The Current map
I'm just trying to restart this map game and here are the rules of this game:
- Exploring a new territory and colonizing it takes one turn.
- Invading a new territory takes one turn, you can have multiple fronts but it should take slower.
- Be very reasonable about invasions, you aren't going to take over the country of Russia in one turn, plus a bigger country might be able to defeat you, especially if well connected.
- Map changes from Europe to world (opening up colonization opportunities) after the first ten turns.
- One turn a day! One turn equals one year game time.
- Inactive users become neutral, unable to oppose invasion. (Still be reasonable when it comes to invading them, they're not just going to bow down, only take the right amounts of land).
- Treaties will be left up to you, remember to loudly proclaim at the sheer unfairness of treason when it occurs, we could all use a laugh.
- Only two nations may discover America each year starting in 1422. The East Coast cannot be completely colonized before 1456. (That's a stretch too. A huge stretch)
- Mods can be kicked out!!!
Starting info[]
Take notice! At the beginning (1400), Europe will be intentionally massively subdivided, your country should start out smallish.
Fallen Countries[]
- Aragon - PitaKang 01:40, December 7, 2010 (UTC)
- Portugal - Chicagoan 23:54, December 22, 2010 (UTC)
- Burgundy (Netherlands) -
- Austria - Thant 17:36, January 17th, 2011 (UTC)
- The old Kalmar Union - Scandinator 11:41, July 27, 2011 (UTC)
- Castile (Flaradonia) - ProfessorMcG 03:08, December 4, 2010 (UTC)
- Empire of Trebizond -
- Mamluk Sultanate -
- Hungary- Collie Kaltenbrunner 14:14, April 3, 2011 (UTC)
- Poland and Lithuania -
- Muscovy - Republic of freedom
- Brandenburg- - Cosman246 04:34, December 21, 2010 (UTC)
- Crimean Khanate (Golden Horde) - CrimsonAssassin 01:10, December 3, 2010 (UTC)
- Brittany -
- Foix -
- Provence -
- Ottoman Empire -StarkBlack-
- Savoy -
- Venice - Destroyanator 02:17, December 10, 2010 (UTC)
- Navarre -
- Byzantine Empire- Ownerzmcown 00:21, December 23, 2010 (UTC)
- Jalayirids -
- Provence -
- France - ZL123 09:48, April 22, 2011 (UTC)
- Papal States - Bobalugee1940 03:53, February 13, 2011 (UTC)
- Wallachia -
- Florentine Confederacy - Michael Douglas 15:01, January 23, 2011 (UTC)
- Sicily- BlackSkyEmpire 22:50, December 7, 2010 (UTC)BlackSkyEmpire
- Uralic Confederation - Fed (talk) 19:34, August 20, 2011 (UTC)
- Arabic Union - Azecreth 13:25, August 26, 2011 (UTC)
France - DeanSims 14:18, August 30, 2011 (UTC)Now Part of the Anglo-Frankish UnionThe British Empire (1465): DeanSims 17:53, August 15, 2011 (UTC)'Now Part of the Anglo-Frankish ''Union'- Anglo-Frankish Union: - DeanSims 14:18, August 30, 2011 (UTC)'
- Sweden
- The Union of European Sovereign Republics - DeanSims
- Persia - VonGlusenburg 12:07, September 14, 2011 (UTC)
Countries currently in game[]
- Kingdom of Italy- Remedello
- Japan - Kogasa
- Ethiopia - Tim
- 'The New Kalmar Union - Sine dei gloriem (talk) 22:11, September 5, 2012 (UTC)'
- India - Chancellor Spock
- American Confederation - Proud Leader of the Althistory Revolution (User talk:DeanSims) 13:30, September 14, 2012 (UTC)
- The Persian Empire - Count Frederick S. VonGlusenburg
- The Italian Protectorate of Spain -
- The Italian Protectorate of Greece -
- The Italian Protectorate of Germany -
- The Italian Protectorate of Hungary -
- The Italian Protectorate of Poland -
- The Italian Protectorate of Portugal -
Sign up here for Mods! Mods can: Make Natural Disasters and Throw back implausibilities. An :D means you're approved!
