Alternative History
How many Sixes does Adolf Nazi have to Roll?

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So far, just a bunch of ideas (and a fragment of a planned book) by Max Sinister for a timeline in which Nazi Germany wins World War II - without crashing down a few years later already. But also done in a realistic way, without Magic, Time Travel, or important persons suddenly and without any motivation acting in a way that helps the Nazis.

I can't tell yet how my TL will end - but it'll certainly NOT be "Aryan paradise forever!"

Expect lots of dark humor, you will need it. Just as the people who lived through the time under the Nazis IRL needed it.

And anybody who expects that this TL would have a Nazi Reich without genocides at its end, rather should leave right now.

This story shall give answers to the big three questions:

  • How did we get there? How could Adolf Nazi have won this war?
  • Why didn't the Nazi Reich come crashing down, despite of all their mistakes?
  • And how the hell do we get rid of it, without wrecking the whole planet Earth?

Obviously, the first two questions can only have an answer, if the Nazis have a lot of good luck - the aforementioned Sixes from the Title. How many we'll have at the End, isn't clear yet.

  • First Six: The Wehrmacht defeats the Remains of the Allied Troops in the battle of Dunkirk, after managing to take the city on May 25th before them.
  • Second Six: In July 1940, Gestapo and SD manage to uncover the so-called "Black Orchestra". Resistance fighters like Hans Oster are eliminated, Admiral Canaris paralyzed.
  • Third Six: Operation Barbarossa starts ten days earlier and with twelve German divisions more.
  • Fourth Six: Operation Golden Fox - a military operation which never happened in OTL, but leads to the conquest of Karelia and Kola with Murmansk by the Axis Powers.
  • Fifth Six: "Ostfrieden" (Eastern Peace) - After a British bomb destroys the Neue Reichskanzlei, the "Führer" is angered so much that he offers a separate peace to "Comrade" Stalin, to fight the Empire together. Thus, the Soviet Union cedes the Nazis some "Lebensraum" in the East and delivers valuable Resources to them.
  • Sixth Six: Operation Felix - the conquest of Gibraltar is successful in spring 1942.
  • Seventh Six: Operation Freedom - an un-successful Invasion in Morocco of the western Allies in the latter half of 1942.
  • Further Sixes: ???

Current news about this TL are collected here.

Official abbreviation is "How many Sixes" or "HM6". Or even "HM⚅", if you prefer symbols.

More background info under Important Questions (incl. Why aren't the Nazis simply nuked?), Glossary, "Victory" conditions and Probabilities and PoDs.

This story/TL will be written in both English and German, in a parallel way. All of its subpages describe this World and everyone/-thing in it just until (currently) May/June 1940, besides a few exceptions.

Warning: This won't be like "climbing the Mount Everest of AH", but more like diving into its Marianas Trench.

What's hardest to write? In May 1940, the Nazis hadn't committed most of their OTL crimes yet. In Auschwitz, the first prisoners had just arrived yet; Operation Barbarossa wasn't even prepared yet; Lidice was just another Czech village. This TL shall not whitewash anything, but if you only know its very start, misunderstandings are possible.


  • Entry on the German AltHistory Wikia (updated 20/10/2024)
  • Entry on the GURPS Wikia (updated 20/10/2024)
  • Entry at TV Tropes (censored in November 2022)
    • Entry on Tropedia (updated 20/10/2024)
  • Entry on the Wiki (updated 4/9/2024)
Flag of Germany (1935–1945) How many Sixes does Adolf Nazi have to Roll? Naval Ensign of Japan
The ultimate "Nazis win! How to beat 'em now?" Timeline
Timeline | Countries | Cities | ‎What is new? (26/1/2023)
Nazi Germany: Adolf Nazi  / Flag of the NSDAP (1920–1945) Nazi Party  /National Socialism

(Protectorate  / General Government)
(Coat of arms of Berlin Berlin  / Muenchen Kleines Stadtwappen Munich  / Coat of arms of Hamburg Hamburg)

Cabinet: Göring  / Goebbels  / Speer  / Bormann
War: ‎Wehrmacht | Raeder | Manstein | Guderian | Rommel | Dönitz
 ... SS  // Himmler  // Heydrich  // Eichmann  // KZs
Scientists: Zuse  / von Braun  / Hahn  / Heisenberg
In Southern Europe: Flag of Italy (1861-1946) Italy  / Flag of Spain (1938 - 1945) Spain  / Flag of Philippe Pétain, Chief of the French State Vichy France

Mussolini (Cabinet)  / Franco  / Pétain  / Laval

Resistance: Abwehr | ‎Canaris | Oster | Blaskowitz | Schindler
In the Far East: Naval Ensign of Japan ‎‎‎Japan (Seal of the Government-General of Korea Chosen Flag of Manchukuo ‎Manchukuo) Hirohito
World War II: (At Sea | In the Air) | Battle of Dunkirk
Allies: Flag of the United States (1912-1959) USA | Flag of the United Kingdom (3-5) GB (Naval Ensign of the United Kingdom Empire) | Flag of Free France 1940-1944 Free France | Flag of the Republic of China China
Leaders: Roosevelt (Cabinet) | Churchill (Cabinet) | de Gaulle | ‎Chiang
War: US Army | MacArthur | Eisenhower |‎ Patton
Resisting: ‎‎British India (Gandhi | Nehru) | Dutch East Indies | Palestine
Scientists: Einstein | Teller | Fermi | Oppenheimer

Turing | von Neumann | Wiener

Communism: Flag of the Soviet Union Soviet Union | Stalin | CPSU ...   ...   ... Trotsky
War: Red Army | Zhukov | Timoshenko
Partisans: Mao | Kim | Ho | Tito
Thinkers: Orwell | Popper | Canetti | Haffner | Jung | Rand | Mandelbrot | Student
Meta: Conditions | Probs and PoDs | Questions | Quotes | Tropes | Glossary