fascist-Imperialist propaganda throughout the nation and the Korean military is built up. In China, President 'Huang Ming' (Tokugawa Yoshimitsu) has the Chinese military built up. President Tokugawa Masako, hearing that Italian Fascism is broken, arranges a secret meeting with 'Kim Doo-kwan' (Makoto Tokugawa) and 'Huang Ming' (Tokugawa Yoshimitsu) to begin plans on the future of Japan, Korea, and China and plans on a possible transition to democracy if reports of more Europe Fascist powers become broken.
  • France: All rumours of the problems in Italy are dismissed as lies and any possible methods of getting the news through are censored. Troops are sent to major cities because of an increased risk of "terrorism". Victory Day celebrations this year are especially diverting. Wallonia's vote to join France is met with much celebration. Ireland also votes to fully join the Celtic Union. As a gift France gives them the Isle of Man (a Celtic nation). (See talk.)
  • Sweden-Finland: News of the problems in Italy are repeatedly censored (Will finish post later.)
  • The Third Reich amps up the military and the Reich completes its invasion of Malaysia and Singapore, incorporating these new territories into the German East Indies. The Reich is, however, terrified at the collapse of Italian Fascism, and begins sending lots of aid to help prop up the Italian Fascists.


  • Empire of Great Japan: Japan continues to build up their military and improve infrastructure. In Korea, 'Kim Doo-kwan' (Makoto Tokugawa) continues to spread pro-Fascist-Imperialist propaganda throughout the nation and the Korean military is built up. In China, President 'Huang Ming' (Tokugawa Yoshimitsu) has the Chinese military built up. Meanwhile, new genre Synthpop made in Japan, becomes popular.
  • The Third Reich amps up the military and the Reich continues to enforce its rule in the new territories of the German East Indies. The Reich sends more troops into Italy to help prop up the Italian Fascist regime. However, these efforts seem to be stalling so the Reich begins a full on invasion to establish a puppet state controlling Italy.
  • Sweden-Finland: The microprocessor becomes popular, and allows for the construction of smaller computers all over Sweden-Finland. A protest breaks out in Trømso, where 1,000 Norwegian workers refuse to work on the oil rigs, until the Swedish companies give them a better raise. The response is a group of the Hemvärnet (Home Guard of Sweden-Finland), picked right out of Stockholm, put down the protest in a bloody fashion, with 26 deaths, 112 injured and 583 arrests. All news on SFVT (Sweden-Finland's public broadcaster) censors everything going on in Trømso, while radio and television stations all over Norway, are told to only play classical music. (Similar to OTL Soviet Union, when Chernobyl had its meltdown, radio stations all over the Soviet Union were told not to distribute any news of this, not even in the Ukrainian SSR, where Priypat was located)
  • Italy signs the unconditional surrender for Third Reich, and most of Fascist politicians flee to Berlin to run for Nazi Party.


  • Empire of Great Japan: Japan continues to build up their military and improve infrastructure. In Korea, 'Kim Doo-kwan' (Makoto Tokugawa) continues to spread pro-Fascist-Imperialist propaganda throughout the nation and the Korean military is built up. In China, President 'Huang Ming' (Tokugawa Yoshimitsu) has the Chinese military built up. Synthpop spreads to Korea and China, and becomes popular there too.
  • The Third Reich amps up its military more as the Reich tries to impose its rule in the German East Indies and now Italy. The old Italian Fascist party are allowed to form a new government in Italy but many German advisers become Italian cabinet members to ensure that Italy stays true to its Fascist regime. German military bases are also built in Italy to make sure the Italian populace don't revolt. The Italian colonies have a similar situation with German military bases being built in the colonies and German advisers forming part of the colonial governments. Italian Russoland is incorporated into German Russia though, as the area is sort after for because of its oil production capabilities. With this victory the world is increasingly under the German foot.
  • Sweden-Finland: After the attempted Norwegian rebellion in Trømso is put down, the Swedish-Finnish establish harsher rules on any revolts, along with erasing any bit of history that could refer to this incident. The SF-Micro Computer is developed, and to be put to use by small government bases all over the Empire. In Stockholm, the Government is worried about the Germans taking over Italy. However, they do not say anything about this during diplomatic discussions between the two Empires. The military begins a reform, to develop better tanks, planes and ships for warfare, despite having no more territory (with the exception of Denmark, which has remained neutral), leading to rumours that Sweden-Finland may be preparing to defend itself.
  • France: Computer systems across the empire are improved and updated. Wallonia is fully incorporated into France. France continues influencing the Celtic Union.


Guyana declares independence from Italy.

It is becoming clear that Hitler, the leader of Germany, at 86 years old is becoming too old to lead the nation.

  • Hitler died in Spring of 1959 of cancer and Heinrich Himmler succeed him. Heinrich Himmler is the current leader of Germany and is 77 years old. I'll be killing him off next year but not sure who to replace him with? Any ideas people?
  • Reinhard Heydrich would have been Hitler's natural replacement. However, he is quite old now, too. You can probably just invent someone or find an East/West German politician.
  • Yeah, I think I'll just invent someone. And I didn't have Reinhard Heydrich succeed Hitler because I was thinking Himmler would have used the SS to assume power.
  • Empire of Great Japan: Japan continues to build up their military and improve infrastructure. In Korea, 'Kim Doo-kwan' (Makoto Tokugawa) continues to spread pro-Fascist-Imperialist propaganda throughout the nation and the Korean military is built up. In China, President 'Huang Ming' (Tokugawa Yoshimitsu) has the Chinese military built up. Synthpop continues being popular.
  • France: Despite the ongoing political problems, France holds the Olympic Games in Paris. Notable events include the men's 100 m, which due to a boycott is won by an athlete from Germany, and the 100 m front crawl which is won by an American. Germany tops the medal table, with France second, Japan third and USA fourth (this is all
  • The Third Reich continues to amp up its military more as the Reich tries to impose its rule in the new territories in the German East Indies and Italy. The Italians also try to get Germany to declare war and retake Guyana but the Reich's military spending is spiraling out of control so the Reich refuses but manages to get Guyana to agree to paying compensation to Italy for declaring independence. The German government starts to split over the out-of-control military spending and the SS begins to be mobilized by Führer Heinrich Himmler to stop the political faction seeking to reduce spending.


Somalia declares independence from Italy, all other colonies apart from Libya decide that greater autonomy is needed in light of the turmoil in Italy (sorry, simply too much trouble to keep these colonies together easily).