- Remedello 11:43, August 7, 2011 (UTC) :D
- Kogasa 12:51, August 29, 2011 (UTC) :D
- VonGlusenburg (talk to Von!) 00:19, August 31, 2012 (UTC) :D (Rejoined game after period of absence)
Former Mods[]
- PitaKang 02:03, January 25, 2011 (UTC)*
- Roguejedi 15:11, January 25, 2011 (UTC)*
- CrimsonAssassin 20:11, January 25, 2011 (UTC)*
- Chicagoan 03:00, January 31, 2011 (UTC)*
- 1000Monkeys- I never realized it, but 1000 Monkeys was never a player. He's not a mod anymore
- Bobalugee1940 03:53, February 13, 2011 (UTC)
- How many mods are we going to have? we already have as many mods as players.
- Not true... I, Michael Douglas, have been the lone player and not mod for some time now.
- I meant, like, we have 12 players (although only some actually post most years) and 5 mods. There are 7 players who are not mods. 7 and 5 are fairly close. That statement was not very clear.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei. Japan also decides to build railroads in its lands after the Japanese, Korean, and Chinese scientists studied the steam machine and also learned and studied about these things on wheels, which Japan calls it Ressha (列車) [which is Train in Japanese..). Japan looks for another possible use for the steam engine instead of trains, but that will take a longer while. So, the Japanese, Korean, and Chinese scientists continue to study for more technology.
- Persia improves public health & the quality of hospitals and care which the subjects of the Persian Empire receive. After a Persian doctor conducts an investigation into a recent cholera outbreak in Baghdad, he concludes that dirty water is the cause of cholera and other diseases. This causes the Clean Water Act to be passed which forces the clean-up of the water supplies in Persia, and bans the pollution of them (landfill sites in the desert are to be used instead to dump rubbish).
- Italy builds more railways and ports in its cities, the military is improved.

Year 1601
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei. Japan also builds more railways, and also invades and conquers some more unclaimed islands.
- The Persian Shah forms the "Persian National Railway Company" and it takes control of Persia's railways. The company then decides to move into Ethiopia, India & the Kalmar Union; and build railways there. The lines which end at Persian border towns are expanded into these respective countries. The rail line assets owned by the company make the PNRC the biggest company in Persia, and nearly the biggest in the world. This however does make the Shah the world's richest man. This consequentially continues the "boom period" which the Persian economy had been in since 1594.
- Italy improves public health and builds more railways and opens more mines.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei. Japan also builds more railways, and soon establishes the JRグループ (Japan Railways Group).
- Italy founds the European Railway Company and expands into Spain, Greece, Germany, Hungary and Portugal. Italy also founds the Italian Mining and Drilling Corporation which takes over most of the mines in Europe and starts drilling oil in Northern Africa and North America.
- Persian miners create a steam engine powered drill to speed up mining, and some bright spark decides to make an even bigger drill to drill for oil.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways. Japan also convinces Ireland and the Netherlands to join them; they agree.
- Italy convinces the remaining European countries to become its protectorates, railways are built in these countries and mines are opened.
Persia bails out the Greek economy by buying Cyprus & most of Greek Asia Minor. An alliance & trade deal is then formed with Greece after the Persian help. Persia convinces Greece to remove themselves as an Italian protectorate & to become an ally of Persia.
Greece isn't under a kind of protectorateship from which you can just remove yourself from. To do anything like that Greece would have had to ask Italy, and with Italy saying no, they can't do anything unless they want problems. And with the Italian economic support, the Greek economy is doing fine and has no intention of selling its land away, and is happy with the Italian rule.
Well, it's hardly fair . You can just can't take all of Europe in a turn!
I didn't take it, I just made them do what I want them to do. Since I am more powerful than they are they will agree with my terms. It might not be fair but that's the way it is, and since I treat them well they are even happier!
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways.
- Italy expands the railway network in Europe and lets any people from its protectorates to move in Australia as long as they speak Italian. Italy begins growing more potatoes in Europe. The military is built up.
- Persia builds up its military and a baby boom starts and cities are expanded in order to house all these new people. With all these new people, food production is also stepped up.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways.
- Italy's economy continues to grow, people are encouraged to have many children and, because of the massive food sources and good healthcare, the population boom gets even greater, thousands of families move into the colonies. The only condition of being able to move into the colonies is to be able to speak Italian. More money is put into education and healthcare.
- Persia's military is built up even more, and military bases are set up & fortified around the empire, so the Persian public have somewhere to go in times of war. This later expands into the fortifying of the major cities. Then the towns, and then finally the villages.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways.
- Italy amps up its military and builds libraries and schools in every city. More universities are built.
