Alternative History

Welcome to the Land of Empires Map Game! This is a map game based on the Land of Empires timeline. The year is 1948, the Second World War had just ended and the World Defense Federation and Nationalist Association of States in a standoff known as the Cold War.



Playable Nations[]

North America[]

South America[]

  • Empire of Brazil: #PraiseRoosevelt. 03:08, October 22, 2015 (UTC)
  • Suriname
  • Guyane
  • Patagonia
  • Peru
  • Uruguay
  • Colombia


  • Holy Kongo Empire:
  • Ethiopia:
  • North African Union: JayJayKingNo.1 (talk) 02:17, October 30, 2015 (UTC)
  • Central Kongo:
  • Nigeria:
  • Greater Mozambique Republic:
  • Zulu Republic:
  • South African Republic:


  • Greater French Republic:
  • French Socialist Republic:
  • Greater Republic of England: Bring back the glory of the Great British Empire (AH28)
  • Scandinavian Union:
  • Empire of Italy: Hi, I'm Surfer and I'm full of interesting facts! (talk) 00:55, October 28, 2015 (UTC)
  • Empire of Germany: TheGreatHistorian500
  • Switzerland:
  • Republic of Scotland
  • Republic of Ireland
  • Iberian Union
  • Baltic Union:
  • Federated Military Union of Yugoslavia: MOD CONTROLLED NATION 
    • Romanian FMR:
      • Moldovan AMR:
      • Transylvanian AMR:
    • Bulgarian FMR:
    • Hungarian FMR:
    • Polish FMR: 
    • Macedonian FMR:
    • Grecian FMR:
    • Serbian FMR:
      • Kosovo AMR:
      • Vojvodina AMR:
    • Bosnian FMR:
      • Herzegovina AMR:
    • Croatian FMR:
    • Albanian FMR:
    • East Slovenian FMR:
  • Associated State of Czechoslovakia (Yugoslavian Associate):
    • Czech AMS
    • Slovak AMS:
    • West Slovenian AMS:

Asia & Oceania[]

  • Empire of Japan: User:WILDSTARSKAORI
  • Republican Chinese Empire: AH28
  • Empire of Russia: Sithlent (talk)
  • Occupied Jerusalem (Russian):
  • Republic of Turkey:
  • Greater Thai Empire: Seiga
  • Republic of Indonesia (Java):
  • Militarized Sultanate of North Sumatra and Aceh:
  • Military Government of South Sumatra:
  • Greater Malaysian Republic: 
  • Greater Indonesian Republic (Kalimantan):
  • Independent State of Papua: 
  • Occupied Singapore (Japanese): 
  • Republic of Korea: Candiesrgood
  • United States of the Philippines: Erizium (talk) 12:56, November 2, 2015 (UTC)
    • Sabah: Annexed as a state
    • Brunei: Annexed as a state
    • Sarawak: Military Occupation
  • Republic of Australia and New Zealand: TerraHistoryX
  • Republic of Laos:
  • Republic of Cambodia:
  • Greater Indian Empire:
  • Occupied Bhutan (Chinese):
  • Greater Persian Caliphate: Bozitanball
  • Islamic Regime of Pakistan: SunnyKhan688 the badass kebab


1953 Map (Land of Empires Map Game)

Map of Nations

Cold War 1953 (Land of Empires Map Game)

Map of Alignment (Green for Nationalists, Yellow for WDF, Plum for the Pan-Buddhist League)

Europe 1953 (Land of Empires Map Game)

Map of Europe in 1953.

Indonesian Civil War Map[]




Welcome to Land of Empires! Enjoy your game!

The English Crown is overthrown and a nationalist government takes its place.

A war breaks out between the North African Union and Greater Persian Caliphate over both sides claiming that they are the rightful representatives of the Muslim World.

The French Socialist Republic Government-in-Exile led by President-General Charles de Gaulle seizes Lyon and Marseilles in Southern France from the Greater French Republic.

As the Thai Empire becomes the Greater Thai Empire, it experiences large scale revolts in Jakarta, Aceh, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, and Bandar Seri Begawan.

The Italian Empire begins to fracture as southern pro-nationalist Sicilians and Italians begin taking up arms against the government.

  • Empire of Japan: We continue to consolidate our lands in the Pacific. We send troops into the Spratly Islands in case a full blown war breaks out in Siam. We send weapons and vehicles to the French Socialists fighting the Nationalist French. We increase trade of goods with the Republic of Quebec and the Republican Chinese Empire. We establish trade relations with the newly formed Republic of Australia and New Zealand.
  • Thai Empire: Hearing about the protests throughout the nation, Monarch Bhumibol Adulyadej decides to grant Indonesia (plus East Timor), Malaysia (plus Brunei), Singapore, and Aceh independence. Meanwhile, all regional languages are recognised and allowed to be spoken. The military is also built up.
  • Republic of Canada: We continue to invest more economy and recruit more troops to our military. The army vehicles begins to construct, We build more tanks, thus we build fortresses and towers for defense. A threat about the war could be declared near future to Republic of Canada, and we hope we don't make that happen.
  • Empire of Russia: Following the end of World War II, Prime Minister Mikhail Doryshenkov aims to re-build the Russian military and infrastructure that was damaged during the war. As such, military and infrastructure are heavily invested into by the national government. We continue to be a member of the World Defence Federation and we begin to send military support to the Italian government in order to reduce tensions, while in the newly-founded country of Indonesia, we begin to influence the national government to join the WDF. Emperor Vladimir II also dies during this year and is succeeded by his son Nicholas III, whose coronation is due to take place next year. We offer an alliance to the Japanese and we offer trade agreements to China, Australia and Brazil.
    • Japanese Dip: We agree to the alliance.
  • Plains Union: We begin to invest in a railroad which would connect the whole country to the vital port of New Orleans (unless the Plains Union isn't the Louisiana Territory) in order to facilitate movement of resources. We begin investing heavily in a submarine navy, and send aid to the Italian Empire. We offer trade agreements and an alliance (where applicable) to the Republic of Texas, the Republic of Florida, the Republic of California and the Japanese Empire.
    • Japanese Diplomacy: We agree to an alliance and trade agreement.
  • Republic of Australia: Australia spends more money on military (mostly navy) and starts to drill oil which was just found in Queensland. The Australian Peace Movement is established. Australian Liberals grow in numbers. New Zealand population grows mostly because of Sunni Muslim refugees who flood into the country. We offer an alliance to Japan and the Republican Chinese Empire.
  • Great Persian Caliphate: We begin to work on finding more oil in the GPC land. We begin military action attacking the Holy lands, Egypt, and Sudan aiming for Port Sudan, Cairo, Jerusalem, Beirut, Alexandria, and El Alamein using speed, numbers,and surprise, drafting men that are fit for the army and have religious scholars declare a jihad against the North African Union. We begin to help Islamic rebels in Indonesia secretly sending them weaponry, money and food. We begin to work on our navy opening up war time factory for land, air and sea weapons. We also would like to trade oil with Russia and Japan.
  • German Empire: As France breaks into a civil war, we begin to construct Border Fortresses and walls of Barbed Wire across the Franco-German border. Our Emperor demands we start rebuilding Berlin, Cologne, Frankfurt and Vienna and is attempting to make the Empire have the highest standard of living in Europe. After the chaos of WW2 the Nazi party lost many seats in parliament and Hitler is replaced. The elections will take place soon. The parties standing for election are: The Pro-Nationalist Party, The Democratic Party, The Socialist Party, The Republican Party and Pro WDF party. 
  • Brazil: Sends support to North Africa. Military and economic build up.


The French Civil War continues with the FSR making gains in Southern France.

The Greater Persian Caliphate invades the Egypt.

After Indonesian independence, Aceh, Java, Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei declare war on each other and Greater Indonesia falls into civil war.

The Philippines joins the Indonesian Civil War, attempting to seize Sabah from the Malaysian jurisdiction.

