Alternative History
10 hilter banknote (Differently)
10 hitler banknote
Central bank Germanic Bank
Date of introduction 26 June 2022
User(s) Germanic League flag Differently Germanic League
 1/100 teda
Symbol ђ
Nickname hitler
 Freq. used 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 ђ

The hitler (symbol: ђ; code: HTL) is the official currency of 9 out of 11 member states of the Germanic League named after its founder, Adolf Hitler. The hitler is divided into 100 tedas (teda is the Teedish word for "Germanic").

From the mid-1960s to the early 2020s, there had been talks about the possible introduction of a common currency initially equivalent to 1 German mark to be used among all members of the League, with "hitler" being the most popular name for such currency. However, there had been also several critics to the idea, including economists, so it took many decades for the idea to be seriously considered again.

On 19 May 2022, the proposal was brought up again, and went as far as to passing through the government. After a month of figuring out the currency, a national referendum throughout the League was held on 20 June, with most people wanting the nations in the GL to adopt one. On 24 June, the Common Currency Act was passed by all governments of the Germanic League except Switzerland and Belgium. The new currency was officially adopted on Saturday, 26 June.

Exchange rate[]

As of 2 December 2023, 1 ђ (one hitler) is worth approximately $2 (two dollars).