Alternative History

Kurt Eisner was the 13th Ergecratic President of the Ratian Union. Born during the Lenzburg-Premyslid War, both his parents had been killed in the Sack of Wittenberg. His maternal grandparents had been Jews who had converted to Christianity. He moved to Kronach to study as a young man, and later was elected to represent it in the Supreme Ratia. Originally a strong supporter of Konrad Jung and Theoderic Rood, he opposed Rood's successor as President, Marcus Cranach. However, following Cranach's promise to eventually allow Eisner to succeed him as President, Eisner became a vocal Cranachite. He succeeded Cranach as President in 1549. During his Presidency, Eisner would support Henry the Protector during the War of the Three Henrys, and helped to negotiate an end to the war. However, his policies were becoming increasingly unpopular in the Ratia, and in 1554, he was forced from office, and was succeeded by the war hero and military commander, Xaverius Kreittmayr.

This article is part of Merveilles des Morte.