- Persia amps up
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways.
- Italy builds more hospitals.
Italian scientists come up with the assembly line which speeds up the production of different products. Factories with assembly lines are built and the mass production of trains and Gatling guns begins.Factories are built in Italy to create trains and Gatling guns more efficiently.
- Now I'm all for expanding technology but the assembly line came after factories, as a means to make them even more productive after scientific management practices in factories. Before assembly lines you need factories to be built, and then efficiency drives in factories leads to assembly lines. God if my People & Organisations lecturer saw this, he'd be going ape!
- Factories are built in Persia to better the current slow production process on fancy goods like trains and armaments.
- Italian scientists come up with the assembly line which speeds up the production of different products. Factories with assembly lines are built and the mass production of trains and Gatling guns begins. More factories are built all over the Kingdom.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways.
- More factories are built across the Persian Empire, but the Persian factories while are more efficient than normal cottage industries, they still aren't as efficient as they could be, so one Persian factory owner begins to investigate & research into making his factories even more efficient. He comes up with a "scientific management" doctrine in which he simplify worker's roles in the factory and production is made much more efficient. Most factory owners confer to scientific management practices as a result.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways.
- The use of scientific management methods spreads to all factories across the Persian Empire, and some factory owners then take a page out of the Italian's books, and initiate assembly line type production methods in Persian factories. This is even more effective than regular scientific management methods, and these assembly lines quickly spread to most Persian factories.
- Italy builds more ships for trade. New cities are founded in the colonies.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways. Japan begins building some factories, and meanwhile, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese scientists try to see other uses for the steam engine.
- India begins to use a new education system to make new scientific discoveries. Indian scientist Abbas built the electric generator, which operates hydroelectric power. After years of hard working. India's new constitution is ready. India begins to build these. Chancellor Spock is happy because India is the most well-organized country in the world. Abbas also founded
allmoons of Jupiter and Saturn. India begins to build tin cans in food production, to mimimize the risk of illness. - Galilei found Io, Europa, Kallisto and Ganymede like he did in OTL
- The Italian scientist Galileo Galilei and his team of scientist come up with the mirror-telescope and other revolutionary studying equipment to study the solar system. Italy builds more factories and builds more cities.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories.
- Persian manufacturers also implement the use of tinned cans to store food
- Italian manufacturers start using tin cans to store food and beverages. The Italian army starts using foods in tin cans to feed the soldiers. In the Italian province of Britannia, an engineer builds a bicycle. Italian scientists then start to modify the invention. The army is built up and the infrastructure is improved.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories.
- Persian farmers begin to can their produce and selling it straight to the consumer.
- Italy: More cities are built and urban hygiene is increased. Scientists start to study the rubber tree and how it could be used to soften the riding of a bike. The production of olive oil and wine is increased in the Americas and Europe.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories.
- Persia amps up its military, as thanks to the assembly lines the Persian military is the best equipped army in the world with all their nice, powerful, durable, shiny weapons.
- Italian factories start building huge amounts of high-quality weapons on assembly lines for the Italian army. More people move into Australia.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories. Some Japanese workers build some kind of wagon but puts a steam engine into it. However, it does nothing, so the Japanese, Korean, and Chinese scientists continue to study it more and will still take long while.
- Persian military invents a military train which is basically an armoured train with cannons on it. Persian engineers also build longer range cannons.
- Longer range weapons are built. The construction of a canal in Panamá starts, the works are estimated to take 15 to 20 years.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories.
- Indian scientist Abbas, inspired by genius Galileo Galilei founded movement of Brown. He makes experiments with different weights of balls and so proves universal gravity.
- Italian railway and mining companies expand into India. Works at Panamá continue. More rice is grown in Siam.
Italy buys the Indonesian islands from the KU with 15 000 000 liras.More factories are built.
Why would the KU sell their only colony where they are capable of growing exotic foods like Coffee or Cocoa? Not to mention, rubber & stuff. The KU wouldn't sell their most important colony.
Because they need cash? =D
They'll make more cash from the actual colony!
Italy buys OTL Papua & New Guinea and the rest of the island from the KU with 4 000 000 liras.
- Again it's their most profitable colony, the KU wouldn't sell it. It's like OTL British Empire selling India.
- Persia sets up coffee,
rubber& Coca plantations in her Madagascan colony.
How did Persia get their hands on rubber trees/seeds?
