Alternative History
Alternative History
Union of Cadiz
Uniõ de Cádiz (Iberian)
Union of Cadiz
Timeline: Principia Moderni IV (Map Game)
OTL equivalent: Spain, Portugal
La Bandera del Uniõ de Cádiz
"In Hoc Signo Vinces" (Latin)
1840 Iberia & Dependencies
Location of the territory of the Iberian Empire (dark green) and dependencies (light green) in 1840.
CapitalCádiz (Union), Madrid (Iberia), Marrakesh (Morocco), Mostaganem (Algeria)
Largest city Madrid
Official languages Iberian, Arabic, Berber, Portuguese, Castilian, Aragonese, Catalan,
Regional languages Asturian, Basque, Sardinian
Religion Catholicism & Islam
Demonym Unionist or Cadizian
Government Federal Presidential-Parliamentary Republic
 -  Upper house Senado
Historical events
 -  Union of Aragon and Castile 1459 
 -  War of Portuguese Independence 1510–1526 
 -  The Vingança 1532–1535 
 -  Union under Portugal 1539 
 -  De jure formation 1710 
 -  Bread Rebellion 1790's 
 -  People's Rebellion 1839-1841 
 -  Treaty of Union 1910 
 -  1900 census 50.73 million 
Currency Union Real

The Union of Cadiz (Iberian: Uniõ de Cádiz) is a Federal Republic in the form of a union of three states: Iberia, Morocco, and Algeria.

Iberia (Iberian: Ibéria), officially the Iberian Republic (Iberian: República Ibérica) and unofficially Spain or Hispania, is a unitary parliamentary republic in southwestern Europe that controls most of the Iberian Peninsula and the archipelagos of the Balearic Islands, Madeira, the Azores, and Cape Verde.

Morocco (Arabic: المَغرِب‎), officially the Moroccan Republic (Arabic:الجمهورية المغربية), is a unitary parliamentary republic in north Africa.

Algeria (Arabic:الجزائر), officially the Algerian Republic (Arabic: الجمهورية الجزائرية), is a unitary parliamentary republic in north Africa, east of Morocco and adjacent to Belkan Maghreb.


Modern Era[]



Armed Forces[]

The Iberian Military is divided into two branches with several subdivisions:

  • The Iberian Army:
    • The Iberian Home Army
    • The Iberian Foreign Legion (Also referred to as the Iberian Expeditionary Force)
    • The Iberian Guardia Nacional
  • The Iberian Navy:
    • The Iberian Home Fleet (Also referred to as the Mediterranean Fleet)
    • The Iberian High Sees Fleet

