The Kingdom of Israel was a Jewish Kingdom in Eretz Yisrael that was destroyed in 1308 by 4 Muslim Armies.
- Post Settlement Period A.D 598-602
- 6th Byzantine Sasanid War A.D 602-615
- Founding of the Kingdom A.D 615
- Hushiel Dynasty A.D 615-943
- Nehemiah I, King of Israel A.D 615-634
- Yehuda I, King of Israel A.D 634-659
- Yehuda II, King of Israel A.D 659-671
- Nehemiah II, King of Israel A.D 671-784
- Nehemiah III, King of Israel A.D 784-799
- Baruch I, King of Israel A.D 799-815
- Nehemiah IV, King of Israel A.D 815-841
- Yehuda III, King of Israel A.D 841-886
- Baruch II, King of Israel A.D 886-903
- Shlomo I, King of Israel A.D 903-938
- Nehemiah V, King of Israel A.D 938-943
- Arochi Dynasty A.D 943-1264