Alternative History

Leifia is the third largest continent. In the North it is dominated by ice-cap, tundra and taiga forest. Further south the endless great plains take over before deserts take hold in central Mexica. To the far south, great dense jungles form the barrier between Leifia and Tawantinland. Long a barrier to trade and people it is currently the most heavily militarised border in the world.

It is divided into 91 sovereign countries, along with multiple dependent territories.

To the East of Mexica lie the Taino and Carib Islands. Besides the two sovereign countries of Coabana and Quisqueyanos are numerous smaller islands administered by various European powers.

In the present day the nations of Leifia can be roughly split into three groups.

  • The North and East - roughly those either under the influence of Vinland or Aniyunwiya or those surrounding the Fraeburt Votnum. These are mostly republics or constitutional monarchies.
  • The South and Centre - roughly those either directly controlled or heavily in the orbit of Mexica and tend to be military dictatorships.
  • The West - a mix of republics and heavily autocratic monarchies generally aligned to the Chinese Empire.

Historical Overview[]

It is believed the first Leifians appeared after migrating across the Bering land bridge from Siberia between 40,000 and 17,000 years ago following the great herds of now extinct mega-fauna. They spread throughout the continent and further south into Tawantinland.

Settled, they adapted to their surroundings and formed distinct tribal groups. In the north they practised hunter-gathering alongside fishing. In the south the Meso-Leifian tribes perfected intense farming of maize, tomatoes and squash and formed great civilisations. Bison were hunted by those tribes on the great plains. The Ishak Bird (OTL turkey) was domesticated somewhere in between. No large fauna remained to be domesticated and Llamas had yet to be exported North from Tawantinsuyu.

The Norse explorer Leif Ericsson discovered the island known as Vinland and would give his name to the continent beyond. His family would later settle alongside growing numbers of migrants from Iceland and Scandinavia. Their presence led to European foodstuffs and domesticated animals being spread throughout Leifia. Cattle, goats and pigs were widely adopted, sheep less so. By the time the Vinlanders reached the growing empire of Mexica in the 1120s it found it had received the wheel but had no horses or cattle to pull it.

As iron weapons spread out from Vinland and in time were developed locally, the most powerful tribes could begin to turn their domains into kingdoms and shifted their ways of life from nomadic to sedentary. Vinland attempted to control the supply of horses, to keep its military advantage. However, they became powerful diplomatic tools; a herd of horses being worth their weight in gold. Cavalry soon formed the backbone of many nations' armies.

Another Norse introduction was less welcome. Disease, specifically measles, spread like wildfire amongst the Leifian tribes who had no natural resistance. The initial wave is thought to have killed 70% of the population, wiping out numerous tribes altogether. Norse and native Leifians alike were hit equally by the spread of the Black Death in the mid-1300s and smallpox later on. Meanwhile, the devastating Great Pox was introduced back to Europe. It briefly cut a huge swath through the European population before it settled into a less fatal but endemic strain.

The rapid expansion of the Aniyunwiya during the 13th century caused a chain reaction of tribal movement. The Lakota, Isanyathi and Nakota were pushed westward onto the plains. Meanwhile, the Nahuatl were eventually pushed into Mexica. The Nahuatl would eventually turn Mexica from a collection of warring city-states into a vast military machine and the largest single nation in the Western hemisphere.

News of Leifia was slow to feed back to the Old World. Whilst Scandinavia, the Empire and the Papacy were certainly aware of the Norse colonies by the mid-1050s they had little inkling of the lands beyond. It was only as Vinland and Álengiamark began sending back precious items like furs, that interest was stoked, and maps, both real and fanciful, proliferated. Denmark guarded the northern crossing via Greenland jealously, however. Eventually Portugal found a southern crossing by 1345 and most ocean-faring nations of Europe had some kind of trading presence by 1600. China had first made the crossing of the Roasjoinn (OTL Pacific Ocean) to the west of Leifia in 1420. Likewise, the Leifian nations eagerly exported items like tobacco, coffee, sugar and Mexic silver back to the burgeoning European and Chinese markets.