Car-boot sale ...'
Well... no car boot sales occurred since the only country studying the importance of rubber is Italy and the only country that has them growing on their land is Italy (maybe Japan too). So Persia will know their importance only after the Italians start useng tires on their wagons. Rubber plantations are also under high security so no one could sell them to other countries.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories.
- Works continue at Panamá. Italian scientists find out how to do rubber tires and they are put on wagons and bikes. Rubber plantations are set up in South America and Africa.
- Persian economy expands thanks to a growing middle class.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories.
- Italy starts selling tires to other countries making huge profit from it. More rubber plantations are opened in Africa. Works at the Panamá canal continue.
- Persian factories are increasingly built with water wheels to power them. The Shah decides to dam the Volga and control the flow of water into a set of large water wheels to power a large new armaments factory nearby. The Volga Arms plant is to be the largest in the world.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories. Japan would also like to purchase some rubber from Italy for 500. Yen.
- Italy agrees and sends 4,000,000 rubber tires to Japan. If Japan wants more Italy will send some. More research is made on bikes. Works at the Panamá canal continue. Trade with Japan and India is increased. More schools are built.
- The Volga Arms Plant & Volga damn continue to be built. The Shah says this new Volga industrial centre will greatly reduce unemployment in the surrounding area and make take Persian weaponry to trend setting levels. More schools and universities are built across the empire to educate the masses, and increase Persia's skilled work force.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories. Rubber tires are fitted onto some wagons. Meanwhile, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese scientists decide to put the steam engine on the wagon along with rubber tires. However, the wagon doesn't go anywhere, so the Japanese, Korean, and Chinese continue research into this idea which still takes long while.
- Persian traders who are trading in the Ethiopian Congo to find seeds of substance farming plants like
rubber, cocoa, coffee or bananas. Persian traders take home bananas and rubber trees, and plantations for these plants are founded in Madagascar. The Volga industrial centre is also finished, and the latest manufacturing machines are used in the Arms plant.
Once again, how did the Ethiopians and Persians get their hands on rubber trees/seeds when the plant is indigenous to the Amazon rain forest?
- Italy sends troops to its African colonies. Works at the Panamá continue. The population boom continues and more people move into the Italian colonies. Italy offers help to the Japanese with their steam powered wagon research. Italy gets Germany, Poland, Hungary, Spain and Portugal to join the TCA. Italy organises a vote to decide what should be the lingua franca of the TCA and the world. (SEE TALK PAGE).
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories. Japan accepts Italy's help to their steam powered wagon research. Meanwhile, Japan makes Icelandic, Dutch, and Irish languages official in Japan. Japan also passes the language act, which allows minorities in Japan to freely speak their own language, as long as they learn some Japanese, Italian, and/or Persian (whatever seems easy for them) as well. The average citizen in Japan can speak two languages at minimum.
- Persia announces it doesn't care what language its people speaks, just as long as they get along and can communicate with one another effectively.
- The Persian Shah asks the Emperor of Japan if his son would marry the Shah's daughter and join together the two empires in an act of union.
- Japan if you accept, you basically get the Persian empire to add to your empire to add to your empire. I'm giving up on this game basically, so I'm giving you my land :P VonGlusenburg (talk to Von!) 15:14, December 11, 2011 (UTC)
- Emperor of Japan accepts, and the Emperor's son marries the Shah's daughter.
- Indian physicist Abbas build first streetlights to Delhi-

After the Persian-Japanese act of Union
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories. The research also continues.
- Italy: construction at the Panamá canal continues. Italy helps Japan with the Automobile. Italian railway companies expand into the KU. More railways and factories are built.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories. The Kuruma (Japanese for automobile) research and inventing continues with the help of Italy.
- Italy builds more cruisers and big ships for military and civilian transport. More factories are built. Works at the Panamá continue.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories. The Kuruma is finally built and is tested. However, there was a problem with the wiring so the Kuruma is brought back for more research, build and testing.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories.
- Italy builds more cities in its colonies, and starts building factories in every settlement with over 500 people.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories. Japan also made more adjustments to the Kuruma and test it again. However, the Kuruma breaks down after about a minute so the Kuruma is brought back in again, and more research and building continues.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories. Japan also makes more adjustments to the Kuruma, and test drive it once more, and it becomes successful.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories.
