The House of Deitrich (Russian: Дитрих, Ditrikh; German: von Deitrich) is a noble house in the Russian Empire, of barons and baronesses of mixed German and Russian factions.
The Deitrich family has been an established baronial family since the 1950s, with Baron Maximilien von Dietrich, who served as the National Advisor to Procurator-General Georgy Ungern-Sternberg. Nominally of Prussian and later Baltic German stock, the family has since-then, spread to other regions, most notably Manchuria and Saint Petersburg and have since then, become one of the most well-known and influential family of barons and baronesses. They have both Baltic German Lutheran, and Russian and Orthodox factions.
They have served in many high positions in Russian politics and society. During the Tumultuous 1990s, the Dietrich family were staunch supporters of the monarchy, as it became de facto traditions for the Autocrat of all Russia to surround him/herself with German military nobility. The current Imperial National Advisor, is Baroness Lyudmila von Dietrich-Weidenmann.
The family has both Lutheran and Orthodox factions. The line originating from Baron Feodor Deitrich and Baronness Paulina Ivanka Pokrovskaya is Russian Orthodox. Still, all have retained fluency in German and ties to their German roots.
Despite stereotypically being ultra-conservative, many members of the family have been prominent on all sides of the political spectrum. The family has been under scrutiny, as many of their members have been involved in many anti-Semitic groups in Russia. One of their members, Baron Leonid von Dietrich was quoted as saying "...Russia will never be good, until every single Jew has been burned alive at the stake for all the crimes they caused, against Russia and against mankind".