Alternative History
Alternative History

Kingdom of New England
Flag of the Kingdom of New England
Official language English (de facto)
Capital Boston, Massachusetts
Largest city Boston, Massachusetts
King King Joseph (House of Kennedy)
Chancellor John Forbes Kerry (Whig)
Area 181,440 km²
Population 13,922,517
Currency New England Pound

The Kingdom of New England is a quasi-constitutional monarchy led during the war by King Edward Kennedy (formerly Kennedy-Rockefeller). The capital of the Kingdom of New England is Boston, Massachusetts.


Following the collapse of the United States of America, the New England states and New York seceded to form the New England Confederation. However, disputes arose very quickly, especially over the capital's location, and New York was expelled after only two years. Since then, Massachusetts has dominated the politics of the nation.

In 1948, New England purchased the Danish West Indies, which had reverted to ownership by Denmark after the fall of the United States of America. This raised tensions with New York, who were also interested in obtaining the islands. During the dispute, New England formed an alliance with Germany, in order to better press their claim to the islands. Throughout the 1950s, New England moved closer politically to the German Empire, culminating in the signing of the Imperial Treaty of 1955, signifying their long-standing alliance.

The New England Confederation was massively changed during the rule of political strongman Joseph P. Kennedy. In response to external pressures and internal riots over economic upheaval, he created the New England monarchy in order to provide stability to the state, amidst massive public acclaim. His son, John Kennedy-Rockefeller, was named the first King of New England. The elder Kennedy served as Chancellor until his death in 1969, and under his auspices the New England Constitution was completely rewritten to centralize the state, heavily restricting the powers of the individual states, now provinces. In 1965, after the abortive separatist Winter Uprising in Vermont, direct gubernatorial elections were cancelled.

War broke out between New York and New England in 1961 after a failed New York invasion of the Connecticut. The war ended in a New England victory, although relations between the states have been tense since. This was graphically illustrated in 1963, when King John was killed by an assassin with reputed links to New York. He was succeeded by his brother Robert Kennedy-Rockefeller, whose reign was cut short by a deranged pro-Vermont militant in 1968. He in turn was succeeded by Nelson Kennedy-Rockefeller, who died of natural causes in 1979 after a relatively peaceful if unpopular reign. King Nelson was succeeded by Edward Kennedy-Rockefeller. In 1997 King Edward changed the name of the ruling house to simply Kennedy, dropping the Rockefeller name, which was felt to be too closely associated with New York. King Edward ruled until his death on August 25, 2009. He was succeeded by his nephew, the eldest son of King Robert, Joseph P. Kennedy II.

During the War[]

During the war, the Kingdom of New England, in alliance with Germany, invaded the Republic of New York in 1997, in response to alleged border violations. It quickly seized New York City and much of the southern half of the state, forcing many New York troops into a guerrilla war against the occupying troops. During the war, John Silber served as Chancellor from 1992 to 2000, and was succeeded by John Kerry in 2000.

In January 1998, the Vermont War of Independence began, a socialist-inspired insurgency aiming to secede from New England and create a Second Vermont Republic. Although the insurgency enjoyed some early success (at one point controlling 60% of the state), New England managed to crush the revolt by August 1999.

New England's early successes in the war rapidly turned in 1999, when Premier Breton of Quebec, following the fall of the Republic of Quebec, set up the People's Republic of Quebec and allied with New York against New England, hoping to secure New York support in his ongoing war against the Crown. Quebecois and New Yorker troops invaded Connecticut and penetrated into Massachusetts, killing thousands. The tide turned in the pivotal Battle of Boston, however, as New England and German troops managed to repel the Quebec-New York force. After the fall of the People's Republic of Quebec in 2000, New York was rapidly forced out of most of New England by the resurgent New England Defence Force, however New York maintained control over the state of Connecticut. An armistice was signed in 2000, but a final peace treaty was not achieved until the Treaty of San Francisco in 2005. The results of the peace treaty resulted in the annexations of the southern districts of Connecticut to New York.


The Kingdom of New England has a Parliament, formally known as the Great and General Court of the Kingdom of New England, whose powers are limited by the monarchy. The dominant party is the New England Whig Party, which generally supports the Monarch. Since its foundation from the merger of the New England Democratic and Republican parties in the 1950s, the New England Whig Party has never held less than 60% of the seats in the New England Parliament.

