Alternative History
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World War II


Cold War


Sumatra War

Korean War

June 25, 1950


June 25, 1951


Korean Peninsula, eastern China, Sea of Japan, Korea Strait, Yellow Sea, Formosa Strait, South China Sea


LoN/Allied victory

  • Unification of the Korean peninsula under the RoK
  • UN Invasion of North Korea a success

League of Nations Command

Flag of South Korea South Korea

US flag with 54 stars by Hellerick United States

Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom

Flag of the Republic of China Taiwan (RoC)

Flag of Australasia (Alternity) Australasia

Flag of Belgium (civil) Belgium

1946 Canadian flag proposal Canada

Flag of France France

Flag of Gran Colombia (No Napoleon) Colombia

Flag of Ethiopia (1897-1936; 1941-1974) Ethiopia

Flag of Greece (1822-1978) Greece

Flag of Luxembourg Luxembourg

Flag of the Netherlands Netherlands

Flag of South Africa 1928-1994 South Africa

Flag of Thailand Siam

Flag of the Ottoman Empire Turkey

Flag of the Philippines Philippines

Flag of India India

Flag of North Korea North Korea

Flag of the People's Republic of China China (PRC)

Flag of the Soviet Union Soviet Union


Flag of South Korea Syngman Rhee

Flag of the League of Nations (No Napoleon) US flag with 54 stars by Hellerick Douglas MacArthur (Commander of the LoNC)

US flag with 54 stars by Hellerick Adlai E. Stevenson

US flag with 54 stars by Hellerick Dwight Eisenhower

Flag of the League of Nations (No Napoleon) US flag with 54 stars by Hellerick Omar Bradley (Commander of the LoNC)

Flag of the United Kingdom Clement Attlee

Flag of the Republic of China Chiang Kai-shek

Flag of North Korea Kim Il-sung

Flag of the People's Republic of China Mao Zedong

Flag of the Soviet Union Joseph Stalin

Flag of the Soviet Union Nikita Khrushchev


Flag of South Korea 1,600,000

US flag with 54 stars by Hellerick 1,500,000

Flag of the Republic of China 120,000

Flag of India 100,000

Flag of the United Kingdom 60,000

Flag of Gran Colombia (No Napoleon) 10,500

1946 Canadian flag proposal 9,500

Flag of the Ottoman Empire 5,500

Flag of Australasia (Alternity) 4,250

Flag of Greece (1822-1978) 2,800

Flag of Ethiopia (1897-1936; 1941-1974) 2,100

Flag of Thailand 1,690

Flag of France 1,200

Flag of the Philippines 7,460

  • Total: 3,425,000

Flag of the People's Republic of China 4,000,000

Flag of North Korea 600,000

Flag of the Soviet Union 100,000

  • Total: 4,700,000
Casualties and Losses
  • Total: 317,000 dead and 55,000 missing
  • Total wounded: 500,000
  • Total Captured: 28,000 captured
  • Total: 850,000 dead and 160,000 missing
  • Total wounded: 1,070,000
  • Total Captured: 2,100,000 captured