Alternative History
Knightfall Prototype

"Even if a snowstorm stands in the way of the appointment, even if rain hinders the meeting, we [should] not be late." The Secret History of the Mongols

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Ogedei Khan, On December 11th, 1241, He who rules the World sleeps soundly. He has drunk with Abd-ur-Rahman, and gained his trust. Thousands of miles away, the mighty Juggernaut of his armies advance, and the knights of Europe are too preoccupied with their own squabbles to notice. Night is to soon fall over Western Civilization; It shall not rise again. Welcome to Knightfall, a timeline where Europe is devastated by the Mongols and never fully recovers, similar to the Middle East after the Mongol conquest.

In Knightfall, thanks to the divided and decentralized nature of Europe, the Mongol hordes rampage throughout the continent, sacking cities in Germany, Italy, France, and Eastern Europe. After a few years, the horde pulls back to Eastern Europe, but not after attacking the weakened Latin Empire, successor to the Byzantines. This leaves those nations in tatters, with their populations utterly destroyed- millions of people are killed in the fighting and the subsequent famines.

Finding their way into Europe expands the Mongol World not just in size but in their perception of the world around them. Finding their way to the western seas encourages Mongols to explore farther into the unknown. Never before the destruction of the Mongols were so many borders open. But how long will this brutal reign of Pax Mongolia last?

Meanwhile, the horde brings another menace with it- that of the Black Plague. The invasion and plague combine to kill over three quarters the population of Mainland Europe. Only the British Isles and the Scandanavian nations survive relatively intact, while a damaged Spain is quickly annexed by various Muslim nations.

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  1. Please read the following QSS and QAA and the Editorial Guidelines.
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  5. Play nice, be respectful to everyone.

Editorial Guidelines

Credits go to Bfoxius for creating this timeline and his initial team of collaborative contributors for initiating the project. This timeline has now been adopted by Stepintime.


Knightfall is a collaborative work of fiction licensed with the creative commons on par with Alt History Wiki's and Wika's rules. The goal being to conceptualize an alternate world using historical sources, theory and relevant speculation. This Timeline by doing this does not seek to evaluate whether this fictional world is better or worse than the present and any bias thereof is purely accidental and coincidental. This timeline for the sake of the subject matter covers a wide range of controversial subjects including but not limited to- religion, gender, ethnicity, race, political ideology and social problems. The Alt History Wiki's No Cross No Crown rule applies when users discuss politics, religious and other topics for the sake of the timeline. By covering the subjects the timeline does not seek to traumatize or offend individuals, nor does this timeline promote or condone prejudice of any kind. If there are any concerns on this subject please send a message to the User:Stepintime.

Here at Alt History Wiki we create hypothetical worlds but we know the best way forward for the people of this world is to live together in happiness and peace

NOTE: Knightfall was created on the alt history Wiki prior to the History Channel series with the same name and was not inspired from thereof.

Thank you for your understanding, and please enjoy the Knightfall project

*Unless otherwise noted all opening quotations come from a historical source.



Mongolian music “We Love Our Long Songs” by B. Unurjargal HD

Instructions: Right Click the video and select Open in new tab.