  • Empire of Japan: Concerned with the situation in Indonesia and the consequences of Filipino intervention, we request that they back down from Sabah or face invasion. We occupy Papua New Guinea and establish a military government there. We demand Malaysia and Singapore to stop fighting.
    • Filipino Dip (RNG): The Philippines declines to back down.
    • Japanese Dip: We invade the Philippines.
    • Malaysian Dip (RNG): Malaysia declines.
    • Singapore Dip (RNG): Singapore declines.
    • Japanese Dip: We invade and occupy Singapore.
  • Republic of Canada: A lot of concerns in Indonesian Civil War between Malaysia and Singapore. We continue to make more improvements to military and economy. The fortresses, bunkers and cannons will be built. We think it won't be possible to join the Indonesian Civil War because we're too far away from them.
  • Empire of Germany: The election results: 15% Pro Nationalist, 12% Republican, 15% Socialist, 36% Democratic, 22% WDF. Due to these results no single party can rule the state. The Emperor has outlawed coalition governments due to the fear of the Republican party merging with another party. The Emperor in fact is debating about shutting down the Republican party. Voters will now have to decide between Pro-WDF party or the Democratic party. The first few Border fortresses are sucsessfully built. We also send troops to the border and a phobia of the French civil war enters the country. Diplomats are sent to Japan.
  • Empire of Russia: Prime Minister Mikhail Doryshenkov decides to not intervene in the Indonesian Civil War, as we are still rebuilding our army and infrastructure that was damaged during World War II. We continue to financially support the Italians, and we begin to fund French Socialists under Charles de Gaulle with military equipment and extra food rations. The coronation of Nicholas II is also finally held during this turn. We offer trade agreements with Germany and the Persian Caliphate.
  • German Dip: We accept.
  • Persian Caliphate Dip: We accept.
  • Republic of Quebec: We begin to massively improve our economy, focusing especially in finance and the stock market. Our main economic centers are Montreal, Chicago, And New York. We begin to work on infrastructure, building a huge highway to link our major cities to each other.
  • Republic of Australia and New Zealand: Australia builds up military and takes action by invading Timor East. We send aid to Japanese soldiers, and we are still asking for an alliance with Japan. Australia begins large scale farming programs which hope to grow the population of Australia which is under 10 million people. The Auckland reformation is agreed upon, it grants New Zealand its own government but New Zealand is still part of Australia. Many Australians have a positive view east invading Timor East.
  • Empire of Italy: Hearing of the rebels across the nation preparing to attack, Italy stations troops around the capital and many government buildings. They also begin negotiations with Sicilian nationalists, promising them influence over government affairs through representatives.
  • Plains Union: We continue investing in the trans-national railroad, and begin investing in industry. The submarine construction is going well, with hopes to finish the first by the end of the year. The military begins recruitment with hopes of recruiting a fighting force capable enough to defend the country.
  • Thai Empire: The military is built up. Monarch Bhumibol Adulyadej has the nation leave the NAS and establishes a new organisation, the Pan-Buddhist League (Thai: แพนพุทธลีก). The Thai Empires offers Cambodia and Laos an alliance and trade offer, and also offers them to join the Pan-Buddhist League and in exchange both Laos and Cambodia will be given military technology and such. The military is on guard in light of the Indonesian Civil War and is prepared to fend off any possible attack from one of the fighters.
  • Great Persian Caliphate: We begin to work on finding more oil in the GPC land. We begin military action attacking the Holy lands, Egypt, and Sudan aiming for Port Sudan, Cairo, Jerusalem, Beirut, Alexandria, and El Alamein using speed, numbers,and surprise, drafting men that are fit for the army and have religious scholars declare a jihad against the North African Union. We begin to help Islamic rebels in Indonesia secretly sending them weaponry, money, and food. We begin to work on our navy opening up war time factory for land, air and sea weapons. We also would like to trade oil with Russia and Japan.
  • Korea: We abolish the landlord class and privatise farming. We build up our agricultural base to prepare us for our future modernisation. We militarise our borders with China and Russia. We request full independence from Japan and them to apologise for war crimes done against the Korean people. Massive pro-independence riots appear all across the country and we see the invasion of the Philippines by the war-mongering Japanese as an act of aggression and attempt to world-domination.


The French Civil War ends in an armistice, with the Nationalists controlling the north and Socialists controlling the south.

The situation in the Indonesian archipelago continues to deteriorate as fighting resumes between Aceh and Sumatra and the Two Indonesias.

The Republic of Korea is granted full independence by the Empire of Japan and Japan apologizes about war crimes.

Border tensions between China and Russia reignite several skirmishes along the Sino-Russian border.

The Greater Persian Caliphate begins a counteroffensive against the North African Union.

  • Empire of Japan: We continue the occupation of Singapore and New Guinea. We send troops down to fight in Kalimantan and Java. We accept the Australian alliance and join the peace committee in Madrid to finalize the terms of the armistice signed by the two Frances. We will withdraw from Minandao if the Philippines agrees to stop invading and only take Sabah. 
    • Philippines Dip (RNG): The Philippines agrees to halt invasion and only take Sabah.
    • Japanese Dip: We withdraw from Minandao.
  • Korea: We build up our agricultural base to prepare us for our future modernisation. We begin planning our future modernisation attempt, deciding to first develop our light industries such as textiles. Perhaps Korea could develop a competitive edge in that industry. We heavily militarise our borders with China and Russia and add compulsory military service for a year. Massive anti-Japanese riots appear all across the country and we see the invasion of the Philippines by the war-mongering Japanese as an act of aggression and attempt to world-domination. Most members of the government even join in the madness.
  • Thai Empire: The military is built up. The military is on guard in light of the Indonesian Civil War and is prepared to fend off any possible attack from one of the fighters. Meanwhile, Monarch Bhumibol Adulyadej declares war on Laos and Cambodia and has 750,000 military personnel invade them to bring them into the Pan-Buddhist League and to install a pro-Buddhist government.
  • Republic of Canada: Military and economy expands. We build most of our structures like bunkers and fortresses for a good defense. Indeed, the population grows up at Vancouver, Regina and Edmonton. We militarise our soldiers to join the army. We see a lot of positives and negatives about Indonesian Civil War, which we are too far so it won't be easy. Prime Minister, thinks it needs more logistics for Republic of Canada to join the civil war. The total of troops is 900,000 or higher.

Indonesian Civil War Update: The Imperial Japanese Army destroys the Malaysian Navy and pushes the Malaysian Army out of Singapore and occupies all of it, renaming it Syonanto. 

The Kingdom of Brunei merges with Sabah and joins the Philippines; they withdraw from the war.

Aceh makes gains against Sumatra but the latter takes control of the disputed Riau Islands, bringing Malaysia into the conflict. 

Kalimantan troops invade the Javanese part of Sulawesi and blockades the Javanese Navy. Both navies engage in the Battle of the Java Sea. 

The Republic of Australia and New Zealand also invades Sulawesi, but is trapped on the southern beachhead by the Javanese defenders.

Japan and Sarawak are engaged in naval combat with no clear winner. Both sides claim victory. 

The remainder of Malaysian Navy attacks Sarawak, making small gains in the west.

  • Empire of Germany: The Emperor outlaws the Republican Party causing protests in Highly Republican areas such as Amsterdam, Westphalia and Wurttemberg. The results for the election were: 53% Democrat and 47% Pro WDF. The first action the Democratic Party does is removes the executive power held by the Emperor and removing his right to arrest innocents and declare war without approval. Berlin is highly industrialized and we begin funding the Army. We continue to close and highly protect the Franco-German border, despite the fact the war has paused with an armistice, the government still fears the French and spreads Francophobia. Trade with Russia continues, the economy boosts at this.
    • Japanese Dip: We request Germany send diplomats to Madrid for the French Armistice.
    • German Foreign Office: Five diplomats are on their way.
  • Plains Union: The first of the Plains Union's submarines has finished, and research begins into how to construct a submarine more rapidly before another begins production. Investment in the railroad and industry continue, with predictions saying that the railroad will be finished by 1952, and will connect most of the Union. Recruitment for the army continues, with numbers reaching 20,000 within six months.
  • Empire of Russia: We continue to improve our army and infrastructure damaged in World War II, and we conscript more young men into our national armies. Following the independence of Korea, we offer the young nation an alliance and multiple trade agreements. We continue to financially support the Italians and the French Socialists, and we refuse to participate in the Indonesian Civil War. Also during this year, a general election is held and Prime Minister Mikhail Doryshenkov stays in office. Following the Battle of Al Qantarah, we decide to intervene on the side of the Greater Persian Caliphate in the war against the North African Union. Our troops stationed in the Caucasus begin to enter Persian territory, and we aim to capture the region of Israel from the North Africans by 1950.
    • Korea (Diplomacy): We agree to the alliance and trade agreements. We could possibly collaborate to keep the Japanese in check.
  • Empire of Italy: We continue talks with nationalist rebels to ensure there will be no attacks. We also pulls some troops from the border and continue to bolster the capital. Rebels want their own separate state, but we hope to keep Italy united and are willing to offer them representatives in the government.
  • Republic of Australia and New Zealand: Australia continues to spend on military, as more soldiers are sent into the war .The farming programs are being successful so far. The Australian elections were won by the Liberals. Australians begin organizing spot event so the Australian National Sport Report is founded. We want to trade with southern France and celebrate its creation.
  • Great Persian Caliphate: We begin to work on finding more oil in the GPC land. We begin military action attacking the Holy lands, Egypt, and Sudan aiming for Port Sudan, Cairo, Beirut, Alexandria, and El Alamein using speed, numbers,and surprise, drafting men that are fit for the army and have religious scholars declare a jihad against the North African Union. We begin to help Islamic rebels in Indonesia secretly sending them weaponry, money and food. We begin to work on our navy opening up war time factory for land, air and sea weapons. We also would like to trade oil with Russia and Japan. We send North African Union a peace treaty. We kindly tell Russia to back off and stop aiming for the holy lands.
  • NAU and GPC peace idea
    • 1 All land taken will be returned.
    • 2 NAU and GPC most help each other rebuild their country.
    • 3 the Holy Lands will not be a battle zone unless it is must.
  • China: We offer an agreement to Persia: they give Pakistan to us and we send 750,000 men to help them in their war. We would like to have a trade agreement with Korea. In return, they stop militarising the border with China. We would like the Sino-Russian border conflicts to end. We build our military and economy. We build our navy. We remain neutral in the Indonesian Civil War. We begin the blockade of Thai Empire.
    • MOD: China incorporating Pakistan in its territory? Just no.
    • Korea Dip: We do not accept.