  • The Third Reich continues to amp up its military more as the Reich tries to impose its rule in the new territories in the German East Indies and Italy. The Reich also nearly enters a civil war after the political faction known as Achtung, in its efforts to reduce military spending attempts a coup against Himmler. Himmler is killed by the Achtung group and their leader Guus Steinbeckar declares himself the new Führer of Germany. The military chiefs, however, greatly oppose the new leader, as to the SS; so the two large groups band together to remove Steinbeckar from office, and they kill all of the Achtung group's leaders. The great German army General Otto Kinverschelk who led the counter-coup becomes the new Führer, and he continues to expand the military and vows that Germany will take over the rest of the planet. German industry continues to lead the world, and thanks to the new cheap source of colonial labour in the German East Indies, Germany is able to lower its manufacturing costs, undercutting many of its industrial rivals.
    • French diplomacy: France hopes that Germany's aim to take over the planet does not include them.
    • Japan, Korea, China diplomacy: Like France, Japan, Korea and China also hope it doesn't include them and all are willing to negotiate and have peace between the nations.
    • German diplomacy: The world will either be under Germany's foot or holding Germany's hand. Allies of the Reich will not be invaded, and we shall jointly rule all of the world.
Could someone make a new up-to-date map please? I'd make one myself but I have a lot of uni work and don't have the time. ~Von
Will do, and a more detailed UCS one as well. TheB (talk) 16:44, October 1, 2012 (UTC)
  • Empire of Great Japan: Japan continues to build up their military and improve infrastructure. In Korea, 'Kim Doo-kwan' (Makoto Tokugawa) continues to spread pro-Fascist-Imperialist propaganda throughout the nation and the Korean military is built up. In China, President 'Huang Ming' (Tokugawa Yoshimitsu) has the Chinese military built up. Synthpop continues being popular. Meanwhile, Hikaru Nishida writes a manga called Imperial Subterranean Animism (地霊殿帝国 Chireiden Teikoku); has Koishi Komeiji, Watatsuki no Toyohime, Rin Kaenbyou, and Mononobe no Futo as main characters and they go out to defeat and take control of a land called Gensokyo which is under Communist rule by Premier Marisa Kirisame; in the end of the first volume half of Gensokyo is under Imperial Chireiden's rule.


  • Empire of Great Japan: Japan continues to build up their military and improve infrastructure. In Korea, 'Kim Doo-kwan' (Makoto Tokugawa) continues to spread pro-Fascist-Imperialist propaganda throughout the nation and the Korean military is built up. In China, President 'Huang Ming' (Tokugawa Yoshimitsu) has the Chinese military built up. Synthpop continues being popular. Meanwhile, Hikaru Nishida writes a sequel called Greater Imperial Subterranean Animism (大地霊殿帝国 Dai Chireiden Teikoku); has Koishi Komeiji, Watatsuki no Toyohime, Rin Kaenbyou, and Mononobe no Futo manage to conquer the rest of Gensokyo and kill Premier Marisa Kirisame; and purge all the communists, though President Reimu Hakurei manages to flee and is hiding. Later, Japan, Korea, and China asks for an alliance with Germany and France. China also plans to secretly invade Bhutan soon.
    • How many Imperial Subterranean Animisms are you going to write in this century? - Doc
    • Three. Though all this will lead to an Imperialist Touhou Project in the 1990s. There will be few other mangas that include the four main characters (Koishi, Toyohime, Rin, and Mononobe no Futo) but all will merge once the 1990s kick in, in which they will have greater role. -Kogasa
  • The Third Reich continues to amp up its military more as the Reich tries to impose its rule across its many territories. Führer Otto Kinverschelk continues to oversee Reich's increasing industrialization and is close to being the largest manufacturer of goods in the world.
  • France: Industry and military is built up. Construction of the Channel Tunnel is finished. Military presence in England is stepped down a notch.


François de La Rocque, first Fascist leader of France, dies at the age of 95.

  • Empire of Great Japan: Japan continues to build up their military and improve infrastructure. In Korea, 'Kim Doo-kwan' (Makoto Tokugawa) continues to spread pro-Fascist-Imperialist propaganda throughout the nation and the Korean military is built up. In China, President 'Huang Ming' (Tokugawa Yoshimitsu) has the Chinese military built up. Synthpop continues being popular. Meanwhile, Hikaru Nishida writes a third and final sequel, Greater Imperial Subterranean Animism 3 (大地霊殿帝国3 Dai Chireiden Teikoku 3); has Koishi and Co. (Watatsuki no Toyohime, Rin Kaenbyou, and Mononobe no Futo) as they begin to search for exiled Reimu Hakurei, and in the end manages to find her hiding somewhere in Keishūkoku and they kill her. Japan, Korea and China continue to ask for an alliance with Germany and France. Soon, China begins invasion of Bhutan, and Japan and Korea send support.
    • France accepts Japan's alliance request.
  • The Third Reich continues to amp up its military more as the Reich tries to impose its rule across its many territories. Führer Otto Kinverschelk continues to oversee Germany's increasing industrialization and is close to being the largest manufacturer of goods in the world. The Reich looks to Australia and begins pondering an invasion to take New Guinea from them.
  • France: Offers the sale of Gibraltar to Spain for 100 000 000 francs. The first person to comment gets to host the Olympics next year.
    • Japan is interested in hosting it.
    • Thus you get it, you can choose the winners, etc, as well if you want.


A train accident kills over 50 people in Berlin, Third Reich. Exact number unknown. The accident seems to have been done by third party support, possibly terrorists or freedom fighters.

Many Italian resistance fighters begin to place fires in many Italian Mainland locations.

Major revolt occurs in Russia.

15 people are killed as an unknown-persona attack happens in Paris, France, during a successful bank robbery.

