Alternative History

Welcome to the Human History Experiment map game! The game takes place on an Unknown landmass about the same size as Earth, most of which is initially hidden to the player. The game begins in 4000 BC, and will end in the same year as the date of completion. The purpose of this map game is to collectively create a history for the new world. It is never too late to join!


  • Note: certain rules of the game will vary over time. the current rules are:
  • Any new player may establish a city, and conduct the affairs of this city
  • Any new player may create a tribe/ethnic group and conduct the affairs of that tribe
  • Tribes are mobile, and may move vast distances. They are also more prone to internal dissent
  • Cities are stationary. The new player will control that city and its hinterland. cities are not mobile, but their territory can expand, new cities can be established, old cities taken over, etc.
  • Please be plausible. This game can be incredibly sucsessfull if you stay plausible
  • Each turn will take place over the course of 50 years (for now)
  • As far as what you can do during the course of one turn, stay plausible. 
  • There will be an algorithm. each individual military campaign requires an algorithm. 
  • When exploring new territory, list where you explored and how far. For example "Nation X explores 20 pixels along the X river"
  • Rivers, mountain ranges, and oceans are all waiting to be named. the mst popular name will be posted on the map. keep in mind the name can change over time, and you may call places what you like, as long as people know what you're talking about
  • be plausible, so I don't have to add more rules
  • if there is a dispute over the plausibility of an action, a mod can cross out a section. if you would like to have a civil discussion over whether or not the action is plausible, please post below the disputed section in Bold. plese do not yell, cuss, fight, hit, bite, or type in all caps. 
  • If you want to be a mod, list your name under the "Mods" section. if you are approved, I will put (approved) next to it. Yes, you can make a fancy title, as long as it is not as fancy as mine. 
  • If you don't like your situation, aren't doing good in the game, have just been taken over, oor some other thing happens to where you don't want to be that nation any more, feel free to rejoin as a new nation. That way, more nations are created, even if most of them are not controlled by a player. 
  • New turns will begin at 12 GMT (8 EST)
  • A player will be considered Inactive after 5 turns. Their nation will be open And/or become mod controlled for The next ten turns if the player does not become active. Nations will collapse, be assimilated or generally cease to exist after the ten turn period.

Any changes to theese rules can be proposed on the talk page

Maps, changes, and current events



Current Events

Rule Changes, Game Changes, and Important Information

  • New Players, please go to the Maps Page. There you can select the starting location for your nation. Follow the directions there, and feel free to start in any of the locations. 
  • Any location on the map- rivers, lakes, oceans,islands, continents, mountain ranges, etc, can and need to be named. feel free to propose a name for those locations on the Talk page.
  • A player will be considered Inactive after 5 turns. Their nation will be open And/or become mod controlled for The next ten turns if the player does not become active. Nations will collapse, be assimilated or generally cease to exist after the ten turn period




  • Once you have put your nation here, go to the "Maps" page to pick your nation's starting location. 

(Talk to Me)

The Game:

Sorry for the delay, Let's Begin!


Mod Event: The City States of Nujork, Ætheria, Heimat-Grund, Ratorknuv'Ul'Motk, s'Ülki'via, Lhygryn, Versah, and Massai are founded in various locations across the world. The Hoji culture also develops, though they have yet to build a city.