Fighting between Aceh, Malaysia and Sumatra intensifies.

Sarawak joins Kalimantan in the war against Java.

A 7.5 magnitude earthquake hits Patagonia, killing 300 people and injuring more than 10,000 others and causing an estimated US$2.5 million in damage.

A Category 3 typhoon makes landfall in Taihoku City

  • Empire of Japan: We rush aid and medics to Patagonia for earthquake relief. We officially withdraw from the Indonesian Civil War and let go of all territory in Southeast Asia, excluding Singapore. We demand China to dismantle their blockade of the Thai Empire. We secretly begin developing plasma-based ICBM's.
  • Thai Empire: The military is built up. The military is on guard in light of the Indonesian Civil War and is prepared to fend off any possible attack from one of the fighters. Meanwhile, Monarch Bhumibol Adulyadej continues war against Laos and Cambodia in hopes of bring them into the Pan-Buddhist League and installing pro-Buddhist governments. Monarch Bhumibol Adulyadej is worried about China, as he does not want a war with them, though prepares the military for any possible attack in case China does declare actual war on Thailand.
  • Empire of Russia: We finally end our re-construction of the military and infrastructure damaged in World War II, and we begin to focus on building new infrastructure in Siberia and improving our economy. We continue to participate in the Perso-African Islam War despite the Caliphate's requests for us not to intervene, and we begin to engage North African troops in Israel. We continue to be a devout member of the World Defence Federation, and we continue to privately fund the Italian and French Socialist governments. We also secretly begin research on developing plasma-based ICBM's, which we call the "Moscow Project". We decide to intervene finally in the Indonesian Civil War on the side of Japan, and we begin to send 35,000 troops from Vladivostok on ships to the islands.
  • England: In a sudden move, we invade Scotland to reunite Britain under England (again). We begin developing a super weapon, which is kept a secret. We threaten to intervene in the Malay civil war, and a large naval force is sent to break up China's blockade (via intimidation). We urge Thailand to prepare for war, as the Cold War means anything can happen. We send aid to Nationalist France.
  • North African Union: We improve and increase our military and send 30,000 troops in to protect the Holy Land of Israel from Russian troops and we officially move our capital to Israel and preparations for the new government palace will be made after the war. We begin military action attacking on Syria, Jordan and Turkey aiming for the cities of Damascus, Amman and Antioch to end the war with the Greater Persian Caliphate and to gain something from this war. We offer a military alliance with the Chinese Empire to help with the battle with the Russian Empire.
  • Great Persian Caliphate: We begin to work on finding more oil in the GPC land. We begin military action attacking the Holy lands, Egypt, and Sudan aiming for Port Sudan, Cairo, Beirut, Alexandria, and El Alamein using speed, numbers and surprise, drafting men that are fit for the army. We begin to help Islamic rebels in Indonesia secretly sending them weaponry, money and food. We begin to work on our navy opening up war time factory for land, air and sea weapons. We also would like to trade oil with Russia and Japan. We send North African Union a peace treaty. We kindly tell Russia to back off and stop aiming for the holy lands.
    • NAU and GPC peace idea
    • 1 All land taken will be returned.
    • 2 NAU and GPC most help each other rebuild their country.
    • 3 The Holy Lands will not be a battle zone unless it is must.
    • 4 The NAU and the GPC must open up peace talks.

Military Update: Cambodia and Laos surrender to Thai forces and join the Pan-Buddhist League.

  • Korea: We build up our agricultural base to prepare us for our future modernisation. We begin building a steel factory in Pohang and Ulsan, as well as multiple textile factories in Seoul. Shipbuilding factories are built also in Pyongyang. We militarise our borders with China. Most of the population still have a negative view of the Japanese, despite its withdrawal from all its Southeast Asian territories.
  • Plains Union: Recruitment for the army continues, and troop count reaches 50,000, and numbers only continue to grow. Industry continues to grow in large cities like New Orleans and Kansas City, and investment begins into farming the fertile lands of the Great Plains.
  • Republic of Canada: More troops recruits to military. We hope to reach 300,000 or more to make more troops for defensive and offensive. We build bunkers and fortresses for defensive fortifications. The infrastructure, meanwhile, expands and economy expands too. Population still grows at one of three Canadian cities: Edmonton, Regina and Vancouver. We modernize buildings in our nation.


Tension in the Sino-Indian border begin to reemerge as China wants Bhutan and Pakistan, which the Indian government does not want China to acquire

An 8.5 magnitude earthquake hits Los Angeles and devastates the region.

The Treaty of Cairo convention begins.

  • Empire of Japan: We rush aid and funds to Los Angeles. We continue our dormancy in the Indonesian Civil War. We continue to secretly develop plasma-based ICBMs in the main islands. We begin restructuring Guam and Singapore, wanting to make it a better region when it reunites with a less militant Malaysia.
  • Thai Empire: The military is built up. The military is on guard in light of the Indonesian Civil War and is prepared to fend off any possible attack from one of the fighters. Monarch Bhumibol Adulyadej is worried about China, as he does not want a war with them, though prepares the military for any possible attack in case China does declare actual war on Thailand. In secret, Thailand begins funding the Buddhist rebels in Sri Lanka and Bhutan and gives them supplies and weapons, and encourages them to revolt from Hindu-dominated India.
  • North African Union: We have accepted the Greater Persian Caliphate's peace agreement and we send $500,000 in funds to the Great Persian Caliphate to help us build their nation. We cease all military actions toward The GPC and the Russian Empire and we begin preparation to built the Governmental Palace in Jerusalem and we rebuild damaged buildings in Egypt, Sudan and Israel - and we work to rebuild our military.
  • Empire of Russia: We continue to improve our rapidly growing economy, and we continue to invest into building more general infrastructure in central Siberia. We refuse to recognise the North African Union's peace treaty with the Greater Persian Caliphate, and we continue to attack North African troops in Israel. We also continue to fight in the Indonesian Civil War with our 35,000 troops from Vladivostok finally landing on the island of Java. We also continue to fund the Italian and French Socialist governments, and we continue the development of the Moscow Project. We begin to place our troops in Siberia on the Chinese border in case tensions rise, and we warn the Chinese government to not intervene in any more foreign conflicts or we will refuse to recognise them as a member of the World Defence Federation.
  • Great Persian Caliphate: We begin to work finding more oil in the GPC land. We begin military action attacking the Russian Empire using speed, numbers and surprise, drafting men that are fit for the army and having religious scholars declare jihad against the Russian and begin to work with NAU troops. We begin to help the Aceh rebels in Indonesia secretly sending them weaponry, money and food. We begin to work on our navy opening up war time factory for land, air and sea weapons. We also would like to trade oil with Japan. We begin to militarize our borders with Russia with fear of a Russian Invasion. We begin to help the NAU in rebuilding their nation and slowly begin to pull troops out of occupied land.
  • Korea: We build up our agricultural base to prepare us for our future modernisation. We begin building a steel factory in Pohang and Ulsan, as well as multiple textile factories in Seoul. Shipbuilding factories are built also in Pyongyang. We militarise our borders with China. Most of the population still have a negative view of the Japanese, despite its withdrawal from all its Southeast Asian territories.
  • China: We decide to back off in the Thai Empire blockade. However, we do keep a close eye on them. Sino-Indian relationships are at an all time low after border disputes, which could lead to a Sino-Indian War. We place more troops on the Sino-Indian border. We build our military and economy. We build our army. We place more troops on the Chinese-Russian border after they did the same thing. We would like to have peace in that area with a Treaty (Treaty discussions below).
    • MOD: China has deep hatred for the Japanese, not only because of World War II, but also the fact that the Japanese had participated in foreign unfair treaties that stripped China of its territory. I deleted that part where China asked Japan to help in the Sino-Indian war.


A skirmish between Huilunbuir Police and Independence Russian insurgents in the border city of Manzhouli leads to four officers, two insurgents and three civilians killed and one car burned down.

Russian troops along the Heilongjiang River begin to the bring in jeeps and amphibious vehicles due to Chinese troops along the border.

The Treaty of Cairo reaches a stalemate as no side can agree on each other's terms.

The Indonesian Civil War begins to cool down as Australia manages to take southern Sulawesi.