  • Empire of Great Japan: Japan continues to build up their military and improve infrastructure. In Korea, 'Kim Doo-kwan' (Makoto Tokugawa) continues to spread pro-Fascist-Imperialist propaganda throughout the nation and the Korean military is built up. In China, President 'Huang Ming' (Tokugawa Yoshimitsu) has the Chinese military built up. Synthpop continues being popular, though soon Techno is created. China decides to have a temporary ceasefire of Bhutan for now and begins to crush the protests/revolts within the former Soviet held areas in China. Japan also begins to shut down and crush protests/revolts in the Prefecture of Siberia. Korea sends some help to both China and Japan. Due to Japan dealing with protests in Siberia, the Olympics take place in Seoul, Korea instead. In the end the winners are: France first, Korea second, Germany third, Japan fourth, and Scandinavia fifth. Plans to turn some of the Prefecture of Siberia into a puppet state called Kyokutō-koku (極東共和国, Far Eastern Republic) is discussed in the Japanese government and will be determined by next year.
  • The Third Reich continues to amp up its military more as the Reich tries to impose its rule across its many territories. The revolt in Russia is put down harshly, as food rations are cut and the Reich flattens several of the rebel-held cities. Führer Otto Kinverschelk continues to oversee Germany's increasing industrialization and is close to being the largest manufacturer of goods in the world. This includes forcing many Russians into working in slave labour factories or without pay as punishment for supporting the revolt. Millions of Russians are killed as the Reich stamps out the revolt with full military force, and all modern weapons and technology are confiscated from the Russians, and Russians wishing to drive vehicles are required to get a new drivers license which can only be obtained after a meeting with SS officials to make sure that the Russian applying for their license is loyal enough to the Reich. Millions is pumped into the German propaganda machine, as Germany's citizens are brainwashed and encouraged to spread the Aryan race. As such, birth rates in Germany soar as the Reich looks to populate the entire Reich with Aryans with Slavic or Jewish or other undesirables working as servants for their Aryan masters.
    • France: To be fair, the partisans are going to be tearing across the countryside and the Urals and will be very difficult to disperse in just a year. Also, Russians would be abandoned and would not have rations or driving licenses.
  • France: France has a very up-and-down year. The funeral of la Roque (who died at the end of last year) is a solemn affair, with millions watching it on TV. Martel urges the nation to stay strong. The Olympics picks up spirits and winning it massively shows the cause for Nordic superiority. The bank robbery is looked into, and the victims supported, but in the end it appears that the criminals have escaped without a trace. The public is urged to report any suspicious activity.


Civil War starts in Third Reich.

Empire of Great Japan suffers from the tsunami waves, created by the bombs somewhere to the south-east.

  • Empire of Great Japan: Japan continues to build up their military and improve infrastructure. In Korea, 'Kim Doo-kwan' (Makoto Tokugawa) continues to spread pro-Fascist-Imperialist propaganda throughout the nation and the Korean military is built up. In China, President 'Huang Ming' (Tokugawa Yoshimitsu) has the Chinese military built up. Synthpop and Techno share in popularity. Japan begins to rebuild and massive clean up after the tsunami waves had struck the nation. China and Korea aid the Japanese in help cleaning up. In the fifth month Korea holds elections and Jeon Yeo-ok manages to win the election. In the seventh month 'Kim Doo-kwan' (Makoto Tokugawa) dies of heart disease. President Tokugawa Masako of Japan also decides to make Thailand and Indochina Special Autonomous Prefectures (like OTL Macau and Hong Kong).
  • The Third Reich kills many of the revolting peoples and the military crackdown becomes even harsher.


Civil war continues in Third Reich. People demand democracy or better rights. Especially the Russians.

  • Empire of Great Japan: Japan continues to build up their military and improve infrastructure. In Korea, Jeon Yeo-ok has the Korean military is built up. In China, President 'Huang Ming' (Tokugawa Yoshimitsu) has the Chinese military built up. Synthpop and Techno share in popularity. Japan continues to rebuild and massive clean up after the tsunami waves had struck the nation. China and Korea continue aid the Japanese with help cleaning up. President 'Huang Ming' (Tokugawa Yoshimitsu) of China begins to have elections next year. President Tokugawa Masako decides to give Russians and other natives in Prefecture of Siberia better rights in secret.
  • The Third Reich kills even more of the revolting peoples and the military crackdown becomes even harsher. The Reich begins plotting mass genocide against the revolting lesser peoples of the Reich. However, the Reich decides to nuke the rebel-held city of Moscow instead. This nuclear attack causes a few people to stop revolting but it makes most of the moderate rebels much more hardcore as they see the Reich as mega-oppressive killing a bunch of people like that.


Most of the rebels stop the attacks and flee to another, not stated, country, where they reorganize their headquarters to plan the next huge invasion toward Berlin.

  • Empire of Great Japan: Japan continues to build up their military and improve infrastructure. In Korea, Jeon Yeo-ok has the Korean military is built up. In China, President 'Huang Ming' (Tokugawa Yoshimitsu) has the Chinese military built up. Synthpop and Techno share in popularity. China has elections this year, and Hu Jintao of the Imperialist Party becomes new President of China as a result, while 'Huang Ming' (Tokugawa Yoshimitsu) becomes Prime Minister.
  • The Third Reich kills even more of the revolting peoples and the military crackdown becomes even harsher! The Reich starts killing all of the revolting Poles, Slavs and other minor peoples using large military attacks and killing squads. Führer Otto Kinverschelk orders rebel-held Kiev to be nuked as well. However, this causes even more internal turmoil in the Reich as the German people themselves start protesting and revolting over the harsh military crackdown. The Reich's days are numbered and numerous anti-Nazi groups realize this and several assassination plots are carried out to kill the Führer but they are all foiled.
  • France: Sends soldiers to assist Germany. It also shuts down the borders to all but those within its colonies.


First and Final Siege of Berlin begins on May 1st and ends on September 1st as every Nazi supporter is assassinated in all major governmental buildings. The swastikas are burned down.

Japan, however, stabilizes from the rebel revolts and its citizens support the dictatorship there - For now.


The Fall of Third Reich, 1985

First and Final Siege of Berlin

Far Eastern Republic location (Greater Europe)

Location of Far Eastern Republic in Darker Purple.

  • Empire of Great Japan: Japan continues to build up their military and improve infrastructure. In Korea, President Jeon Yeo-ok has the Korean military is built up and hearing the fall of the Third Reich, begins to secretly democratising the nation. In China, President Hu Jintao has the Chinese military built up and also begins secretly planning to re-democratising China. President Tokugawa Masako dies, and soon Tokugawa Yoshitomo becomes President of Japan. President Tokugawa Yoshitomo creates Kyokutō-koku (Far Eastern Republic), out of the Prefecture of Siberia and Yegor Borisov becomes First President of Kyokutō-koku.
  • France: attempts to rescue Nazi leaders from Germany. It also secretly sends diplomats to attempt to help to negotiate with the new government. The threat of a Soviet invasion from the Urals is increasing.
  • The Former Third Reich: With the Nazi leadership now all dead, the Reich is over and enters complete civil disarray and war. Several of the factions fighting to take over the Reich manage to get their hands on nuclear weapons, and Warsaw ends up being nuked as Nazi remnants attack the headquarters of the anti-Nazi Democrat forces, thus sending the Democratic Liberation Front's forces into disarray. The civil war looks set to continue for a long time and many people ask for neighbouring nations to intervene and divide the Reich up between themselves and to protect the people of the Reich. A nuclear missile base in Austria is blown up as well after anarchist forces attack the base, which ends up causing a huge nuclear explosion in the Austrian Alps melting many of the glaciers and flooding large parts of the Reich, which only helps to spread the radiation.
    • France: A large force is sent to capture as much of Germany as possible to prevent further conflict. Good progress is made throughout the year as the West is relatively peaceful and they are seen as liberators from the rebels. By the end of the year Berlin is nearly reached and French generals hope that they can liberate the nuclear launch facilities. The ones in Austria are reached (too late) and the anarchists are dealt with ruthlessly.


