Alternative History
King Washington

Portrait of King Washington from 1784

Declaration of Kingship (March 4, 1784):[]

On March 4, 1784, George Washington, soon to be the "commander and chief" had spoken in front of a large audience in New York City, where he suddenly spoke about monarchies, and how it was: "America's duty to support its king". Confusing the audience below where Washington was speaking. 

Some of the audience members had even began to throw things at Washington. So much so, that Washington's guards had to apprehend the now turning mob. Washington was even forced to withhold his coronation as king. Also, being forced to have the event indoors and limit the audience.

(Still under construction, please don't edit the writing except for the spelling and grammar errors. Also, feel free to add pictures and even videos.)

Political Responses (1784):[]

Shortly after the Coronation, the politicians remained split by the thought of a monarch ruling over them. Although most were against it, they still continued to remain loyal to Washington. 

People like Alexander Hamilton proved to have been a firm supporter of the idea, believing in elections toward life-time presidents. Although he stated: "I for one, am fine with being king, and I trust everyone else is, as well". This, however, later on, was proven to being a mistake on "Hamilton's part".

John Adams, remained loyal towards Washington, although secretly against the idea, he still believed that Washington would act as a sort of savior or hero. This also, would be proven a mistake on Adam's part. However, his cousin, Samuel Adams, and midnight rider Paul Revere, completely opposed the idea of another king ruling over them. They began to work together, forming militias in an effort to impeach or "get rid of" Washington. Whatever the cost and no matter how long it would take.

Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin also opposed the ideas of another king, believing it to be the American people to: "Be fighting for the same reasons all over again".

After votes and polls rallied in by the end of March, 40.2% of the US congress supported Washington's decision of becoming a king. However, polls in late April said that only 22.8% of the American public supported Washington's decision of becoming a king. When these results arrived to Washington, he stated: "The citizens I saved... the country I saved, and the tasks I took to risk my life, and they still can't show discipline and respect". 

Washington's Cabinet (1784 - 1793):[]

Job(s):    Name(s):     
King: George Washington
Secondary Advisor:                         John Adams
Executive General: Benedict Arnold
Secretary of War: Thomas Dunkin
Secretary of Treasury: Alexander Hamilton

Washington chose to have less members in his administration, choosing power to be better and easier to control, which greatly benefited him.

Kingship of King George Washington (1784 - 1793):[]

Early Days in Command: (March 4, 1784 - May 4, 1784): []

Immediately upon entering office, he declared Philadelphia to officially be the nation's capital, also ordering a "pyramid-shaped complex" to be enforced within the city area. He also wished for the equivalent of: "martial law" to Philadelphia. Angering many of its citizens. Washington also began to increase military spending, regardless of all the debt in the "Revolutionary War". Supporting funding like: better training, constructing warships and more recruits with ammunition.

King Washington also pledged to move west, into and possibly even past the "Louisiana Purchase". Although the speeches he made about expansionism angered and worried the French.

"Naval Betrayal of 1784": (September 13, 1784 - March 11, 1785):[]

On July 4, Independence Day, Washington set sail to the Netherlands, where once they finally reach the small, but very influential nations on September 13, where the Netherlands made an agreement with the United States to allow them to borrow their navy. However, Washington's real intentions, were to never return them, and only pay the Netherlands for the ships for only about six months or so. 

When the Netherlands received word that Washington wouldn't return the ships, they refused to fund US currency. Causing the US, at total downturn. The US dollar means almost nothing, becoming highly inflated as well. Washington responds by blockading the Netherlands at multiple Dutch ports. Not only ruining the Dutch's economy, but also, both sides threatened for war, ironically, most of the ships blockading the Netherlands. Were the ones that the Dutch had given the United States.

Washington promised to "unlift" the blockade as long as they resume the continuation of funding the US currency. They reluctantly agree. Eventually, Washington "uplifts" the blockade. But still, tensions remained extremely bitter. Slowly, but surely the inflation went down, and the dollar remained at a "better status". 

Massacre of Philadelphia: (May 5, 1785):[]

On a sunny day in downtown Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a crowd of anti-monarchists protested against Washington's king-like rule were shot dead both intentionally and effectively. Killing seven protesters and injuring four. Not only firing one volley of fire, but two, while the protesters were fleeing and/or getting toward the injured.

The first volley was found to have killed four people. Most of the protesters didn't even notice the soldiers giving the command: "Ready, aim and fire!" since most of the protesters had their back toward them. The soldiers fired in unison. Also, in the first volley, injuring two. While the second volley, while the protesters were fleeing and helping the injured and some soon to be dead, killed three people and injured one person.

There were five US soldiers committing the volley and one officer (six in total).

The massacre caused complete outcry. However, the soldiers were effectively pardoned by King Washington, and there was no trial. Causing even more protests and demonstrations across the country. 

Many Americans noted this to be "eerily similar to the 'Boston Massacre'.

Response to the Massacre: (1785):[]

Samuel Adams immediately sent out militias to fight Washington's soldiers with his "custom militias". Thanks to Paul Revere, they had trained horses and cannons, with custom and well made cannon balls. The militia units were sent out on June 4, 1785. Heading out in an effort to siege an "US loyalist base" which would eventually lead toward war.

John Adams sent a letter to his cousin, urging him to not attack Washington at the base, and that Washington already knew of Samuel Adam's plan to attack the base in New Hampshire.

On June 8, 1785, after slow progression and endless walking. Samuel Adam's men were stationed outside of the base. Ready to attack. Sparking the "War Against the Mad King George ". 