Sumatra's military government spliters in two groups after defeating Aceh.

Korea begins to strengthen due to tensions between its neighbors.

Militant Organizations in Bhutan begin to protest against the threat of Chinese Invasion by threatening to overthrow the China-friendly government in Bhutan.

  • Empire of Japan: We continue to watch the Sino-Russian border conflicts with great concern, as we do not want two of our neighbors at war. We advise the Chinese government and Russian government to cooperate on tracking down these independent insurgents and arresting them instead of blaming each other's governments. We continue to revise the city borders of Guam to better fit the territory. Hawai'i experiences a tourist boom from Canada, Quebec, China, and Thailand. The Western North American Mandate is split and reorganized into the Dominion of Arizona and New Mexico and the Central Union. We begin large scale mining operations in Alyeska, especially in Juneau. SECRET: The first prototype of the plasma-ICBMs is made and tested in Roswell. END SECRET We continue trading with numerous nations and we request to start the Asia-Pacific Trade Pact with the Republic of Australia and New Zealand, Empire of Russia, Republican Chinese Empire, Empire of Thailand, Republic of Canada with Japan and all her commonwealths.
  • Republic of Canada: We continue to recruit more troops to our military and expand the economy for more incomes and taxes. The buildings start to build and also we plan to develop some tanks and planes in the future. We accept the request of Japan to start the Trade Pact, while the tourists of Hawaii experience a tourist boom of Canada.
  • Empire of Russia: We continue to improve our national economy and our infrastructure in western Siberia. Upon advice from Japan, we decide to begin hunting down independent insurgents on the Sino-Russian border. We continue to attack the North African Union and Greater Persian Caliphate by invading eastern Anatolia and central Israel. We also continue to work on the Moscow Project, with our first plasma-ICBM prototype being tested in northern Siberia with success. We agree to forming the Asia-Pacific Trade Pact, and we continue to fight in the Indonesian Civil War.
  • Germany: We declare neutrality in what we call the Third World War. In fact we hold a Peace Congress for all the belligerents of the Indonesian Civil War. The infrastructure is heavily improved and the military reaches 600,000 men. A referendum to remove the monarchy is taking place. We offer a trade pact with Japan. The healthcare system is drastically improved with over 36 new hospitals sprouting up in Vienna.
  • Thai Empire: The military is built up. The military is on guard in light of the Indonesian Civil War and is prepared to fend off any possible attack from one of the fighters. In secret, Thailand continues to fund the Buddhist rebels in Sri Lanka and Bhutan and gives them supplies and weapons, and encourages them to revolt from Hindu-dominated India. Monarch Bhumibol Adulyadej accepts Japan's request for the Asia-Pacific Trade Pact.
  • Great Persian Caliphate: Due to Russia invasion of GPC land we begin to aid a number of Islamic groups within Russia borders mostly helping Azerbaijani Muslim People's Liberation Front, Chechen Muslim People's Liberation Front, and more Muslim Liberation Fronts drowning them in guns and money. We begin to fight the Russian Invaders mostly at Turkey,Iran, and Israel, We begin a military invasion of Russia thought Pakistan and Iran using an army of five million troops, aircraft and tanks. We secretly begin to work on Plasma ICBM's, and nuclear weapons having our best minds working together. We begin to work finding more oil in the GPC land. We continue drafting men that are fit for the army and having religious scholars declare jihad against the Russians and begin to work with NAU troops. We begin to help the Aceh rebels in Indonesia secretly sending them weaponry, money and food. We begin to work on our navy opening up wartime factories for land, air and sea weapons. We also would like to trade oil with Japan. We begin to help the NAU in rebuilding their nation and slowly begin to pull troops out of occupied land.
  • Korea: We build up our agricultural base to prepare us for our future economic and military modernisation. We begin building a steel factory in Pohang and Ulsan, as well as multiple textile factories in Seoul. Shipbuilding factories are built also in Pyongyang. We militarise our borders with China and add compulsory military service for all able-bodied and able-minded men between the ages of 23 and 25. Most of the population still have a negative view of the Japanese, despite its withdrawal from all its Southeast Asian territories.
  • North African Union: Due to Russia's refusal of withdrawing military action in Israel and Anatolia, we re-direct our troops back to Israel and through into Anatolia fighting back Russian troops and working with GPC troops. We help GPC's invasion of Russia by sending planes, tanks, navy fleets to the Russian-Anatolian border and drop troops down into Russian territory and send bombs bombarding Derbent, Sochi and Vladikavkaz and sinking any Russian navy nearby. We continue to help fund the GPC in rebuilding their nations and continue to de-occupy any land. We would like to establish trade agreements with Japan and Germany.
  • Empire of Italy: Due to revolts moving closer to the capital, we have no choice but to completely lock down the city. We continue in talks with nationalists, but they won't hear of representation: they just want their own nation. Many Empire supporters begin to talk about putting the rebellion down by force. Meanwhile, we request that other nations support us and denounce the nationalist attacks.
    • Russian Diplomacy: We officially declare our support for the Italian government and we denounce the nationalists.
  • China: We would like to end the hostiles between Russia and China and invite Russia to a Conference. We would like to invite any nation to help us in the Sino-Indian War, saying that they can have some Indian ports. We build our military, infrastructure and economy. We keep a close eye on the Thai Empire. We begin to build hundreds of factories, we wish to become the supermarket of the world. We build our army. We build our navy. We continue our blockade of India. We increase our military presence along the Sino-Russian border.
  • Republic of Australia and New Zealand: Australia spends less on military, and more on education. Some fear the leader of Australia is becoming more and more socialist, so the Australian Free Nationalist Movement is founded and begins protesting against the government. Population numbers just over nine million, and Australia has large crop fields. We build villages for soldiers in Sulawesi. We agree towards the Asia-Pacific Trade Pact.


The Nationalist Italian and Sicilian rebels unite and declare war on the Empire of Italy, calling themselves the Italian Liberation Front and begin attacking several major cities and mobilizing their forces against the monarchy.

The Chinese government declares war on the Indian Empire.

Jerusalem is besieged by Russian forces.

