Alternative History
Commonwealth of Iceland
Timeline: The Kalmar Union
Flag Coat of Arms
Flag Coat of Arms
(and largest city)
Language Icelandic
Prime Minister Magnus Thorfinnson
Speaker Jorundur Jorundurson
Population 300,750 
Independence 874
Currency ISK

The Commonwealth of Iceland, Iceland, Ísland is a republic comprising the island of Iceland and a small area of South-East mainland Leifia. This small area is bordered by Cusabo to the North, Miccosukeeland to the West and Utinan Confederation to the South. The combined population is around 300,000. The capital is Reykjavik.

The current head of state is Magnus Thorfinnson.

The currency is the Icelandic Krona (ISK).

The official language is Icelandic.


First discovered by Irish hermit priests in the 8th century, Iceland was explored and colonised beginning in 874, mainly by Norse fleeing the chaos of Norway and Ireland at the time. By 930 the Icelandic Althing had claimed and apportioned all habitable land.

However, the disintegration of Norway in 934 sparked another wave of settlers. This pushed the island close to famine as the population boomed. The discovery of Greenland helped a little, but the real break-though came with the discovery of Leifia and the establishment of Vinland. For several centuries the excess population of Iceland, travelled to Vinland and Álengiamark to take advantage of the plentiful farmland. They also settled to the south in Man and Orkney.

The trading links with Leifia helped Iceland which otherwise may have become marginalised and poor.

Eventually the settler exodus would only occur in times of famine, as in 1578 when 34 families were transported to Alkafuglaeyjar, or during extreme volcanic events like the Katla eruption of 1755. Instead, the state created a mercenary army to handle the excess and to provide some other income for the state. This army would regularly campaign in Leifia for one season and then move to Europe to campaign the next. It was this movement that is credited with introducing the potato to Europe in the early 14th century. It also spread the Great Pox to Europe, the first recorded case being during the Brabant-Luxembourg war of 1281 where an Icelandic army was present. Great Pox is still often referred to as 'the Icelandic disease'. After the creation of the Kalmar Union Iceland promised to only serve in Kalmar (or allied) forces although in reality found great profit fighting in the never-ending wars on the Italian peninsula.

Despite deferring to Denmark's overlordship during the 1st and 2nd Kalmar Unions, Iceland's independence has only been threatened once. During the 1510s Hordaland attempted to subjugate the island, much as they had done to Orkney and the Faroes before. During the Icelandic War Hordaland attempted to blockade the island forcing the population into submission. However Vinland broke the blockade and landed extra troops to oppose the invaders.

Iceland is a member of the 4th Kalmar Union. Its small army now forms part of the 2nd Kalmar army.


Pushed out into marginal land by their neighbours during the collapse of the 2nd Aniyunwiyan Empire the Yamasee or Rolegurfolk peacefully built a small farming community around the estuaries of the Yamasee and Storstraumi. In 1565 the Cusabo conquered the Guale tribe to the north, and in response the Rolegurfolk contracted Icelandic engineers and advisors to help them develop defenses. Fortifications for their main town were started, alongside a harbour with which they hoped would provide prosperity for the tribe. By 1605 however the main trade from the interior had moved north to the Cusabo cities and the region fell into debt. That year Iceland annexed the area by force.

A minor war with the Cusabo would be fought in 1620. Their other neighbours signed non-aggression pacts in return for assistance against the Mexica who were rapidly expanding during this period.

The annexation is mentioned as one of the 'complaints' in the letter from Mexica to Kalmar and would lead indirectly to both the two Mexic-Leifia Wars and the Mexic-Kalmar War.

The last native speaker of Rolegur is believed to have died in the early 1800s. The only remnant of the language is found in place names.


Iceland is a democracy, one of the oldest functioning democracies in the world. The current prime minister is Magnus Thorfinnson while the Althing speaker is Jorundur Jorundurson. Elections are held every five years.