  • The people of Nujork continue to develop their culture. The writing system is completed and we begin to explore regions around our cities. The first laws are established by Qarkoz (emperors) Dufon and his wife Dutom. People begin to observe the heavens above, and the planets are named for gods. The first planet (Mercury) is named Luzeret. The second visible planet (Venus) is named Rufon. The third visible planet (Mars) is named Howisop. 
  • A cultural revolution in the city of Massai puts more emphasis on expansion and exploration. Thus, the city sprawl begins to expand outward, and people begin to explore the known world. The Raiah river is a main focus for the expansion efforts.
    • Is the Raiah River the one Massai is built upon? if so, I'll post it on the map.Wegscuba (talk) 03:06, December 9, 2013 (UTC)
    • Yessir
  • The Hoji tribes continue to forrage,fish and live in a semi sedentary condition along the Weizhou River as slash and burn harvesting is slowly developed. The tribes face some internal troubles as many wish to continue living as they were will others wish to establish a more perminant form of settlement as agriculture continues to develop in the tribe. the coucil of elders is also deeply split on  this subject and their beliefs force them to be very scepticle of change.many of gatherers travel further a broad each time they go out of prey grows scares in the immidiate area. i plan on having the hoji split in the futurte and become two seperate cultures with the hoji remining there and the second which i will assume control of going elsewhere ( unless i can control both) if this is acceptable
    • ​That will be fine for now, but as soon as one develops a civilization, you will have to abandon the otherWegscuba (talk) 01:25, December 10, 2013 (UTC)
  • The s'Ülki'via's are skilled horseriders and they obtain food by lifestock. They know a lot of tricks to survive in the desert and life is good for the s'Ülki'via people. A young s'Ülki'via makes accidentally a saddle of the leather of dead cows. It's still very primitive but we can ride our horses much faster. There are some hipsters that want to settle in a city, and abonden horses. Others, who think horses are holy animals or for other reasons, want to stay nomadic. At the moment, tensions are not high and no one is doing what with the situation. By the way, I am not a city!
    • Yes you are tribal confederacy.
    • My badWegscuba (talk) 23:31, December 9, 2013 (UTC)
    • How did you accidentaly make a saddle? If you made a saddle, just say it. Don't beat around the bush.
  • the people of Ætheria begins the creation of the new city has ended, finally after a few years, the Tribes of Aurea Ætheria join and form the City state under the ruling of Luceius I crowned king by the senate of the olders who have lived in the city. The creation of the city brings a further concern, such as the creation of a defense system such as a wall around the small city and the creation of a simple way to harvest food to suply the city. The religion stays the same having as major divinity Solarios refering to the sun. While this the five first planets are name after the sons of Solarios,Lucius (Mercury),Pulchrus (Venus),Gaetas (Mars) and Theios (Jupiter).and the River is called æcasiae.
  • The Ratornuv'Ul'Motk are ruled by their dual Emperors, or Cyclaxias- currently, Mofon (prounced Mon-FO) and Gibr'al'dak (pronounced Gib-RUH-al-DUK)- who encourage a new expansion of culture. Ships sail in both lengths down the Mulinava river, on which the city is based. The main religion of the state- Midifism- is led by three High Priests. They teach that there are 5 Gods who rule the world- the God of the Sun, and the King of the Gods, Montal (MON-taluh); the God of the Moon, Sugil (soo-JEEL); the God of the Waters, Ubendara (OOH-been-dara); the God of the Wind, Yotoy (yo-TOY); and the God of the Earth, and the Underworld, Darvasa (dur-VA-za). Living in an area with many rivers, the Ratornuv'Ul'Motk base much of their lives off water- even their crops are grown on floating barges in the river. 
  • Lhygryn: The city becomes a central area of the Fertile Gryn valley. Explorations are made into the Eastern Mountains, which is named the Klrmen Range.

3900 BC

Various Areas have been discovered. Lygryn and Versah now have contact with each other. Ratornuv'Ul'Motk, Nujork, and Massai now have contact with each other. The Hoji begin to split between highland and lowland cultures. s'Ülki'via is contacted by the Ætherians.

