Picture of Iosif Stalin in 1946, according to the game "HOI4"

Picture of Iosif Stalin at the of age 23 in 1901

Picture of Iosif Stalin from 1962
Iosif Vissarionovich Dzugashvili (Russian: Иожиф Виссарионовиж Джугажвилий, 18 December 1878 – 27 December 1979), more commonly known as Iosif Stalin or Koba (Russian: Иожиф Жталин, КОБА), was born to a poor ethnic Georgian family in the town of Gori in the Tiflis Governorate of the Russian Empire, he was a Soviet politician who was the General Secretary of the All-Union Communist Party of The Soviet Union, Chief of The Army (From 1941-1944), Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Soviet Union, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union, Member of the Russian Constituent Assembly, Minister of Defence, People's Commissar for Nationalities of the RSFSR, People's Commissar of Defense of the Soviet Union And Chairman of the Central Commission for Party Control (1946-1979). Stalin joined the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party in 1901. He edited the party's newspaper, Pravda, and raised funds for Vladimir Lenin's Bolshevik faction via robberies, kidnappings and protection rackets.

Picture of Iosif Stalin At The Yalta Conference in 1944

Picture of Iosif Stalin in 1951
Congress | Notes | ||
11th - 27th Congress | General Secretary of The Central Committee of The Communist Party of The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics From 22 March 1922 - 27 December 1979, Chairman of The Council of People's Commissars of The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics From 6 May 1927 - 15 March 1946, Chairman of The Council of Ministers of The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics From 15 March 1946 - 27 December 1979, Member of The Russian Constituent Assembly From 25 November 1917 - 20 January 1918, People's Commissar of Defense of The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics From 19 July 1941 - 25 February 1946, People's Commissar of The Armed Forces of The Soviet Union From 25 February 1946 - 15 March 1946, Minister of Defense of The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics From 15 March 1946 - 27 December 1979, People's Commissar For Nationalities of The Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic From 8 November 1917 - 7 July 1923, Dictator of The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics From 3 April 1922 - 27 December 1979. | ||

Picture of Iosif Stalin in the year 1954
After the Bolsheviks seized power in the October Revolution and created a one-party state under the new Communist Party in 1917, Stalin joined its governing Politburo. In 1922 Stalin was appointed General Secretary of The All-Union Communist Party of The Soviet Union, later in 1922 Lenin suffered a stroke and Stalin took over The Soviet Union while Lenin was recovering. In 1922 Stalin was appointed General Secretary of The All-Union Communist Party of The Soviet Union, later in 1922 Lenin suffered a stroke and Stalin took over The Soviet Union while Lenin was recovering. In 1924 Lenin suffered another stroke and died. After the death of Lenin there where various different factions battled for power but Stalin's faction won the Power Struggle and he began to consolidate power. In 1928–1932 Stalin launched the First Five Year Plan, which focused on producing more resources for The Soviet Union. In 1931 Stalin ordered the First Menshevik Trial to start which purged people like Vladimir Bazarov. In 1934 The 17th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party started, during the elections to the 17th Central Committee Stalin received over a hundred, of negative votes, whereas only three delegates crossed out the name of the popular Leningrad party boss, Sergei Kirov. The results were subsequently covered up on Stalin's orders and it was officially reported that Stalin also received only three negative votes. During the Congress a group of veteran party members approached Kirov with the suggestion that he replace Stalin as the party leader. Kirov declined the offer and reported the conversation to Iosif Stalin. In late 1934 Stalin ordered the assassination of Sergei Kirov, Stalin later accused Zinoviev of ordering someone to assassinate him. In late 1935 Stalin ordered Genrikh Yagoda (The NKVD Chief) to start The First Moscow Trial, Yagoda had made up a list of people Grigory Zinoviev Lev Kamenev Grigory YevdokimovIvan Bakayev Sergei Mrachkovsky, a hero of the Russian Civil War in Siberia and the Russian Far East Vagarshak Arutyunovich Ter-Vaganyan, leader of the Armenian Communist Party, Ivan Nikitich Smirnov, People's Commissar for Posts and Telegraphs Yefim DreitzerIsak Reingold Richard Pickel Eduard Holtzman Fritz David Valentin Olberg Konon Berman-Yurin Moissei Lurye Nathan Lurye, they where all shot after the trial in december 1935. In 1936 Stalin ordered the Second Moscow Trial this time Iona Yakir, Ieronim Uborevich, Robert Eideman, August Kork, Vitovt Putna, Boris Feldman, and Vitaly Primakov where all accused of treason and executed. In 26 September 1936 Yagoda was removed as The NKVD Chief by Stalin, Stalin appointed Nikolay Yezhov as The New NKVD Chief. In 1937 Stalin ordered the Final Moscow Trial Nikolai Bukharin – Marxist theoretician, former head of Communist International and member of Politburo Alexei Rykov – former premier and member of Politburo Nikolai Krestinsky – former member of Politburo and ambassador to Germany Christian Rakovsky – former ambassador to Great Britain and France Genrikh Yagoda – former head of NKVD Arkady Rosengolts – former People's Commissar for Foreign Trade Vladimir Ivanov – former People's Commissar for Timber Industry Mikhail Alexandrovich Chernov – former People's Commissar for Agriculture Grigori Grinko – former People's Commissar for Finance Isaac Zelensky – former Secretary of Central Committee Sergei Bessonov Akmal Ikramov – Uzbek leader Fayzulla Khodzhayev – Uzbek leader Vasily Sharangovich – former first secretary in Belorussia Prokopy Zubarev Pavel Bulanov – NKVD officer Lev Levin – Kremlin doctor Dmitry Pletnyov – Kremlin doctor Ignaty Kazakov – Kremlin doctor Venyamin Maximov-Dikovsky Pyotr Kryuchkov where accused, after the Trial they where all executed. In 1938 Stalin approved the arrest of Lavrentiy Beriya, Sergo Goglidze and several members of the Mingrelian Party of Georgia, later that day they where executed. In 1940 Stalin ordered the interrogation of Viktor Abakumov, Yezhov had him executed the next day. In 1941 Germany invaded the Soviet Union but the Germans faced heavy resistance from Stalin's Soldiers, Stalin ordered the execution of Ivan Proskurov, Pavel Rychagov, Alexander Loktionov, Pavel Alekseyev, Yakov Smushkevich, Grigory Shtern, Pyotr Pumpur, People's Commissar of Ammunition Ivan Sergeyev and Major General Ernst Schacht, they where executed after the trial. In 1942 Germany pushed the Soviets all the way to the Outskirts of Moscow, but the Soviets managed to push them back. In late 1942-early 1943 The Germans pushed to Stalingrad, but Stalin's Soldiers managed to push the Germans again. In late 1944 The Soviets pushed the Germans all the way to Berlin, in Early 1945 Berlin fell. In May 1945 The Soviets managed to push the Germans to Paris. Stalin ordered his troops in the Far-East to invade Manchuria, They managed to push to Tokyo and won the War. In Late 1945 to Early 1947 Stalin ordered to Start the Fourth Moscow Trial (The Start of The Second Great Purge), Stalin and Yezhov came together to form The MGB to replace the now outdated NKVD and Yezhov appointed himself as The Chief of The MGB and Sergei Kruglov as the Deputy Chief of The MGB.