Leifian Nations
Country Capital Flag Current Head of State Estimated Population
Vinland Isafjordhur Flag of Vinland (Kalmar Union).svg Queen Kristjana IX 9,794,100
Military Japan Tokyo* Naval Ensign of Japan General Hatu 433,600
Lingít Aaní Kaien Flag of Lingit Aani (Kalmar Union).svg Yanyedi Skeena 45,000
Keewatin Territory Snjórvatn Flag of Keewatin (Kalmar Union).svg Queen Kristjana IX* 320,000
Algonquinland Quebec Flag of Algonquinland (The Kalmar Union).svg Chief Donnacona 1,783,150
Klallam Federation Tse-whit-zen Flag of Klallam (The Kalmar Union).svg Chief Chits-han-a 632,720
Ktunaxa Yaqannuki Flag of Ktunaxa (The Kalmar Union).svg King Kanuxunik 3,886,200
Cree Republic Saskwaton Flag of Cree (The Kalmar Union).svg Mamihkiyin 512,000
Ojibwe Baawiting Flag of Ojibwe (The Kalmar Union).svg President Wawaazisii 1,278,860
Atikamekwia Manawan Flag of Atikamekwia (The Kalmar Union).svg President Nikikw 521,760
Passamaquoddia Quispamis Flag of Passamaquoddia (The Kalmar Union).svg King Qonas III 5,294,900
Abernakriga Wolinak Flag of Abernakriga (The Kalmar Union).svg President Hafdis Obomsawin 1,359,000
Nitawahsinnanni Otokoks Flag of Nitawahsinnanni (The Kalmar Union).svg Chief Aatsista-Mahkan 847,500
Haanininland Pakowki Flag of Haanininland (The Kalmar Union).svg Prince Hitunena 264,000
Nakotaland Wascana Flag of Nakotaland (The Kalmar Union).svg President Tusweca 596,000
Chinookriga Kathlamet Flag of Chinookriga (The Kalmar Union).svg King Konkomly II 935,430
Ichshkiinmark Yakima Flag of Ichshkiinmark (The Kalmar Union).svg King Peo IV 617,840
Cayusia Attalia Flag of Cayusia (The Kalmar Union) Chief Tauitau 478,000
Skitswishmark Manito Flag of Skitswiskmark (The Kalmar Union) King Masselow 215,420
Niimiipu Republic Lapwai File:Flag of Niimiipu (The Kalmar Union).svg.png Walammottinin
Kalispu Republic Missoula Flag of Kalispu (The Kalmar Union) Kanitsu
Apsaalookriga Absarokee Flag of Apsaalookriga (The Kalmar Union) King Horatoa
Lakota Federation Minneconju File:Flag of Lakota (The Kalmar Union).svg.png Thasunke Huste
Hiraacaland Menoken Flag of Hiraacaland (The Kalmar Union).svg Princess Maxidiwiac 43,000
Ruptareland Wishek Flag of Ruptareland (The Kalmar Union).svg Prince Matotohpe 52,000
Sahnishland Onaka Flag of Sahnishland (The Kalmar Union).svg Prince Kunuh-Kananu 63,000
Isanyathimark Minnetonka Flag of Isanyathimark (The Kalmar Union) King Taoyateduta 1,048,000
Mamaceqtawia Keshena Flag of Mamaceqtawia (The Kalmar Union) King Amiskquew 977,000
Ochangaramark Waukesha Flag of Ochangaramark (The Kalmar Union).svg King Waukon III 1,207,000
Neshabek Kalkaska Flag of Neshabek (The Kalmar Union).svg King Siggenauk II 786,000
Erie Ashtabula Flag of Erie (The Kalmar Union).svg Queen Kenraeks 5,019,800
Six Nations Oneida Flag of 6 Nations (The Kalmar Union).svg Kaintwakon Katerisson 1,701,750
Kanienmark Niskayuna Flag of Kanienmark (Kalmar Union).svg Princess Kaniehtiio 451,000
Álengiamark St. Hafdiss Flag of Alengiamark.svg Queen Thorey VII 13,093,400
Aniyunwiya Kispokotha Flag of Aniyunwiya (The Kalmar Union).svg King Weyapiersenwah III 11,341,050
Susquehanockland Conestoga Flag of Susquehanockland (The Kalmar Union).svg King Chiroe V 3,089,750
Yesanland Nahyssa Flag of Yesanland (The Kalmar Union) Prince Nikonha 3,402,450
Powhatanland Werowocomoco Flag of Powhatanland (The Kalmar Union).svg King Paqwach 930,500
Tuscaron Nooherooka Flag of Tuscaron (The Kalmar Union).svg King Akawentcaka 1,734,600
Dasamongueponkland Aquascogoc Flag of Dasmongueponkland (The Kalmar Union).svg Yarl Manteo VIII 637,200
Catawbaland Issa File:Flag of Catawbaland (The Kalmar Union).svg.png King Yanabe
Tsalagi Republic Echota File:Flag of Tsalagi (The Kalmar Union).svg.png President Junaluska
Coyaha Republic Patsiliga Flag of Coyaha (The Kalmar Union).svg President Chestowee 841,800
Mvskokia Mabila Flag of Mvskokia (The Kalmar Union).svg King Tenskwatawa II
Cusabo Skorrye Flag of Cusabo (The Kalmar Union) President Etiwan 483,410
Miccosukeeland Knole Flag of Miccosukeeland (The Kalmar Union) King Arpii
Utinan Confederation Etoniah File:Flag of Utina (The Kalmar Union).svg.png President Saturiwa Acuera
Caalusa Stapaba Flag of Caalusa (The Kalmar Union).svg King Timucua 3,914,650