French forces begin to lose as many of the soldiers refuse to work for the dictator, and most of them join the rebel forces. The German anti-Nazi soldiers attack France with maximum force available, even though the anti-Nazi movement has started to shine only a few months ago.

An explosion on a milk farm causes political havoc in the village, north of Tokyo, Japan.

  • Empire of Great Japan: Japan continues to build up their military and improve infrastructure. In Korea, President Jeon Yeo-ok has the Korean military is built up and continues to secretly democratise the nation. In China, President Hu Jintao has the Chinese military built up and also begins secretly to re-democratise China. In Kyokutō-koku, President Yegor Borisov establishes Russian as the official language, and minority languages are allowed to be official in their own oblasts and such, and he also begins turning Kyokutō-koku into a democracy. In Japan, President Tokugawa Yoshitomo sends investigation officers to Tokyo Prefecture and also has security increased in Kōchi, Kōchi Prefecture (capital of Japan). Soon, the Kansai region and other regions above it, the Japanese themselves begin to protest against the Fascist-Imperialist government, and protests spread throughout the rest of Japan. In the Special Autonomous Regions of Thailand and Indochina, Chief Executive Thaksin Shinawatra (Thailand) and Chief Executive Nguyễn Minh Triết (Indochina) enjoy their celebrated freedom and democracy thanks to their greater autonomy. In the end of the year, due to many protests, especially in the capital of Kōchi, Kōchi Prefecture, President Tokugawa Yoshitomo decides to give up, and have actual elections next year.
  • The former Third Reich continues to fall deeper into civil war with no end in sight. Lots of German people move to the French controlled lands, and Nazi-survivor groups move to the west to join up with the French to re-establish the Nazi Reich. Russia, though, is hit by another rogue nuclear missile as Russian communists blow up a nuclear bomb in the Nazi-held city of Volgograd.
  • France: After losing many troops to desertion, generals decide to leave only a limited military presence past the Rhine. After destroying nuclear facilities, the only troops left are in major cities like Berlin and Hamburg, and the supply lines to these. Military service is also made non-compulsory so that those fighting are the most dedicated possible. To prevent lack of sign-ups, large benefits are given for fighting and bravery. Fortifications are built up on the Rhine and the original eastern border of France.


France continues to lose. Scotland re-establishes itself as an independent state after successfully succeeding from Germany.

  • Empire of Great Japan Federal Republic of Japan: Japan continues to build up their military and improve infrastructure. In Korea, President Jeon Yeo-ok has the Korean military is built up and continues to secretly democratise the nation. In China, President Hu Jintao has the Chinese military built up and also continues secretly to re-democratise China. In Kyokutō-koku, President Yegor Borisov continues turning Kyokutō-koku into a democracy, and military is built up. In Japan, President Tokugawa Yoshitomo steps down to give way for elections. Elections happen in the 5th month and Mieko Yoshimura, from the Liberal Democratic Party, becomes the new President of Japan. She also renames Japan into the Federal Republic of Japan (日本連邦共和国). Prime Minister elections also go way and Chuan Leekpai (Thai origin) becomes new Prime Minister.
  • France: France falls fully back to the Rhine and now can only supply pro-Nazi groups with weapons. It continues to fortify the area against attack. (Could someone provide a map or info on rebel-held areas?) France also attempts to establish relations with Scotland.
    • I don't have an up-to-date map of the world so I wouldn't be sure how to divide up the Reich's territories as I'm not completely sure of all the territory they control. VonGlusenburg (talk to Von!)
    • I think the current map is near enough to-date in terms of territory.
    • Still. I'll just have all of the non-European Reich territory get independence. The Fourth Reich will only be concerned about Europe for the time being.
  • The former Third Reich's civil war gets even bloodier as now total deaths are in the tens of millions. With the help of France, General Gregory Von Schiffszuck re-establishes a Nazi successor state in Bavaria, which declares to be the Fourth German Reich. The Fourth Reich seizes several military bases in Southern Germany which it uses to take over the rest of Southern Germany and northern Austria. The rest of the Reich remains in disarray thanks to the nuclear strikes, and so lots of the nuclear weapons are decommissioned by various groups to stop the whole of the Reich being blown up into a nuclear wasteland like the regions of Moscow, Warsaw and Volgograd.


This is just a suggestion, but I don't think that orange-looking country in the Balkans should be exempt from the troubles...

  • Romania? Maybe instead of collapsing them as well, they'd get involved and take some territory controlled by the former Third Reich. In fact, maybe we have Romania become the dominant power in the Balkans more so as the Fascist superpower of the world alongside France. You know, just to spice it up a bit so it isn't a complete failure of Fascism across the board.
  • The USA is officially Fascist as well, perhaps they could have a civil war to make things interesting
  • Yeah, for a country which stylizes itself as the land of the free (or at least used to be in this game) it'd make sense for a democratic revolution to take place.
  • Federal Republic of Japan: Japan continues to build up their military and improve infrastructure. In Korea, President Jeon Yeo-ok has the Korean military is built up and continues to secretly democratise the nation. In China, President Hu Jintao has the Chinese military built up and also continues secretly to re-democratise China. In Kyokutō-koku, President Yegor Borisov continues turning Kyokutō-koku into a democracy, and military is built up. In Japan, President Mieko Yoshimura begins to democratise the nation, too. Meanwhile, Synthpop and Techno rise in popularity once again. Hikaru Nishida writes a new manga, 忘れられた雪の旧都 (The Snowy Forgotten Former Capital), which has Satori Komeiji, Toyosatomimi no Miko, Utsuho Reiuji, and Watatsuki no Yorihime manage to save Gensokyo and defeats Koishi and Co. in a large battle, and ten years later the old capital which has been attacked by many snowstorms is still inhabited by Koishi. As she tours around the place, she has second thoughts and soon turns good. The book ends with everyone being democratised. This will also be Hikaru Nishida's last manga that deals with anything political.
  • The former Third Reich's civil war gets even bloodier as now total deaths are in the tens of millions. The Fourth Reich continues to stabilize their control over Southern Germany and Northern Austria. General Gregory Von Schiffszuck orders nuclear strikes to hit nuclear bases in Russia, Poland and Baltic states to stop them from getting access to nuclear weapons. These cause huge nuclear explosions and chain reactions but Von Schiffszuck claims this will save lives in the long run. Naturally a lot of people in the Fourth Reich revolt against this and attempt to assassinate Von Schiffszuck but they are stopped and brutally massacred.
  • France: Organises the area on the Rhine into a temporary puppet state called Rhineland State. This is to stop any feeling amongst those in the area that they are entirely under French control.