  • The Hoji tribes continue to split apart as belief and the Highlanders begin to look at the lowlanders with contempt. The Lowlanders feeling this growing tension start to distrust the highlanders and feel supirior to them as well. The elder council contiunes to fight amongst themselves. a culture similar to that of otl east asian semi-nomadic cultures begins to form in both tribes (like that in pre agriculture china and pre-chinese contact japan though not fully developed yet and will take along time to develop). the Lowlanders begin moving further to the north along the river while the highlanders head further south and east in search of new hunting and farming grounds as the initial grounds have become poor due to hack and slash farming and over hunting as the population slowly grew.
  • Massai sends messangers to the newly discovered nations to establish trade routes. (Because I neglected to do it last turn) The Massai worship four main dieties. These dieties represent selflessness, selfishness, harmony, and discord. Aia is the feminine goddess of harmony, frequently depicted as having a pale, white complexion, golden blond hair, and blue eyes, with a golden aura and large white wings. Her sacred animal is the dove. Her counterpart is Rashak, the feminine goddess of discord. Raiman also has a pale white complexion, but her eyes and hair are black, as well as her arms up to the shoulder. Her aura is purple. She is often depicted as holding a staff. Her sacred animal is the black viper. Ashur is the male god of selflessness. He is depicted as having a dark complexion with blond hair and green eyes. His aura is also green. He wears a single cloth around his waist and a necklace frequently imitated by his priests as a symbol of their authority. His sacred animal is the parakeet. Raiman, Ashur's counterpart, has a dark complexion and dark features, with a red aura. His body is covered in black tribal tattoos. His sacred animal is the big cat. The counterparts always oppose each other, and when one male and female unite, the other two do as well to oppose them.
    • Be careful with the tropical animals. It's not entirely implausible that the animals listed could be native to that region, but it is more temperate than anything. The climate of your region and the hemisphere it is located in on the Maps pageWegscuba (talk) 02:50, December 10, 2013 (UTC)
    • I changed macaw to parakeet (kind of like the Carolina Parakeet) and the big cat (large hunting cats, take it as you will). CourageousLife (talk) 21:21, December 10, 2013 (UTC)
    • OK. Most of the ecology there is up to you, just nothing like polar bears on the equator, or that sort of thing
  • s'Ülki'via: We meet the people of Ætheria and we send some people to study the life in Ætheria. But after we find out that they do not worship horses, the religious upperelder and highpriest, k'Ïkao'nia, denounced them and forbid any contact with the despicable heathens. But the people that wanted to build a city, shoked by the actions of the highpriest, took a tough decision and in the middle of the night, they drove off. They rode for days and when they finnaly reached a fertile area, they found a city called "m'Ara'ökan"(the New grass). They chose a new king, k'Wäs'tum. The kings were chosen by the people of New grass(just like in OTL old Rome). They send messengers Ætheria that they wanted to establish a trade route. Science is in great esteem and scientist are a bit like priests. The tribal people are really anger at the people of New grass and they develop swords to fight against humans. Unfortunately for them, the New grassians also have swords and high walls so they don't attack.
    • Modern warfare isn't really developed at this point, so swords and high walls haven't been created yet.They definitley wouldn't be used by tribal people unless they were captured in war. Bronze working hasn't been discovered either, so most of your weapons would be stone spears and knives used for hunting. Bronze swords aren't really all that great for fighting anywayWegscuba (talk) 21:29, December 10, 2013 (UTC)
  • Rivia: Rivia is established by a River. It is a small City State, but many of the people there live around the City, riding horses around and herding Cattle on the Plains. A plague sweeps through the City, and many people die. As a result, the Horse People take control, and burn the city's innards out, in a effort to remove the Plague. The City is then rebuild, out of Wood this time, not Dirt and Straw. Horse Riders are sent to the North, upstream, to search for other people.
  • Ratornuv'Ul'Motk continue to expand by the river. By this point, the Midifist priests are so established within the culture that one of the Cyclaxias, Gormunda, is a High Priest of the religion. The city, too, is expanded, and the beginnings of a wall are built in order to keep out raiders and nomads. Farming booms, causing a slight jump in the population. A trading vessel is sent to the Massai, and trades the fine silks, furs, and ornaments created by our craftsmen for goods from them (more to come).
  • Lhygryn: More explorers are sent onver the mountains. as the city grows, the populatin under its direct control becomes increasingly unable to feed itslef. the gity govern,ent begins sending out warriors to extract tribute from farmers and other villagers in the valley.
  • Ætheria: we agree to the Araucii people (aetherisation of the name) in the creation of a trading route, while this the walls of the city (a small wood wall no bigger than 2 meters.while this the creation of a military corp called Exercites starts with 50 man of the city, sent to scout the region to bring animals to domesticate. while this the nation expands and the region gets named Æthers valley.
  • Sorry i didn't posted earlier, my pc freezed and i was finishing a homework
  • The people of Nujork are continuously becoming civilized. New methods are used for farming and hunting. We continue to expand along the Jork River. 

3800 BC

Lhygyrn and Versah contact Massai, Ratornuv'Ul'Motk, and Nujork. The Hoji highlanders discover the sea for the first time.

Ch'ing-Sha is established on the merging of the two tributaries of the MaHe, or the Mother River, as called by the people from Ch'ing-Sha. Ch'ing Sha is a major tribal system, which has recently centralised and placed its capital in Ch'ing Sha. Most of the populace farm around Ch'ing Sha and along the Mahe. Ch'ing Sha is currently ruled by the ShenTian, the emperor, who is supervised by the CongXing, the council of advisors. The new emperor, Muyan, supports expansion, construction and exploration and three exploration teams, each of 20 men is sent down the 3 tributaries of Mahe. Living next to many rivers and with farming based on the weather, Ch'ing Sha has a religion named Rinshaism, commanded by a group of monks. They teach that there are 10 gods, tabulated below

  • The chart is rather large and takes up a lot of space. If you want, feel free to put it on a page specifically for your city, but I would rather it not be on the game page. for now i've relocated it to the talk pageWegscuba (talk) 18:09, December 11, 2013 (UTC)

The Hoji tribes continue to split apart and the final break comes during this period after a dispute. The lowlanders who have a larger population and have been growing increasingly sedetary force the highlanders from their hunting and farming areas and kill many of them in aggression forcing the highlanders away. The Hoji begin to settle and cultivate the lands in loss farming communities centred around the new elder council.From here on whoevver wants the Hoji can have them im taking the culture that is bellow this one.

