The oldest of Burgundy's colonies, Guyana is situated on the northern coast of the continent of Laurentia. It has a population of 10.5 million, and its capital, Rupertstad, is one of the most populous cities in the New World.
It is one of only two Burgundian colonies in Laurentia, though it is the only one that boasts domestic autonomy.
Guyana is home to it own native dialect of Dutch, called Guyanese Dutch (Guyaanse Nederlands), the result of 300 years of natural linguistic drift, as well as influence from the nearby Iberian Colonies of Amazonia and New Grenada.
C. of Amiens ♦ C. of Artois ♦ C. of Boulgne ♦ D. of Brabant ♦ C. of East Frisia ♦ D. of Geulders ♦ C. of Flanders ♦ C. of Friesland ♦ C. of Hainaut ♦ C. of Holland ♦ L. of Liege ♦ D. of Limburg ♦ D. of Luxembourg ♦ C. of Namur ♦ C. of Ponthieu ♦ L. of Utrecht ♦ C. of Vermandois ♦ C. of Zeeland
D. of Alsace ♦ D. of Bar ♦ D. of Burgundy ♦ C. of Burgundy ♦ C. of Champagne ♦ D. of Geneva ♦ D. of Lorraine ♦ D. of Metz ♦ C. of Nevers ♦ C. of Rethel ♦ C. of Vaud ♦ D. of Verdun
L. of Aargau ♦ L. of Basel ♦ D. of Cleves ♦ D. of Cologne ♦ D. of Jülich ♦ L. of Sundgau ♦ D. of Trier ♦ D. of Zweebrúcken