- The people of Persia begin calling for greater autonomy, and for Persia to leave the union with Japan, and have the two countries join together in a more autonomous and separate dynastic union. This comes down mainly the two twin sons of the current emperor arguing over who shall take the throne.
The world following the split up of the Persia-Japan union
- Persia leaves the union with Japan, and the two sons of the current emperor agree to split up the Imperial family into two separate branches, the Persian (Safavid) branch and the Japanese (Kitashirakawa) branch. Nader becomes Shah/Emperor of the Persian Empire, but he wishes to remain a very close ally to his brother's empire.
- Japan continues to build up their military and continues building Taipei; as well as building more railways and factories. Meanwhile the first Kuruma company, Kochiya, is founded. Their first Kuruma released is the Kochiya 120 (OTL Benz Patent-Motorwagen, but steam powered). Meanwhile the Emperor Go-Kōmyō dies and is soon succeeded by Emperor Yoshihisa (brother of Nader, Shah/Emperor of Persia).
- Shah Nader morns the death of his father Emperor Go-Kōmyō. He orders the military to be built up, focusing a lot on the navy. This accumulates in the building of steam battleships for the Persian navy.
- Japan continues to build up their military and finishes building Taipei. Railways and factories also continue being built. Technology is beginning researched again. Meanwhile a few Windmills are built, inspired by some in Overseas Autonomous Prefecture of Nederland. Kochiya builds more of the Kochiya 120 and the new Kuruma begins to be popular.
- Persia with its new steam=powered battleships has the strongest navy in the world, and so declares war on Italy while Persia still has a technological advantage. The Persian navy is sent to try to take Italy's Indian Ocean territories.
- Japan continues to build up their military especially navy, building railways and factories, and researching technology. Kochiya builds a special version of the Kochiya 120, called the Kochiya 240, to be used for military purposes. Emperor Yoshihisa begins an invasion of Italian South East Asia, and using the special Kochiya 240 manages to pull off a decent invasion.
- Persia wins many naval battles against the Italians as a series of island campaigns begin as the Persian navy try to take the Maldives, Sri Lanka and the rest of Italy's Indian Ocean territories. Persia also sends steam battleship plans to Japan to allow them to build their own steam battleships so that Japan can invade Italy's Pacific territories. Persia is then attacked by Italy via Ukraine and Egypt, so Persia's land army also get fighting. Soon the Persian army pushes the Italians back over the Suez into Egypt and retake Sinai; the Persian defensive line is built up and they rain artillery fire down on Italian positions, which is made easier because of the Persian artillery's larger range.
- Japan continues to build up their military especially navy, building railways and factories, and researching technology. Emperor Yoshihisa thanks Persia for the steam battleship plans and soon Japan builds their own steam battleships. Kuruma company Kochiya sends their plans of the military Kochiya 240 to Persia so they can make their own variant and to help them in their land battles. The Japanese manage to take some of Italian South East Asia thanks to the effectiveness of the Kochiya 240. Soon Japan begins an invasion of Italian Pacific Territories.
- Persia's stalemate with Italy continues over the Suez, but things are much worse in Ukraine, as Italy's much better supplied armies begin pushing back the Persian armies. However Persia begins producing its own Kochiya 240s and these help Persia to break Persian lines and cut off the Italian supply lines, which results in the main Italian army in Ukraine being surrounded and they surrender. The Indian ocean campaign is largely won as Italy's naval power in the Indian ocean is destroyed, and Persia begins to take over Sri Lanka. Persia's navy however remains unable to get too close to South Africa and Australia thanks to Italy's greater presence in these areas.
- Japan continues to build up their military, building railways and factories, and researching technology. More steam battleships are built and Japan manages to quickly conquer the tiny islands in the Pacific held by Italy. Japan also plans to give a few Italian islands near the Kalmar Union Indonesia colony to the Kalmar Union as a gift. More of Italian South East Asia is conquered thanks to the Kochiya 240s.
Which islands exactly? I'll upload a map soon
The islands that's held by OTL Papua New Guinea -Kogasa
- Persia takes Sri Lanka, and also launches an assault on Egypt after agreeing with Ethiopia to allow Persian troops to travel to Ethiopia to go and attack Italy from Ethiopian Sudan. With Italy's Egyptian army stuck fighting on two fronts, Persia eventually overwhelms the Italian forces in Egypt and takes most of Egypt, before the Persian army begins marching to take Libya.