The highlanders now calling themselves the Mengasin (Exiled) flee the northern parts of the their former territory and begin to resettle along the mouth of the Weizhou River and to the large body of water they discovered a few years earlier. The Highlanders  begin to spread out along the coastline into fishing and farming Communities with the largest being Wei on the the Blood River.Wei become a very close nit community and they start to develop a strong belief that the water will be their salvation and one of unity and honor amongst themselves to make sure that what happened with their lowlander brothers never happens again this builds onto the old ancelstral and natural beilefs that they shared with the hoji however it is still not a complete ideal and lacks a religious feel as of yet becoming more of a foundation for a future national ideal. Wei slowly grows into a small city over the next decades improving their fishing and farming skills along with adopting on a large scale demoscated animals into the diet succh as the pig and chicken. The large animal which has been spotting in sorting lands south of the current settlements (the water buffallo) intrigues them as does the more tropical enviorment in those areas. Wei and the other settlements begin to drift apart however after this initial seperation becoming seperate communities With Wei (the one ill be adopting) the largest and exerting great influence on its neighboring settlements, trade between them however begins.

Ætheria: the creation of a fortified city state begins and due to the population growth (being a small city around 5000 people after two hundred years) a small city is founded between the two arms of the river æcasiae, between the Solium arm( northern one reaching aecasia) and Lunae arm in the south, the city is called Thaumaion (Taurophansis Maetius). founded by more liberal liders of aecasian descent. the city begins its small fortification and mostly shares the same culture than the Ætherian

Lhygryn: The tribute from villages around Lhygryn becomes more than enough to support most of the population. the city becomes a target for raiders, so a regular guard is posted. A small palisade wall is also created aroud the inner parts of the city where food is stored and the king's palace is located. 

s'Ülki'via: New grass sends riders to find new watersources since they are running out of water fast. Luckily, the trade routes with Ætheria are a succes and trade flourish. We learn new ways of agriculture thanks to the Ætherians and w engineers built complicated irrigation systems. Science makes great progress in different branches such as mathematics, astronomy and philosophy. A small wall is build to protect from wild animals and raiders. A new, interesting 'philosophy' is developed. According to this philosophy, god isn't an almighty being, but a rather normal person. He was lonely and so he tried his best to make a resemblance of himself. It didn't work as intented, so there rather strange creatures came from his creation, called animals. By slowly learning new techniques, he finnaly came to the final form, called humans. But they were undeveloped beings so he created science to carfully guide them to eternal salvation. Since science is so important in New grass, it becomes the official religion of the city. The 3th king, w'Ölk'san, writes the book of rules. The contains all rules that the New grassians need to follow. The tribal people discover breeding to create fast horses.

Massai begins espansion east along the Raiah River. Contact is made with tribes from the western side of the mountain, and trade begins immediately. It is said that Aia and Ashur are reigning in the halls of high heaven. Cafall (horses) become useful tools for riding the plains, while bestal (cattle, resembles Gayal ) are raised for meat and milk.

3700 BC

Heimat-Grund falls to a plauge. The disease kills much of the population. Most of the remainder flee south to Ch'ing-Sha. some of them are infected.I will start updating the map every five turns. the next map will be posted during the turn for 3500 BC.

Ch'ing-Sha continues expanding along the tributaries of Mahe. Moreover, due to the new refugees, we send them to construct their own cities, in subordinate to Ch'ing Sha, along the Mahe. Regular shipments of supplies will arrive. We discover irrigation and science is continuously boosted. We invent 4 new deities, Shenzheng(like the city), the God of life, Wangzheng, the God of Death, Yizheng, the god of belief and Xuezheng, the god of Science. We also discover pottery.

s'Ülki'via: New grass' economy is booming thanks to the steady supply of water and trade routes. Because of the new wealth, the population increaces and the first primitive architecture is invented. To store the goods, pottery is invented. A new crop, named Luk'ia(sugar), is found in the wild and some farmers try to cultivate it but with little succes. From the little sugar that is harvest, a new sweat is made, a sweet cookie.


Please keep posting. post for the last turn if you have yet to do so

Ch'ing-Sha continues expanding along the tributaries of Mahe. Moreover, due to the new refugees, we send them to construct their own cities, in subordinate to Ch'ing Sha, along the Mahe. Regular shipments of supplies will arrive. We discover Archery and we build a minor army of 1,000 men, who are mainly farmers normally.

Due to inactivity, I'm putting the game on hold for a while, hopefully it will be restarted.Wegscuba (talk) 21:52, December 19, 2013 (UTC)