  • Empire of Japan: We continue to watch the Sino-Russian border conflicts with great concern, as we do not want two of our neighbors at war. We advise the Chinese government and Russian government to cooperate on tracking down these independent insurgents and arresting them instead of blaming each other's governments. We continue to revise the city borders of Guam to better fit the territory. Hawai'i experiences a tourist boom from Canada, Quebec, China, and Thailand. The Western North American Mandate is split and reorganized into the Dominion of Arizona and New Mexico and the Central Union. We begin large scale mining operations in Alyeska, especially in Juneau.
    • China Dip: Invites to join our alliance and forget the previous relations between us.
  • Thai Empire: The military is built up. The military is on guard in light of the Indonesian Civil War and is prepared to fend off any possible attack from one of the fighters. Monarch Bhumibol Adulyadej declares war on India, and begins to invade Sri Lanka. He asks for the support of Laos and Cambodia as well, to liberate fellow Buddhists from Hindu-dominated India. A second front is also opened up in Northeast India; as the Thai Empire begins invading that area and making a push to liberate Bhutan from the Chinese as well; along with plans to take Sikkim, a Buddhist dominated state as well.
    • China Dip: Warns the Thai Empire to stay out of India unless they are on the same side.
    • Thai Diplomacy: Monarch Bhumibol Adulyadej is joining on China side, and also tells his military personnel to not conflict nor cross China's path in any way.
  • Korea: We build up our agricultural base to prepare us for our future economic and military modernisation. We begin building a steel factory in Pohang and Ulsan, as well as multiple textile factories in Seoul. Shipbuilding factories are built also in Pyongyang. We militarise our borders with China.Most of the population still have a negative view of the Japanese, despite its withdrawal from all its Southeast Asian territories.
    • China Dip: Wishes for Korea to help us in the Sino-Indian War, in return you can have some Indian ports.
  • United States of the Philippines: The Government is reformed, becoming a federal parliamentary republic with militaristic elements. Compulsory military service is enacted on those who turn 18 for two years to bolster the armed forces.  Production facilities are built in the Visayas region, while agriculture expands in Central Luzon and Mindanao. The industrial capabilities of the country expand, with more factories creating Filipino products for the Filipino people are made. We try to annex Sabah and Brunei. We also send an invitation to the Indonesian states, as well as Malaysia, to form a United Malayan Republic, consisting of our countries.
    • Chinese Dip: Wishes for the Philippines to join us in the Sino-Indian War, promising them some Indian ports.
    • MOD:The Philippines already have Sabah, it's a puppet state. Kaori, The New Tokyo Native (talk) 17:09, November 2, 2015 (UTC)
  • Republic of Canada: Overall we continue to expand military, recruiting more troops to the military to reach many of them. Economy does its business and could expand more. Industries expands, while the factories began to built. Population grows at Edmonton, and they expect to be recruited and have many of them. Bunkers and fortresses began to build for defenses against other enemies. 
  • China: We invite any other nation to help us in the Sino-Thai-Indian War. We would like to have an alliance with Japan and Russia Seeing as the hostilities has ended between Russia and us. We build our military, infrastructure and economy. We build hundreds of factories to make goods that can be sold all over the world. We build our army. We build our navy. We continue the blockade of India.  
    • Keep in mind you are still very poor. China in the sixties had a very low real GDP per capita, so don't expect that you become rich easily.
  • Plains Union: We begin to offer investments to those who wish to use agricultural lands to support industry, and industry to support agriculture, in order to boost both. Recruitment begins to cap out around 150,000 troops, which the government sees as a satisfactory number for national defense. The idea begins to spread of a country which unites the territory of the old United States, and distrust of the Union of American States begins to take root. We begin researching more advanced infantry weapons, starting with a rifle which can fire more rapidly.
  • North African Union: We send in more troops to go and take back Jerusalem, we ask for our allies to helps us in this action. Airplanes fly over the capital of Russia and cities of Southern Russia and start to bombard the cities in an effort to distract Russia. We evacuate the citizens and place them in government shelters and we use the scorched earth tactics in our cities in Israel and places near it and we send in troops on the watch of Russian soldiers.
  • Empire of Russia: We continue to improve our national infrastructure and economy. In order to increase our focus in the Middle East, we end our involvement in the Indonesian Civil War and our troops on the Sino-Russian border pull back in order to fully ease tensions. We also begin to send about half of our total air force to Italy in order to bomb key Italian rebel cities, and also in order to send supplies to the national government. We continue to besiege the city of Jerusalem, and we reach the city of Ankara in eastern Anatolia. The Moscow Project also continues development, and the first official plasma ICBM, named the Romanov, begins development during this year. Massive deposits of gold and iron are found in the Siberian village of Yorkutsk, and the village suddenly boosts in population.
  • Empire of Italy: We officially place the entire Empire in a state of emergency, mobilizing the entire army to take down the Italian Liberation Front (ILF). With the ILF's attacks growing more frequent, we work to find and kill their leader. We explore the possibility of evacuating the nation's leaders from the capital and bomb key ILF bases.
  • Great Persian Caliphate: Due to Russia invasion of GPC land we begin to aid a number of Islamic groups within Russia borders mostly helping Azerbaijani Muslim People's Liberation Front, Chechen Muslim People's Liberation Front, and more Muslim Liberation Fronts drowning them in guns and money. We begin to fight the Russian Invaders mostly at Turkey, Iran and Israel, We begin a military invasion of Russia thought Iran using an army of five million troops, aircraft and tanks . We secretly begin to work on Plasma ICBM's, and nuclear weapons having our best minds working together. We begin to work finding more oil in the GPC land. We continue drafting men that are fit for the army and having religious scholars declare jihad against the Russians and begin to work with NAU troops. We begin to help the Aceh rebels in Indonesia secretly sending them weaponry, money and food. We begin to work on our navy opening up wartime factories for land, air and sea weapons. We also would like to trade oil with Japan. We begin to help the NAU in rebuilding their nation and slowly begin to pull troops out of occupied land. We send three million troops to the Holy Land to fight Russia alongside NAU troops. We begin to invade Afghanistan being greeted with flowers and roes due to its having a huge majority Muslim.
  • Korea: We build up our agricultural base to prepare us for our future economic and military modernisation. We begin building a steel factory in Pohang and Ulsan, as well as multiple textile factories in Seoul. Shipbuilding factories are built also in Pyongyang. We militarise our borders with China and add compulsory military service for all able-bodied and able-minded men between the ages of 23 and 25. Most of the population still have a negative view of the Japanese, despite its withdrawal from all its Southeast Asian territories.
  • Islamic Regime of Pakistan: We are granted freedom from the Grand Persian Caliphate, but we are allies with them as they gave permission to free us. We invade Afghanistan and split it apart. We recruit a few more soldiers as we are still weak in economy. We plan to become a empire soon and in the Indonesian Civil War, we remains neutral on it, but may intervene later on. The economy will start to grow in 1952 as predicted. Scientists are now working on new weapons to also improve our army. We still remains neutral with China and Russia's relations. We will mostly remain neutral on big conflicts.


Persian defenders in Ankara manage to hold back Russian troops from entering the city

Assam breaks loose and declares independence

The Italian Liberation Front takes control of Venice

The KKK-controlled Union of American States leads a massive purge of non-white Americans, leading to many non-white Americans fleeing to the Plains Union and Florida

Tensions between Acadians still living in Canada and the Canadian government leads to several riots breaking out in Manitoba

The Indonesian Civil War abruptly stops

  • Empire of Japan: We continue to watch the Sino-Russian border conflicts with great concern, as we do not want two of our neighbors at war. We continue to revise the city borders of Guam to better fit the territory. Hawai'i experiences a tourist boom from Canada, Quebec, China, and Thailand. The Western North American Mandate is split and reorganized into the Dominion of Arizona and New Mexico and the Central Union. We begin large scale mining operations in Alyeska, especially in Juneau. West and East Phoenix are reunited. We pledge support to the Plains Union against the Union of American States.
  • Thai Empire: The military is built up. The war against India continues, not only aiding/supporting China, but also invading Sri Lanka to liberate the fellow Buddhists there.
  • Plains Union: Hearing from the refugees tales of undescribable horror (contradictorily), the Plains Union, already distrusting of the Union with which it shares a border, decides to take the opportunity to declare that the atrocities of the KKK would not be tolerated, and declares war against the Union of American States, mobilizing the army for an attack against Mississippi, with plans to take the entire Gulf coastline of the American States in order to prevent them from easily launching naval raids. Industry begins to shift toward wartime production, with orders placed for 200 fighters and 200 bombers by 1953. Research on the rifle continues with decent progress on an initial prototype.
  • Republic of Canada: We continue to recruit more troops. As the riots break out in Manitoba, it looks like the tensions could rise and more concerns for Canadian Government. As we might have to seek out to solve the issues of Acadians and Canadian Government. Our expansion to military continues, but to have more security, the population grows in Edmonton, Vancouver and Regina.
  • China: We continue our war against India, hoping to take the Himalayas and Northern India in the future. We thank the Thai Empire for helping us in the war against Indian Aggression. We withdraw most troops which were on the Sino-Russian border and put them on the Indian Front. We begin research of a nuclear bomb. We bomb India from the air. We plan to build thousands of factories all Over China. We build our military and economy. We build our army, navy and Air Force. We continue a blockade of India. We would like a trade pact with the Thai Empire, Japan and Russia.
    • ​Russian Diplomacy: We reluctantly agree.
    • Thai Diplomacy: Monarch Bhumibol Adulyadej accepts China's trade pact offer.
  • Islamic Regime of Pakistan: We start invading Indian lands such as the Gujarat, Rajasthan, and Kashmir. We also march to Kandahar in Afghanistan, and annex the lands we got, the rest of the afghan lands will belong to Great Persian Caliphate. As India is collapsing, we wish to also take parts of North India and South India. We also march to New Delhi and the Punjab. We bomb Indian towns and cause more riot in Indian villages, and many more, we still have trouble with our economy, which will be taken care of soon. New offensives are now made in India.
  • Great Persian Caliphate: Due to Russia invasion of GPC land we begin to aid a number of Islamic groups within Russia borders mostly helping Azerbaijani Muslim People's Liberation Front, Chechen Muslim People's Liberation Front, and more Muslim Liberation Fronts drowning them in guns and money. We begin to fight the Russian Invaders mostly at Iran and Israel, We begin a military invasion of Russia thought Iran using an army of five million troops, aircraft and tanks attacking all the stan we secretly begin to work on Plasma ICBM's, and nuclear weapons having our best minds working together. We begin to work finding more oil in the GPC land. We continue drafting men that are fit for the army and having religious scholars declare jihad against the Russians and begin to work with NAU troops. We begin to help the Aceh rebels in Indonesia secretly sending them weaponry, money and food. We begin to work on our navy opening up wartime factories for land, air and sea weapons. We also would like to trade oil with Japan. We begin to help the NAU in rebuilding their nation and slowly begin to pull troops out of occupied land. We send three million troops to the Holy Land to fight Russia along side NAU troops. We begin to invade Afghanistan being greeted with flowers and roes due to its having a huge majority Muslim.
  • Empire of Italy: As the rebels move closer to the capital, we continue sending troops to Italian-held cities to make sure rebellion does not start there. We lock down our remaining cities, not allowing anyone in or out. We drop a small warning bomb on Venice in the hopes that the rebels will relinquish control of the city.
  • Empire of Russia: We continue to improve our economy and our national infrastructure. Our first official plasma ICBM Romanov is fully developed and ready for use. Following this, we officially end the Moscow Project and begin producing more plasma-based ICBMs. We continue our invasion of Persia and the Holy Land, with a majority of our troops in the area besieging the key cities of Ankara and Jerusalem. Due to this, the war is popularly known as the "Modern Crusade". In response to the Persian invasion through Iran, we send almost 600,000 troops from southern Siberia to defend the area. In terms of entertainment, television becomes rapidly popular in Russia and music such as rock & roll and swing explodes in popularity among the youth, with many media experts calling it a fad. With the recent rebel capture of Venice, we continue to air bomb the rebel forces.


