Alternative History
الاتحاد السواحلي الإمبراطوري
Imperial Swahili Federation
Timeline: Principia Moderni IV (Map Game)
Flag Coat of Arms
Flag Coat of Arms
Location of Swahili
Swahili in 1670
Capital Zanzibar-Dar es Salaam
Largest city Zanzibar-Dar es Salaam
Other cities Mogadishu, Mombasa, Malindi, Kilwa, Mtwara, Comoros, Mozambique
Language Swahili
Religion Bayab Faith
Government Sultanate
[[List of Emperors of Swahili (Principia Moderni IV (Map Game))|Emperor]] Jabali
Population 122,236,000 (1930) 
Established 10th Century

The Imperial Swahili Federation is a nation in East Africa. It covers most of the East African Coast.

Great figures

Akida: First Swahili to land in the New World.

Adhama: Discoverer of blood circulation.

Rab-Nints: Independent Developer of Calculus.

Hoo-kah: Discoverer of the cell.

Luw-Hak: Discover of multiple new cells, bacteria and protozoa.

Saqee: Developer of elimination theory, resultants and determinants.

Lapet: Developer of the Lapet Rule, a method of solving limits with derivatives.

The scholar Maofa develops a formula that connects trigonometry with imaginary numbers.

Balya: discovers a theory of probability.

Bakwa: developed selective breeding.





List of Sultans[]

Name Reign Begin Reigh End
Abu Bakr
Abu Bakr
Umar 1389 1424
Ali 1424 1465
Kombe 1465 1495
Mahomet 1495 1503
Sameer 1503 1519
Hamid 1519 1523
Yasser  1523 1546
Hodari 1546 1553
Kiira 1553 1572
Mirza 1572 1582
Mhina 1582 1600
Malik 1600 1624
Kibwe 1624 1675
Hodari 1676 1706
Sefu 1706 1757
Nyo 1757 1792
Khalfani 1792 1823
Ali II 1823 1858
Akida 1858 1878
Chacha 1878 1913
Jabali 1913

Administrative Divisions[]

Admindivisionswahili1710 There are four main categories of administrative regions in Swahili.
