Alternative History

The page contains a comprehensive list of Amerikaans vernacular and slang terms used by everyday Amerikaners. This list is by no means exhaustive and new ones not listed here can be added in. 

History []

The language known as Amerikaans did not emerge until the mid-1680s when it began to diverge from vernacular Hollandic Dutch that was originally spoke. Initially, the language sounded the same as any standard Hollandic Dutch aside from some borrowed words; however, the Brabantine and Saxon languages also spoken by other immigrants began to seep in and eventually, Amerikaans became a lingua franca in Dutch North America by the mid-1700s. A sudden shift happened with the advent of American independence and more communication with Anglo-Americans, which saw English grammatical rules slowly replace a majority of Dutch ones, as it would be easier to use. This would lead to the language we know today as Amerikaans. 

List of Slang and Colloquial Terms []

For Objects and Organizations[]

  • Kujiwagen: A boat; from Hopi kuuyi, meaning water, and Dutch wagen, meaning wagon 

For Individuals and Groups of Peoples []

  • Landief: (slur) Any non-Amerikaner US citizen; a compound word consisting of the Dutch words land and dief, meaning land thief. Often used in nationalist propaganda pieces. 