The monarch's powers are somewhat unclear; the constitution specifies the monarch as being head of the executive, with the ability to veto bills and appoint Lords. Most day-to-day administrative duties lie in the hands of the Chancellor, who functions as head of the legislature and prime minister. In practice, however, the monarch wields a large amount of influence over government policies and national opinion, due to their general widespread popularity. No major conflict has ever arisen between Parliament and the King, due to the dominance of the New England Whig Party. As a result, the King effectively controls government policies.

The monarch is chosen by a system of male agnatic seniority, in which the crown passes to all the eligible male sons of the monarch in succession, followed by their eldest sons, and so on. Such a system works well enough early in a dynasty's history, but it quickly becomes unwieldy as the generations pile up. The House of Kennedy's royal dynasty is now in its second generation. The current king, Joseph, is the eldest son of King Robert; his heir apparent is Crown Prince Edward, eldest son of King Edward, his cousin. There has been some discussion of adding females to the line of succession, but so far the Crown has made no changes in succession law.

The New England Parliament is a bicameral legislature. The lower house, the House of Representatives is directly elected; the upper house, the Senate, is comprised of those who have received peerages (lordships) from the king. This system bears some resemblance to the Roman republican system. Despite the somewhat undemocratic nature of the upper house and monarchy, the Kingdom of New England is considered one of the more democratic American states; most local government matters are voted on by town meetings, and citizen-sponsored referenda are common. The local and provincial governments have relatively little power in relation to the federal government, however.

Peerages are conferred at the discretion of the monarch, and consist of only one title, lord (or lady). Peerages are not hereditary and expire when the lord or lady in question dies. Although the children of peers are often addressed as "my lord" or "my lady," this is merely a courtesy and is not reflective of any official rank. Peers are entitled to sit in the Senate. Although there is no limit to the number of peerages the monarch may confer, in practice it is limited to no more than 150 in order to maintain balance with the lower house.

The Chancellor is chosen by a majority of the House of Commons, and in turn appoints a cabinet, subject to the approval of the monarch. All governments exist at the pleasure of the monarch, and he (or she) may dissolve parliament at will and call for new elections. In practice this usually happens when parliament has passed a vote of "no confidence" in the current administration.

The New England Republican Movement has existed since the early 1960s, and is generally associated with the Libertarian Party of New England, the largest opposition party. However, it has gained little electoral traction, due to the monarchy's widespread popularity and the stability many New Englanders feel it gives the country. Three citizen-sponsored referenda on the issue have been held, in 1963, 1977 and 1991; all failed, although the republican vote in 1991 exceeded 35%. After the immense cost of the North American War, the New England republican movement grew in popularity. However, a referendum in 2009 confirmed the current system, with over 60% of voters supporting the monarchy.


The Kingdom consists of the provinces of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and the Kennedy Islands (the former Danish West Indies). Although these states at first enjoyed a greater degree of autonomy, the centralisation of power in the royal executive to a large degree usurped their powers. Direct gubernatorial elections were abolished in 1965, after the Vermont Winter Rising, and the appointment of governors became the responsibility of the New England Parliament. The provincial parliaments now enjoy a largely advisory role. This weakening of powers has provoked calls for the abolition of the provinces, although no royal proclamations have been made on the issue.


New England's culture would be best described as "socially liberal"; despite the somewhat oligarchic nature of the New England constitution and its continuing one-party dominance, New England has a reputation as one of the most free-thinking and independent states in North America. Medicinal marijuana is legal, as are most forms of free speech (with the exception of racial vilification). Universal health care and tertiary education are provided by the state, and New England's hospitals and schools are considered some of the best in the world.

However, this comes at a price; New England has the highest taxes in North America. Additionally, the continuing dominance of the House of Kennedy and the Whig Party ensures that contrary economic and social viewpoints are marginalized and given little public attention, through their dominance of the state's media.

The state has a number of newspapers, with the Boston Globe being considered the paper of record within New England and one of the best in the world. There are two state-run television channels, which are reputed for their documentary content, but have been criticized for left-wing bias.

See Also[]