The Republic of Florida joins the side of the American Union

The Union of American States makes gains against the Plains Union

Russian troops advance through Ankara after three weeks of stalemate.

  • Empire of Japan: We finally develop our first plasma ICBM and begin producing more. We begin large scale mining operations in Alyeska, especially in Juneau. We stay neutral during the Great Indian War to continue peacekeeping in the Indonesian archepelago.
  • Thai Empire: The military is built up. The war against India continues, aiding/supporting China, and also continues invading Sri Lanka to liberate the fellow Buddhists there.
  • United States of the Philippines: The USP-DoI (United States of the Philippines-Department of Intelligence) is formed, aimed at securing the interests of the country internally and externally. Their first task is to Infiltrate the Sarawak Government, to place it under Philippine control. 250 agents, with fake names and falsified yet convincing passports are sent. The entirety of Metro Manila is consolidated as one single city, called as Nueva Maynila (New Manila), while elements of federalism are further spread across the country. To show that the country is truly an example of federalism, lavish fortunes are spent in grand infrastructure and agricultural projects in Manila, and the states of Cebu, Ilocos, Negros, and Davao, as these sites are the first to be determined worth of a Metro Rail transit system. This fuels economic growth, as it provides jobs. Universities, academies, and public schools are built all across the country, while conscription is enacted, giving the Philippines a total of 250,000 active soldiers and two million reserves. Sabah is annexed as a state.
  • Republic of Canada: We build up military and continuing to gain more troop recruitment. Canadian Government is not concerned about the tensions of Acadians, as they have peacekeepers to protect the city against the tensions in one of the cities. The population slowly grows. We produce the weapons and grenades. Infrastructure expands.

North American War Update: The Union of American States 5th Mississippi Army manages to push the Plains Union into Lousiana and capture the vital port city of New Orleans. A white anti-KKK resistance group rises up against the KKK controlled Union of American States Armed Forces. The Empire of Japan begins conducting nightly air raids on army camps and churches in Tennessee with the new Mitsubishi A7M Jet-propulsion fighter/bombers.

  • Plains Union: The Plains Union is shocked at the involvement of Florida on the side of the American States (Wild pls). We resume production of submarines, now with a new, quicker method of production, and those that already exist deploy further up the Mississippi for an attack on New Orleans. The army regroups for a counterattack with support from the 60 new fighters and 60 new bombers after the enemy offensive. The new rifle prototype completes testing, and we begin producing it for the army. We begin recruiting new soldiers, and continue investing in industry, agriculture and infrastructure.
  • Korea: We build up our agricultural base. We begin our modernisation, following the Japanese economic and business models. We begin building a steel factory in Pohang and Ulsan, as well as multiple textile factories in Seoul. Shipbuilding factories are built also in Pyongyang. We militarise our borders with China. Most of the population still have a negative view of the Japanese, despite its withdrawal from all its Southeast Asian territories. We support the newly aggressive Philippine regime, thinking that it will help destroy Japanese influence regionally.
  • Empire of Italy: We join Russia in bombing Venice. The city is partially demolished, and we hope these attacks will stop rebels from continuing their advances.
  • Empire of Russia: We continue to improve our economy and national infrastructure. Following the surrender of Ankara, our troops in Anatolia begin to push further into the area, hoping to reach Istanbul by 1955. We also continue to bomb the city of Venice, and we continue to push into Jerusalem and besiege the city.


Russia has control of more than 2/3 of Turkey and is gaining.

Afghanistan is conquered by Persia and Pakistan

The Plains Union and Union of American States reaches a stalemate in Nashville, Tennessee

The Japanese ICBM Kaguya is shipped to Idaho and aimed at London, England.

  • Republic of Canada: We continue to recruit more soldiers and forces. Although North American War started, we might stay neutral. As we build more bunkers and even fortresses for defensive purposes of the threat on us. We continue to gather more economy and military expansion. The population is growing slowly.
  • Thai Empire: The military is built up. The war against India continues, aiding/supporting China, and also continues invading Sri Lanka to liberate the fellow Buddhists there.
  • United States of the Philippines: A "Filipinofication" of Brunei and Sabah occurs, with the main government in Manila sponsoring the relocation of homeless and jobless people to these territories. The traditional Spanish-era architecture of Manila, Vigan, and Zamboange continue to be preserved, with the government aiming for Manila to be one of the most visited cities in the world by the end of the decade. Agricultural projects in Central Luzon, Negros and Mindanao prove satisfying results, prompting the federal government to increase funding to the agricultural sector to 10% of GDP. Heavy industry, focused on Cebu and Davao, flourish as the country starts to become self-sufficient in constructing products. Mines are built in Sabah while oil refineries are constructed in Brunei to extract the substance. The Heneral Luna International Airport begins to be built outside Manila, while the Heneral del Pilla International Airport is also begins construction in southern Cebu State. (SECRET) 10,000 soldiers move into Sabah. Filipino agents are now inside the Sarawak Government, stealing files and other important information, in preparation for Operation: Tigertrap, where the Philippines shall enter, occupy and annex Sarawak. (SECRET)
  • Plains Union: Another submarine completes production (told you it was faster), and is deployed in an attempt to break through the Union's hold on New Orleans. Forces in Nashville are reinforced by the thirty new fighters and thirty new bombers completed in the last half-year, and continue to push against Union forces. We continue producing the new rifle model, and begin recruiting once more, with a goal of 250,000 troops in the army within a year. We continue investing in industry, agriculture and infrastructure.


The Plains Union breaks through the American defense.

Italy's civil war reaches a temporary ceasefire, with the monarchy holding onto Rome and everything in the north, while the ILF still has control of the south.

The Balkan States are forcefully unified as Yugoslavia, with the powerful General Josip Broz Tito at the head of state and a fully militarized government.

Pirates begin emerging in the Indonesian archipelago, seizing merchant ships and killing many sailors.

  • Empire of Japan: We increase patrols near Sarawak and Sabah due to piracy issues. Taihoku-Matsuyama International Airport in Matsuyama-shi, Taihoku is completed and we begin servicing flights. We continue conducting bombing campaigns of the Union of American States troop barracks and supply lines. We send 7000 troops from Arizona into Tennessee.
  • Thai Empire: The military is built up. The war against India continues, aiding/supporting China, and also continues invading Sri Lanka to liberate the fellow Buddhists there. The military is also on guard for pirates; and begins to defend any Thai ships - mainly Thai trade ships - from being attacked by the pirates.
  • Empire of Russia: During the beginning of this year, Prime Minister Mikhail Doryshenkov of the Conservative Party finally loses in the national election and is replaced by Ivan Grigor of the People's Socialist Party. As a result, national taxes are significantly decreased and we pass a law allowing women to freely purchase birth control pills. We also offer ceasefires to the Persian Caliphate and North African Union as we begin pulling out our troops from the Middle East. Following the creation of Yugoslavia, we officially declare our support for the country and we offer an alliance, a non-aggression pact, and many trade agreement to Yugoslavia. We also offer to give them the region of Carpathia in return that they pay us one million USD.
  • Great Persian Caliphate: We begin to work finding more oil in the GPC land. We continue drafting men that are fit for the army to do seven years of military. We begin to help the  Aceh rebels in Indonesia secretly sending them weaponry, money and food. We begin to work on our navy opening up wartime factories for land, air and sea weapons. We also would like to trade oil with Japan. We begin to help the NAU in rebuilding their nation and slowly begin to pull troops out of occupied land. With the invasion of Afghanistan done we allow the Afghans to keep their way of life and not intervene that much. We agree to the ceasefire and help Russian troops pull out, We begin to pull our invasion force out of Russia slowly.
  • Korea: We build up our agricultural base. We begin our modernisation, following the Japanese economic and business models. We begin building a steel factory in Pohang and Ulsan, as well as multiple textile factories in Seoul. Shipbuilding factories are built also in Pyongyang. We militarise our borders with China. Most of the population still has a negative view of the Japanese, despite its withdrawal from all its Southeast Asian territories. We support the newly aggressive Philippine regime, thinking that it will help destroy Japanese influence regionally.
  • United States of the Philippines:A "Filipinofication" of Brunei and Sabah occurs, with the main government in Manila sponsoring the relocation of homeless and jobless people to these territories. The traditional Spanish-era architecture of Manila, Vigan, and Zamboange continue to be preserved, with the government aiming for Manila to be one of the most visited cities in the world by the end of the decade. Agricultural projects in Central Luzon, Negros and Mindanao prove satisfying results, prompting the federal government to increase funding to the agricultural sector to 10% of GDP. Heavy industry, focused on Cebu and Davao, flourish as the country starts to become self-sufficient in constructing products. Mines are built in Sabah while oil refineries are constructed in Brunei to extract the substance. The Heneral Luna International Airport begins to be built outside Manila, while the Heneral del Pilla International Airport is also begins construction in southern Cebu State. Operation Tigertrap is launched inside the Sarawak Government; the heads of state and government are assassinated, followed by top government and military officials, making sure no one is able to assume control. Following these events, 7000 Philippine troops already stationed in Sabah cross into Sarawak, under the guise of 'maintaining the peace'.
  • Republic of Canada: Infrastructure continues to expand, whilst about 1500 troops are recruited. Population starts to grow slowly in one of the cities. We continue to develop rifles and guns for the military - also some tanks and air force planes. The industries kept making progress. The airbase's still not yet built but it will be built soon. More construction-like bunkers and fortresses has commenced for a good protection.
  • Plains Union: We thank the Japanese for their support. Also, we continue our offensive, now with even greater numbers of aircraft. We begin slowing submarine production with the last of the Plains Union's submarines completed around the beginning of the year. We continue our investment in industry and continue recruitment for the army, having obtained 200,000 troops by March.


Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia join the World Defense Federation and pose a large threat to the nationalist nations in Europe.

The Republic of Assam falls to Siamese troops in June.

The Plains Union continues to make victories against the Union of American States.

  • Federated Military Union of Yugoslavia: Tito agrees to the deal to obtain Carpathia for the amount set by the Russian Empire. Military and economic buildup continues with more roads and highways connecting the Federal Military Republics (FMRs) and Autonomous Militarized Republics (AMRs). Another large highway is constructed to link Czechoslovakia to Yugoslavia.
    • Romanian FMR: Highway construction begins.
      • Moldovan AMR: Highway construction begins.
      • Transylvanian AMR: Highway construction begins.
    • Bulgarian FMR: Highway construction begins.
    • Hungarian FMR: Highway construction begins.
    • Polish FMR: Highway construction begins.
    • Macedonian FMR: Highway construction begins.
    • Grecian FMR: Highway construction begins.
    • Serbian FMR: Highway construction begins.
      • Kosovo AMR: Highway construction begins.
      • Vojvodina AMR: Highway construction begins.
    • Bosnian FMR: Highway construction begins.
      • Herzegovina AMR: Highway construction begins.
    • Croatian FMR: Highway construction begins.
    • Albanian FMR: Highway construction begins.
    • East Slovenian FMR: Highway construction begins.
  • Empire of Japan: Emperor Akihito welcomes the new nation of Yugoslavia into the World Defense Federation with open arms. He pays a visit to the national capital of Belgrade and each of the capitals of the smaller republics. We continue to combat pirates in Indonesia with a small number of victories. We also continue providing aid to the Plains Union in the North American War, hoping to collapse the racist regime of the UAS as quickly as possible. We send 6000 marines into the Carolinas. We also continue our bombing raids. We ask Yugoslavia for a trade pact.
    • Yugoslavian Diplomacy: Tito accepts the trade pact.
  • Thai Empire: The military is built up. The war against India continues, aiding/supporting China, and also continues invading Sri Lanka to liberate the fellow Buddhists there. The military is also on guard for pirates; and begins to defend any Thai ships - mainly Thai trade ships - from being attacked by the pirates. Assam is established as a vassal for the time being.
  • Empire of Russia: We begin to improve relations with the newly-formed nations of Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia, and we offer an alliance and multiple trade agreements with Czechoslovakia. Following a few minor skirmishes on the Russo-Baltic border, the local military force begins to threaten the Baltic States and is nationally supported by the Prime Minister himself, who demands that the Baltic States give Russia multiple war reparations or face an invasion (MOD RESPONSE).
    • Baltic Union (MOD): agrees to pay the reparations to Russia.
  • Republic of Canada: We continue to improve infrastructure with buildings constructed. As troops gain normally more recruitment in military, we militarise them. Also, the ships and boats are built. The development of weapons like guns, rifles and sniper rifles are still yet to be developed. Canada has some weapons that troops have. It depends that the development looks to develop the weapons. More population growing at Edmonton.
  • United States of the Philippines: A "Filipinofication" of Brunei and Sabah occurs, with the main government in Manila sponsoring the relocation of homeless and jobless people to these territories. The traditional Spanish-era architecture of Manila, Vigan, and Zamboange continue to be preserved, with the government aiming for Manila to be one of the most visited cities in the world by the end of the decade. Agricultural projects in Central Luzon, Negros and Mindanao prove satisfying results, prompting the federal government to increase funding to the agricultural sector to 10% of GDP. Heavy industry, focused on Cebu and Davao, flourish as the country starts to become self-sufficient in constructing products. Mines are built in Sabah while oil refineries are constructed in Brunei to extract the substance. The Heneral Luna International Airport begins to be built outside Manila, while the Heneral del Pilla International Airport is also begins construction in southern Cebu State. Operation Tigertrap is launched inside the Sarawak Government; the heads of state and government are assassinated, followed by top government and military officials, making sure no one is able to assume control. Following these events, 7000 Philippine troops already stationed in Sabah cross into Sarawak, under the guise of 'maintaining the peace'.


The IRAF (Imperial Russian Air Force) develops its first jet fighters using the chassis of the Lavochkin-Gorbunov-Gudkov LaGG-1.

The IJNAS (Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service) and IJAAS (Imperial Japanese Army Air Service) adopts fighter jets using a modified and strengthened chassis of Kawanishi N1K Kyōfū and Kawanishi N1K-J Shiden to serve alongside the Mitsubishi A7M Fighter Jets.

The ICAF (Imperial Chinese Air Force) adopts the jet engines for use on their fighter planes.

The Republic of Turkey declares independence from the Greater Persian Caliphate and declares war against them.

Yugoslavia declares war on the Greater Persian Caliphate and annexes Turkey as part of their Federal Military Republics (FMRs).

Pirates hijack a Filipino merchant ship and kills everyone aboard.

  • Empire of Japan: Following the hijacking of the Filipino merchant ship, the IJNAS begins a search and destroy mission to take out any pirate ships seen on patrol. The port of Singapore is reinforced with more destroyers. We send in the 5th Phoenix Division into Baton Rouge, Louisiana to fight the American troops there. We declare a formal war on piracy in Southeast Asia and encourage Australia to join.
  • Republic of Canada: We continue to invest economy and expand military. Many troops joined military for more recruiting. The ships have been built.
  • Great Persian Caliphate: We begin to work finding more oil in the GPC land. We continue drafting men that are fit for the army to do seven years of military. We support Aceh by sending them weaponry, money and food. We begin to work on our navy opening up wartime factories for land, air and sea weapons. We also would like to trade oil with Japan. We begin to help the NAU in rebuilding their nation and slowly begin to pull troops out of occupied land. With the invasion of Afghanistan done we allow the Afghans to keep their way of life and not intervene that much. We agree to the ceasefire and help Russian troops pull out, We begin to pull our invasion force out of Russia slowly. With Turkey's declaration of independence, we dispatch an army of 60,000 troops to invade, having them attack Turkish military bases and sending spies to track enemy movement and take part in guerrilla warfare. We also bomb Turkish military defenses. We send a naval force from Cyprus and Crete to take on Yugoslav forces invading Turkey. We rename our nation "The Caliphate"
  • Federated Military Union of Yugoslavia: Using the armies in Greece, Macedonia and Albania; we invade and take on the combined Turkish/Persian fleet in Crete, hoping to take the island and incorporate it into the Grecian FMR. We send a combined force of about 780,000 troops to invade western Turkey, aiming for the capital of Istanbul. The Grecian Fleet aims to take Cyprus as soon as possible. Yugoslav bombers and fighters initiate dogfights across Turkish and Persian airspace, simultaneously defending Yugoslav airspace and attacking Turkish airspace. Tito requests Russia to bring its war together with the Yugoslav-Persian War. 
    • Romanian FMR: 150,000 troops are committed
      • Moldovan AMR: 10,000 troops are committed
      • Transylvanian AMR: 13,000 troops are committed
    • Bulgarian FMR: 60,000 troops are committed
    • Hungarian FMR: 30,000 troops are committed
    • Polish FMR: 79,000 troops are committed
    • Macedonian FMR: 135,000 troops are committed
    • Grecian FMR: 270,000 troops are committed
    • Serbian FMR: 67,000 troops are committed
      • Kosovo AMR: 1500 troops are committed
      • Vojvodina AMR: 1200 troops are committed
    • Bosnian FMR: 32,000 troops are committed
      • Herzegovina AMR: 12,000 troops are committed
    • Croatian FMR: 25,000 troops are committed
    • Albanian FMR: 2000 troops are committed
    • East Slovenian FMR: 20,000 troops are committed
  • Thai Empire: The military is built up. The war against India continues, aiding/supporting China, and also continues invading Sri Lanka to liberate the fellow Buddhists there. The military is also on guard for pirates; and begins to defend any Thai ships - mainly Thai trade ships - from being attacked by the pirates.
  • Plains Union: The Plains Union begins developing its own jet powered fighters. Offensives continue in the American States, and 100,000 new recruits begin attacking American strongholds in Louisiana and Mississippi.
  • United States of the Philippines: A "Filipinofication" of Brunei and Sabah occurs, with the main government in Manila sponsoring the relocation of homeless and jobless people to these territories. The traditional Spanish-era architecture of Manila, Vigan, and Zamboange continue to be preserved, with the government aiming for Manila to be one of the most visited cities in the world by the end of the decade. Agricultural projects in Central Luzon, Negros and Mindanao prove satisfying results, prompting the federal government to increase funding to the agricultural sector to 10% of GDP. Heavy industry, focused on Cebu and Davao, flourish as the country starts to become self-sufficient in constructing products. Mines are built in Sabah while oil refineries are constructed in Brunei to extract the substance. The Heneral Luna International Airport begins to be built outside Manila, while the Heneral del Pilla International Airport is also begins construction in southern Cebu State. Operation: Tigertrap is launched inside the Sarawak Government; the heads of state and government are assassinated, followed by top government and military officials, making sure no one is able to assume control. Following these events, 7000 Philippine troops already stationed in Sabah cross into Sarawak, under the guise of 'maintaining the peace'. The Philippine Navy is mobilized and ordered to use 'lethal force' against any pirates
    • ​Occupied Sarawak: A pro-Philippine official is elected as the territory's governor-general. The general populace is fed with propaganda to discourage revolution. The infrastructure of this area is improved to sustain and unrest and citizens from the Philippines relocate here to attain a demographic majority.