  • Federal Republic of Japan: Japan continues to build up their military and improve infrastructure. In Korea, President Jeon Yeo-ok has the Korean military built up and continues to secretly democratise the nation. In China, President Hu Jintao has the Chinese military built up and also continues secretly to re-democratise China. In Kyokutō-koku, President Yegor Borisov continues turning Kyokutō-koku into a democracy, and military is built up. In Japan, President Mieko Yoshimura continues to democratise the nation, too. Hardcore Techno is also created from Techno and becomes popular.
  • France: Rhineland state is made fully "independent". A greater policy of ethnic cleansing is employed in England, as the skilled labour contract is renewed between France and India. A new law states that "Anglo-Saxons" can only be employed in "servile" jobs.
  • The former Third Reich's civil war continues. However, more successor states are appearing as the Reich is now almost completely divided between several warlord factions. The Fourth Reich continues to stabilize their control over Southern Germany and Northern Austria, expanding as smaller warlords are forced to join up. The Fourth Reich proposes an alliance with France and the Rhineland state.
    • France: Accepts the offer and, since they control the Rhineland's foreign affairs, they accept too.


  • Federal Republic of Japan: Japan continues to build up their military and improve infrastructure. In Korea, President Jeon Yeo-ok has the Korean military built up and continues to secretly democratise the nation. In China, President Hu Jintao has the Chinese military built up and also continues secretly to re-democratise China. In Kyokutō-koku, President Yegor Borisov continues turning Kyokutō-koku into a democracy, and military is built up. In Japan, President Mieko Yoshimura continues to democratise the nation, too. Hikaru Nishida writes a manga, called Mt. Fujinomiya, and it is centred on Satori Komeiji only, and she goes to take a vacation on the mountainside, while solving a little case along the way.
  • France continues a military build-up.


Come on guys, let's finish this until December 31st!!!

The B agrees.

Gregory Von Schiffszuck is killed by partisans in Berlin. His attempt at a re-unification begins to fail. In the east, a new threat appears in the form of Polish survivors. They quickly establish control over non-fallout areas and employ a ruthless policy of revenge on their oppressors. With the Reich so divided, it is easy for them to gobble up the tiny states.

Three liberal members of the US government are killed. It becomes apparent that the more liberal North wants to go back to their old ideals of liberty, but the Southern states want none of it.

I've given up, do what you will to my precious Reich ~Von.
Are you sure? There's still hope! Perhaps I was being a bit harsh.
I'm sure.
Fair enough, I shall thus be ruthless!
Yeah, apologies about this. PM2 takes up most of my limited time while I'm on the Wiki. You should come join us if you want to take part in a more active map game.
  • Federal Republic of Japan: Japan continues to build up their military and improve infrastructure. Korea, China and Kyokutō-koku continue building military and re-democratising. In Japan, President Mieko Yoshimura continues to democratise the nation, too. Some spending is put into technology and infrastructure a bit as well.
  • France: Attempts desperately to make their colonies dependent on the French mainland.


Poland continues west.

Oman petitions to join New Arabia, which is accepted.

There are reports of widespread famine across central Germany, Russia and some parts of the Balkans.

  • Federal Republic of Japan: Japan continues to build up their military and improve infrastructure. Korea, China, and Kyokutō-koku continue building military and re-democratising. In Japan, President Mieko Yoshimura continues to democratise the nation, too. Some spending is put into technology and infrastructure a bit as well. Hikaru Nishida releases her first game, 東方靈異伝 ~ Highly Responsive to Prayers, for the PC-98, with Seiga Kaku as the main character. Also, Toshiba creates their first OS, called the Toshiba Madoguchi.
  • France: After large riots, France is forced to abandon and give independence to Madagascar, Syria, Jordan and the Congo. The reason for this is, according to the French government, that their job of civilising the populace there is done. France remains neutral in the German conflicts but begins directing some of the Rhineland's industry output into France.


Italy formally splits into several states due to lack of government control.

Tensions continue in the US.

There are further riots across remaining colonies.

  • Federal Republic of Japan: Japan continues to build up their military and improve infrastructure. Korea, China and Kyokutō-koku continue building military and re-democratising. In Japan, President Mieko Yoshimura continues to democratise the nation, too. The Taipei 101 begins construction in Taipei, Taiwan Prefecture. Meanwhile, some new tall buildings are under construction in China.
  • France: Independence is granted to several other colonies. However, there are concerns raised over the preparation the ex-colonies were given. France formally recognises the new Italian states, but not Poland, which it claims is simply a mass of angry rebels.


The amount of Polish soldiers is snowballing. As they reach settlements they find more Poles who have enslaved as cleaners, labourers and other jobs. They take the best farmland for themselves from looted towns.

  • Federal Republic of Japan: Japan continues to build up its military and improve infrastructure. Korea, China and Kyokutō-koku continue building military and re-democratising. In Japan, President Mieko Yoshimura continues to democratise the nation, too. The Taipei 101 continues construction in Taipei, Taiwan Prefecture. Hikaru Nishida releases 東方封魔録 ~ The Story of Eastern Wonderland for the PC-98, and again features Seiga Kaku as a playable character and the game also introduces Yoshika Miyako.
  • France: Plans for more sustainable energy sources begin being drawn up. A large motorway is built between Londres and the northern border.


With the advent of home computing, a new idea called the "world wide web" begins to surface.

The USA, Spain, Portugal, Scandinavia and Quebec agree to try to send aid to Russia and Italy. In Germany, it is impossible due to the constant battle between factions.

A disease called "Hong Kong Fever" arises in Hong Kong. It kills its victims within a few days and spreads easily. Scientists predict that it has already travelled overseas.

  • Federal Republic of Japan: Japan continues to build up its military and improve infrastructure. Korea, China and Kyokutō-koku continue building military and re-democratising. In Japan, President Mieko Yoshimura continues to democratise the nation, too. The Taipei 101 continues construction in Taipei, Taiwan Prefecture. Scientists begin to investigate and research the disease that is spreading in Hong Kong. It will be a while before treatment and such is found. Toshiba releases the Toshiba Madoguchi 95 OS. Hikaru Nishida releases 東方夢時空 ~ Phantasmagoria of Dim. Dream for the PC-98 and the new Toshiba Madoguchi 95, and again features Seiga Kaku as a playable character as well as adding Yoshika Miyako as a playable character, too.
  • France: Infrastructure in major cities is modernised for cars. In a symbolic move scientists from France announce that they will be working with the international community to try to find a cure for the disease.


