Alternative History
Königreich Sachsen (German)
Kingdom of Saxony
State of the German Empire (1871-1991)
Flag of Electoral Saxony
1806–1991 Flag of Saxony
Flag of Saxony Wappen Deutsches Reich - Königreich Sachsen (Grosses) 1
Flag Coat of arms
NGW Saxony
The Kingdom of Saxony in the German Empire, in 1952.
Capital Dresden
Official language German,
Religion Catholicism, Protestant
Government Constitutional Monarchy
 - 1806-1827 Fredrick Augustus I(First)
 - 1968-1991 Emanuel I (Last)
 - Established 1806
 - Disestablished 1991
Currency Papiermark (1914-1938)
Reichsmark (until 1991)