Six car bombs go off in the streets of Genoa at approximately 22:30 CET, killing 20 people and injuring 30 others.

At approximately 20:30 GMT, three shooters in metal armor suits fire at a large crowd outside the Big Ben in London, killing 40 people and injuring more than 80.

Four gunmen in the same suits as the men in London fire on pedestrians in Thessaloniki, killing 15 and injuring two.

Four IEDs go off during a football match in Munich, German Empire at 21:30 CET, killing at least two people and injuring five more.

Seven gunmen dressed in the same gear as the London and Thessaloniki attacks enter a movie packed concert venue in Moscow at 23:30 MSK and begin shooting, killing at least 130 people and holding hostage to the rest of the people. One hour later, the Spetsznaz storms the concert venue and get into a firefight with terrorist, where they managed to kill three terrorists but the other escaped.

A terrorist group known as the "New Roman Army" claims responsibility to all five attacks and denounces the WDF and everything they stand for. They also condemned the NAS for being "too friendly" with the WDF nations, calling on all radical nationalists and fascists to "rise up together against the tyranny of the WDF."

The nations affected declare a state of emergency and increase military and police patrols, searching for any leads.

  • Empire of Japan: Emperor Hirohito vehemently condemns and denounces these attacks as "an act of war against civilization" and sends his condolences to the people affected by these coordinated terrorist attacks. We increase security measures along the more populated areas and tourist attractions. The people of Japan gather at donation centers nationwide to donate aid to those affected by the attacks. We offer the governments of those nations affected aid to help track down the terrorists and destroy them.
  • Thai Empire: The military is built up. The war against India continues, aiding/supporting China, and also continues invading Sri Lanka to liberate the fellow Buddhists there. The military is also on guard for pirates; and begins to defend any Thai ships - mainly Thai trade ships - from being attacked by the pirates.
  • Republic of Texas: Since the 1949 stalemate with the United Mexican States, Texas has increased its exploitation of its natural oil and gas reserves. Military power increases accordingly. In a joint meeting between county delegates, the nation decides to revamp its efforts to increase its influence. Armed forces march on San Luis, as well as restarting their propaganda efforts. Due to increasing industrialization, the city of Lubbock is chosen for increased funding, causing more workers to migrate west. Offers to normalize trade between Texas and the Plains Union, as well as California.
    • Republic of California: We accept the trade deal.
    • Plains Union: We accept the trade offer.

BREAKING NEWS: Three gunmen in metal armor like that seen in the European terror attacks enter Times Square in Manhattan, Quebec at approximately 13:45 QST and go on a rampage, massacring 50 people and injuring more than 100 more. UPDATE: The New Roman Army claims responsibility for these attacks as well, promising to strike New Orleans, Topeka, and Dallas.P 

Empire Of Germany: A speech is held in Munich Square by President Heuss. In this speech he declares that Germany would track these terrorists down and sink them to the lowest hole of hell. We accept the aid from Japan and declare a state of emergency. Two police raids find out six possible plotters of these attacks. Six hospitals in Vienna and Munich are built. We begin improving the infrastructure and rebuild the economy. Industry rises. Emperor Louis Ferdinand visits Amsterdam to end republican feelings, this ultimately fails and he is forced to leave. The Life expectancy is now up to 69.9 years. We create the International League of Football.

Plains Union: The president of the Plains Union, in a speech, agrees with the German president's sentiment that these terrorists will be captured no matter what it takes. The offensives against American forces continues, and the victories gained thus far begin to cause great change in the people, who think that the Plains Union could create a new United States, as strong as the last. The government begins debating a name change to reflect the changes that might soon come to the country's borders, as the Plains Union as a name has become too limiting in the eyes of the people. The Manifestates of America, the New United States of America, and the True States of America are all popular options. The Plains Union continues to incorporate jet fighters into the air force.

  • Plains Union Part 2: After hearing of the planned attacks in Topeka and New Orleans, troops begin falling back from the attacks against American positions there to move in to attack Mississippi and defend Kansas.

England: We begin fighting the New Roman Army. We kill any people that is in the New Roman Army in England. We also dissolve the English Republic and we become a monarchist again as the 'English Kingdom'. We would like an union with Ireland and Scotland, the union will be called the 'The Union of the Isle' (mod response). We build our military. We find the gunmen which did the shooting and kill them. We begin developing nukes.

Republic of Canada: We continue to expand our military and infrastructure. More forces been recruited in the military as we begin to plan a construction of defensive structures like bunkers and fortresses. We're pretty concerned that New Roman Army promises to strike New Orleans, Topeka and Dallas which it could pressure us in the danger zone. We hope to recruit more forces as soon as possible.


The New Roman Army hits New Orleans, Hiroshima, Vancouver, Bangkok, Beijing, Liverpool, Paris, Madrid, Lisbon, and Pierre with IEDs killing an estimated 500 people and injuring more than 700 more.

Ten shooting sprees take place in Taipei, Pasir Ris, Cornwall, Sydney, Canberra, Sacramento, Bismarck, Belgrade, Rome, and St. Petersburg, killing at least 4000 people and injuring 6700 more. The NRA also claims responsiblity for these attacks.

The New Roman Army claims that Eastern Europe and Asia Minor are rightfully their own and they will do whatever it takes to "reclaim the area." They also announce that they've captured prisoners and will execute them if the WDF, NAS and PBL do not disband and bow to the NRA.

All nations promptly stopped their wars and allied together to face off against the NRA.

  • Empire of Japan: Emperor Hirohito declares war on the NRA, citing the attacks as an "act of war". The Japanese Army mobilizes all forces to find and kill these terrorists. We call on other countries to join us in this crusade against terrorists.
  • Thai Empire: The military is built up. The liberation of Sri Lanka is put on hold for the time being. The military is also on guard for pirates; and begins to defend any Thai ships - mainly Thai trade ships - from being attacked by the pirates. Following the attacks in Bangkok; security begins to increase in other important cities throughout Thailand; and Bangkok begins to be rebuilt and aid is sent out to those affected by the attacks. Monarch Bhumibol Adulyadej denounces the New Roman Army and officially declares war on them. He orders the Pan-Buddhist League to also declare war on them and suggest to the other members to increase their security in their important cities and areas. The vassal of Assam also sends support to fight against the New Roman Army.
  • Republic of Canada: We declare a war with New Roman Army as they destroy our city Vancouver and citing it as 'act of war'. Government Republic of Canada says that this was a surprise attack and blames NRA for attacking Canada as probably the terrorist attack. We continue to militarise all the troops and mobilize the troops in a manhunt of the terrorists. We join Empire of Japan on declaring war on NRA as suspicious 'act of war'.
  • True States of America: The True States of America (formerly the Plains Union), upon hearing of the terrorist attacks perpatrated in many cities around the world (including the then-occupied city of New Orleans), grudgingly accepts peace with the Union of American States, knowing that it chance was lost to attempt to annex the country, making the people all the more furious toward the New Roman Army, not only that the Union would not be forced to pay for its crimes against humanity in a more serious way, but also that the land they thought of as rightly theirs as Americans would not be reclaimed. The country declares a total war against the New Roman Army, declaring that anything and everything that can be done to destroy this group of terrorists will be done.