Hong Kong Fever spreads to Europe and North America. The death toll is estimated to be highest (in order) in Russia, Central Italy, Central and Western Germany, France, Scandinavia.

The Free State of Leningrad/St Petersburg is declared in Russia, along with several others in the Balkans. These are given recognition by the international community along with Poland, which has slowed down its aggressive march right before the defenceless city of Berlin.

  • Federal Republic of Japan: Japan continues to build up its military and improve infrastructure. Korea, China and Kyokutō-koku continue building military and re-democratising. In Japan, President Mieko Yoshimura continues to democratise the nation, too. The Taipei 101 continues construction in Taipei, Taiwan Prefecture. Scientists continue to study the Hong Kong disease and attempt to come up with a cure/treatment.
  • France: Begins production of a government-made computer as many other countries already have them. It contains keystroke logging and other software to prevent it being used for anti-government activity. They are only allowed in the workplace at the moment. Meanwhile, French scientists continue to co-operate with international scientists to help find treatment for the disease. However, it refuses to send anything to countries in need of aid as this conflicts with its Social Darwinist policies.


It appears efforts to treat the fever are working. However, in areas like Russia, it is very difficult to send treatment.

Poland captures the nearly empty city of Berlin. German refugees from other captured areas flee with what they have to Scandinavia and Denmark.

  • Federal Republic of Japan: Japan continues to build up its military and improve infrastructure. Korea, China and Kyokutō-koku continue building military and re-democratising. In Japan, President Mieko Yoshimura continues to democratise the nation, too. The Taipei 101 continues construction in Taipei, Taiwan Prefecture. Scientists comes up with a treatment for the disease and begins to send it to hospitals. Hikaru Nishida releases 東方幻想郷 ~ Lotus Land Story for the PC-98 and the Toshiba Madoguchi 95, and has both Seiga Kaku and Yoshika Miyako as playable, and both playable characters begin to be the main characters of the series.
  • France: Plans for revitalising the centre of Paris are made, in a similar way to Londres. This begins with the start of the construction of the la Flèche, the tallest tower in Europe. The Rhineland is further drawn toward France.


Anti-Polish riots begin across Poland.

A cure for Hong Kong Fever is finally found. However, it costs a lot to make and must be administered by needle.

  • Federal Republic of Japan: Japan continues to build up its military and improve infrastructure. Korea, China and Kyokutō-koku continue building military and re-democratising. In Japan, President Mieko Yoshimura continues to democratise the nation, too. The Taipei 101 continues construction in Taipei, Taiwan Prefecture. Toshiba releases the next OS, Toshiba Madoguchi 98. Hikaru Nishida releases 東方怪綺談 ~ Mystic Square for the PC-98 and the Toshiba Madoguchi 95/98.
  • France: Signs a mutual nuclear disarmament treaty with the US, and invites Japan to sign it too. Building of la Fleche continues. The newest computer is released with new spying powers - including an always-on webcam.


Attempts to democratise the US is the last straw for the South - it declares independence and threatens to use its existing nuclear weapons against the north. Riots break out in Washington and some southern cities but it will take a lot to unite the nation.

The Federation of German states is formed, with its capital in Frankfurt.

  • Federal Republic of Japan: Japan continues to build up its military and improve infrastructure. Korea, China and Kyokutō-koku continue building military and re-democratising. In Japan, President Mieko Yoshimura continues to democratise the nation, too. The Taipei 101 continues construction in Taipei, Taiwan Prefecture. Hikaru Nishida takes a break for a little while, but releases a manga, called Mausoleum and it stars Seiga, Yoshika, Mononobe no Futo, and Toyosatomimi no Miko as main characters. President Mieko Yoshimura also signs the mutual nuclear dis-armament treaty.
  • France: Sends a diplomatic warning to the CSA against its nuclear weapons policy. Further improvements are made to the centre of Paris, including the French museum begin opened. Martel's health begins to decline and he requests that the process of finding a new leader is begun.


Worldwide celebrations of the new millennium are filled with hopes for peace.

Canada attempts to secede from the USA, rejoining with Quebec, and triggering a war. As of the end of the year, the USA is gaining the upper hand.

(I should've said this before) Japan, if you want to make some events, feel free, I feel sort of lonely here ;__;

I'll try to see what I can do. If there's something wrong with it feel free to change it to your heart's content. -Kogasa

Protests happen in Brazil as some of the people there are demanding freedom and democracy.

  • Federal Republic of Japan: Japan continues to build up its military and improve infrastructure. Korea, China and Kyokutō-koku continue building military and re-democratising. In Japan, President Mieko Yoshimura continues to democratise the nation, too. The Taipei 101 continues construction in Taipei, Taiwan Prefecture. Toshiba releases the next OS, Toshiba Madoguchi 2000. Anime and Manga begin to rise in popularity in Japan and some Anime and Manga companies spring into action.
  • France: As Martel dies, the country enters mourning. Those who see this as an opportunity for democracy are quickly dispersed - although the new leader, Frédéric Paquin, recognises this. He changes the constitution so that a new leader must be chosen by the existing leader upon election and this choice is reviewed every year. Upon resignation or death of the existing leader, at least 80% of parliament must favour the new leader. A more organised local representative system is created, with unelected leaders for small constituencies. These moves are welcomed.


Canada and Quebec are defeated and annexed.

Dictator of Brazil dies due to a heart attack. Meanwhile, elections are held and Eros Araújo of the Brazilian Democratic Movement Party is elected.

  • Federal Republic of Japan: Japan continues to build up its military and improve infrastructure. Korea, China and Kyokutō-koku continue building military and re-democratising. In Japan, President Mieko Yoshimura continues to democratise the nation, too. The Taipei 101 continues construction in Taipei, Taiwan Prefecture. Toshiba releases the next OS, Toshiba Madoguchi XP. Hikaru Nishida releases 東方風魔録 ~ The Story of Eastern Wind for Windows 2000/XP, and has Seiga Kaku, Yoshika Miyako, Minamitsu Murasa, and Byakuren Hijiri as playable characters.
  • France: La flèche is completed and the construction of a new victory arch is begun. France also offers asylum to the members of government in Brazil who have fled the country. A government mobile phone is made and released, of course, with surveillance equipment built in.


Scotland petitions to join the Celtic Union.

The Russian Federation is declared, made up of tiny states from the Urals westward.

Indonesia declares independence and stabilises.