- With their ally Italy losing to Persia in both Ukraine and Egypt, Greece decides to join the war and the joint Greek-Italian army launch a big assault from Greek Anatolia, catching Persia out by surprise.
The Kalmar Union's far eastern territories rebel away and declare independence as the Khanate of Mongolia.
- Japan continues to build up their military, building railways and factories, and researching technology. More steam battleships are built and Japan manages to quickly conquer more of the tiny islands in the Pacific held by Italy, and soon begin heading straight to the Fiji and other Pacific Islands held by Italy, but first Japan invades the Italian islands near KM (Kalmar Union) Indonesia so Japan can give it to them. Meanwhile, Italian South East Asia is 89% conquered and fighting continues there.
- Persia initially pushed back quite a lot by the surprise Greek attack, manages to re-group and take all of Anatolia from Greece. The Persian navy also blockades and takes over Cyprus. Persia continues to push towards Libya and Romania too.
- Japan continues to build up their military, building railways and factories, and researching technology. More steam battleships are built and Japan continues to conquer more of the Italian Pacific Islands and manages to conquer the islands near KM Indonesia and Japan gives them the islands as a gift. Meanwhile, Italian South East Asia is now conquered. Japan then makes Burma, Thailand, and Indochina Autonomous Prefectures of Japan.
- Persia enters a stalemate with Italy as Italy has captured some Persian steam battleships and now a tense naval campaign in the Mediterranean and Aegean seas as the two sides are now pretty much equal at sea. The land campaigns in Moldova and Libya also begin to slow down, and Shah Nader meets with the Italian King to discuss a peace treaty.
Persia signs a peace treaty with Italy and Greece, which sees Italy and Greece formally agree to cede territory lost to Persia in the six year war. Shah Nader also urges his brother Emperor Yoshihisa to make peace with Italy too.Not so fast! You can't just say that you sign a peace treaty with a country and assume that they then happily accept. (Thanks for giving me a heads up on suddenly restarting the game and attacking me guys <3 much appreciated) anyway...
- Japan continues to build up their military, building railways and factories, and researching technology. Emperor Yoshihisa agrees, a
nd also makes Peace with Italy.
- Japan continues to build up their military, building railways and factories, and researching technology. Kuruma maker Kochiya releases their new Kuruma, the Kochiya A125 (OTL Benz Viktoria, but steam powered).
- Italy refuses to accept the peace treaty and launches a counterattack on both Japan and Persia. Italy thanks Greece for their loyalty and sends thousands of troops to help take back lost territories and attacks the Persian fleet near Cyprus and wins the battle. The Pope declares a crusade to fight the infidel Persians and the traitorous Japanese, thousands of volunteers from all over the Christian world join the Italian forces, they then launch an invasion on Egypt which is quite successful and most of Egypt is taken back. Shortly after the Holy Land is attacked but with little success. The Christian forces are driven back to the Suez canal by the end of the year. Italy gets Ethiopia to join the war on their side as the Ethiopians are Christians too. The Italian South American colonies attack the Japanese South American colonies and captures large parts of the Inca territories as the Inca are weakened by Eurasian diseases.
- Japanese people (most of who are not in military) are angered in Japan at their current Shogun and Emperor and soon the Japan home islands begin a civil war for a new Shogun with many clans fighting over for control. Soon, Empress Watacheuki takes power in Korea. Empress Watacheuki of Korea manages to take China, all of Japanese held land in OTL Russia, Iceland, Ireland, and Netherlands. Japan is left with only the islands (minus Hainan Island), South East Asia, and also Japan loses most its South American colony to Italy while OTL Tierra del Fuego is lost to Korea.
- Empress Watacheuki of Korea begins to take a neutral stance in World Affairs. Empress Watacheuki of Korea also sells Netherlands and Ireland to Italy, hoping for peace between Korea and Italy.
- The Kalmar union ask Italy to purchase some colonies in northern America in exchange of part of the southern America (OTL Brazil) territories, the army is updated and prepared for any outside intrusion.
