Alternative History
Legacy of Heraclius

Formerly known as "Muhammad Dies Young: Rework".

The rise of Islam is one of the most unique and important events in human history, and the chain of events set off by the unification of the Arabs under one religion changed the world forever. The event in its self was such an oddity, because for the right person to be born at the right time, and to unify a people who were so disunited up until that point was astounding. The timing they chose to strike as well couldn't have been more perfect for the Arabs as the two great empires of the age had fought each other to near collapse. The empire built off of Islam changed world history so drastically, stretching from Spain to India this empire was the largest in history until that point.

So the question is: what if the prophet Muhammad had died as a young boy? Life in the ancient world, especially the Arabian peninsula was difficult for even the strongest of men and young boys are no exception. So the prophet simply dies as a young boy, and the religion he founded never comes to be. The Arabs remain divided, but not weak and will certainly influence middle eastern history from time to time.

The butterfly effect will be used in full power for this timeline because without Islam literally nothing would be the same.

Some people from otl who either wont exist or will be completely different people:

  • Constantine IV (wont exist)
  • Justinian II (wont exist)
  • Pepin the Short (same name, entirely different person)
  • Charlemagne (wont exist, and therefore no Carolingian Empire)

P.S.: I promise the timeline isnt a byzantine wank.