  • Federal Republic of Japan: Japan continues to build up its military and improve infrastructure. Korea, China and Kyokutō-koku continue building military and re-democratising. In Japan, President Mieko Yoshimura continues to democratise the nation, too. The Taipei 101 continues construction in Taipei, Taiwan Prefecture. Hikaru Nishida releases 東方妖々夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom for Windows 2000/XP, and has Seiga Kaku, Yoshika Miyako, and Byakuren Hijiri as playable characters.
  • France: A large illegal company selling computers is raided and the owners are executed, but not before their customer lists are found. Victory Day celebrations are interrupted by Wallonian terrorists, who open fire on the public before being shot by police.


Spain invites all world powers to a conference in Madrid, for the purpose of putting an end to the conflicts in Europe. This comes at a time when there are still non-government conflicts between Poles and Germans in the cities of Rostock, Braunschweig and Halle, and many other smaller internal ones across Europe.

  • Federal Republic of Japan: Japan continues to build up its military and improve infrastructure. Korea, China and Kyokutō-koku continue building military and re-democratising. In Japan, President Mieko Yoshimura continues to democratise the nation, too. The Taipei 101 continues construction in Taipei, Taiwan Prefecture, it will be finished and scheduled to open by next year. Hikaru Nishida releases 東方萃夢想 ~ Immaterial and Missing Power for Windows 2000/XP. Japan and China participates the conference in Madrid.
  • France: Annexes Alsace-Lorraine as it still partly French and as they put it "they are helping stability in Europe". France participates in the conference. It proposes a league of nations which would be lead by France, Japan, the US, China and India.
    • China and Japan agrees to the League of Nations proposal.


The conference is a mixed success. The League of Nations is created. However, its power is limited. Some countries refuse to send aid to Europe as they feel it is not their business and many still feel resentment towards Germany. Poland also refuses to back down over Germany. Russia gains most from the conference with international recognition and a boost in aid.

The Philippines hold a referendum for independence, and gets approved.

  • Federal Republic of Japan: Japan continues to build up its military and improve infrastructure. Korea, China and Kyokutō-koku continue building military and re-democratising. In Japan, President Mieko Yoshimura continues to democratise the nation, too. The Taipei 101 finishes construction in Taipei, Taiwan Prefecture, and is opened by the 5th month. Hikaru Nishida releases 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night for Windows 2000/XP with Seiga Kaku & Yoshika Miyako, Yuyuko Saigyouji & Youmu Konpaku, and Byakuren Hijiri & Minamitsu Murasa are all playable.
  • France: Plans for a second channel tunnel are proposed. The aging French fleet begins to be modernised. In Paris and Londres two giant statues are built of the former leader La Roque. The Rhineland is further incorporated into France.


The Netherlands and Austria both declare independence.

Hostilities between Poland and Germany continue, it looks like continuation of war is still possible.

Hurricane Katrina hits America. The CSA has its infrastructure ripped apart and many people die. There is little money left to clear up; many people believe now that staying in the Union would have helped them, although censorship means they do not know the conditions there.

  • Federal Republic of Japan: Japan continues to build up its military and improve infrastructure. Korea, China and Kyokutō-koku continue building military and re-democratising. In Japan, President Mieko Yoshimura continues to democratise the nation, too. The Taipei 101 finishes construction in Taipei, Taiwan Prefecture, and is opened by the fifth month. Hikaru Nishida releases 東方花映塚 ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View and 東方文花帖 ~ Shoot the Bullet for Windows 2000/XP. In Shoot the Bullet, Hatate Himekaidou is the only playable character while in Phantasmagoria of Flower View there is twenty different characters to play as, this includes Seiga Kaku, Yoshika Miyako, Yuyuko Saigyouji, Youmu Konpaku, Byakuren Hijiri, and Minamitsu Murasa.
  • Sweden-Finland: The Norwegians demand independence, which causes hostilities to rise up between occupied Norway and Sweden-Finland. The problem, is that Norway holds all the oil, as rebellion groups rise up in Oslo and Trømso, immediately sparking a civil war between the Swedish and the Norwegians.
  • France: Continues taking steps to incorporate the Rhineland into France proper. The Saarland is annexed, further boosting industry. A minor uprising in Algeria is crushed although further ones are possible. France offers help to Sweden-Findland if required.


In the ruins of Hurricane Katrina extreme poverty prevails. The CSA, bankrupt, collapses and Union troops march with food and supplies into affected areas to jubilation. The Confederacy is dead.

Austria manages to achieve peace with Poland.

Slovenia and Croatia joins into Yugoslavia.

  • Federal Republic of Japan: Japan continues to build up its military and improve infrastructure. Korea, China and Kyokutō-koku continue building military and re-democratising. In Japan, President Mieko Yoshimura continues to democratise the nation, too. Hikaru Nishida releases 東方風神録 ~ Mountain of Faith and 東方緋想天 ~ Scarlet Weather Rhapsody for Windows 2000/XP. In Moutain of Faith, playable characters are Seiga Kaku and Yoshika Miyako, and in Scarlet Weather Rhapsody up to seventeen different characters are playable.
  • France: After further uprisings Algeria is given greater autonomy. French troops are sent to assist in Scandinavia. However, few of them are used to fighting in such a hostile environment. For the first time computers are allowed in the home - one per house, after gaining a licence. Phones are equipped with GPS to track user positions 24/7.


The Scandinavian Civil War continues inconclusively.

Russia is declared a stable nation.

In December, a joint force of Dutch, German and Danish troops launch an undeclared attack on Berlin.

  • Federal Republic of Japan: Japan continues to build up its military and improve infrastructure. Korea, China and Kyokutō-koku continue building military and re-democratising. In Japan, President Mieko Yoshimura continues to democratise the nation, too. Toshiba releases the next OS, Toshiba Madoguchi Enkei (遠景). Hikaru Nishida releases 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism and 東方星蓮船 ~ Undefined Fantastic Object for Windows 2000/XP/Vista. Both games have Seiga Kaku and Yoshika Miyako as playable characters while the latter one includes Sanae Kochiya as playable (so two playable characters in SA, three playable characters in UFO).
  • France: Continues further integrating the Rhineland, and gradually replacing the puppet government with its own. French troops are trained for the mountainous and cold terrain in Scandinavia. France allows some refugees from Germany into the Rhineland.


The rebels in Scandinavia are defeated, but a new uprising seems likely.

Hong Kong Fever has been completely wiped from the planet.

After taking 80% of the city, German troops are pushed slowly back from Berlin by a Polish - Russian army. Frankfurt is captured and the government surrenders.

The League of Nations starts voting on whether to declare the nuclear fallout areas in Europe international territory, and thus the responsibility of all nations to clean up.