- Italy doesn't wish to sell its territories in Brazil due to the fact that it has a good infrastructure and has a lot of Italian population. The Italian Mediterranean fleet wins several battles against the Persians and the remaining Persian Mediterranean fleet is driven into the Black sea. Christian forces easily take back Cyprus with the help of the locals. The Persians are driven back to pre-war borders in Europe by the Christian forces, that are equipped with new rifle technology, giving them momentum in fighting the Persians. The massive Italian fleet in Australia sails to recapture lost territories in the Indian Ocean, some small islands are recaptured. The new Italian warships are as advanced technologically as the Persians ships, though smaller, but their larger numbers and better tactics win the battles. Italy, though a bit confused, makes terms for the peace with Korea: Italy gets all the Korean held territories that were Italian before the war and Italy gets the island of Taiwan. Italy agrees to purchase Iceland and Ireland. More ships are built in the massive harbours of the Western Mediterranean with the help of the Spanish and Portuguese.
- Empress Watacheuki of Korea agrees to give back all the islands that were previously Italian and lets them have Taiwan.
- Japan becomes divided into four: Shogunate of Shimazu (capital: Kagoshima), covering all of Kyūshū and has Shogun Shimazu Tadahisa in power; Shogunate of Satori (capital: Kōchi), founded by Miyoshi Nagayoshi and named after the folklore creature of the same name and has all of Shikoku as well as OTL Philippines; Shogunate of Fujiwara (capital: Kyoto), founded by Fujiwara no Moromichi and has all of Honshū minus the OTL Tōhoku region; and the Empire of Hokkaidō (capital: Hakodate), founded by Emperor Yoshihisa who still manages to control OTL Tōhoku region, Hokkaidō, and Karafuto. Shogunate of Shimazu and Shogunate of Satori remain neutral and are peaceful while Shogunate of Fujiwara becomes friendly with Italy, and Empire of Hokkaidō remains loyal to Persia.
- Empress Watacheuki of Korea begins to have infrastructure improved in her Empire and works on ships.
- Italy leads the Christian forces and conquers the Holy lands, while Italo-Greek forces conquer the western half and the southern coast of Anatolia. The siege of Damascus begins. More troops are sent to fight the Persians in Ukraine, but only the Krim Peninsula is taken. Troops are being organised for the next move. The Italian Mediterranean fleet destroys or captures the rest of the ships of the Persian Mediterranean fleet. In the Indian Ocean all lost territories are reconquered after tough battles. Italy is still quite pissed off with Japan and attacks the Japanese held Philippines. Italy allies itself with Fujiwara and promises them half of Japan if they help Italy reconquer the rest of the Japanese states.
- Fujiwara no Moromichi happily agrees with Italy, and the Shogunate of Fujiwara declares war against the other Japanese states.
- Shogun Shimazu Tadahisa lets go of the Philippines, since the islands serve no purpose and nothing is of use there. Meanwhile the Shogunate of Satori soon falls under Shogunate of Fujiwara control after eight months of fighting there.
- Shogunate of Shimazu gets tied up into skirmishes and later small fights against Korea, and soon faces invasion by them. Empress Watacheuki of Korea manages to crush the Shogunate of Shimazu and annex them. Kyushu is renamed Kyŏngsŏng and all the place names are Koreanised and strict laws are set in Kyŏngsŏng against the local Japanese.
- The Empire of Hokkaidō faces invasion, and loses Fukushima Prefecture to Shogunate of Fujiwara. Later the Ainu (which by the way, haven't been suppressed or anything) manage to revolt against the Japanese rule and overthrow them and Emperor Yoshihisa manages to flee to Aomori Prefecture. Soon the Ainu manage to recover their homelands and Shakushain becomes leader of the Ainu people and thus the Republic of Ainu is set up in former Hokkaidō and Karafuto. Shakushain also begins to remove the Japanese from the Ainu homelands and bans any Japanese from entering the Ainu homelands. The Republic of Ainu also becomes friendly with the Italians.
- Emperor Yoshihisa, seeing that he is left with Akita, Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi and Yamagata Prefectures, surrenders to Italy, Ainu and Fujiwara. Emperor Yoshihisa apologises and heavily regrets for following his brother's empire (Persia) to attacking Italy, and also pleas to do anything Italy wants as long as the rest of his lands can be kept free.
- American Confederation: America begins a massive military buildup while the Marine Corps are created. The nation is also reorganized into the Confederate States of America, and 11 states are carved out of the country. The new CSA creates a new flag as well much like OTL's American flag with 11 stripes and 11 stars.
