Alternative History

Ðis leaf doth be written in Roufrithson's Engliſh.

Imeanwealth of Ireland
Comhlathas na hÉire
Cross of Holy Fadrie
Richneſs Folksrich
Headstead Blackled
Imean tungs Iriſh Waðelish
Ewefastneſs Romiſh Niȝholiſhneſs
Kind of yeemhead Tanistry
Ovetherend (Uachtarán)
- GÆ 1913-1936 Cleim Ó Neill (form)
- GÆ 1956-1965 Aoife Ní Neill (laſt)
Forerun by Kingdom of Ireland
Afterrun by Folksrich of Ireland
Today ſunder of Folksrich of Ireland

Ðe Imeanwealth of Ireland (Iriſh Waðelish: Comhlathas na hÉire) was ðe erſt-aſhapen Iriſh folksrich and beed from 30 Fogmonth GÆ 1913 until ðe aſhaping of ðe twoth folksrich on 21 Eaſtermonth GÆ 1965.