  • Federal Republic of Japan: Japan continues to build up its military and improve infrastructure. Korea, China and Kyokutō-koku continue building military and re-democratising. In Japan, President Mieko Yoshimura continues to democratise the nation, too. Hikaru Nishida releases Touhou Hisoutensoku and ダブルスポイラー ~ 東方文花帖 (Double Spoiler) for Windows 2000/XP/Vista. In Double Spoiler Hatate Himekaidou is playable and Aya Shameimaru can be unlocked after beating the game. In Touhou Hisoutensoku, up to twenty-five characters are playable. Japan and China offer support to clean up the damaged areas of the nuclear fallout and agree to make it international territory until it is safe to re-inhabit the areas again.
  • France: France begins building a new type of stealth bomber undetectable by radar and hard to see by the eye. A new high speed rail link is built from the bottom of the country to the top. France votes to make the fallout areas international territory and promises to help in the future. A liberal college is shut down after it is found that criticisms were being made of the regime. The leaders are secretly executed.


The League of Nations votes in favour of creating international territories on nuclear fallout zones. A donation is received from each member who is judged able to do so.

As a result of the peace treaty in Europe, the German Democratic Republic is created as a client state of Poland. Some land is lost as well. A puppet government is put in place in the Netherlands and Denmark but a full occupation is impossible because many of the soldiers were workers and not professional soldiers.

The League of Nations resolves some border disputes in the Balkans.

  • France: Fully annexes the Rhineland. People prefer to live here, where jobs are plentiful and the government offers relative "freedom" than in the oppressive Democratic Republic (Poland and Russia are both nationalistic dicatorships). Plans are made for a sudden "ejection" of the area in case of high militancy or if Germany becomes stronger and wants the area back. Construction of a second channel tunnel starts and a channel bridge,[1] because as unified countries traffic is very heavy between France and Angleterre.
  • Federal Republic of Japan: Japan continues to build up its military and improve infrastructure. Korea, China and Kyokutō-koku continue building military and re-democratising. In Japan, President Mieko Yoshimura continues to democratise the nation, too. Toshiba releases the next OS, Toshiba Madoguchi 7. Hikaru Nishida releases 妖精大戦争 ~ 東方三月精 (Fairy Wars) for Madoguchi 2000/XP/Vista/7, with only Star Sapphire as playable.


The world economy pulls largely out of recession.

  • Federal Republic of Japan: Japan continues to build up its military and improve infrastructure. Korea, China and Kyokutō-koku continue building military and re-democratising. In Japan, President Mieko Yoshimura continues to democratise the nation, too. Hikaru Nishida releases 東方神霊廟 ~ Ten Desires for Madoguchi 2000/XP/Vista/7, with Seiga Kaku, Yoshika Miyako, Youmu Konpaku, and Sanae Kochiya as playable characters.
  • France: Construction of the channel bridge and tunnel continues. The first computer game is released, an "educational" war game that challenges users to control France 1940-2000 (war games and military training are part of school lessons in France). Of course, there is little mention of politics and the enemy nations are portrayed as cowardly. An "Avenue of Heroes" is built in Paris, featuring 200 foot high statues of William the Conqueror, Joan of Arc, Napoleon and Martel and smaller ones of others.


"The Motherland Calls"'[2]' is built in Russia to celebrate the liberation of the country, and various other imitation ones across Poland and Russia.

The League of Nations releases a statement stating that unless significant efforts are made to lower carbon emissions, then global warming will have a terrible and imminent impact.

Sorry, I forgot this, as OTL a large tsunami and earthquake hit Japan.

  • Federal Republic of Japan: Japan continues to build up its military and improve infrastructure. Korea, China and Kyokutō-koku continue building military and re-democratising. In Japan, President Mieko Yoshimura continues to democratise the nation, too. Hikaru Nishida releases 東方心綺楼 ~ Hopeless Masquerade for Madoguchi 2000/XP/Vista/7, with around thirty-five characters to choose from. Meanwhile, Japan and China begin to look for alternative fuel sources and such. Japan also cleans up after the huge tsunami, and China and Korea send support to help.
  • Sweden-Finland: The Norwegians successfully cut off oil from the rest of Sweden-Finland, which the Government in Stockholm finally relents, due to exhaustion from the attempted revolution, combined with jet pilots refusing to follow Prime Minister Jimmie Åkesson's demands to bomb Oslo, and other major cities in Norway. The Norwegians also appear to be making deals with the Finnish, offering them half-off oil if they leave Sweden. Reports are stating that Russians have been assisting Norwegian and Finnish rebels, and a controversial ad campaign by Nokia, gets shut down and bought out by the Swedish government.
  • France: Embargoes Finland and Norway. A large solar panel farm is built in the Algerian desert to supply the area with cheap power. A bomb explodes in Londres and kills 37, the culprits are not found. A severe drought hits the north of the country and bottled water has to be sent there.


The International Olympic Committee is founded, and as a symbol of "new beginnings" chooses St Petersburg to host the next Olympics.

  • Federal Republic of Japan: Japan continues to build up its military and improve infrastructure. Korea, China and Kyokutō-koku continue building military and re-democratising. In Japan, President Mieko Yoshimura continues to democratise the nation, too. Toshiba releases the Toshiba Madoguchi 8 (similar to OTL Windows 8 but keeping the old 7 desktop). Hikaru Nishida releases 東方海恵堂 ~ Marine Benefit for Madoguchi XP/Vista/7/8, with Seiga Kaku, Yoshika Miyako, and Minamitsu Murasa as playable characters. Meanwhile, Japan and China continue to look for alternative fuel sources and such. Also Japan continues the clean up, and China and Korea continue helping.
  • France: The military continues to be built up. Construction of the solar farm continues. Angleterre is given greater autonomy but is closely monitored. The idea of a French Union to replace the empire begins to be considered. (Sorry I haven't updated this in a while. Are we going to continue?)


  • Federal Republic of Japan: Japan continues to build up its military and improve infrastructure. Korea, China and Kyokutō-koku continue building military and re-democratising. In Japan, President Mieko Yoshimura continues to democratise the nation, too. Hikaru Nishida announces that 東方15 (name to be determined) is in the works and will have Seiga Kaku and Yoshika Miyako as playable for now.
  • Sweden-Finland: On January 1, 2013, Sweden and Finland offically cease to exist, and separate, return the countries to the state it was before Sweden became Fascist. Helsinki returns to be the capital of Finland. Norway is expected to separate peacefully from the country, at least by 2014, in a referendum, after agreeing to an oil deal, that Sweden would receive 75% off of oil. The Swedish make the eventual return to democracy.
  • France: The French Union is created after pressure from lobbyists. It consists of several tiers - France proper, places like the Rhineland and Angleterre, then colonies. Demands for democracy are increasing and now even people inside the government are encouraging it.
  • China: a pro-monarchist coup overthrows the chinese goverment, restoring the qing dynasty to the throne, albeit under a consitutional monarch.