Aismark Jece Flag of Aismark (Kalmar Union).svg Prince Pojoy II 2,197,900
Quisqueyanos Federation Ayraguay Flag of Quisqueyanos (Kalmar Union).svg Niba Orocobix 12,425,000
Coabana Havna Flag of Coabana (Kalmar Union).svg Emir Yusif II 7,869,300
Apalacheeland Anhaico Flag of Apalacheeland (The Kalmar Union).svg Prince Nalethuck
Koasati Republic Tasquiqui File:Koasati Republic (The Kalmar Union).svg.png President Colita
Chikashsha Republic Impichchaachaaha File:Chikashsha Republic (The Kalmar Union).svg.png President Shunanhoy
Albaamahaland Tichuka File:Flag of Albaamahaland (The Kalmar Union).svg.png Prince Okolona
Chahtaland Nanih Waiya Flag of Chahtaland (The Kalmar Union).svg Prince Tullockchish II
Biloxiland Ayaaxi Flag of Biloxiland (The Kalmar Union) Prince Taneksayaa
Chitimachanc Yagenichito Flag of Chitimachanc (The Kalmar Union).svg Queen Chawashun 1,601,150
Ishakane Nementou Flag of Ishakane (The Kalmar Union).svg General Nezpique
Kweshland Ninchopen Flag of Kweshland (The Kalmar Union).svg Prince Sanukh III
Ofolendain Minuse File:Flag of Ofolendain (The Kalmar Union).svg.png President Pacce
Natchezland Jenzenaque Flag of Natchezland (The Kalmar Union).svg Prince Uwahsil V 97,150
Houmaland Ulu File:Flag of Houmaland (The Kalmar Union).svg.png President Beyot
Nowych Katowice Nowych Katowice Flag of New Katowice (Kalmar Union).svg King Stephan IV *
Tunica Quizquiz Flag of Tunica (The Kalmar Union).svg Grand-Prince Lattanash
Caddoa Hasinai File:Flag of Caddo (The Kalmar Union).svg.png Queen Kaw-u-tz
Ugakhpaland Tiwadiman Flag of Ugakhpaland (The Kalmar Union).svg General Tanwanzhita
Osageland Pomatah Flag of Osageland (The Kalmar Union).svg Prince Shonka
Inokian Confederation Cahokia Flag of Inokia (The Kalmar Union).svg President Maroa Tapoara 5,823,600
Niuachiland Wacuxca Flag of Niuachiland (The Kalmar Union) Chief Wimihsoor 127,300
Kawlegawaho Toppiké Flag of Kawlegawaho (The Kalmar Union).svg General Monchousia
Baxojeyuh Ayux Flag of Baxojeyuh (The Kalmar Union).svg King Maxuhga V 194,100
Otoewa Chono Ca Pe Flag of Otoewa (The Kalmar Union).svg General Shaumonkeusse 52,340
Omahaghenu Ton Won Tonga Flag of Omahaghenu (The Kalmar Union).svg General Akondabpa 176,500
Poncaland Keya Flag of Poncaland (The Kalmar Union).svg General Moniaki 49,150
Tsetsehestahesia Sahiyena Flag of Tsetsehestahesia (The Kalmar Union).svg Okuhhatuh 313,000
Shoshoneland Tukuaduka Flag of Shoshoneland (The Kalmar Union) General He-Dow 1,633,950
Kidütökaland Tuvi File:Flag of Kidütökaland (The Kalmar Union).svg.png Chief Winnemucca
Molalawa Umpqua Flag of Molalawa (The Kalmar Union) Prince Abiqua
Natinixwa Hup Flag of Natinixwa (The Kalmar Union).svg King Ishkeesh 775,257
Shastaland Shasta File:Flag of Shastaland (The Kalmar Union).svg.png Prince Karuk
Modocland Kun Hagakni Flag of Modocland (The Kalmar Union) Prince Keintpoos III 29,100
Achumawiland Ilmawi Flag of Achumawiland (The Kalmar Union) President Talakayi 222,300
Atsugkriga Pashha Flag of Atsugkriga (The Kalmar Union).svg Chief Apwar 143,200
Maiduland Pakanyani File:Flag of Maiduland (The Kalmar Union).svg.png Chief Tsi Akim
Waashiland Megel Flag of Waashiland (The Kalmar Union) So Dat La 181,300
Wintuland Cana File:Flag of Wintuland (The Kalmar Union).svg.png Prince Puilulimen
North Yokutland Tehama File:Flag of N. Yokutland (The Kalmar Union).svg.png Chief Cucunuchi
Western Maiduland Wyo File:Flag of W. Maiduland (The Kalmar Union).svg.png Chief Yolan
Nisenanland Sulapy Flag of Nisenanland (The Kalmar Union) Prince Sam-Yeto III 461,900
Chinese Leifia Lingyu Flag of Chinese Leifia (The Kalmar Union).svg Emperor Yongye 841,600
Ohlonemark Romonan Flag of Ohlonemark (The Kalmar Union).svg King Xigmacse II 3,046,700
South Yokutland Yokuta File:Flag of S. Yokutland (The Kalmar Union).svg.png Prince Yoscolo
Esselenmark En'nesen Flag of Esselenmark (The Kalmar Union) Chief Lenajan 207,285
Chumashmark Soxtonoxmu Flag of Chumashmark (The Kalmar Union).svg Prince Helek 1,634,800
Tongval Puvungna Flag of Tongval (The Kalmar Union).svg General Chingichn 1,733,200
Mexica Tenochtitlan Flag of Mexica (The Kalmar Union).svg Emperor Ahuitzotl IV 135,500,000*