- Italy: Japan is divided between Italy, Ainu and Fujiwara. Italy accepts Emperor Yoshihisa's apology, but makes his lands Italy's puppet state and makes them pay war reparations to Italy. The Japanese thrown out of Ainu are brought into the Italian puppet state in Japan. Meanwhile Italian forces capture Damascus and continue advancing in the Middle-East, Mecca is conquered and burned down as the Christians have had enough with the aggressive Arabs and Persians, many other cities, like Baghdad, which is captured too, are destroyed. Christian forces conquer the Caucasus with the help of local Christians like Armenians. By the end of the year all of Europe is freed from Persian control. The Italian Fleet bombs Persian cities on the coast of the Indian Ocean after several battles with the Persian fleet, most of which were victorious.
- Empress Watacheuki of Korea funds more into research of technology. Meanwhile, Korea also builds more ships, mainly for transporting goods.
- The Republic of Ainu continue deporting more Japanese to Italian's Japan Puppet State; while a few of them are forced to assimilate into Ainu culture, language, etc.
- Shogunate of Fujiwara begins to rebuild the infrastructure; and supplies are sent to Italy to help them against the Persians and Arabs.
- Italian Puppet State Japan also sends supplies and stuff to help Italy in their war.
- Italy: The Christian armies conquer the rest of Mesopotamia burning down Persian cities. Meanwhile Italian troops Conquer the Arabian Peninsula. Madagascar is conquered from the Persians as well. By the end of the year most of the cities in the eastern Persian empire have been sacked. In October Christian troops have entered the Persian heartland, but are stalled by Persian troops.
- Empress Watacheuki of Korea funds more into research of technology. Meanwhile 현대자동차 주식회사 (Hyundai Motor Company) is founded and they release the 현대 ㅈ3 (similar to OTL Ford Model T, but steam powered).
- The Republic of Ainu builds a few new harbours.
- Shogunate of Fujiwara begins to rebuild the infrastructure and some more supplies are sent to Italy to help them against the Persians and Arabs.
- Italian Puppet State Japan continues to send supplies and stuff to help Italy in their war.
- Confederate States of America: A massive military buildup begins while a massive industry begins as well. A system of roads now connects the entire country allowing the fast movement of troops around the nation. The Confederate Navy is founded and construction of a massive modern navy begins. Fortifications on the entire Confederate border begins with Cannons and troops guarding the border from within their fortifications. The Confederacy then offers Japan and Persia military alliances.
- Italy is offended by the CSA's diplomacy with Persians and the Japanese Empire (which, BTW doesn't exist anymore), and demands the CSA to pull back their offer or it will be seen as a declaration of war to Italy and the Holy armies. The Christian forces advance into Persia farther dealing mostly with local guerrillas as the Persian army has been almost completely destroyed. Cultural assimilation of Arabs and Persians begin. An Italian motor company called Fiat is founded and starts mass producing trains, steam powered cars and bikes.
- Empress Watacheuki of Korea funds more into research of technology. Meanwhile 현대자동차 주식회사 (Hyundai Motor Company) produces more steam powered cars. Seoul, Beijing, and Shanghai begin to be updated.
- The Republic of Ainu has some roads built, and bicycles are also being made.
- Shogunate of Fujiwara continues to rebuild the infrastructure; and some more supplies are sent to Italy to help them against the Persians and Arabs. Kochiya Motor Co. releases the Kochiya A20 (OTL Benz 16/35 PS).
- Italian Puppet State Japan continues to send supplies and stuff to help Italy in their war.
- As there is no answer from the CSA Italy moves its American Legion to the CSA border, waiting for the CSA response. Meanwhile, the rest of Persia is taken although some small fighting with the guerrillas continues. Italy improves its infrastructure.
- Empress Watacheuki of Korea funds more into research of technology. Seoul, Beijing and Shanghai continue to be updated.
- The Republic of Ainu has some more roads built, and more bicycles are also being made as the Ainu find it more efficient.
- Shogunate of Fujiwara continues to rebuild the infrastructure.
- The CSA apologises deeply for not responding earlier, we were dealing with some idiots in our northern states. We also ask Italy for trade.
- Empress Watacheuki of Korea funds more into research of technology. Seoul, Beijing and Shanghai continues to be updated.
- The Republic of Ainu has some more roads built, and more bicycles are also being made.
- Shogunate of Fujiwara continues to rebuild the infrastructure.

- Empress Watacheuki of Korea funds more into research of technology. Seoul, Beijing and Shanghai continue to be updated. Meanwhile, Taoism begins to spread into popularity.
- The Republic of Ainu has some more roads built and more bicycles are also being made.
- Shogunate of Fujiwara continues to rebuild the infrastructure.