*The population of Mexica is an estimation.

Leifia Nations numbered

Immigration to Leifia[]

Most Leifian nations do not allow foreign nationals to settle within their states. This is generally due to cultural concerns or worries that the native traditions and language will be engulfed by that of the incoming settlers. This has much to do with the controversial settlement of Rolegurfolkland by Icelandic families in the 17th century which led to the peoples there losing their separate identity. This effective ban by most states has prevented large numbers of Europeans immigrating to Leifia. Even the Norse descended states of Vinland and Álengiamark are not overly fond of large numbers arriving, mainly due to the perceived lack of free land, and therefore place a yearly cap on the number of incoming settlers. Those who do immigrate tend to come from the Kalmar states, however.

The original settlement by Europeans of the modern nations of Vinland and Álengiamark occurred during the 11th and 12th centuries - though the majority of the settlers were Icelandic or Greenlandic various other nationalities were involved. Cornish fleeing the destruction of their kingdom by Wessex as well and Irish, Scots and Anglians joining the 'Wampanoag Crusade' (see Snaedis I) settled and intermarried with the Norse and the native tribes. As the Black Death repeatedly reared its head in Europe in the 14th century there was little impetus to emigrate to Leifia as populations struggled to restore themselves to previous levels. This coincided with a large degree of nation building in Leifia and once Europe was ready again to export its over-population many of the previous potential settlement areas were now blocked to them.

An outlet of sorts was found in the Carib and Taino islands after the European powers had largely divided them up. Many Dutch and Iberians would eagerly emigrate. However, land competition with the native populations made sure the period of settlement was quite limited and numbers relatively small.

Religious turmoil in Europe after the reformation led some persecuted groups, primarily from the Holy Roman Empire or Wessex; such as the Anabaptists under Joost Cassens, to emigrate to Vinland. There was no conscious effort to attract settlers, though it was certainly the most religiously liberal Leifian state at the time, instead it merely welcomed several large groups of Europeans to help settle the largely uninhabited Hafsvaedaland, just as it had moved Greenlanders and Icelanders in previous centuries. Icelanders would also settle en mass in Rolegurfolkland (as above) as well as in Keewatin Territory, alongside Germans and Irish following various natural disasters in their homeland.

During the Wars of Patwin Partition the previously remote Western Leifian nations began to reform and open up. With increasing trade opportunities many settlers were tempted to cross into the far west. While these were mostly Danes many Aragonese and French were also involved. The 'Danas' communities of Ohlonemark and Chumashland are descended from these and still can be found speaking Danish out in the valleys. Meanwhile in Ktunaxa and the Klallam Federation, the development of cities and central government was in some ways spearheaded by the influx of Europeans.

War would provide the next significant influx of Europeans as the devastation caused by Great Baltic War to led many thousands of Svealanders and Finns to chance their fortunes in Leifia. Álengiamark, which had recently regained central control of its disparate parts was opening up the swamps and forest in its south, accepted large numbers of these and Nanticokeland Fylke has a significant minority who claim Svealandic and Finnish descent. In the same way Dasamongueponkland attracted large numbers of Scandinavians to resettle its farmland abandoned after centuries of war and misfortune.

It is assumed that the completion of the Trans-Leifian railway will allow settlers to reach the West coast more easily and spread the burden out from Vinland and Álengiamark. While this may not actually increase numbers arriving it may change attitudes throughout Leifia in the long run. The largest development, however, is the Polish colony of Nowych Katowice. A fortress city built on Tunican land leased to the Polish crown for 299 years it is meant to be the centrepiece of the Mississippi Defense Line (MDL). With the completion of a rail link to the Mexic Gulf the city is now predicted to grow by 10,000 a month as Poles and Ruthenians take up offers to move to the city, building the defence line in return for the necessary materials to build their own houses.


Háflaeykir is a team sport extremely popular in the Leifian North East.